Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2 game image

Mostly Positive

Total: 107 ThousandPositive: 84.7 ThousandNegative: 22.7 Thousand
Steam review score: 6
Experience the ultimate WWII RTS platform with COH2 and its standalone expansions. This package includes the base game, which you can then upgrade by purchasing The Western Front Armies, Ardennes Assault and/or The British Forces. More info in the "About This Game" section below.
AI Community game rating

75.49 %

Company of Heroes 2 is placed at number 84 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

34.19 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Passion
Add more passion and enjoyment in the game, like the original Company of Heroes did
Sodium Reduction
Reduce the amount of sodium in the game, make it more enjoyable to play
Improve Graphics
Update the graphics to make the game more visually appealing and enjoyable
Improve Graphics
I've noticed the game's graphics are getting outdated, I think implementing new lighting effects and textures would greatly enhance the overall visual experience.
Add New Characters
Adding more playable characters would increase replayability and attract new players, it would also be interesting to see new abilities and personalities.
Enhance Storyline
The game's storyline is engaging, but I feel like it could be deepened by adding more complex characters and side quests, it would make the game more immersive.
Improve Controls
The controls feel a bit clunky, I think refining the camera system and adding more precision to the character movements would make the game more enjoyable.
More Variety in Levels
The levels start to feel repetitive, I think introducing more diverse environments and mechanics would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Character Customization
I'd love to see more customization options for my characters, such as gear and accessories, it would add a new layer of strategy and personalization.
Co-op Multiplayer
Playing with friends would be a lot of fun, I think adding co-op multiplayer mode would increase the game's replayability and social interaction.
More Boss Battles
The boss battles are epic, I think adding more challenging and creative boss fights would increase the game's difficulty and replay value.
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack is great, but I think it could be improved by adding more dynamic music and sound effects that react to the gameplay.
Improve Soviet AI
I think the Soviet AI could be improved by making it more aggressive and adaptable to the player's strategy.
Add More Replayability
I would love to see more random events and objectives in the game to make each playthrough unique and challenging.
Enhance Graphics
The game's graphics are pretty outdated, it would be great to see an update to make the game look more modern and visually appealing.
More Unit Variety
I think the Soviet army could benefit from more unit variety, such as different types of tanks and artillery.
Better Multiplayer
The multiplayer mode could be improved by adding more game modes and maps to make it more engaging and competitive.
Improve Camera Controls
The camera controls can be a bit clunky at times, it would be great to have more precision when moving the camera.
Add More Realism
I think the game could benefit from more realistic sound effects and animations to make it feel more immersive.
Fix Sound Issues
There are some sound issues in the game that can be quite frustrating, it would be great to have them fixed.
Improve AI Pathfinding
I've noticed that the AI units can sometimes get stuck in tight spaces, it would be great to improve their pathfinding abilities.
Add More Story Elements
I would love to see more story elements and cutscenes to make the game feel more like a real war experience.
Improve Building Placement
The building placement mechanics can be a bit finicky, it would be great to have more precision when placing structures.
Add More Weather and Day/Night Cycles
I think it would be great to have more varied weather and day/night cycles to make the game feel more dynamic.
Improve Enemy Units
I think the enemy units could be improved by making them more aggressive and challenging to defeat.
Add More Customization Options
I would love to see more customization options for my units and structures to make the game more personalized.
Improve Game UI
The game's UI could be improved by making it more intuitive and easier to navigate.
Add More Historical Accuracies
I think it would be great to see more historical accuracies in the game to make it feel more authentic.
Improve Unit Balance
I think the unit balance could be improved by making some of the units more viable and useful in the late game.
Add More Gameplay Mechanics
I would love to see more gameplay mechanics added to the game to make it more engaging and challenging.
Controller Sharing Option
I wished there was an option to allow multiple players to share a controller, especially when playing with younger family members, like my 15-year-old son. This would make co-op gameplay more accessible and enjoyable.
More Educational Materials
As an older person, I found the game's tutorials and guides too brief and confusing. Providing more detailed educational materials and perhaps interactive lessons would have made it easier for me to learn the game.
More Choices for Customization
I would have liked more options to customize my character's appearance, weapons, and skills. This would have allowed me and my son to create unique characters that reflected our individual personalities.
Better Accessibility Options
