Build and expand your repair service empire in this incredibly detailed and highly realistic simulation game, where attention to car detail is astonishing. Find classic, unique cars in the new Barn Find module and Junkyard module. You can even add your self-made car in the Car Editor.
81.98 %
59.13 %
У меня здесь кошка. Проходящие мимо мужчины могут прикоснуться к ней и нажать "Нравится", чтобы погладить ее один раз. __ /> フ | _ _ l /` ミ_xノ / | / ヽ ノ │ | | | / ̄| | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)
Just spent 30 minutes disassembling an entire engine, only to figure out the problem was the Radiator fan housing. Then spend another 30 minutes re-assembling the engine 10/10 would recommend XD Autism brains will be happy, also OCD ones.
I work as a mechanic full time, I can tell you I have spend a wild amount of time playing this game even after work. It's impressively fun.
The car was making a ratting noise, so I disassembled the entire engine for an hour only to find out it was the muffler...
Platinium Edition almak istiyorum sepete eklemeden önce %92 indirim diyor sepete atınca %82 indirime düşüyor. Adam mı s*k*yorsunuz anlamadım.
Game isn't bad but it has issues. - You cannot access configurations menu while in the garage, and this includes audio settings, which means that if you want to alter the volume while in the garage, you either need to save and quit, or use the windows volume mixer. - Game has stability issues, in 5h of gameplay, I've had 4 different situations where the game froze and I had to use task manager to close it. You have to set the game to exclusive full screen, and turn off in game VSync, otherwise the game suffers from stutters. - Driving Controls are awful. - The game is a huge grind, furthermore the XP system practically encourages you to do simpler jobs to level up faster, instead of doing jobs with higher profit margins. If you aren't a person who enjoys really odd repetitive tasks, don't buy it
There are some minor improvements here and there, but there’s no new big feature that screams – that’s where 3 years of development went. The only one reason to get CMS2021 for the full price is if you somehow missed the 2018 version.
Jeux très sympas et bien fait en général je trouve. Cependant le montage / démontage des suspension est pas réaliste dans le sens ou lorsque lm'on démonte un ressort, on décompresse et non l'inverse (et vice versa du coup). Concernant le nombre de voitures je trouve cela trop maigre également, les sons des autos très mal fait et la conduite juste horrible c'est injouable. Chose importante à mes yeux sur ce genre de jeux (en agrandissant les possibilité), c'est un mode multijoueur pour que l'on puisse gérer le garage à deux ou à quatre avec en plus des voitures, la gestions des camions et pourquoi pas des bus serait super. Je ne le recommande que si ca vous amuse de faire la même chose pendant des heures car il est très vite lassant.
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