Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2 game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 183 ThousandPositive: 175 ThousandNegative: 7.48 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
The critically acclaimed RPG that raised the bar, from the creators of Baldur's Gate 3. Gather your party. Master deep, tactical combat. Venture as a party of up to four - but know that only one of you will have the chance to become a God.
AI Community game rating

88.02 %

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is placed at number 39 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

24.73 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Quest Log Updates
I wish there were more frequent updates on the quest progress, it would help me stay focused on the story and objectives.
Improved Localization
The terminology and cultural references should be adapted better to local languages, to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for players from different regions.
More Customization Options
I would love to see more options for tailoring my character's appearance, abilities, and playstyle to fit my preferences.
Enhanced Difficulty Options
There should be more difficulty levels and options to suit different types of players, making the game more challenging and rewarding for those who wish to engage in more complex gameplay.
Improved Inventory Management
The inventory system should be more intuitive and efficient, allowing players to organize and manage their items more easily.
More Interaction Options
I would like to see more ways to interact with NPCs, such as more conversation options, gestures, and actions.
Better Climbing Mechanics
Climbing and exploring should be more fluid and responsive, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the game world.
Enhanced Graphics and Sound
The game could benefit from improved graphics and sound design, making the world and characters more immersive and engaging.
More Storyline Choices
I would like to see more branching storylines and player choice consequences, allowing for a more dynamic and replayable experience.
Improved NPC AI
Non-playable characters should be more responsive and intelligent, making interactions with them more natural and believable.
More Multiplayer Features
Co-op play could be improved with more features, such as shared loot, dynamic events, and better communication tools.
Improve Storyline
I think the storyline could be more engaging and immersive. It's too simple and lacks depth. I would like to see more twists and turns to keep me interested.
Enhance Combat System
The combat system is too simplistic and lacks complexity. I would like to see more strategic options and deeper character customization.
Add More Interaction
I felt like there was too much repetition in the game. I would like to see more interactive elements, such as puzzles or quests, to break up the monotony.
Improve Graphics
The graphics are dated and could use a significant upgrade. I would like to see more vibrant colors and detailed environments.
Add More Depth to Characters
The characters lack depth and development. I would like to see more backstory and motivation for them to make them more relatable.
Improve Soundtrack
The music is too repetitive and lacks variety. I would like to see more dynamic music that adapts to the game's atmosphere and situation.
Add More Variety to Enemies
The enemies are too similar and lack variety. I would like to see more unique and challenging enemies to keep the combat interesting.
More Quests
I would love to see more quests added to the game to increase the replay value and variety.
Improved Combat Mechanic
I think the combat could be improved by introducing more complex mechanics, such as exploiting enemy weaknesses, managing resources, and using environment to gain an advantage.
New Locations
I would suggest adding more locations to explore, with unique storylines, characters, and secrets to uncover.
Better Character Customization
I think character customization could be improved by allowing players to customize their appearance, skills, and abilities more extensively.
Enhanced Storytelling
I would love to see more depth and complexity in the game's narrative, with morally ambiguous choices and multiple endings.
More Variety in Enemies
I think the game could benefit from more diverse and challenging enemies, with unique abilities and behaviors.
Better UI and Clutter Minimization
I would recommend streamlining the UI and minimizing clutter to improve the overall gaming experience.
Additional Game Modes
I would love to see additional game modes, such as co-op or PvP, to increase the game's replay value and variety.
Improved Soundtrack
I think the game's soundtrack could be improved by adding more variety and depth, with different scores for different areas and situations.
More Story
I have 270 hours and I've never seen the third act. It's frustrating to see the game with such a giant story vault and no clear way to progress.
New Characters
I can't stop restarting and making new characters, I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe adding more incentives to explore character development or branching storylines could help.
Haul Easing
