The poker roguelike. Balatro is a hypnotically satisfying deckbuilder where you play illegal poker hands, discover game-changing jokers, and trigger adrenaline-pumping, outrageous combos.
88.23 %
51.91 %
I buy wheel of fortune : NOPE! I buy wheel of fortune : NOPE! I buy wheel of fortune : NOPE! I buy wheel of fortune : NOPE! I buy wheel of fortune : NOPE!
Simple concept thoroughly executed. Lightning fast gameplay with a very efficient implementation of typical roguelike elements. Balatro is an insanely addictive time-sink that cannot be put down
пожалуйста, введите для русского языка в качестве основной локализации версию от моддера Nitablade. её перевод намного грамотнее машинного, и содержит локализацию всех джокеров, литер (букв на картах) и прочих надписей - это позволяет намного глубже прочувствовать игру и немножко прояснить косяки оригинала, мотивируя тебя по новой пробовать комбинации, которые раньше не использовал тупо из-за непонимания, что делает та или иная карта
It's a card-based roguelike; while there are many unlockables there are few straight powerups. I like its relaxing vibe, and I think the probability figuring that goes into winning a particular blind is stronger than in any other card-based roguelike I've played. That said, getting a successful run on higher difficulties is more about lucking into a good stud or combination of jokers early on than it is about crafting a deck. The engineering of a good build is what I'm interested in, an that dimension was weaker in Balatro than in other similar games.
通過金色賭注難度(常規模式最高難度)、收藏83%心得 內容比想像中的少上許多,單純把所有難度打通一遍而已的話一下子就沒了,除非在原地打轉幾十小時,或者刻意綁定機率明顯就很低又沒特別強的陣容,或者單純就是沉迷賭博,不然我都覺得我這時數已經是一段時間在原地打轉的結果了 感覺剩下的就是特殊規則的挑戰、跟把收藏挖乾淨,但挖了幾個收藏,覺得目標只有開出收藏的時候,沒解鎖的都是條件奇葩的,解鎖出來了還沒什麼用,開始沒有回饋感,所以感覺甜蜜期過了,該打住了 除非是很廢的搭配硬要玩,玩不起來常常「媽的運氣game!」而爆氣,然後仍開啟下一把,最後說來說去還是能樂在其中的人,不然想不到理由特別推薦 但我覺得會玩到進入這種模式的話去打打麻將、打打牌、下下棋,玩線上多人的就好了,還免費呢 總語:遊戲是好玩但沒達到期待的高點跟長度,尤其長度屬於遠不及
this game is fun but it has absolutely zero respect for your time and will completely ruin your life if you let it. doubly so if you have an addictive personality. please be careful
Balatro is a slot machine. You have very little, if any ability to affect how good your run is. Your good runs are crazy, and your joker cards combo together in amazing ways, but many runs end in frustration as there was nothing you could do. High highs, but too many lows.
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