DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin game image

Very Positive

Total: 107 ThousandPositive: 90.2 ThousandNegative: 16.8 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin brings the franchise’s renowned obscurity & gripping gameplay to a new level. Join the dark journey and experience overwhelming enemy encounters, diabolical hazards, and unrelenting challenge.
AI Community game rating

78.18 %

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin is placed at number 79 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

35.63 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Variety in Enemies
I think having more varied enemies would have made the game more engaging. I got tired of fighting the same old skeletons and giant knights.
New Area or Region
A new area or region with unique enemies, bosses, and secrets would have been a great addition. It would have given me something to look forward to.
Better Balance of Difficulty
The game was sometimes too easy, and sometimes too hard. A better balance of difficulty would have made it more enjoyable.
More Choices for Players
I would have liked more choices for players, like different starting stats or being able to choose which abilities to take.
More Interactive World
I would have liked the world to be more interactive, like being able to light fires or open doors.
More Bosses
More bosses would have added variety to the game. I got bored with the same old bosses.
Improve Durability System
I suggest adding a durability system that allows for more realistic weapon and armor degradation. This would make players feel more invested in their gear and encourage them to find ways to maintain or upgrade it.
Enhance Enemy AI
I recommend improving enemy AI to make them more unpredictable and challenging. This could include adding more complex attack patterns and encouraging players to use strategy and timing to defeat them.
Add More Variety to Environments
I suggest adding more variety to environments to keep players engaged and interested. This could include different weather conditions, day/night cycles, and unique environments such as underwater or aerial levels.
Make Combat More Tactical
I recommend making combat more tactical by introducing more complex enemy behaviors and encouraging players to use strategy and positioning to defeat them.
Improve Performance Optimization
I suggest improving performance optimization to reduce lag and frame drops, making the game more enjoyable and smoother to play.
Add More Character Customization
I recommend adding more character customization options to let players express themselves and make the game more appealing to diverse audiences.
More Bosses
I would love to see more bosses in the game, it would make it more challenging and exciting.
Better Combat
The combat mechanics could be improved, it feels a bit awkward and unresponsive at times.
More Level Variety
The levels start to feel repetitive, it would be great to have more varied environments and enemies to fight.
Enhanced Graphics
The game's graphics are, but it's starting to show its age, a new coat of paint would be welcome.
Improved Controls
The controls feel a bit stiff, making it hard to navigate and fight at the same time.
More Storyline
The game's storyline is interesting, but it feels a bit bare bones, more depth would be great.
New Items and Equipment
There's not much to upgrade and customize, it would be nice to have more items and equipment to collect and use.
Better Enemy AI
The enemies feel a bit dumb, it would be nice to have more challenging and intelligent enemies to fight.
More Side Quests
The game starts to feel a bit linear, more side quests would add more replay value and variety.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack is catchy, but it's starting to get repetitive, new tracks and a more dynamic soundtrack would be great.
Smoother Controls
I was weirded out by the controls' slowness. Please make them more responsive.
Bug Fixing
Some areas like Earthen Peak and Iron citadel had bugged me. Fix these bugs for a smoother experience.
Easier Difficulty
The game wasn't exactly hard, just needed getting used to the movements. Consider making it easier for beginners.
More Boss Fights
I liked the Crown of the Ivory King DLC area's boss fights. Add more of those to the game.
Different Areas
I was surprised by the areas' designs. Try to create more varied environments in the game.
More Variety in Enemies
