Besiege castles and raid villages in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, a fast-paced medieval first person slasher with a focus on multiplayer battles
73.26 %
64.54 %
/!\/!\/!\ Don't buy this /!\/!\/!\ /!\/!\/!\Server are going offline on 8th April 2024/!\/!\/!\ "Dear Knights of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, After careful consideration and evaluation, we’ve made the decision that after 12 years of support the official servers for 2012’s Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and its DLC Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior, will be taken offline as of April 8th 2024."
Hello nostalgic person, this game died years ago, so there is no point in buying it. Get Chivalry II or Mordhau instead.
[b]«Где замки, меч и требушет, Где было рыцарю раздолье. Наука - мрак, а церковь - свет. Ты попал в Средневековье!»[/b] [u][i]© Александр Сидман[/i][/u] [h1]«Купаясь в славе»[/h1] Штурмуя каменную крепость, Тараном били толщу стен. На свою надеясь смелость, Мы никого не брали в плен. Огненные камни с требушет, Разрушали крепостные арки. Летят куски врагов в ответ, С разной степенью прожарки. Весь замок полыхал в огне, Нас всех уже победа ждёт: Помчавшись на гнедом коне, Своих бойцов я вёл впёред. С мечом в руке, и наголо́, Мной лично полк убит, Стрелой убить меня могло, Если б не мой щит. Победа, в общем, в оконцове, Своим глазам, отнюдь, не веря, Стояли мы по пояс в кро́ви, Пытаясь посчитать потери. Победу праздновать пора, Сквозь смех и капли слёз: «Гип-гип ура, гип-гип ура!!!» Мне падал дождь из роз. В беседах о прошедшей драке, В великой славе я купался. Но вдруг услышал я во мраке: «Сань, проснись! Ты обoсрaлся!» [code]Дорогой читатель, если тебе понравилось стихотворение по этой игре, тогда просим посетить наш клуб поэтов и писателей - [url=][u]Golden Pen[/u][/url] Вступай к нам в клуб, зови с собой друзей, комментируй и ставь лайки. Чтобы не пропустить новые стихотворения, подписывайся на нас в качестве куратора!!![/code]
There is currently one server as I write this review. It has 18 people in it aside from me. I don't have as many hours as most but I remember when there when this game was alive and well. If you're reading this in consideration of buying this game, you already miss out. However, I still recommend it buying it and joining to engage with a very unique combat system. We're trying to get the server to 30.
Dont buy this game!!!!!!!! Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - Official Server Sunsetting Official Servers will be taken offline as of April 8th 2024. And still listed on steam so they can scam the last few people before going offline!!!!
One of the best content creators for this game was permabanned for exposing the cheating problem, which in turn drove him to taking his own life. These developers do not deserve a single penny of your hard-earned cash. Do not trust Tornbanner. Stay away at all cost. RIP Soter Dave, you were the best
"..After careful consideration and evaluation, we’ve made the decision that after 12 years of support the official servers for 2012’s Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and its DLC Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior, will be taken offline as of April 8th 2024." Wack
Game was good at the time, now servers are DAD and there is no way to add bots so... Chivalry 2 is your way to go.
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