BattleBlock Theater is a hilarious and action-packed indie game that blends platforming, puzzles, and co-op chaos. With an AI Community Rating of 90.36%, players praise its humor, challenging gameplay, and creative level design. You’ll navigate a mysterious theater run by evil cats, freeing over 300 imprisoned friends across 450+ levels. Whether you’re playing solo or teaming up in co-op, the game offers a mix of story-driven stages and competitive arenas. Fans love its quirky animations, theatrical combat, and the ability to create and share custom levels. However, some note frustrating difficulty spikes, repetitive puzzles, and occasional bugs. If you enjoy fast-paced platformers with a side of absurd humor, BattleBlock Theater is a must-try. Just be prepared for a few rage-inducing moments along the way!
Ladies, *mmm chik-chik* and gentlemen. Turn the lights down low and shut your faces as I wrap you in the cozy blanket of a review. A review as heart warming and soft as a mother's kiss... or is it? It is! This is a great game from my childhood, genuine masterpiece this was, and still is to this day. Everything still holds up. The controls, the mechanics, the level design, the story, the jokes, all of it. Battleblock Theatre is more than just a silly little co-op game, it's your go-to for a party, a hangout, or just looking for something fun to play. Battleblock Theatre still has an active community too! There's at least 100 or so players on it at all times too! I've played some games with friends, as well as some strangers and every time was an absolute blast! In conclusion... get this game, it's more than just worth it. (potato salad not included, but still good!)
---{ Graphics }--- ☐ You forget what reality is ☑ Beautiful ☐ Good ☐ Decent ☐ Bad ☐ Don‘t look too long at it ☐ MS-DOS ---{ Gameplay }--- ☑ Very good ☐ Good ☐ It's just gameplay ☐ Mehh ☐ Watch paint dry instead ☐ Just don't ---{ Audio }--- ☐ Eargasm ☑ Very good ☐ Good ☐ Not too bad ☐ Bad ☐ I'm now deaf ---{ Audience }--- ☑ Kids ☑ Teens ☑ Adults ☐ Grandma ---{ PC Requirements }--- ☐ Check if you can run paint ☑ Potato ☐ Decent ☐ Fast ☐ Rich boi ☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer ---{ Game Size }--- ☐ Floppy Disk ☐ Old Fashioned ☑ Workable ☐ Big ☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive ☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it ☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data ---{ Difficulty }--- ☐ Just press 'W' ☐ Easy ☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master ☐ Significant brain usage ☑ Difficult ☐ Dark Souls ---{ Grind }--- ☑ Nothing to grind ☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks ☐ Isn't necessary to progress ☐ Average grind level ☐ Too much grind ☐ You'll need a second life for grinding ---{ Story }--- ☐ No Story ☐ Some lore ☐ Average ☐ Good ☑ Lovely ☐ It'll replace your life ---{ Game Time }--- ☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee ☐ Short ☐ Average ☑ Long ☐ To infinity and beyond ---{ Price }--- ☐ It's free! ☑ Worth the price ☐ If it's on sale ☐ If u have some spare money left ☐ Not recommended ☐ You could also just burn your money ---{ Bugs }--- ☐ Never heard of ☑ Minor bugs ☐ Can get annoying ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved ☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs ---{ ? / 10 }--- ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 ☐ 9 ☑ 10 ---{ Author }--- ☑
BattleBlock Theater is a deviously hardcore platformer with a wacky sense of humour. It's wonderfully animated and packed with crazy weapons and cosmetics. The platforming is precise and almost always feels fair, although it can be punishing at times, especially the end of section levels that come with a time limit because of reasons... I loathe time limits in games, and it says a lot about how much I enjoyed the game that I stuck through it to the end. It is a perfect Steam Deck game where you can pick it up for a few levels and then take a break when you get frustrated.
Not bad gameplay, I love The Behemoth sense of style and art. I probably wouldn't play by myself as I find the game slightly repetitive (although I have been playing the same gameboy game since the late 80s - Super Mario Land), but my 7 year old loves it (BattleBlock Theater)...and I will play any game with my kids, although I hate it when they are better than me at any game. -Chip
babble bock feaber is like a uhm it's a a a uh a game that games and the game is gaming ocasionally i like the part where you uhhh do the the game and the gems and the yarn and the funny square man bablock/thearet
I have put off finishing this game for 10 years (bought in 2014) because me and my friend just stopped playing for whatever reason. This game was definitely designed for co-op play in mind because my god, is it a miserable experience playing solo. ESPECIALLY the difficulty spikes at Chapter 8, where another player would have made the levels so much less frustrating. I finished the game out of pure spite on solo and never want to touch this game ever again unless it's with a friend. I would not recommend this game for solo play. Sure the Newgrounds humor and the charm is alright for 2013, but it's quite dated nowadays.
