Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 661 ThousandPositive: 639 ThousandNegative: 21.2 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Baldur’s Gate 3 is a story-rich, party-based RPG set in the universe of Dungeons & Dragons, where your choices shape a tale of fellowship and betrayal, survival and sacrifice, and the lure of absolute power.
AI Community game rating

90.71 %

Baldur's Gate 3 is placed at number 17 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

23.77 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 107 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Storylines
I would love to see more storylines and branching paths in the game, making it feel more dynamic and replayable.
Customization Options
The ability to customize my character's appearance and abilities would make the game more engaging and personal.
Improved Combat Mechanics
The combat system could be improved by adding more depth and strategy, making battles feel more intense and satisfying.
MoreRecall Content
I would love to see more nostalgia-inducing content, such as classic characters, locations, or even a mini-game or two, to make the game feel more authentic.
Character Development
I would like to see more character development and backstories for the characters in the game, making them feel more real and relatable.
Complete Quest 'Investigate Karlah' Early
I recommend completing this quest as soon as it appears to avoid unnecessary battles and focus on the storyline.
Take Down Drow Piecemeal
When fighting goblins, try to knock out the drows instead of killing them, to preserve their storyline and character development.
Cooperate with Gael
It's essential to grant Gael's requests in the early stages of the game, as it will repeat only three times, and it's crucial for the story.
Have Arfist Join You
Make sure to have Arfist join you before attacking the towers, as her abilities will be crucial in the battle.
Pay Attention to Dialogues
Listen carefully to the dialogues with characters, as they will give you valuable information and insights into the story.
Choose Characters Wisely
Select characters for quests that are related to their storyline, as it will enhance the overall gaming experience.
Explore Before Entering Shar's Temple
Make sure to explore all locations in the first act before entering Shar's Temple, as you won't be able to return afterwards.
More Levels
I would like to see more levels in this game, it's getting repetitive and I'm running out of things to do.
More Characters
It would be great to have more playable characters, each with their own abilities and powers.
Improved Graphics
The graphics could be improved, especially the textures and lighting, it would make the game look more realistic.
New Enemies
Introducing new and challenging enemies would keep the game exciting and unpredictable.
Day and Night Cycle
Having a day and night cycle would add more variety to the game and maybe even new gameplay mechanics.
Sound Effects
The sound effects could be better, especially the sound of the characters and enemies.
Boss Battles
Boss battles would be an exciting addition to the game, they would require strategy and skill to beat.
Co-op Mode
Having a co-op mode would be a great addition, allowing friends to play together and cooperate.
Better Controls
The controls could be improved, especially the movement and jumping, it would make the game feel more responsive.
More Collectibles
There could be more collectibles and secrets to discover, it would add more replay value to the game.
Communicate with Community
Listen to player feedback and incorporate it into game development.
Be Transparent with Audience
Be honest with your audience and don't play on their expectations.
Include Diverse Characters
Include strong, independent, and beautiful female characters as equals to male characters.
Be Tolerant with Player Choices
Allow players to make their own choices and decisions without flags or popup messages.
Optimize Graphics and Performance
Achieve good graphics and performance without artificially inflating system requirements.
Focus on Single-Player Experience
Focus on delivering a high-quality single-player experience without relying on microtransactions.
Continuously Update and Improve
Continuously update and improve the game without abandoning it after release.
More Customization Options
I wish to have more customization options for characters, especially for their personalities and backstories
Faster Combat Option
I would like to have an option to speed up combat if I'm not planning to spend too much time battling
More Immersive Voice Overs
I think it would be great to have more voiced dialogues in the game, especially for non-playable characters
Different Game Modes
It would be awesome to have different game modes, like a challenge mode or a survival mode
More Detailed Inventory System
I would like to see a more detailed inventory system where I can manage my items more efficiently
Dynamic Weather and Time Cycles
Having dynamic weather and time cycles would make the game world feel more alive
Improve Game Stability
I think the game crashes quite often, which is really frustrating. I would like to see improved stability, this would make the game more enjoyable to play.
Enhance Interactions
The interactions with the graveyard keeper felt really shallow. I would love to see more depth and complexity added to these interactions, it would make the game more engaging.
More Realistic Settings
It feels like I'm not really in the game world. The settings could be more realistic, it would make it easier to get immersed in the game.
More Challenging Quests
The quests felt really easy, I finished them quickly. I would like to see more challenging quests that require more thought and effort.