I'm a patient player, but the same old enemies are getting repetitive. Adding more types of enemies with unique abilities would make the game more challenging and rewarding.
Better Mini-Map
The current mini-map is hard to read, it's hard to know where you're going or what's coming. A better designed mini-map would improve navigation and overall gameplay experience.
More Miyazaki games
I would love to see more games developed by Miyazaki, it would be amazing to see his unique style in other games
More variety in enemies
The enemies in the game feel repetitive, I think it would be great to see more diverse enemies to keep the game exciting
More storytelling
The story in the game is good but I would love to see more developed characters and a more complex storyline
Better difficulty progression
The difficulty in the game is a bit too challenging at times, I think a better difficulty progression would make the game more enjoyable
More exploration
I loved exploring the world in the game, I think adding more areas to explore would make the game even better
More multiplayer options
I would love to see more multiplayer options, such as co-op or PvP modes, to add more variety to the game
Better graphics
The graphics in the game are good but I think they could be improved, especially in cutscenes and boss battles
More collectibles
I loved collecting items and souls in the game, I think adding more collectibles would make the game even more rewarding
Better boss battles
The boss battles in the game are a bit too repetitive, I think adding more varied and challenging boss battles would make the game more exciting
More character customization
I would love to see more character customization options, such as different outfits and weapons
Improve Adaptability
I think the game should consider implementing a more gradual adaptation system, allowing players to adjust to the game's pace and mechanics without feeling overwhelmed.
Simplify Enemy Design
I believe the game's enemies could be designed to be more predictable and easier to manage, making the combat experience less frustrating and more enjoyable.
Provide Better Guidance
I think it would be helpful if the game provided clearer directions and hints to help players find hidden items and secrets, rather than relying solely on trial and error.
Increase Boss Difficulty
I think the game's boss battles could be made more challenging and interesting by introducing more complex mechanics and increased difficulty levels.
Enhance Map Design
I believe the game's maps could be improved by adding more variety and diversity, including more branching paths and hidden areas to discover.
Offer More Rewards
I think the game could benefit from offering more rewards and incentives for completing certain tasks and achievements, making the experience more engaging and satisfying.
Improve UI Navigation
I think the game's UI could be improved by providing easier navigation and access to important features and options, reducing the overall complexity of the game.
Add More Variety
I believe the game could be improved by adding more variety and diversity to its mechanics and gameplay, including new abilities and items to discover.
Improve Monster Design
Monsters should have more detailed and varied designs to make them more engaging and challenging. They should also have more meaningful interactions with the environment and other monsters.
Enhance Map Design
Maps should have more varied and interesting layouts, with fewer linear paths and more opportunities for exploration. They should also have more meaningful environmental interactions and secrets to discover.
Improve Enemy AI
Enemies should have more intelligent and adaptive AI, making them more challenging and requiring better strategies to defeat.
Increase Enemy Variety
There should be more variety in enemy types, with different strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors to keep battles interesting and challenging.
Offer More Freedom in Exploration
Players should have more freedom to explore and choose their own path, allowing for more discovery and creativity.
Improve Boss Battle Design
Boss battles should be more challenging and engaging, with more varied and unpredictable attacks and interactions with the environment.
Add More Environmental Interactions
The environment should have more interactive elements, such as puzzles, secrets, and surprises, to make exploration more engaging and rewarding.
Improve Item and Resource Management