I don't know what's wrong with me please someone send hel. It's clear that I'm stuck and feel like I'm missing something. Maybe the game could hint more about what's next or provide more guidance to avoid getting stuck.
More game genres
I never played games of this genre, but the recommendation to play Divinit Original Sin 2 was great. I think it would be interesting to explore other genre options in the game.
More story engagement
I was fully engaged in the game and the story from the first try. I think it would be great if the game could have more story-driven quests.
More character development
I was interested only in my character and his development. It would be great if the game could have more character development options.
More combat options
I liked the combat system, but I think it would be great if the game had more combat options, like different abilities.
More companion missions
I liked the companions, but I think it would be great if the game had more missions for them, like separate storylines.
Leveling system improvements
I think the leveling system could be improved, maybe with more experience points or better character development options.
More Serious Tones
I would love to see more serious tones in the game, not just the comedic moments. It would add depth to the story and make the game more engaging.
More Varied Combat
The combat system is repetitive. I think it would be better if there were more varied moves and abilities to use during fights.
Reduce the Amount of Traps
The game is full of traps, which can be frustrating at times. I think reducing the amount of traps would make the game more enjoyable.
Add More Enemy Types
The enemies are very similar and repetitive. Adding more unique enemy types would make the game more challenging and interesting.
Improve NPC Dialogue
The NPC dialogue is often cheesy and not well-written. I think it would be better if the dialogue was more natural and engaging.
Add a Co-op Mode
Playing with friends would make the game more enjoyable. Adding co-op mode would be a great feature.
Improve Inventory Management
The inventory management system is clunky and frustrating. I think it would be better if items were automatically sorted and easier to manage.
Add More Environmental Interactions
The game has limited environmental interactions. I think adding more interactive elements would make the game more immersive.
Fix Proton Issue
I suggest fixing the Proton issue to make the game run reliably on Steam Deck
Fair Fight Mechanics
Implement mechanics that ensure both boss and player have equal opportunities during fights.
Teleport Limitations
Restrict teleport use to prevent exploiting and promote fair competition.
Boss Fight Mechanics
Design boss fights that follow a consistent set of rules and provide fair opportunities for players to counterattack.
Unfair Ambushes
Implement a warning system before ambushes to prevent sudden death incidents.
Ambush Rebalancing
Rebalance ambush fights to provide a fair chance for players to react and counterattack.
Campaign Difficulty
Tune campaign difficulty to avoid feeling unfair or frustratingly difficult.
Improve Balancing
I think it's ridiculous that I'm thrown into a solo campaign with 8 mages, 147 HP, 90 buffer, and only 10 HP, 10 buffer for others.
Increase Screen Real Estate
It would be great to have a larger screen for easier viewing of the battlefield.
Improve AI Logic
The AI should prioritize the weakest party member, not the bow man, to make fights more balanced and fun.
Mob Teleportation
The sudden teleportation of mobs is frustrating. A longer warning or a more gradual approach would be appreciated.
Protective Nanny
Players should not need to babysit the AI; instead, the AI should assist the party in a more meaningful way.
Dynamic Combat
Encourage teamwork by making fights more dynamic and unpredictable, with AI enemies that adapt to the party's strategy.
AI Focus
The AI should focus on the party's weaknesses rather than the bow man's strength, making fights more challenging and engrossing.
Livable World
I'd like to see more life in the world, like NPCs having their own agendas and struggles.
Better Quest Flow
Quest markers on the map and simple 'go there and kill this' quests are tedious. I want to feel like I'm solving a mystery or helping a character with a problem.
Meaningful Character Interactions
Magisters and merchants feel like props. I want to see more depth in their personalities and interactions with the player.
Skyrim's College System
Implementing a system where high-level spells need to be learned at a specific location or through a mentor would add depth to the game.
Variety in City Design
Cities should serve more purposes than just being a quest hub. I want to see different buildings, NPCs with different agendas, and a sense of history.
More Complex Dialogue
I want to see more depth and nuance in the characters' dialogue. It feels like they're just speaking for the player's benefit.
Varied Gameplay
I felt like I had to play the game in a specific way, I wish there was more variety in gameplay styles and options.
Combat Improvement
The combats dragged on forever and felt repetitive, I think shorter and more dynamic combats would improve the game.
Interesting Story
I lost interest in the first Act, I think a more engaging and interesting story could keep players hooked.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


《Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition》是一款超级棒的角色扮演游戏(RPG),无论你是RPG新手还是资深玩家,它都能带来深刻而难忘的游戏体验。在游戏性、故事、画面和设计方面,Larian Studios的这部杰作几乎无懈可击。 [h1][quote=] [table] [tr] [th] 欢迎关注 [url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38287879]网易UU鉴赏家培养计划[/url][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th] 关注UU加速器VX公众号,回复“steam”,获得专属玩家群邀请。 [/th] [/tr] [/table] [/quote][/h1] 游戏背景和世界构建 游戏设定在一个充满魔法和危险的奇幻世界瑞威隆。故事围绕“源力”使用者展开,他们的能力会随机召唤恶魔,使得他们受到迫害。玩家可以选择单人冒险或组队,团队成员的不同种族和职业会带来多样化的游戏体验。虽然《Divinity》系列的奇幻世界可能看起来有些老套,但它的叙事和角色深度让人很快忘却这一点。 故事与角色 《原罪2》的故事精彩纷呈,充满道德的灰色地带和复杂的角色。就像《巫师3》一样,这款游戏在细节上闪耀着光芒。玩家的每个选择都会影响游戏世界和角色的命运。有时你可能会在不经意间杀掉一个角色,随后发现他其实是一个复杂而令人同情的人物。这种设计不仅增加了游戏的现实感,还促使玩家在现实生活中思考道德和宽容。 玩法和系统 游戏玩法丰富多样。除了传统的对话和潜行选项,游戏还引入了许多创新的技能和机制。例如,玩家可以传送、与幽灵和动物对话,这些技能不仅为游戏增添了趣味,还为解决难题提供了多种途径。角色创建系统也非常详尽,从战斗技能到社交技能、源力魔法,再到多种职业类型,玩家可以根据自己的喜好自由组合。 战斗系统 《原罪2》的战斗系统堪称一绝。它采用回合制系统,但其复杂度和策略性让人联想到《XCOM》。游戏中的战斗不仅考虑到防御地形和高度,还包括水池和油池等环境因素,玩家可以利用元素魔法进行攻击。尽管战斗难度较高,但游戏提供了多种难度选项,从“探索者”到“故事”难度,让玩家可以根据自己的需求调整游戏体验。 图形和音效 虽然游戏采用了老派的等距视角,但画面质量依然出色。音效和配音也值得一提,游戏中的每个角色都有独特的声音和性格,增加了游戏的沉浸感。终极版对界面和控制进行了全面优化,使得玩家几乎忘记这款游戏最初是为鼠标和键盘设计的。 细节与改进 终极版不仅保留了原版的优点,还对游戏进行了多方面的改进。任务日志和物品栏进行了全面重制,使得玩家更容易跟踪任务进度和管理物品。控制方式也进行了优化,让玩家几乎忘记这款游戏最初是为鼠标和键盘设计的。 结论 《Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition》无论是在故事深度、玩法多样性还是画面表现上都堪称一流。Larian Studios不仅成功地继承了经典RPG的优点,还在此基础上进行了大胆创新。对于任何热爱角色扮演游戏的玩家来说,这款游戏都是不容错过的佳作。