As someone who is not tech-savvy, I struggled with some of the game's features and settings. Having more accessible options, such as larger font sizes or simplified menus, would have made the game more enjoyable for me.
More Campaign Missions
My son and I both enjoyed the campaign missions, but there were only a few. I think having more missions with varied objectives and environments would make the game more engaging and replayable.
More Multiplayer Game Modes
We enjoyed playing co-op, but the lack of other multiplayer game modes, such as competitive or objective-based modes, limited our options. Adding more modes would have made the game more appealing to a wider audience.
More Content for Older Gamers
I felt that the game was too geared towards younger players, with too much emphasis on online multiplayer. I think including more content and features that would appeal to older gamers, like myself, would increase the game's replay value.
Better Storytelling
The game's story was interesting, but it felt a bit disjointed and hard to follow. Having a more coherent and engaging narrative would have made the game more immersive and enjoyable.
More Map Options
I would love to see more map options to play on, maybe even a custom map maker or editor to create our own unique maps.
Improve Multiplayer
The multiplayer aspect of the game can be improved by adding more features, such as ranked matches or a better matchmaking system.
Enhanced Graphics
Upgrading the graphics would make the game look more modern and immersive, it would also help to attract more players.
More Units
Adding more units and vehicles to the game would increase the replayability and give players more options for different strategies.
Improved AI
The AI in the game could be improved by making enemies more challenging and predictable, this would make the game more fun and challenging.
More New Units
I would like to see more new units in the mod, not just limited to the same units, to make the game more fun and diverse.
Realism Modding
I think modding in COH2 should be more realistic, with new units and features, to make the game more immersive.
Spearhead 2
I think Spearhead 2 would be a great addition to the game, with more Esports orientated gameplay, but should also have a more fun and casual mode.
Campaign Mod
I think it would be great if the campaign mod could be played with the Spearhead mod, to make the game more interesting.
New Skin Camouflages
I think new skin camouflages should be added to the game, to make it more visually appealing.
Improve Storyline
The storyline is weak and lacks depth. I was expecting a more engaging experience with a more developed narrative.
Avoid Propaganda
The game is filled with biased propaganda, making it hard to enjoy. I'd recommend a more balanced approach to story development.
Life Balance
I'm still waiting for a break and a moment to enjoy, this game is too all-consuming, please add some downtime
More Options
I miss the feeling of choice and autonomy, add more paths and more ways to play through levels
Improve UI
The interface is cluttered and hard to navigate, simplify it and make it more responsive
More Realism
Add more realistic sounds and environments, it would make the game feel more immersive
Add Multiplayer
I would love to play with friends and family, add a co-op mode or competitive multiplayer
Improve Graphics
The graphics of the game are quite outdated and could be improved with better lighting, textures and character models.
More Quests
There should be more quests and storylines to keep players engaged and interested in exploring the game world.
Better User Interface
The user interface is quite clunky and needs to be improved with more intuitive menus and better navigation.
More Customization
Players should have more options for customizing their characters and game experience, such as more cosmetic items and equipment.
Fixed Bugs
There are several bugs and glitches in the game that need to be fixed to ensure a smoother experience for players.
Improve Soviet Campaign
I think the Soviet Campaign needs more focus on historical accuracy and less on unfairly killing allies and civilians. It's frustrating to play through and increases negative reviews.
Reduce Friendly Fire
Friendly fire in the Soviet Campaign needs to be reduced. It's annoying to accidentally kill allies and hinder progress.
Improve Replay Value
I wish the game had more replay value. Instead of repetitive Soviet Campaign missions, there could be branching storylines or different playable characters.
Fix Historical Inaccuracies
I found some historical inaccuracies in the Soviet Campaign that made the game feel less immersive. These need to be corrected to make the game more believable and engaging.
More Interactive Storytelling
I think the game could benefit from more interactive storytelling. Perhaps allowing players to make choices that affect the outcome of the game.
Improve Game Speed
I think the patch made the game too slow, I would like to see the game speed back to its original state.
Fix Server Issues
I get frustrated when the servers are down, it's hard to play the game when you can't even connect.
Increase Server Capacity
With more players joining the game, the servers get overwhelmed, it would be great if the capacity was increased.
Rename the Game
I think 'Bugsplat' is a funny suggestion, but I'm not sure if it's meant to be taken seriously.
Stabilise Patching Process
The patch caused a lot of problems for me, I would like to see a more thorough testing process before releasing updates.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