Items and resources should be more thoughtfully and strategically allocated, requiring players to make difficult decisions and manage their inventory effectively.
Improve Boss Designs
I think the boss designs in this game are really lacking. I would like to see more variety and creativity in the boss fights to make them more memorable and challenging.
Revise Matchmaking System
The matchmaking system is super frustrating. I would like to see a system that matches players fairly and quickly, without forcing me to play with toxic players.
Unify Community
It's ridiculous that the community is split between the two versions. I think it would be much more beneficial to have one unified community, so players can communicate and play together more easily.
Free Form Weapons
I miss the free form weapons where I could combine any two weapons. It made the game more interesting and fun. I would love to see this feature come back.
Balance Difficulty
The first version of the game is way harder than the second. I think it would be better if the difficulty was balanced between the two versions, so players can enjoy the game regardless of which version they're playing.
Soul Memory Improvement
The only thing I didn't like about the PvP in this game was the soul memory system. I think it would be better if this system was improved, so players could have more opportunities to play with others.
Improve Input Lag
Fix the issue of input lag, it's frustrating and making the gameplay experience poor
Enhance Boss Battles
Make boss battles more engaging and challenging by introducing new mechanics and varied enemy behaviors
Fix Episodic Issues
Identify and fix the issues that cause the game to freeze or crash, it's annoying and disrupts the gameplay
Improve Level Design
Create more varied and interesting level designs, the current ones are often repetitive and dull
Balance Enemy Strength
Make sure enemies are balanced in terms of strength and difficulty, some are too easy while others are overwhelming
Add New Content
Continuously add new content to keep the game fresh and exciting, such as new characters, weapons, and armor
Improve Keyboard and Mouse Handling
I find it annoying that every time I start the game, it feels like I'm using a keyboard and mouse for the first time, the game needs to adapt to my playing style and controls
Add Customization Options
I wish I could customize the game to my liking, adding options for customization would make the game more enjoyable for me
Enhance Sound Effects
The sound effects in the game are pretty bland, adding more realistic and immersive sound effects would enhance the overall gaming experience
More Variety in Level Design
The level design is starting to feel repetitive, introducing more variety in level design would keep the game fresh and exciting
Improved Replay Value
The game lacks replay value, adding more challenges, secret levels, or game modes would increase the game's replay value
Better Storyline Integration
The storyline is lacking, incorporating the cutscenes and storyline elements more seamlessly into the gameplay would improve the overall experience
More Realistic Physics
The physics engine is pretty wonky, making the game more realistic by improving the physics would make it feel more immersive
More Character Customization
I wish I could customize my character more, adding more options for customization would make the game more engaging
Improved Graphics
The graphics are pretty dated, updating the graphics to match what's available today would make the game look more modern
Add Backstory to Enemies
I feel that enemies in this game lack a sense of depth and history, if you add some backstory to them, it would make them more engaging and interesting to fight.
Improve UI for Beginners
The game is really hard on new players, improving the UI to make it more intuitive and accessible would be a great help for those who are just starting out.
More Variety in Enemies
The enemies in this game are quite repetitive, adding more variety in terms of design and abilities would make the game more exciting and challenging.
Better Element Explanation
I struggled to understand the elements and how they work in this game, a more detailed and clear explanation of the elements would be really helpful.
Easier to Farm Resources
It's really hard to farm resources in this game, making it easier to do so would be a huge relief for players who are trying to progress.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