  • Sentiments

    • I love the engaging story and characters
    • The game's world and setting are very well done
    • I appreciate the ability to choose between single-player and multiplayer
    • The game's mechanics and systems are innovative and fun to use
    • The combat system is highly strategic and engaging
    • The graphics and sound effects are excellent
    • I enjoy the deep and complex characters
    • The game's UI and controls are well-improved
    • I appreciate the attention to details in the game's world
    • The game's story is engaging and has moral gray areas
    • The game's setting is unique and interesting
    • I enjoy the ability to influence the game's world and story
    • The game's presentation is top-notch
    • I appreciate the game's challenging difficulty
    • The game's atmosphere is immersive
    • The game's cast of characters is well-developed
    • I enjoy the addition of new features in the definitive edition
    • I appreciate the game's replay value


[h1]适合CRPG新玩家入坑的轻量版跑团[/h1] =====整体评价===== ⠀⠀⬛ 我是SB:🌟 ⠀⠀⬛ 低劣制作:🌟🌟 ⠀⠀⬛ 凑合中评:🌟🌟🌟 ⠀⠀✅ 上乘佳品:🌟🌟🌟🌟 ⠀⠀⬛ 殿堂级神作:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 =====这是一个===== ⠀⠀✅ 叙事游戏 ⠀⠀⬛ 时间杀器 =====叙事体验===== ⠀⠀✅ 使人催眠 ⠀⠀⬛ 平庸俗套 ⠀⠀⬛ 简单苍白但偶有惊喜 ⠀⠀⬛ 某些地方值得深挖 ⠀⠀⬛ 书无店砸! =====通关时长===== ⠀⠀⬛ 恶意延长游戏寿命:-100 ⠀⠀⬛ 短小精悍:20小时以内 ⠀⠀⬛ 值回票价:21-50小时 ⠀⠀✅ 越打越累:51-80小时 ⠀⠀⬛ 忙人别碰:81小时以上 =====音乐效果===== ⠀⠀⬛ 没有音乐 ⠀⠀⬛ 就像100个指甲在墙上刮的声音 ⠀⠀⬛ 单调乏味 ⠀⠀✅ 有代入感 ⠀⠀⬛ 顶级乐团水平 ⠀⠀⬛ 我要买OST! =====游玩难度===== ⠀⠀⬛ 笨蛋必备 ⠀⠀✅ 有些基础的学习量 ⠀⠀⬛ 用死来试错 ⠀⠀⬛ 抖M必备 ⠀⠀⬛ 你被游戏玩了 =====肝度===== ⠀⠀✅ 通关就删 ⠀⠀⬛ 可肝可不肝 ⠀⠀⬛ 肝肝更健康 ⠀⠀⬛ 肝癌患者前兆 ⠀⠀⬛ 医院挂号等换肝 =====同乐人数===== ⠀⠀✅ 禅(独自沉浸) ⠀⠀⬛ 双人同行(2-3人) ⠀⠀⬛ 寝室同乐(4-6人) ⠀⠀⬛ 开个派对(6-∞人) =====性价比===== ⠀⠀⬛ 坐等白嫖 ⠀⠀✅ 75% off 可入 ⠀⠀⬛ 50% off 可入 ⠀⠀⬛ 25% off 可入 ⠀⠀⬛ 首发原价,G胖血亏 =====游戏卖点===== ⠀⠀💖 高自由度和玩法。 ⠀⠀💖 游戏内容丰富、细节充实。 =====游戏缺点===== ⠀⠀💔 游戏史上最差设计之双甲系统。 ⠀⠀💔 战斗系统浅薄缺乏深度。 ⠀⠀💔 游戏内容过于丰富、细节过于充实。 =====适宜人群===== ⠀⠀👉 第一次接触CRPG的新玩家; ⠀⠀👉 无法接受复古画面,想玩点“看上去像21世纪的”新游戏的玩家。 ⠀⠀🚫 尤其不推荐给CRPG遗老,特别是当你很喜欢博德之门1&2、冰风谷、无冬之夜、龙腾起源、永恒之柱、拥王者。 =====再多说两句===== ⠀⠀应该不用再多吹了,该吹的五年前早就被人吹完了。 ⠀⠀我只是想来泼点凉水。如果你想看人吹,直接百度搜索关键词“神界原罪2神作”完事。 ⠀⠀这游戏我开过6次档,弃过5次档。玩得真尼玛累。 ⠀⠀DND跑多了会发现拉瑞安的村规真心玩不进去。 ⠀⠀整个战斗体系特别单调,主要玩法其实只有一个:破甲-控制-打死。 ⠀⠀至于被人津津乐道的什么毯子堵门、超重箱子、传送手套…… ⠀⠀我都不想说…… ⠀⠀就这? ⠀⠀一个朋友说得对,除了满世界都是可互动的物品以外,并没有什么特别显著的亮点。剩下的唯一以支撑我玩下去的只有剧情了,而偏偏官方角色又是那么地缺乏代入感。 ⠀⠀我只能说这种简单直白的游戏规则很适合没接触过DND的CRPG新手拿来入门。其他没了。 ⠀⠀从剧情、画面、细节等方面来看,整体上而言也算是佳作了。只是未必适合所有人。 ⠀⠀我的建议: ⠀⠀如果你是从没接触过此类游戏的新手,可以买来入坑,会让你喜欢上CRPG这种游戏类型。 ⠀⠀如果你是从小浸淫在各类DND、PF规则的CRPG当中,对D20、车卡、法术环等等了如指掌,那我劝你别买。这款游戏及其浅薄和枯燥的系统比睡眠术还管用。

  • Sentiments

    • A game that's good for new players to get into the CRPG genre
    • The game has a lower production value
    • The game has a mix of pros and cons, worth playing at least once
    • The game has some interesting surprises and deepness, but also some flaws
    • The game has a simple but enjoyable storyline
    • The game is too easy and lacks challenge
    • The game has a repetitive and unimpressive soundtrack
    • The game is too short and lacks replay value
    • The game has a unique and interesting battle system
    • The game lacks depth and complexity in its mechanics
    • The game is suitable for new players to CRPGs, but not for veterans
    • The game has some minor flaws, but is overall enjoyable
    • The game has a lot of repetitive and shallow elements
    • The game is not suitable for players who prefer complex mechanics
    • The game has a simple and addictive gameplay loop
    • The game has some minor issues with character design
    • The game has a unique and interesting setting
    • The game lacks a sense of depth and immersion
    • The game has a mix of good and bad elements, not perfect but enjoyable
    • The game has a simple and enjoyable storyline, but lacks a climax


