is a groundbreaking racing and simulation game that offers an unparalleled driving experience. With its advanced soft-body physics engine, the game delivers hyper-realistic vehicle behavior, making every crash, turn, and acceleration feel authentic. Players can choose from dozens of customizable vehicles, from compact cars to massive trucks, and explore 12 sprawling open-world environments, including tropical jungles, urban streets, and barren deserts. The game’s AI Community Rating of 89.1% highlights its popularity, with players praising its fun, realistic physics, and extensive modding capabilities. However, some note issues like AI behavior, performance on lower-end PCs, and occasional UI freezes. Despite these minor drawbacks,’s freedom to experiment, mod, and create unique scenarios makes it a must-play for driving enthusiasts. Whether you’re into free-roaming, time trials, or crafting custom maps, this game offers endless possibilities for creativity and fun.
The physics on this game are amazing and originally needed a really powerful computer but they optimized the game a lot since launch. The mods make the game even better as well as even more fun. they add more diversity as well as an addition to do whatever you like, whether that would be modding trucks, or making drift cars out of the 200bx. Now that i've added about 300 hours, i can still confirm that this game rocks and blends well with anything you'd like.
Yeah this games gets old quickly. Have not really played much since the last time I reviewed this game a couple of years or so ago. Definitely did not clock up several hundred more hours. Just going to clean up my previous review. Pros: - Easy to use interface - Spectacular soft-body physics - Simulates vehicle behavior very well - In depth vehicle modifying and tuning - Beautiful environments and an in game terrain editor - Full mod support - The development team is top-tier - Every update is like Christmas coming early - Updates to Terrain Editor Cons: - AI is a bit wack Pro tip: Turn off arcade mode you dummy
So, when is this coming out of Early Access you may ask? The answear is probably never, but that does not mean that this game is unplayable. It rather means that it's constanlty getting updates making it even better. Just look how long I've been playing this game, and everbody else in this review section. It's a great game and it's especially good if you have a racing sim or at least a controller. Driving with a keyboard is probably one of the hardest things to do.
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Good fun, worth the cost. Had my fair share of hours with this Edit: 3000 hours on this now, send help. Another edit: 4300 Hours so far. I cant remember the smell of grass Yet another edit: 5330 Hours now. I would in a way say i still recommend this game, may need a few more hours to tell for sure. xx Arnold
Everything is bugged, glitched, lagging or somehow broken. Menus get stuck, missions get aborted with "failed" for no reason. ESPECIALLY THE FUCKING FORCE FEEDBACK!! The wheel wobbles around for no reason and without warning. I had my chin resting on the wheel while clicking through menus and for no reason at all the wheel just turned to one side with full force and full speed until MOZA automatically shut it off and forced me to restart. I have a first degree burn on my throat because of that incident and I think I dislocated my thumb due to another incident. FUCK THIS GAME!! I understand this is a sandbox and in sandbox games everything is fucked, but as of now I'm fed up with it. Maybe I'll come back to it some other day.
It is just so laggy, I have a good PC but beamng drive is just so laggy, even when I am on the lowest settings. If anyone can help me can you reply to this or send me a message on discord, at "pookieadam" ive watched so many videos and nothing works. Please. EDIT 2, its the same still so laggy, please DM me
its not very good for a sim game, its just a crashing sim lol. Tire thermals NEED to be added, and the FFB engine is close to undrivable. BeamNG team, Pls fix your game. These should have been fixed from the start.
It's probably a great game if you're into cars, mods, tweaking, simulations Videos of it are fun, and the early versions were promising. Fast forward many years, the user experience isn't there, and I don't feel good keeping it. I bought to maybe learn how to drive and car concepts, and it felt too arcady for it as well, it absolutely could work by having explanation of what stuff does and how to "notice" it while driving, a proving grounds intro I expected a more stunts-oriented game with interesting challenge ideas per arcade feeling, maybe something similar to the worthy Flatouts or an moddable alternative to Wreckfest, it's probably there with mods but I didn't have much time to lose refund eligibility
this game has the single most toxic player base ive ever seen, theres literally no way to stop a player from controlling a rock and flying into you till you uninstall, they allow mods while you use vanilla cars, theres never a fair legit race. stay in offline mode and enjoy your self, nothing to see in multiplayer but a bad time.
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