I approached the game having encountered a wide range of opinions about it. I wouldn't say that my expectations were particularly high or low. Although after experiencing the game myself, I finally understand the strong opinions expressed by players, whether they're singing its praises or tearing it apart. Despite some changes and flaws that I'm not mentioning because they have already been extensively discussed and debated, I really enjoyed playing Dark Souls 2. There were certain implemented changes that I didn't favour, but overall, I developed a liking for the game as there were indeed numerous commendable aspects to it. I wholeheartedly recommend giving Dark Souls 2 a try, particularly if you've played other souls games but skipped this one. I sincerely hope you find as much enjoyment in it as I did. And of course, praise the sun.

  • Sentiments

    • I approached the game with a neutral perspective
    • I finally understand the strong opinions expressed by players
    • I enjoyed playing Dark Souls 2
    • There were certain implemented changes that I didn't favour
    • Overall, I developed a liking for the game
    • I recommend giving Dark Souls 2 a try
    • I sincerely hope you find as much enjoyment in it as I did
    • Praise the sun


《血源诅咒》的发行在全球范围内让PS4玩家兴奋不已,但像它的远亲《恶魔之魂》一样——并且与最近的两部精神继承作不同——它是索尼独占的。而《黑暗之魂II:原罪学者》——被誉为是血源最好的平替版本,不仅包含原版游戏,还包括所有DLC内容和许多技术改进,为玩家带来了一个焕然一新的德兰莱克世界。(可以理解成微软需要拿出一些东西来防止玩家转向索尼的阵营??) [h1][quote=] [table] [tr] [th] 欢迎关注 [url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38287879]网易UU鉴赏家培养计划[/url][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th] 关注UU加速器VX公众号,回复“steam”,获得专属玩家群邀请。 [/th] [/tr] [/table] [/quote][/h1] 初入德兰莱克:怀旧与新鲜感并存 初次进入《原罪学者》的世界,那种既熟悉又陌生的感觉令人兴奋。尽管很多场景和敌人似曾相识,但敌人和物品的位置被重新安排,让每次探险都充满新意。例如,曾经的安全区域现在可能充满了敌人,而关键物品的位置也被移动,迫使玩家重新规划路线。这样的变化不仅增加了游戏的挑战性,还让老玩家感受到了一种全新的游戏体验。 视觉和性能的提升 相比于原版游戏,《原罪学者》在视觉效果和性能方面有了显著提升。动态光影效果更加出色,环境细节更加丰富,整个游戏以平滑的60帧每秒运行。这些改进不仅让游戏看起来更美观,还提升了战斗的流畅度和紧张感。尤其是在黑暗的洞穴和破旧的建筑中,火炬的光芒为游戏增添了不少氛围。 战斗体验:速度与策略并重 战斗是《黑暗之魂》系列的核心,而《原罪学者》在这方面也做得非常出色。敌人的动作更加迅速,攻击也更具威胁性。这样的设计让每场战斗都充满紧张感和不可预测性。在面对一群敌人时,玩家需要更加谨慎地选择攻击时机和防守策略。此外,游戏还修复了原版中一些敌人的攻击跟踪问题,使得躲避和反击变得更加合理。 持久耐力的挑战 尽管《原罪学者》在很多方面进行了改进,但耐久度系统依然是一个令人头疼的问题。在长时间的战斗中,武器的耐久度消耗非常快,常常会让一次完美的跑图变成仓皇逃命。尽管这增加了游戏的现实感,但也带来了一些不必要的挫败感。 总结 总的来说,《黑暗之魂II:原罪学者》无疑是一款值得推荐的游戏。尽管它的高难度让很多玩家望而却步,但正是这种挑战性和独特的游戏机制让它在众多游戏中脱颖而出。对于老玩家来说,重新探索德兰莱克并面对全新的挑战是一种难得的体验;而对于新玩家来说,提升的画面质量和流畅的性能将带来更好的游戏体验。如果你能克服初期的困难,《黑暗之魂II:原罪学者》将为你带来无尽的成就感和满足感。

  • Sentiments

    • I am excited to see the improved visuals and performance of the game
    • The game's challenge is high, but it's what makes it so enjoyable
    • The new combat mechanics add a layer of strategy to the gameplay
    • The increased difficulty may deter some players, but it's worth the effort
    • The game's world is richly detailed and immersive
    • However, the durability of items can be frustratingly low
    • The game's high difficulty is not for everyone
    • But, for those who persevere, the rewards are well worth it
    • The game's atmosphere is dark and foreboding, adding to the overall sense of unease
    • The improved lighting effects make the game's world feel even more vivid
    • The game's sense of accomplishment is incredibly satisfying
    • The game's combat is fast-paced and engaging
    • The game's world is full of hidden secrets and surprises
    • I do wish the game had a more comprehensive tutorial
    • However, the game's overall quality and polish make it a standout title
    • The game's map design is clever and encourages exploration
    • The game's enemy AI is responsive and challenging to beat
    • I do wish the game had a more diverse cast of characters
    • Overall, the game is a must-play for fans of the series and the genre


Imagina vc matar reis, gigantes e enfrentar descendentes do proprio abismo pra que no fim vc desbloqueie a oportunidade de lutar contra um pedaço de pau veio podi q cospe fogo kkkkk ISSO É DARK SOULS 2!!!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely excited about the game, emphasizing the unique features and challenging gameplay.
    • The reviewer highlights the game's challenging aspects, specifically mentioning the Dark Souls-like experience.
    • The reviewer expresses frustration with the game's difficulty, using humorous tone to emphasize their point.
    • The reviewer's tone is playful and sarcastic, suggesting that they enjoy the game's challenging aspects.