Обращение к разработчику. Слушай сюда, тварь ты поколеченная, существо, что породило адское лоно, попробуй поиграть в свою игру хотя бы 2 часа без желания отрезать себе яйца. Худшей игры я не видел со времен отмены крепостного права. Бить себя головой об камень на спор интереснее и более продуктивно. В конце сей постылой процессии мой сокомандник скачал трейнер и ДАЖЕ С НИМ ласт уровни проходить было сложно. Если это игра для детей, то какого ХУЯ ОНА ТАКАЯ ЕБАНУТАЯ. Любой ребенок после ее прохождения непременно начнет читать русский рэп и пить пиво Chester. Мой коллега пол часа таскал камни, что постоянно падали ему же на голову, пока я срал дерьмом в туалете. После этого я прозвал его Сизиф. По началу, все кажется нормально, но словно китайская пытка каплей, с каждым разом все хуже и хуже. Сначала весело, а потом хочется под трек ак ака вот вам два колпака ебнуть мать что мешает играть по голове Закончили по существу, теперь детали. Баги, из-за которых ты спавнишься черт знает где. Половина уровней проходятся на рандом. Уровни на время вообще забей, лучше сразу назад в вагину. Кочергой в анусе приятнее орудовать, чем это управление. Обязательно ли делать 9 одинаковых уровней, вместо 5 разнообразных? Убивать друг друга весело, но когда в вашей команде я, френдли фаер становится лишней функцией. А теперь немного рэпа Эйоу, это игра тупое говно Я играл в нее примерно 9 часов Друга убил, Игоря спас После этого сделал намаз Электрик Витя стреляет ракетами После этой игры я стал гетеро Разработчик не даун? Нет Меня чуть не отпиздил хлеб У друга уже изо рта идет пена 2 часа он камни таскает на небо Ему уже плохо, он уже стонет Ему будут снится вовсю телепорты Сизиф, Оксимирон Ленин и Сталин Бойко и Игорь Все они пидарасы Но главные из них без спору те Кто породили эту игру на свет. p.s. пиписька.
the game is a lot of fun and the style suits it well, but I'm still very disappointed by the fact that it repeatedly closes by itself, even though my pc is more than capable of playing this game, which made it impossible for me to play this game for a long time.
Despite being decently fun to play, the level of grind that this game asks for when it comes to collecting everything is a huge turn off. No reason to have so much meaningless content locked behind a timegate. Also, to have several of the prisoners set to only spawn during events that happened years ago, makes it annoying to collect everything, seeing as you'll now have to spend money to buy them in the steam marketplace. If you want a decent little game to mess around with, then pick it up. But if you want to complete everything, just pick another game. Not worth spending even more money just to complete your collection.
This game is basically a puzzle/action platformer and is best played with someone. The single player is not necessarily bad, but it gets VERY boring (unless you're the kind of person that would play a platformer with an almost non-existent story like Mario). If you're planning to play this game by yourself, it's not even worth to buy this game regardless of a huge sale, I'd say. The multiplayer though, is engaging; And the level design for co-op is meant so that player cooperation is necessary to progress. Story/Structure: Simply throughout this game, it is filled with levels. The game is very linear; you complete stages after stages. After you complete a chapter, the narrator will "storytell". His sentences are silly and practical, but he never once made me laugh. As for the story, it is absolutely useless so do not expect any plot from this videogame. The Gameplay: ... ranges from mediocre sometimes having a good time playing with someone. Unlockables: When it comes to unlocking things and whatnot, you simply unlock random head-sets (to customize the head of your character) and weapon-tools (which can help you in combat as well as platforming) from the gems and yarn-balls that you collect during gameplay. In Conclusion: ... I would rate this platformer as mediocre. It is very simplistic and your only incentive to play this game would be to monotonously kill time. All in all, I don't really recommend this game unless you're buying it for a child.
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