ELDEN RING game image

Very Positive

Total: 967 ThousandPositive: 897 ThousandNegative: 70.1 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
THE CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FANTASY ACTION RPG. Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.
AI Community game rating

86.67 %

ELDEN RING is placed at number 49 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

34.41 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Improve Storyline
The storyline is too vague and hard to follow. I think it would be beneficial to add more context and character development to make it more engaging.
Add More Variety to Gameplay
The gameplay gets repetitive after a while. Adding more enemies, items, and level designs would keep players interested and curious.
Enhance User Interface
The UI is hard to navigate, especially during intense moments of the game. Simplifying the controls and adding more visual cues would improve the overall experience.
More Diverse Music
The music is too repetitive and lacks variety. Incorporating more diverse and genre-specific tracks would enhance the atmosphere and immersion.
Improved Polish
There are some minor bugs and glitches that detract from the overall experience. Ironing out these issues would make the game more enjoyable and polished.
More Day/Night Cycles
I wanted to feel the passage of time in the world of Elden Ring, but the lack of day/night cycles made it feel static. Adding this feature would make the world feel more alive.
Improve Awakening System
The boss fights in Elden Ring were frustrating due to the random Awakening System. It would be better if the player had more control over it.
More Variety in Dungeons
The same dungeon templates got old after a while. Adding more variety would keep the game exciting and challenging.
Easier Navigation
I struggled to find my way in the vast world of Elden Ring. Adding better navigation features would be helpful.
More Times to Save
I died a lot in Elden Ring and lost all my progress. Allowing players to save more frequently would be a big relief.
More Character Customization
I wanted to roleplay in Elden Ring, but the limited character customization options made it hard. Adding more options would enhance the experience.
Better Tutorial
The starting area of Elden Ring was too vague and confusing. A better tutorial would help new players understand the game mechanics.
More Shortcuts in the World
Traveling in Elden Ring took too long. Adding more shortcuts would make exploring the world more enjoyable.
Less Repetitive Enemies
The same enemies got old after a while. Adding more variety to the enemies would make combat more exciting.
More Bosses
I wish there were more challenging bosses in the game, it gets too repetitive playing the same ones over and over
Boss Difficulty Adjustment
The difficulty of the bosses should be adjusted to make them more challenging or more rewarding to defeat
New Character Options
It would be cool to have more character options with unique abilities and playstyles to choose from
More Interactions
I wish we could interact more with the environment and NPCs to make the game feel more immersive
DLC Please
I am tired of waiting for new content, please release regular DLC updates to keep the game fresh
Add Malenia's backstory
I would love to know more about Malenia's past, her motivations and goals. This would make her character more relatable and interesting.
More diverse environment
The environment in the game is quite plain. Adding more diverse landscapes, biomes or even weather effects would make the game more immersive.
Playful humor
Adding some playful humor to the game would make it more enjoyable and light-hearted. Maybe some witty one-liners from Malenia or her antagonist.
More combat options
The combat mechanics are quite limited. Adding more options, such as trapping enemies or using the environment to my advantage, would make combat more engaging.
Character customization
Being able to customize my character with different outfits, skins or abilities would make me feel more connected to the story and more invested in the gameplay.
Improve Graphics
I would improve the graphics by adding more details to the environment, characters, and objects, making it more immersive and visually appealing
Optimize Game Engine
I would optimize the game engine to reduce lag and improve loading times, ensuring a smoother gaming experience
Add Audio Feedback
I would add audio feedback to provide a more immersive experience, such as sound effects and voiceovers
Targeted Marketing
I would conduct targeted marketing to reach the intended audience, promoting the game to the right people who would truly appreciate it
Improved Storyline
I would improve the storyline by adding more depth, plot twists, and character development, making it more engaging and relatable
Accessibility Features
I would add accessibility features such as subtitles, closed captions, and customizable controls to make the game more inclusive
Regular Updates
I would release regular updates to add new content, fix bugs, and improve the overall gaming experience
Professional Voice Acting
I would hire professional voice actors to provide high-quality voiceovers and improve the overall production value
Multiplayer Functionality
I would add multiplayer functionality to enable players to interact and play with each other, increasing the game's replay value
More Soulbound Characters
I would love to see more soulbound characters that I can't abandon or recycle. This would add more depth to the story
Improved Death Penalty
Dying 1000+ times is quite frustrating. A more lenient death penalty could make the game more enjoyable
More Upgrades
I would like to see more upgrade options or better upgrade paths. This would make the game more engaging
RNG Improvements
The random number generator can be quite cruel sometimes. Improving the RNG could make the game more fair
Better Story Integration
The story is great but it feels disconnected from the gameplay. Improving the integration would make the game more immersive
New Areas to Explore
The game could benefit from new areas to explore or more content to keep players engaged
Improved Multiplayer
The multiplayer aspect is great but it could be improved with more features and better matchmaking
Separate PvP and PvE servers
I think it would be better if there were separate servers for PvP and PvE modes. This way, people who just want to play PvE can't be affected by players who are using hacks to gain an advantage.
Improve detection of cheating
The current system for detecting cheating is not good. It's too easy to manipulate the system and get away with hacking. I think there should be a more robust system in place to detect and punish cheaters.
Ban players who use cheats
Players who use cheats should be banned for a reasonable amount of time. This would discourage people from using cheats and make the game more enjoyable for everyone else.
Add a way to report cheating
It would be helpful if there was a way for players to report cheating. This way, the developers could get more information about who's cheating and take action more quickly.
Use a more robust anti-cheating system
The current anti-cheating system is not effective. I think there should be a more robust system in place that can detect and prevent hacking.