Originaly i planned to play this game right after i played dark souls 3 since was my first time souls game and enjoyed, but stopped cuz wanted try diferent games, so i lefted the game more after.... When time came for me to try the game, i was kinda suprised and weirded out by the controls and some of the movements (slow); altough dispite some areas bugged me head ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( Earthen Peak-----Iron citadel). The game isn´t exacly hard, just gotta get used to the movements. Preferably i loved Crown of the Ivory King DLC area, was my favourite and nice boss fights. It´s not bad game, just bit diferent.

  • Sentiments

    • The game's controls and movements took some getting used to.
    • I was surprised and weirded out by the controls.
    • The game isn't hard, just needs to get used to the movements.
    • I loved the Crown of the Ivory King DLC area.
    • The boss fights in the DLC area were nice.
    • The game isn't a bad game.


省流:除魂游、fs社忠实粉丝、赤石大王、纯收藏富哥外不建议购买,更不建议第一部魂玩这个。 优点:内容确实丰富,流程量大管饱(低情商:又臭又长),dlc地图设计改善了一些。 缺点:1.前期灾难般的体验。适应力提上来之前喝药如品茶,分加点给适应力又会导致坦度和伤害下降。 2.逆天的索敌和仇恨。即使锁定敌人的情况下除横扫攻击外偶尔也砍不到敌人,会歪一点导致锄地;小怪不禁会从极远的地方闻声赶来,而且会追着你跑很远。 3.堆怪,配上第二点一不小心三四五人行是常有的事。 4.构思跑图体验。大部分场景如果你推图推一半死了,基本上从头再来,不然因为2.3点后面会有四五只怪追着砍,而且一些门或者通道设计得极窄,放个体型大一点的怪直接给你堵上,很容易被前后夹击而死。另外,进雾门、开门、开箱子等会受伤害并被打断。 5.本体构思地图设计。很多人喜欢一周目不看攻略,但是很多篝火在隐藏门里,可以说不看攻略错过一些篝火会导致推图更是一坨,而且一些关键道具(如开启dlc的钥匙)在完全没有任何指引和联系的两个地方,不看攻略完全不知道咋打开。 6.恶心地图太多。流油谷、推土塔、熔铁城、铁之回廊、黑漆谷、阿玛纳祭坛、壁外雪原等可以说数不胜数,设计得纯为了恶心人而恶心人,推完了没有一点成就感只有终于不用推了的感觉。 7.本体boss战太简单,和恶心人的推图形成鲜明对比。推完了图到boss处本以为会有一场酣畅淋漓的战斗,结果boss过于简单,大多数boss都是初见过,老国王甚至无伤。 总之,魂二也是强忍着呕吐感打完全成就,再也不会下回来了。如果说魂类游戏几乎都像臭豆腐,闻着臭吃着香,那魂二就是闻着臭,吃起来也💩的💩。有这个时间精力给血源魂三法环多打几周目得了。

  • Sentiments

    • The game is extremely frustrating and I would not recommend it to anyone
    • The game has rich content but it feels like it's all too long
    • The game has poor design and I hate the feeling of being stuck
    • The game has bad enemy AI and it feels unfair
    • The game is too challenging and it's not fun
    • The game has annoying puzzles and it's not enjoyable
    • The game has too much content and it's overwhelming
    • The game has poor map design and it's easy to get lost
    • The game is too repetitive and I got bored
    • The game has simple boss battles and it's not exciting
    • I would not play this game again if I had the option
    • The game is not fun and I have no motivation to play
    • The game has poor item placement and it's frustrating
    • The game is too long and I got tired of playing
    • The game is not enjoyable and I regret playing
    • The game has no sense of accomplishment and it's disappointing


