Black Mesa is a fan-made reimagining of Valve’s iconic Half-Life, blending action, adventure, and stunning visuals into a modernized experience. With an AI Community Rating of 88.25%, this indie gem offers a refined single-player campaign where you step into the shoes of Gordon Freeman, battling interdimensional aliens and military forces. The Definitive Edition (Update 1.5) brings 15 years of improvements, including mind-blowing graphics, expanded Xen levels, and a new soundtrack. Fans praise its beautiful atmosphere, challenging achievements, and immersive gameplay. However, some note repetitive Xen puzzles, performance issues on Linux, and occasional crashes. Multiplayer features 10 iconic maps, while the Steam Workshop allows for endless modding possibilities. If you’re a fan of Half-Life or love action-packed adventures, Black Mesa is a must-play—just be prepared for a few rough edges.
Black Mesa is a wonderfully done remake of an old classic, and you can see the developers put their passion into remaking Half-Life 1. But if you guys can play the original first, that way you can really appreciate just how much progress video games have made.
Black Mesa is a fan-f♥♥king-tastic remake of classic Half Life that stays true to it’s predecessor while introducing significant improvements to both graphics and gameplay. Crowbar Collective did an incredible job giving old environments a modern makeover, including the addition of some really cool cinematic and narrative set pieces (mainly of HECU getting absolutely creamed), while keeping the essence of the original intact. The real standout feature of the remake is the Xen overhaul. This was the weakest point of Half Life, but Black Mesa transforms it, someway, somehow, into an actual enjoyable experience with really breathtaking visuals. The conveyer belt section still sucked though, but a little bit of tedium is part and parcel for Xen.
When I was but a young boy and we got our first house computer in the mid 2000s, my uncle came to help us set up the computer and downloaded a few games for me and half life was the first game i played. To re-play this game in better graphics and improved gameplay brings a tear to my eye and great flashbacks to the good old days of a young boy playing this on a old Pentium 4 house pc that barely played the original half life at 30 fps. This is amazing!
Oh finally a game I wanted to write a review about for a long time. Black Mesa is the perfect remake for the original Half-Life game. It has amazing visuals, graphics and it's much bigger than the original. What I loved most about this game is Xen world. I won't lie if I say that I bought this game because of the Xen world screenshots :) The soundtrack during the fights or when you encounter something in the game is amazing, it's epic! Some of my friends disliked the Black Mesa game because it's too long and "sometimes boring". I played the original 3 times and gotta be honest Half-Life was my first serious game. My brother downloaded it for me when I was 5-6 yo. For me it was an amazing experience, I loved everything about this game. Old shooters are the best shooters and this game proved that for me one more time. I definitely recommend it and I'm looking forward to play the next project from the Crowbar Collective developer team (if I'm not mistaken it'll be Half-Life: Opposing Force remake)
As a girl who doesn't often explore the gaming horizons, I can't remember a game I played that was perfect in every way from game mechanics, graphics, story, difficulty, music, even memes until I played Black Mesa. It is THE game to start out with when trying to get into the more "classic" games. The balance between action and exploration keeps you hooked, it's a masterpiece. Btdubs the first half life is a snore (40yo fanboys don't come for me) I recommend this version for a better, reimagined experience.
I adored this game until I got to Xen. I loved Xen in Half-Life. They took way, WAY too many liberties with Xen. Also added many repetitive, tedious 'puzzles' that no one asked for. They're all so backwards and tedious. Oh btw, the squishy explodey plants they tell you not to go near or touch? TURNS OUT THEY EXPECT YOU TO CLIMB ON THEM LATER, GOOD LUCK FIGURING THAT OUT. Everything was going fairly smoothly until they decided to throw all the game design rules of Half-Life out the window with Xen. And They absolutely ruined the Gonarch. Dragged out fake fights and custcenes, just ignores your damage. You can't kill it until they let you kill it. But they won't let you know it's simply ignoring all your damage, and that you're wasting all your ammo you've been saving up. They want you to think that you can hurt it, because you did earlier. It's all fake. Top tier deadly sins of game design, you guys of all knew better. Comparing it with original, the fight originally had 3 stages. The damage wasn't ignored. And ultimately the fight goes fairly quickly. Black Mesa's version takes 10x longer and cheats you. Massive disappointment. Edit: Cleared the game. The Vort city is somewhat neat, Nihilanth fight was interesting. Same problems the Gonarch fight had though. Bullet sponge damage ignoring behavior, even after you destroy the {REDACTED} protecting it. Trippy tho. Wouldn't recc though. Original HL is the way to go.
I did not care for Black Mesa. Don't get me wrong, this is a well made game and if you are looking to experience Half-Life in a different way, then by all means play this game. But after a while it felt like the game was like "Did you enjoy that puzzle? Well it is again. And again." Honestly, just play the OG Half-Life and experience it that way.
Linux version is unplayable - massive graphical issues. Certain areas of the game are impossible to navigate as the flashlight is broken and shaders are wonky - many players report this and no fix. You have to run the windows version through Proton. Edit: There's a crash in "Surface Tension" - "failed to lock vertex buffer DX8". Can't progress past this point, reloading saves, changing graphic settings, etc. Guess I'm done with the game now....
I'm a big fan of the whole franchise and absolutely admire the dedication and persistence of Black Mesa developers. That being said, I can not recommend this game because of the combat flow and difficulty. I consider myself fairly competent when it comes to pointing the crosshair and clicking, I have played a ton of shooters (always on Hard). I like a good challenge. However Black Mesa is different. HECU (the marines) start shooting at you before you even leave the cover. They always know where you are (even if you're walking and not making any noise). And when they shoot, they lay shot after shot in your face without fail. You can run or stand still, it doesn't make much difference. It's like having a match with a bunch of kids with aimbots. The only way to win in some encounters is to execute several perfect headshots with the Magnum in a row. Unless I'm missing something here, this is bollocks.
If you plan on playing this on Linux (or Steam Deck), then do not buy it. It has game-breaking bugs on the Linux build that make it nearly impossible to play through completely. It is very blatant that the developers did not even try to play-test the Linux build.
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