Make players who cheat take responsibility
Players who cheat should take responsibility for their actions. They should be punished for their cheating and made to think about the impact it has on the game.
Original Animation
I was disappointed to see that the game reused animations from previous games. It would be great to see more original and unique animations in the game.
More Interesting Open World
The open world concept was interesting, but it would be great to see more variety and unique features in the world.
Imbalanced Weapons
The balance of weapons was not good, I would suggest rebalancing the weapons to make the game more fun and challenging.
More Boss Variety
It was disappointing to see that the bosses were very similar, I would suggest adding more unique and challenging boss battles.
Network Improvements
The network was quite basic, I would suggest adding more features and variety to the network interactions.
More Interesting Open World Content
I would like to see more engaging content in the open world, such as complex quests or interesting NPCs to interact with.
Easier Access to Crafting Recipes
It would be great if there was a way to easily access or craft new recipes, as it feels like a grind to obtain them.
Improve Boss Fight Difficulty
The boss fights are too easy, it would be more enjoyable if they were more challenging and required strategy to beat.
More Rewarding Exploration
Exploration feels unrewarding, I would like to see more hidden secrets or exclusive rewards for venturing off the beaten path.
Enhance Graphics and Soundtrack
The game's visuals and soundtrack could be improved to make the game feel more immersive and engaging.
Revert Unfair Bans
I believe it's unfair to ban players for a 180-day period without providing a valid reason. As a player, it's frustrating to be penalized without being given a chance to rectify the situation.
Improve Communication
Communicating with players about the reasoning behind the bans and providing a clear process for appealing or resolving the issue would greatly improve the player's experience.
Provide Better Support
Offering more effective support to players who are affected by unfair bans would help to resolve the issue and maintain a positive reputation for the game.
Enhance Fairness and Justice
Implementing a fair and transparent system for handling bans and penalties would eliminate the frustration caused by unfair decisions and maintain a sense of justice in the game.
Improve Player Recall
Allowing players to recall and correct mistakes made in the past would help to avoid unfair bans and provide a more level playing field.
Increase Transparency
Providing clear and transparent information about the reasons behind bans and penalties would help to build trust between players and the game developers.
Develop a Fair Ban Appeal Process
Creating a fair and accessible appeal process for banned players would help to resolve issues quickly and fairly, reducing frustration and improving player satisfaction.
Improve PvP Connection
I think it's necessary to improve the PvP connection, as it often lags and it's frustrating to play with high latency.
Address Game Glitches
I would like to see some of the game's glitches fixed, like the respawning system and the issues with some monsters.
Optimize Server Performance
I think it would be great if the server performance could be optimized to reduce lag and improve the overall gaming experience.
Add More Rewards for PvE
I think it would be nice if there were more rewards for completing PvE content, like better items and more currency.
Fix NPC Issues
I would like to see some of the NPC issues fixed, like those that sometime don't work properly or change their behavior unexpectedly.
Improve Boss Fighting
I think it would be great if the boss fights could be improved, like making them more challenging and rewarding.
Add More Varied Gameplay
I would like to see more varied gameplay in the game, like different types of enemies and more complex level designs.
Fix PvP Exploits
I think it's necessary to fix some of the PvP exploits that currently exist in the game, to create a more balanced and fair experience.
Improve Tutorial
I would like to see an improved tutorial that teaches players how to play the game, including its mechanics and features.
Add More Customization Options
I think it would be great if the game had more customization options, like different skins and outfits for characters.
Improve Level Design
I would like to see more varied and dynamic level design. The open world feels empty and samey.
More Engaging Quests
I would love to see more meaningful and exciting quests. The current ones feel like fetch quests.
Better Enemy AI
The enemy AI feels predictable and easy to exploit. Making them more challenging would increase replay value.
Improved Graphics
The graphics feel outdated and could use a significant graphical overhaul.
New Combat Mechanics
Introducing new combat mechanics or abilities would keep the game fresh and exciting.
More Interesting NPCs
The NPCs feel like cardboard cutouts. Giving them more depth and personality would make the world feel more alive.
Reduce Repetitive Gameplay
The repetitive gameplay gets old fast. Adding more variety to the gameplay loop would be a big improvement.
Better Soundtrack
The soundtrack is forgettable and doesn't add to the game's atmosphere.
More Transient Storytelling
The story is confusing and feels like it's told through vague whispers. A more cohesive narrative would engage the player.
Enhanced Exploration
The open world feels empty and lacking. Adding more secrets and hidden areas would encourage exploration.
New Boss Battles
The boss battles feel like a rehash of previous games. Introducing new and creative boss battles would be exciting.
More variety in enemies
I felt like I was fighting the same enemy type over and over again, it would be nice if the game introduced more variety in terms of enemy design, abilities and behaviors.
More context about the story
The game's story was hard to follow, I think providing more context and backstory about the characters and setting would help to make the story more engaging and immersive.
More customization options
I felt like my character's appearance and abilities were limited, it would be great if the game offered more customization options to make my character feel more unique and personalized.
Improve graphics
The game's graphics were not up to par with other games in the same genre, improving the graphics would make the game more visually appealing and immersive.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Не страшись того, что грядёт впереди, Благодать не даст тебе сбиться с пути. У древа Эрд, где хранилось кольцо взаперти, Герой павший когда-то судьбу обрети. С звёздным светом бок о бок земли пройди, Или яростным пламенем в пепел всё обрати. Во мрачных глубинах ответы найди, Кто враг, а кто друг тебе сам ты скажи. На вершине холодной тепло в око взгляни, И ладони познавшие боль отпусти. Пред Вечной предстань воле всех вопреки, Образ избранной эры с собой принеси. Не грусти об ушедших - не нам их спасти, Участь мира былого оставь позади. Геймплей: ■■■■■■■■■□ Сюжет: ■■■■■■■■■□ Музыка: ■■■■■■■■■■