This masterpiece has such a wide scope and is such a dense, feature-rich game that it's easy to lose track of time and get completely immersed in its writing, characters, and raw inventiveness. There's a never-ending draw to see one more quest to completion, to try out one new ability or tactic in one more encounter, or to explore just one more location. This game will relentlessly test your own creativity, demand your attention, prove your abilities, force you to question your own decisions, and overall keep giving reasons to continue playing and never lets go. This is one of the best RPG games! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1183002987 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1159875795 Unlocked all achievements!

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a masterpiece
    • The game has a wide scope
    • The game is dense and feature-rich
    • The game tests your creativity
    • The game demands your attention
    • The game is immersive
    • The game is hard to put down
    • The game is one of the best RPG games
    • The game is relentless
    • The game is inventive
    • The game is engaging
    • The game is creative
    • The game is challenging
    • negative sentiment not found


I have 270 hours and I've never seen the third act. I can't stop restarting and making new characters, I don't know what's wrong with me please someone send hel

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely frustrated with this game as I've spent an enormous amount of time playing and still haven't seen the third act
    • I'm so addicted to this game that I just can't stop restarting and making new characters
    • I feel a sense of desperation, like I'm trapped in a cycle of repetition, without any progress
    • I'm seeking help and support from the gaming community, feeling overwhelmed and unsure what to do


Sadly have to not recommend this one, although it seems like a Valve problem. Despite the Steam Deck recommendation, this actually doesn't seem to run reliably with Proton. I can't even launch it. From reading the Proton bug tracker, this seems to be a known problem too. Therefore it's better to stay clear of this one due to technical issues, at least for now.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has technical issues and does not run reliably with Proton.
    • Steam Deck recommendation is misleading.
    • The game is not recommended due to technical issues.
    • The developer seems to have a known problem.


Loved the first game, but I'm not enjoying the second one. Story is fine, pulling off combos feels good - but the game feels unfair in ways the first game didn't. Look online for help and lots of responses talk about sneaking around and utilizing teleport to gain unfair advantages during fights. Bosses never play by the same rules you do - able to jump right into back line while starting with maximum AP and having it restored every round. Lots of fights seem far too prolonged - such as the Aeterea fight who gets unlimited summons of her dogs. Additionally, there are many ambush fights that kick off with little warning. [spoiler]For example, Red prince sleeping with his love interest results in an ambush[/spoiler]. Having played other CRPGs like BG2, Pillars of Eternity, and DoS1, I never felt the game was as unfair as DoS2. [spoiler]Except for encountering lich the first time in BG2[/spoiler]

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer loved the first game, but their experience with the second one was disappointing.
    • The game's story is fine, but the reviewer felt it was unfair in certain ways.
    • The reviewer was frustrated with the game's unfair advantages during fights.
    • The game's boss fights were prolonged and felt unfair.
    • The reviewer felt ambush fights were poorly designed.
    • The reviewer didn't feel the game was as unfair as another game they played.
    • The reviewer compared the game to other CRPGs they liked.


Баланс настолько идиотский в соло кампании, буквально, тебя кидают на 8 магов 147хп 90брони, а у тебя в пати 3 типа 90хп 10брони 👍

  • Sentiments

    • The solo campaign has a ridiculous balance, as if I was thrown into a situation with 8 mages, 147 HP, 90 armor, which would be extremely challenging
    • The difficulty in solo campaign is incredibly high
    • I was suddenly thrown into a tough situation
    • This is not a realistic depiction of a team's strength


The AI had a vendetta against the bow man. every single fight he goes down no matter how far away i place her the mobs would teleport, dash, and ignore everybody else just to take her down. it came to the point the whole party had to protect the bow man from dying rather than actual fighting. i did not signed up for baby sitting game sorry

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's AI
    • The game is annoying to play
    • The reviewer feels like they're babysitting the other party members
    • The game is not enjoyable
    • The AI is unfair and ruins the gameplay
    • The reviewer feels exploited

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