More Character Development
I don't feel like I've really connected with the characters in the game. I would like to see more personality and backstory developed for the characters, it would make them more relatable.
Improve Co-op
Since the launch, the co-op mode doesn't work, even with split-screen, this should be fixed as it's a major feature.
Fix Bugs
There are still many bugs that need to be addressed, affecting the overall gaming experience.
Better Technical Support
The lack of proper technical support is frustrating, developers should be more responsive to player issues.
Stable Game
Improve the stability of the game to prevent crashes and allow players to finish a playthrough without interruptions.
Saves Fix
Fix the issue with loading saves to ensure players can continue their progress without issues.
Website Support
Provide better support and resources on the game's website to help players troubleshoot and fix issues.
Community Feedback
Encourage community feedback and engagement to identify and address issues before they become major problems.
Patch Regularity
Release regular patches to fix bugs and improve the overall gaming experience.
Player Testing
Conduct thorough testing with a diverse group of players to identify and fix issues before release.
More Testing
I was expecting the game to have more rigorous testing to prevent bugs and ensure a smoother experience for players.
Bug Fixes
The gamebreaking bugs need to be resolved as soon as possible to maintain player interest and prevent frustration.
Stability Over Pacing
I would rather have a stable game with a few minor issues than one with a lot of promising features but frequent crashes.
Bug Fixing
I believe it's essential to fix these bugs and glitches to ensure a smoother gameplay experience.
Error Handling
Implementing error handling mechanisms would prevent these issues from occurring in the first place.
Conversational Flow
Allowing players to progress through conversations without repeating the same lines would be a welcome improvement.
Game Balance
The honor mode needs to be rebalanced to make it more challenging and enjoyable for players.
Clear Mechanics Explanations
I should be able to easily understand the game's mechanics without having to search for an explanation.
Improve World-Building
The world should feel more immersive and interesting with more detailed lore and a more engaging environment.
Overhaul Combat Systems
The combat should be more engaging and less tedious, with more options for strategy and tactics.
Fix Buggy Issues
I should be able to play the game without encountering frustrating bugs that ruin the experience.
More Interactive Menus
I should be able to easily navigate the menus without them disappearing randomly.
Improve NPC Conversations
The NPC conversations should feel more natural and engaging, without ending abruptly.
Enhance User Experience
The game should provide a more enjoyable and engaging experience, without any frustrating mechanics or bugs.
Character Movement
Improve character movement to allow smooth and fluid control.
Wall Collision
Design walls to be transparent and allow characters to pass through them during combat.
Load Times
Optimize loading times to reduce waiting periods.
Storage Organization
Incorporate storage organization options to keep items tidy.
Character Design
Improve character design to allow for more realistic character movements and interactions.
Graphics Quality
Enhance graphics quality to provide a more immersive gaming experience.
Positive Portrayal of Little People
I would like to see more positive and respectful portrayal of little people in the game.
Walking in Bare Feet
I dislike the idea of characters walking in bare feet, it's not funny or respectful.
Lack of Wheelchair Bound Heroes
I think it would be great if there was a wheelchair bound hero in the game.
Game Development Process
I think the game development process should be more transparent and inclusive.
Better Representation of Disability
I would like to see better representation of disability in the game.
No Embezzlement of Funds
I don't think it's right for the game's funds to be embezzled for personal gain.
More Inclusive Game
I think the game could be more inclusive, featuring more diverse characters and storylines.
Improve Dialogue Options
I was surprised to find most dialogue options revolve around romantic activities. It would be better if options were more diverse, allowing players to engage in meaningful conversations.
Respect the Original Game
The game's attempt to emulate Baldur's Gate feels superficial. I would suggest Larian Studios to take a closer look at the original game's story, characters, and mechanics to create a more authentic experience.
More Focus on Story
The game's emphasis on sex and dialogue options overshadows the story and characters. I think a better balance would be to focus more on storytelling and character development.
Original Game Mechanics
I was disappointed to see the game deviate from the original Baldur's Gate's mechanics. I would recommend Larian Studios to stick to what made the original game great.
Sexual Content
While I understand the game's intention, I find the excessive focus on sex to be inappropriate and detracting from the overall experience. I think a more mature approach to storytelling would be more effective.
Diverse Characters
The characters in the game seem one-dimensional and only care about sex. I would suggest more diverse character backstories and motivations to make them more relatable.
Improved Realism
The game's attempt at realism falls short. I would recommend a more nuanced approach to character relationships and sexual activities to make the game more believable.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews



  • Sentiments

    • I feel a strong sense of nostalgia while playing this game.
    • The game is able to perfectly recreate a sense of excitement and anticipation.
    • I feel like I'm back in my high school days waiting for weekend gaming time.
    • The reviewer is impressed by the game's ability to transport them back in time.
    • The reviewer feels a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction while playing.


10 из 10, одна из лучших игр в моей жизни. Поначалу вызывала отторжение пошаговая боёвка, но теперь я не понимаю смысла плебейских игр, в которых вместо продумывания тактики боя надо просто закликать врага быстрее, чем он тебя. Не понравилось, что иногда маленькое решение может привести к потере серьёзного пласта контента. Игра именно вырезает его, не предоставляя альтернативного. Поэтому вот вам советы без спойлеров, как избежать некоторых ситуаций, в которые я попал и в которые не попал, но мог бы: 1. Проходите квест "Выследить Карлах" сразу, как только он появится. Вам не надо готовиться к бою. 2. Если решите убить вожаков гоблинов, устраняйте дроу нелетальной атакой, чтобы она осталась лежать без сознания. 3. В начале игры отдавайте Гейлу то что он просит, это повторится всего 3 раза за игру. 4. Перед штурмом башен вы должны настоять, чтобы арфистка шла с вами. 5. Никогда не пропускайте диалоги с персонажами. 6. Берите персонажей на квесты, связанные с их сюжетными линиями. 7. Перед входом в храм Шар убедитесь, что полностью исследовали все локации первого акта. Потом вы не сможете туда вернуться. 8. Не затягивайте с тем, что бы войти в башни. Там есть чем заняться до битвы

  • Sentiments

    • The game is one of the best in my life, I'm very satisfied with it
    • At first, the turn-based battles gave me a feeling of disappointment
    • I don't understand the meaning of easy games where you just need to call the enemy faster than they call you
    • I didn't like it when sometimes a small decision can lead to losing a serious plot content
    • The game has some flaws, but overall it's a great experience
    • I suggest two things to avoid some situations
    • I didn't like the feeling that a small decision can lead to losing a serious plot content
    • The game is very engaging and entertaining
    • Sometimes the game takes away important content without providing alternatives


Если эта ЖАБА наберёт 1 лайк то у вас будет хороший день! 🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸⚪️⚫️⚫️⚪️🐸🐸🐸⚪️⚫️⚫️⚪️ 🐸⚪️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️🐸⚪️⚫️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚪️ 🐸⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚫️⚪️🐸⚪️⚫️⚪️⚫️⚫️⚪️ 🐸🐸⚪️⚫️⚪️⚪️🐸🐸🐸⚪️⚫️⚪️⚪️ 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🔴🔴🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🔴🔴🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🐸🐸🐸🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

  • Sentiments

    • I'm so excited and happy with this game!
    • The game is just great!
    • I'm loving this game!
    • This game is amazing!
    • I'm having an awesome time playing this!
    • This game is so much fun!
    • The game is really entertaining!
    • I love this game so much!
    • This game is fantastic!
    • I'm really enjoying this game!
    • This game is wonderful!
    • I'm having a great time playing this!
    • I'm very happy with this game!
    • This game is incredible!
    • I love this game!
    • I'm so happy with this game!
    • I'm really thrilled with this game!
    • This game is amazing!
    • I'm having a blast with this game!