  • Sentiments

    • The review starts with a poetic passage, expressing a sense of wonder and curiosity.
    • The tone changes as the reviewer discusses the gameplay, using '■' symbols to convey a sense of complexity and depth.
    • The reviewer's mood shifts again, this time expressing admiration for the game's story and music.
    • The use of 'пред Вечной предстань воле всех вопреки' suggests a sense of defiance and resistance.
    • The reviewer's mention of 'ладони познавшие боль' implies a sense of empathy and understanding.
    • The section about 'ustaść мира былого' suggests a sense of detachment and acceptance.


EDIT: Ahh! meus amigos, se preparem para perderem suas vidas nesse mundo de novo, DLC vai sugar nossa alma, ansioso demais aqui. -----------#------------#-------------- Só mais 5 minutinhos... já são 23:30, tenho que acordar cedo pra o trabalhar só vou terminar essa Dungeon... só mais um Boss e vou dormir... Eita, já são 4:30 da madruga... Assim me senti no mundo de Elden Ring.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation
    • The game is so addictive, making it hard to sleep
    • I'm eager to continue playing and exploring the world
    • The game has a strong hold on my attention
    • I'm having a thrilling experience
    • The game has a negative impact on my daily life
    • I'm really enjoying the experience
    • The game is so engaging, it's hard to stop
    • I'm experiencing a sense of accomplishment


