Diablo® IV

Diablo® IV game image


Total: 34.8 ThousandPositive: 23 ThousandNegative: 11.8 Thousand
Steam review score: 5
Join the fight for Sanctuary in Diablo® IV, the ultimate action RPG adventure. Experience the critically acclaimed campaign and new seasonal content.
AI Community game rating

65.45 %

Diablo® IV is placed at number 96 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

31.49 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Better Storytelling
I wish there was a more engaging storyline with more depth and character development.
More Variety
I feel like the game got repetitive after a while, it would be great to have more diverse levels and enemies.
Improved Soundtrack
The music was okay, but it wasn't memorable or impactful for me.
Enhanced Graphics
The visuals were good but not remarkable, perhaps upgrading the graphics engine could improve the overall visual fidelity.
More Variety in Levels
I think the game gets repetitive after a while. Adding more variety to the levels would keep players engaged.
Improve Enemy AI
The enemies could be smarter and more challenging to fight. It would make the game more exciting and satisfying to play.
Better User Interface
The current UI is clunky and hard to navigate. A more intuitive and user-friendly interface would make the game more enjoyable.
More Customization Options
I would like to see more customization options for the player character. It would make the game more personal and fun.
More Storyline
The story is interesting but it could be expanded upon with more cutscenes and character development.
Better Soundtrack
The music is catchy but it gets repetitive. A more diverse soundtrack with more songs would enhance the overall gaming experience.
More Multiplayer Options
The multiplayer mode is fun but it would be better with more options, such as co-op or competitive game modes.
More Character Abilities
The character abilities are cool but adding more would give players more flexibility and creative options.
Better Graphics
The graphics are decent but they could be improved upon. A more detailed and realistic art style would enhance the overall gaming experience.
Improve Sound Effects
The sound effects are lacking. Adding more realistic and immersive sound effects would enhance the overall gaming experience.
More Storyline
I think the storyline should be longer and more engaging, with more details and excitement.
More Item Diversity
The game could benefit from more diverse items, with different stats and purposes.
Improve Graphics
The graphics are not too bad, but they could be improved with more detailed textures and animations.
Better Player Progression
I think there should be a better system for player progression, with more rewards and challenges.
Fewer Bug Fixes
There are still some bugs in the game that need to be fixed, it would be good if the developer could focus on fixing them.
More Endgame Content
The game feels a bit empty after completing the main storyline, there should be more endgame content to keep players engaged.
Improve Audio
The sound effects and music could be improved, it would make the game more immersive and engaging.
More Variety in Enemies
The enemies in the game are quite repetitive, it would be good if there were more variety and different tactics to use.
Less Frustrating Difficulty
The difficulty spikes in the game are quite frustrating, it would be better if the difficulty was more balanced and less punishing.
Keep core gameplay elements
I feel that the game lost its appeal due to the absence of core gameplay elements such as crafting and character customization.
Improve game contents
The game's content is too limited, with too much repetition. More varied and interesting activities would greatly enhance the game.
Adjust open-world design
I think the open-world aspect of the game could be better designed to encourage exploration and discovery, rather than just giving the player a big map with nothing to do.
Enhance attention to detail
While the game's visuals and sound effects are excellent, some aspects of the game's design feel sloppy or unpolished, such as the repeating environments.
Restore mini-games and side quests
I loved the mini-games and side quests in the previous Diablo games, and their absence here feels like a major loss.
Allow players to customize their characters
Not being able to customize my character's appearance and abilities was very frustrating and took away from my overall enjoyment.
More Variety in Gameplay
I felt like the gameplay was repetitive and uninteresting. Adding more variety in terms of levels, enemies and abilities would make the game more engaging.
Better Soundtrack
The music was breathtaking, but it would have been even better if it were more adaptive and fitted the game's atmosphere and scene.
Polish Storyline
The storyline was interesting, but it felt like it needed more depth and development to make me truly invested in the characters and their motivations.
Improved Building Mechanic
Building structures and bases was confusing and not very intuitive. A more streamlined and user-friendly build mechanic would be appreciated.
Increased Replay Value
The game was enjoyable, but I wish there were more incentives to replay it and try different approaches or strategies.
Better Endgame Content
The endgame content was lacking and felt like it was too repetitive. Adding more variety and challenge would make the game more appealing.
Enhanced Multiplayer
The multiplayer mode was unbalanced and had too many cheaters. Improving the matchmaking and adding more features to prevent cheating would be great.
More Realistic Graphics
The visuals were great, but some elements felt too cartoonish or unrealistic. More realistic graphics would enhance the overall immersion.
Improve User Experience
I suggest improving the user experience by adding more tutorials and guides to help new players adjust to the game.
More Customization Options
I recommend adding more customization options to allow players to personalize their characters and gameplay experience.
Balance Out Difficulty
I think the game should balance out the difficulty levels to make the game more enjoyable for players of all skill levels.
Simplify Account Creation
Make it easy for players to create their accounts without obstacles, no need to waste too much time on data errors.
Improve Server Speed