[h2] Baldur's Gate 3 - это не игра. Это культурный феномен для всей игровой индустрии! [/h2] Если оценивать Baldur's Gate 3 как типичную игру, то в ней можно найти кучу косяков, багов и недочетов, но почему же многие, включая меня, ставят ее в один ряд с такими гигантами как: Ведьмак 3, Resident Evil 2 Remake и др. Все очень просто. Потому что разработчики просто смогли сделать игру, которая никому ничего не должна была доказать, но наглядно показала, что: [b] +Общаться с комьюнити и прислушиваться к нему - это нормально. +Честно общаться со своей аудиторией, а не играть на ожиданиях - это правильно. +Оказывается игроки хотят видеть красивых, сильных и независимых женских персонажей, если их роль прописана, а не прилеплена для галочки. А толлерантность - это когда игрок сам в праве решить каким будет его персонаж без флагов на каждом здании. +Красивой графики и неплохой оптимизации можно достичь без искуственного завышения системных требований. +Качественные сингплеерные игры неплохо окупаются и живут без микротранзакций. +Не забрасывать игры после релиза, а продолжать радовать игроков бесплатными обновлениями - это круто. [/b] Нынешняя реальность наглядно показывает, что продукт, который делается людьми для людей без блокировок 180 регионов, без игры в политику и гонки за трендами непременно найдет свое место в этом мире и без труда завоюет любовь и уважение в глазах аудитории!

  • Sentiments

    • The game is amazing and has exceeded expectations
    • The developers have done a great job in listening to the community
    • The game is a cultural phenomenon in the gaming industry
    • The game has many flaws and bugs, but that's overlooked due to its greatness
    • The game's strength lies in its ability to show that a game can be great without needing to prove anything
    • The game's real strength is in its ability to connect with players and show that it cares about them
    • The game's message is one of tolerance and acceptance
    • The game's ability to not need to prove anything is a refreshing change
    • The game's quality and value are not compromised by the lack of microtransactions
    • The game's developers have not abandoned it, continuing to provide updates and content for free
    • This is not just a game, but a cultural phenomenon
    • The review is filled with praise and admiration for the game
    • The game's success is undeniable
    • The game is a breath of fresh air in the gaming industry
    • The game's message is inspiring and uplifting


No doubt is a wonderful game, but the bugs and glitches have become so often that in honor mode the game is unplayable and practically impossible to finish. With my party one honor game was lost because at a laggish day in a turn based mode part of escaping the monastery, it was showing different remaining turns on different members of the party, and the second honor mode is eternally locked in a conversation with Mol that keeps repeating "You did this to yourself". All in all, a good game has to have also a decent support.

  • Sentiments

    • I think the game is wonderful, but it has some flaws.
    • The bugs and glitches are really frustrating.
    • It's impossible to finish the game in honor mode due to lag.
    • I'm stuck in a conversation with Mol due to a bug.
    • A good game should have good support.
    • This game has some mixed feelings.
    • I'm disappointed with the game's performance.


Let me be clear, They made an amazing game. Ive had more crashes throughout act 3 in the past week than I did through the entirety of early access up to post release patch 5. The stability of this game has gotten ridiculously bad. To the point that I cant even load saves anymore, not for lack of trying to fix it. Every step on their website. Ever step from bug report correspondence. Every fix I could effect from other users that had similar issues. Nothing works. Im getting sick and tired of having it break right at the end of the game and make it impossible to finish a playthrough. With seemingly no recourse or means of fixing it. When that changes. This review will change too. But until then I cant in good faith reccomend people get this right now.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is amazing
    • The game has ridiculous stability issues
    • The game crashes frequently
    • I am getting sick and tired of the game breaking
    • I cannot recommend the game right now
    • I am frustrated with the game's stability


Comprei esse lixo exclusivamente para jogar coop com tela dividida, não funciona desde o lançamento e ate hoje não arrumaram... dificil em larian

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a disappointment


movement ass aaaahahahahahahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my characters are jumpinh aroung lkike gran torino training with deku while iwas in gass moruge **** new anger: they are walking straight intom damage, buggy, slow load, hate walking before fly without consent, all the walls getting in my way when in a fight, lookin at floors all the time-no beauty, no storage organization options,

  • Sentiments

    • The game has poor movement mechanics.
    • Characters are jumping around like Gran Torino training with Deku.
    • The game has slow loading times.
    • The game has buggy mechanics.
    • The game has poor storage organization options.
    • This game has no beauty.
    • The game forces you to walk before flying without consent.
    • There are walls getting in the way during fights.
    • It's frustrating to be looking at floors all the time.


I want to like this game, but it's still so damn buggy, gave it a break for months to let them work through a lot of it, started playing again yesterday 11/05/24 and got 20 minutes in and ran into another major game breaking bug.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is frustrated and disappointed with the game due to its buggy nature

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