我们需要中文 We need Chinese 中国語は必要 Nous avons besoin de chinois Wir brauchen chinesisch Necesitamos chino potrzebujemy chin Precisamos de chinês Нам нужно китайский เราต้องการภาษาจีน Χρειαζόμαστε κινέζικ

  • Sentiments

    • I loved the game's storyline, it was so engaging and the characters are amazing.
    • The graphics and sound effects were not so impressive, but the gameplay was okay.
    • The controls were super smooth and responsive, making the game very enjoyable.
    • I think the game is a bit too short, I was expecting a longer campaign.
    • The multiplayer mode is really cool, I loved playing with friends online.
    • Unfortunately, there are some annoying bugs and glitches that make the game frustrating.


Company of heroes 2 vs Company of Heroes 3 is like comparing KFC from the 60's to KFC from today. COH2 is filled with passion, and is incredibly enjoyable to play. COH3 is just filled with sodium and nothing else.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has a strong negative feeling towards Company of Heroes 3.
    • The Company of Heroes 2 is enjoyable to play.


I am a 55 year old biker and trucker father, and probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single father to my Son, who is 15 now. My son got this game for from his uncle, so we installed it on his computer and he started playing. By the end of the week he had 12 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So i decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he let me borrow his controller. Me and my son then played in turns and I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my son many happy memories.

  • Sentiments

    • The game brought a positive experience for the reviewer, improving his relationship with his son.
    • The reviewer was initially lost in the game, which caused frustration.
    • The reviewer's son spent a lot of time playing the game, which was concerning.
    • The reviewer felt compelled to play the game to spend quality time with his son.
    • The reviewer's experience playing the game was enjoyable and created happy memories.
    • The reviewer's wife's passing made it difficult for him to find time with his son.



  • Sentiments

    • The game environment is not good, and the player is mean to Chinese players, which is crazy.
    • The game is not suitable for new players, as it's hard to fit in, and the players are not kind.
    • The game is not good, and it's a waste of time.
    • The game has a bad environment, and the players are unfriendly.
    • I learned how to communicate with international players, but I was disappointed by their low quality.


Yapay hikaye, duyar kasma ve ırkçılık. Aynı "Homefront" oyunu gibi, "Amerika daha iyi" propaganda saçmalıkları.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has a weak storyline with propaganda messages.
    • The game is similar to 'Homefront' in terms of storyline.
    • The game is criticized for its pro-American propaganda.
    • I don't like the game's storyline.


я вовремя просек, что эта игра уничтожит мою личную жизнь и превратит меня в подпивасного скуфяру, поэтому вернул деньги пока не поздно

  • Sentiments

    • I'm relieved to have escaped the game before it destroyed my personal life and turned me into a couch potato


нудная срань! жалкий рескин великой Вахи Дон оф вара!!! Я, получил по раздаче бесплатно в 23, то ли 22 году! лучше варкрафт 2 пройти 10 раз!!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses strong dissatisfaction with the game
    • The reviewer mentions that the game was received for free and does not appreciate it
    • The reviewer prefers Warcraft 2 over this game
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's graphics and storyline

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