Invest in better server infrastructure to reduce loading times and make the game more enjoyable.
Enhance Customer Support
Provide better solutions for common issues, such as game errors, and reduce the need for expensive accelerators.
Develop More Content
Add more game content to keep players engaged and motivated, rather than spending money on cosmetic items.
Streamline Login Process
Simplify the login process to reduce frustration and wasted time for players.
Improve Communication
Communicate better with players, providing clear solutions to common issues and feedback on game development.
Reduce Bugs
Work to eliminate bugs and errors that cause frustration for players and waste their time.
No Microtransactions
I'm tired of being nickel-and-dimed to death. I paid 70 dollars for a full game, not pieces of a game.
Fair Business Model
Make it free and add optional purchases, or make it 70 dollars and include everything. No middle ground.
More Originality
I'm tired of playing the same game over and over. Bring back the innovation and creativity that made Blizzard great.
Respect Players
Blizzard should put effort into making games that players genuinely want to play, not just ones that make a quick buck.
Rebuild Game Development
Restore the passion and excitement of game development, rather than churning out generic, soulless games.
More Variety in Environments
As a player, I would love to see more diverse and varied environments in the game, like ancient ruins, abandoned cities, or even fantastical landscapes. This would keep the game fresh and exciting, making exploration more engaging and fun.
Improve Storytelling
The game's narrative is great, but I think it could be improved with more character development, backstories, and meaningful interactions with NPCs. This would make the story feel more immersive and emotionally investible.
Add Competitive Multiplayer Mode
It would be awesome to have a competitive multiplayer mode where players can engage in PvP combat, capture points, or complete objectives. This would add a lot of replay value and make the game more social.
Enhance Crafting System
The crafting system is great, but I'd love to see more recipes, better resource distribution, and more creative freedom. This would make crafting feel more rewarding and allow for more customization.
More Complex Boss Battles
Boss battles are exciting, but I think they could be even more challenging and engaging with multiple phases, unique mechanics, and high-reward drops. This would make the game more challenging and rewarding.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack is great, but I think it could be even more immersive and atmospheric with more dynamic music, thematic changes, and better sound effects. This would make the game feel more immersive and engaging.
Add More Lore
I love the game's lore, but I think it could be expanded upon with more side quests, secret areas, and hidden storylines. This would make the game feel more rich and detailed.
Enhance Exploration
Exploration is a highlight of the game, but I think it could be even better with more hidden secrets, secret areas, and better navigation. This would make the game feel more dynamic and exciting.
Improve Graphics
The game's graphics are great, but I think they could be even better with more detailed environments, improved lighting, and better character models. This would make the game feel more visually stunning.
Stable Single-Player Experience
I'd like to be able to play single-player without needing a stable connection. Kicking me out for idling is frustrating and restarts the progress.
Option to Play Offline
I should be able to play offline and have the option to sync later. This would be great for players with limited internet access.
Time-Sensitive Quests
I'd like to be able to pause and resume quests at my own pace, without worrying about disconnecting and losing progress.
Flexible Gameplay
I should be able to play at any time, and not be forced to play online or follow a set schedule.
Improve Online Requirements
The constant need for a stable connection is annoying and ruins the single-player experience. I'd like to see the requirements improved or an offline option added.
Passive Play Option
I'd like to have the option to play passively, allowing me to continue playing even when attending to real-life situations.
Auto-Save Feature
I've lost progress multiple times because of the lack of auto-save, it's frustrating and time-consuming. Please add a reliable auto-save feature or allow manual saves.
Monetization Changes
The monetization model is predatory, asking for too much money for cosmetics and expansions. Consider a more reasonable and fair monetization scheme.
Better Online-Single Player Integration
I shouldn't have to worry about being disconnected for inactivity when playing single player. Improve the online connectivity to avoid this issue.
Sensible Price for Skins
I'm willing to spend money on skins, but $20+ for a single item is too much. Consider more reasonable prices for cosmetics.
Expansions Should be Included
As a full-priced game, expansions should be included as part of the base game. Don't charge extra for future updates.
Manual Save Option
Let me manually save my progress at any time, this would avoid progress loss due to disconnections or crashes.
Balance Cosmetics and Gameplay
Don't prioritize cosmetics over gameplay. Make sure the game is enjoyable and challenging even without spending money.
Improve the Battle Pass
The battle pass system is confusing and not rewarding. Consider a more intuitive and rewarding system for players.
Improve Seasonal Content
Focus on quality rather than quantity, consider player feedback and make changes accordingly, avoid releasing half-baked content.
Address Player Bases Concerns
Listen to the community and take their problems seriously, fix the mistakes of the past and work towards a brighter future.
Incorporate Player Feedback
Take the time to read and understand player concerns, and act accordingly, do not dismiss their opinions.
Develop a Clear Vision
Identify a clear direction for the game and stick to it, avoid confusing players with mixed signals.
Enhance Quality of Life
Prioritize making the game more enjoyable for all players, by addressing issues such as game balance, UI, and overall player experience.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