我今儿算是见识到了魂系列最差的一作有多差了 2024.5.26 打完了,说实话还是不喜欢。 虽然把它当作试验作来看确实很多地方会合理不少,很多创新的地方也确实有意思,使用各类小道具过关确实是最亮眼的地方,但最主要的怪物、地图设计都无疑是系列最拉的; 比如最常诟病的堆怪,它的根源问题在于怪物自身设计和怪物动作设计都很单薄,这一点包括boss设计都是这样,基本上是打完一套你上去a一刀,非常的无趣,所以只能用堆怪来增加难度,怪物仇恨也确实离谱,追你追从一个篝火跑到另一个篝火,感觉就像不让你跑酷赶路一样,非要稳扎稳打地过图,玩起来也十分束手束脚。 至于地图,怎么说呢,有点食之无味弃之可惜的感觉,一本道的设计不算缺点吧,但一本道的路又确实有很多迷惑设计,比如灵魂兑换的商人被掰成两个扔外面,鸟人甚至要打怪才能安心兑换,比如用香和法洛斯之石才能开的篝火和近路,说真的爱给不给,真不稀罕;还比如这作做了许多场景但很多都没深入设计,就像旅行团走马观花一样,这里是熔铁城那里是堆土塔,太美丽了海德巨火塔,还是看看远处的龙祭坛吧家人们,其实蛮可惜的。

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses their disappointment and frustration with the game's design and mechanics.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's monster design, calling it '单薄' (thin) and uninteresting.
    • The reviewer mentions that the game's world design is not memorable and lacks depth.
    • The reviewer finds the game's control and movement mechanics too restrictive.
    • The reviewer is critical of the game's boss design, calling it '非常的无趣' (very boring).
    • The reviewer praises the game's creative use of small props and novelty items.
    • The reviewer expresses their disappointment with the game's overall quality.


Easily the worst game in the series. Terrible boss designs. The dumbest matchmaking system in the history of gaming. And they split up the community between the two versions they released. Also the first version is way harder. However I miss the free form weapons where you could combine any two weapons. Pvp was great in this game (except for soul memory).

  • Sentiments

    • The game is terrible, worst in the series
    • Boss designs are poor
    • Matchmaking system is dumb
    • Community is split between two versions
    • First version is harder
    • Miss the free form weapons
    • PvP is great, except for soul memory


gra jest okropna jeśli chodzi o gameplay, sterowanie jest tak dziwne że ludzką mową nie da się tego opisać za każdym razem gdy odpalam grę muszę wyłączyć i włączyć double clicka bo inaczej jest jakiś dwu sekundowy input lag, gra czasami dostaje jakiegoś epizodu i po prostu przestaje działać poprawnie (na przykład silny atak zmienia broń albo lock-on kompletnie nie działa). nawet kiedy sama gra chodzi dobrze to lokacje są albo średnie albo okropne (iron keep czy shrine of amana) jestem na końcu gry i jak dotąd nie spotkałem ani jednego dobrego bossa wszyscy bossowie są albo nudni i prości albo frustrujący i nie fair ale to co sprawia, że człowiek naprawdę traci swoje człowieczeństwo to droga do takich nieszczęsnych perełek jak smelter demon albo throne watcher & throne defender. Podsumowanie jest takie, że gra opłaca się tylko jeśli jesteś fanem fromsoftu i chcesz wszystkie dark soulsy odhaczyć*. 4/10

  • Sentiments

    • The gameplay is terrible, the controls are weird and hard to explain in words.
    • The game has a lot of input lag.
    • The game crashes sometimes, especially during cutscenes.
    • The boss fights are frustrating and unfair.
    • The game is only worth playing if you're a fan of FromSoftware.
    • The graphics are mediocre.
    • The overall experience is disappointing.
    • The game is full of annoying and frustrating achievements.
    • The game has a lot of annoyances and frustrations.
    • The game is not fun to play.
    • The game is poorly designed.
    • The game is not worth playing unless you're a fan of dark souls.
    • The game is disappointing.
    • The game has too many annoying enemies.
    • The game is frustrating and unfair.
    • The game is poorly optimized.
    • The game is not fun to play alone.
    • The game has a lot of annoying mechanics.
    • The game is poorly designed.
    • The game is frustrating and unfair.

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