如果陨石在2016年砸毁了暴雪,它是一家传奇的游戏公司。 如果陨石在2018年砸毁了暴雪,它是一家值得怀念的游戏公司。 如果陨石在2020年砸毁了暴雪,它是一家令人惋惜的游戏公司。 如果陨石在今年砸毁了暴雪,它是一颗传奇的陨石。

  • Sentiments

    • I'm still waiting for the apocalypse to destroy Blizzard
    • Blizzard is a legendary game company
    • I'm mourning the death of Blizzard
    • Blizzard is a company worth remembering
    • I'm sad to see Blizzard destroyed


Haziranda YKS'ye girecek olup bu oyuna bağımlı olmuş bütün sığırlara tanrının selamını getiriyorum. *edit*: 11.02.2024 YKS'ye 117 gün kaldı ve kitap yüzü açmadım daha

  • Sentiments

    • I am excited to play this game as it will be a part of my preparation for the YKS exam and I hope to make progress in it.
    • I have not started studying for the YKS exam yet as I still have 117 days to go and I don't want to waste my time on this game.


정말 오랜만에 스팀 후기 남깁니다. 일반적인 유저 후기가 아닌 30대 후반 애기아빠들에게 참고 되시라고 올립니다. 이번 크리마스 연휴에 와이프가 애기를 데리고 친정을 가는 아주 슬픈 상황이 벌어졌어요. 지금 후기 쓰고있는 이 시간에도 온다는 시간보다 빨리올까봐 너무 설레이네요. 우선 애기 아빠들 상황이 대부분 저와 같을거라 가정하고 말씀드립니다. 1년에 이런 상황이 거의 발생되지 않는데, 발생 되었을때! 과연 이시간을 투자하여 할 가치가 있는 게임인가? 라고 반문해 보면 그렇다 할수 있겠습니다. 워낙 유저 평가가 좋지 않고, 안좋은 부분들이 있는건 사실이지만 어차피 우리는 게임 오래 못합니다. 100% 게임 하다 중간에 꺼야되는 상황이 벌어지는대 짧게짧게 스토리 밀고, 던전돌다 나가도 부담없는 게임이라 생각됩니다. 물론 이번 겨울 할인때 발게이랑 이 게임을 심도있게 고민하다 질렀지만, 가격적인 면 에서는 추천드리기가 어렵겠네요. 그러나 어차피 우린 돈 쓸때도 마땅히 없지 않습니까? 이럴때 소소하게 질르는것이 앞으로의 육아와 사회 생활에 있어서 큰도움이 될꺼라 생각합니다. 플레이타임이 10시간 밖에 되지않아 게임에 대한 자세한 평가는 어렵지만, 컴퓨터를 킬수 있을때 수많은 라이브러리 게임중 이게임을 선택하는 이유는 있지않나 생각합니다. 무슨 게임을 하던 엔딩 볼때까지 할순 없으니, 짧게나마 아이템 먹고 성장시키는 재미가 있기에 추천 드립니다. 저만 그럴수 있겠지만 예전 총각때 처럼 열정있게 몇시간씩 게임하는 것이 쉽지 않더군요. 한시간 도 안되어 핸드폰 보다가 그냥 끄기 일수고, 넷플 보면서 치맥 하나 먹는것이 게임하는 것보다 더 좋아지는 나이가 되었나 봅니다. 오랜만에 애기가 일찍 자고 와이프도 같이 잘때, 다른 게임 제처두고 할 만한 가치는 있다라고 말씀 드릴수 있겠습니다.어차피 1시간 도 안되서 끄고 자야되고 앞서 많은 유저들이 말씀하신 게임의 단점들은 느낄새도 없기 때문입니다. 지극히 개인적인 의견으로, 대다수의 유저 분들에겐 맞지 않을수 있습니다. 애기 아빠들만 참고해 주세요! 요새 애기들 a형 독감 유행인대 조심들 하시고, 기침 많이 하면 따듯한물 수시로 먹여주면 도움 많이 됩니다. 그럼 이만!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is sharing their personal experience, mentioning a sad situation with their child and feeling anxious
    • The reviewer highlights that the game is not worth playing for a long time, but it's still enjoyable
    • The reviewer admits that the game has flaws, but it's a good way to spend time with their child
    • The reviewer complains about the game's short playtime, but finds it enjoyable
    • The reviewer reflects on how their priorities have changed, finding other activities more enjoyable
    • The reviewer warns other parents that this game may not be suitable for them
    • The reviewer mentions the importance of taking care of their child's health


暗黑2 暗黑3 均有涉猎 暗黑破坏神4千呼万唤始出来 初印象,回归二代的纯粹暗黑风格 骨子里确实三代的形状 并且一定程度上摒弃了三代的优点继承了糟粕 改成大世界不算好主意,可以做的事情变多了,但并没有变得更好玩 旅途过程中一旦让玩家觉得赶路是一种负累,就应该反省一下是否有开放世界的必要性了 开放世界加暗黑刷刷刷,并不是不能做好 内容丰富度太低,无非祭坛,采集,骑马(而且要第四幕之后才能解锁) 但内容不丰富不等于细节不好,暗黑4的细节做的非常好, 场景的互动,细腻的音效,美术扎实的功底,这一切让暗黑4成为画质美术刷刷刷天花板,不可撼动。 但是游戏性,游戏性没有吸取暗黑前作的精华,为何现在仍然有一大批人在玩暗黑2和暗黑3, 暗黑2说穿无非一个赌字,首先暗黑2的符文之语,你在放上最后一个符文之前,就是在赌, 你不知道你的这个精心准备的底材是触底还是海景,所有的装备不管是暗金还是白装蓝装,一切都有用武之地, 构筑一个超强的装备库,并且环环相扣,每一次的讨伐,都是充满惊喜的,让人上头。 暗黑3秘境之后的爆装备环节,慢慢养成宝石,以及强大的绿色套装,这一切都是为了更快更好更高层, 掉落装备不能说很惊喜,但总会让你很爽,最后的那一下,忍耐了很久,突然出来的感觉很好。 而暗黑4他没有把握住这些精华,看似大胆改革,实则内里极其保守,在不碰触核心,甚至倒退游戏体验的游戏性上 拉了大胯,但是就算是现在,他只要用心去构思玩法,也还来得及,因为暗黑4的底子是极好的,他有绝佳的画面和打击感, 现在的问题出在玩法游戏性上,加油吧。 如果要给一个分数,作为参考。 暗黑2 10/10 暗黑3 8/10 加上DLC的话是 9/10 暗黑4 7/10 希望暗黑精神,还是暗黑系列来继承,而不是其他游戏。 暴雪,醒醒[strike] 你再不醒来我就要问候你的马了 [/strike]。 写的比较混乱,想到哪里写到哪里。

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is disappointed with the game's gameplay mechanics, feeling that they have regressed from previous titles.
    • The reviewer praises the game's graphics and sound design, saying they are impressive.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's content, feeling it is lacking and only offers minor updates.
    • The reviewer expresses frustration with the game's design choices, feeling they are 'conservative' and don't innovate.
    • The reviewer praises the game's attention to detail, saying it is 'impeccable'.
    • The reviewer feels that the game's 'open world' design is unnecessary and doesn't improve the gameplay.
    • The reviewer reflects on the good old days of Diablo 2 and 3, calling them 'pure' and 'well-done'.
    • The reviewer is skeptical about the game's ability to innovate and improve its gameplay.
    • The reviewer is disappointed with the lack of innovative gameplay mechanics.
    • The reviewer is enthusiastic about the game's potential, but feels it needs improvement.
    • The reviewer is tired of the game's repetitive gameplay.
    • The reviewer praises the game's 'stellar' art design.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's lack of 'surprise' and 'thrill' in its gameplay.
    • The reviewer is confused about the game's design choices.
    • The reviewer is hopeful that the game will improve its gameplay.


如果你想体验,下载两小时→创建外服暴雪账号→进入游戏data error→上网找解决方法→买加速器→重复进入失败。 最后0.5小时游玩时间都被卡在登录界面的话,可以试试。 不过我更推荐用300块钱去买件衣服给爸妈,而不是用这钱给暴雪这个死妈东西买花圈。

  • Sentiments

    • The game's login process is frustrating, it takes too long to download.
    • It's hard to play the game for a long time due to login errors.
    • The game's customer support is poor, it's difficult to find solutions online.
    • I feel like I'm wasting my time trying to play the game.
    • I would not recommend spending money on this game.
    • I would rather buy clothes for my parents than spend money on this game.
    • I was able to play the game for 0.5 hours before encountering login issues.


This is a good game, a nice brain dead time sink that you need from time to time. Graphics, story, additions to the franchise all make this fun. The problem is, this company is greedy beyond belief. To pay 70 for a game means it better be all inclusive. But its not, they shove micro transaction down your throat even tho you shelled out more than the average game. Either I pay big money for a game and there is nothing else I have to purchase or you make it free and nickle and dime me to death. Either way, Im fine with it. BUT you cant have both. Its been 8 years since I have played a Blizzard game. There is a reason for that. Blizzard used to be the greatest game producer in the world. Activision has totally ruined them. I knew that 8 years ago yet i still put out 70 whopping dollars. Shame on me, lesson learned. There is zero originality in their games anymore, just rehashed brands the good devs that left for hills created long ago. This is a gigantic company that does not care about their players past their wallet. It will be at least another 8 years before i again forget what i worthless pile of dog crap Blizzard has become.

  • Sentiments

    • I think this game is good, fun and enjoyable
    • The game company is greedy and untrustworthy
    • I regret spending money on this game
    • This game lacks originality
    • I used to love Blizzard games, but not anymore
    • The game is a waste of money and time
    • I wish the game was free and didn't have microtransactions
    • I'm frustrated with the game company's business model
    • I'm disappointed with the game's lack of originality
    • I regret spending money on another Blizzard game
    • I hope the company will change its business model
    • I want the game to be all-inclusive, not have microtransactions


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⣶⣶⣤⡀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠉⠉⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣧⣀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢺⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⣬⣻⢿⣿⣿⡦ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠻⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠛⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣽⣿⡿⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⢀⡠⣿⣷⣤⡀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀ ⠰⠿⠿暴雪⠿⠇⠀⠠⠿⠿⠏

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a masterpiece, I loved every moment of it.
    • The level design is truly unique and innovative.
    • The story is engaging and the characters are well-developed.
    • The multiplayer mode is a lot of fun.
    • The game's visuals are stunning.
    • However, the experience is slightly marred by some frustrating bugs.
    • Still, the game's strengths far outweigh its weaknesses.
    • Overall, I would highly recommend this game.
    • After reading the text, I felt excited and eager to play the game.


First of all: not everything is bad about this game. There are good graphics, fantastic cutscenes and the feeling for the Diablo story catches with the intro! BUT: like others noted before. Why do I need to be online if I want to play single player? And further on that cause: I got family, kids, I play only at night. So one of my kids call, I attend to them and then I get back to my game to find out I've been kicked out because of idling too long? Why that? Why do I need a stable connection all the time? And then start all over again from the village to the dungeon I was about to finish, just before my kids called? Really, it's ridiculous! Please develop a patch for real single-player experience right now! Let me play at the time I want(can) and at my own speed! Until then, it isn't worth the full price to pay!

  • Sentiments

    • The game has good graphics, cutscenes and story
    • The game is online even for single player
    • The player needs to be online always
    • The game kicks out the player from a game session because of idling too long
    • The player feels frustrated with the game's requirements
    • The game is not worth paying full price until a patch is developed

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