Şu oyunda ne kadar güçlü olursam olayım, ne kadar agresif oynarsam oynayayım, Shardbearer olan boss'ları ne kadar döversem döveyim Crucible Knight görünce saygı duruşuna geçip, kalkanımı takıyor ve parry yaparak dövmeye çalışıyorum. Yok hacı, kaba kuvvetle asla kesemedim o yüzden saatler sonra bile denemek alttan alttan terlememe sebep oluyor. Crucible Knight, saygılar abi. Edit: *tezahürat* DLC İSTİYORUZ! DLC İSTİYORUZ! DLC İSTİYORUZ! Edit 2: ÇIKARIN LA BEKLEMEKTEN CİĞERİM SOLDU

  • Sentiments

    • The game is challenging and requires skill to defeat certain bosses.
    • I'm frustrated with the difficulty of some levels.
    • The game requires patience and perseverance.
    • I'm eager to start a new playthrough.
    • The Crucible Knight boss is difficult to defeat.
    • I'm tired of playing the same levels over and over.
    • I miss the DLC content.
    • I'm excited for new DLC content.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of DLC content.
    • I'm anticipating new DLC content.


---{ Graphismes }--- ☐ 144P ☐ Faut pas s'y attarder ☐ Mauvais ☐ Décent ☐ Beau ✔️ Magnifique ☐ Est-ce la réalité ? ---{ Gameplay }--- ☐ Injouable ☐ Mal Optimisé ☐ Passable ☐ Correct ☐ Bien ✔️ Très bien ---{ Audio }--- ☐ Aucun Audio ☐ Très desagreable ☐ Pas trop mal ? ☐ Bien ✔️ Très bien ☐ Eargasm ---{ Public ciblé }--- ☐ Enfants ☐ Ados ☐ Adultes ✔️ Tout public ---{ Pc requis }--- ☐ PC Nasa ☐ PC Streamer ✔️PC Gamer ☐ PC Famille ☐ PC Patate ☐ Tranquille si Paint se lance ---{ Difficulté }--- ☐ Appuyer sur "Z" ☐ Facile ☐ Faut un peu réfléchir ☐ Prise en main facile / Difficile à maîtriser ☐ Difficile ✔️ Souls Like ---{ Histoire }--- ☐ Pas d'histoire ☐ Moyen ☐ Bon ☐ Très Bon ✔️ Meilleur scénario que ta vie ☐ Va te faire beaucoup pleurer ou sourire ---{ Temps de jeu }--- ☐ Nouilles Instantané ☐ Court ☐ Moyen ☐ Long ✔️ Infini ---{ Prix }--- ☐ Brûle ton argent, au moins ça réchauffe ☐ N'achète pas ça. ☐ Si t'as un peu d'économies ☐ Si c'est en soldes... ✔️ Vaut largement son prix ☐ Gratos ---{ Bug(s) }--- ☐ Star Citizen ☐ ARK: Survival Evolved ☐ Peut-être ennuyant ☐ Petits Bugs ✔️ Pas de Bug ---{ Note/10 }--- ☐ 1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐ 4 ☐ 5 ☐ 6 ☐ 7 ☐ 8 ☐ 9 ✔️10

  • Sentiments

    • The graphics are magnificent.
    • The game is not worth noticing.
    • The gameplay is well done.
    • The audio is unbearable.
    • This game is suitable for all ages.
    • The game is not optimized.
    • The story is better than real life.
    • The game is endless.
    • The game is not worth the money.
    • There are no bugs in the game.


Aqui nesse jogo vc conhecerá uma pessoa chamada Malenia e ela fará vc esquecer todos os seus problemas e o tanto que ela te humilha não é brincadeira

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has a strong affection for the character Malenia, as if she has a therapeutic effect on them.



  • Sentiments

    • I am extremely dissatisfied with the game developer's unfair treatment of players who use mods.
    • I believe the game's PvP mode is getting ruined by dishonest players and the developer's lack of effective moderation.
    • I think the game's scalability and player behavior are major issues.
    • I feel the developer is doing a poor job of balancing the game.
    • I think it's unfair to ban a player for one day for using a mod, especially when others get away with it.
    • The game's atmosphere is ruined by the constant cheating and lack of honest competition.
    • I believe a separate PvP and PvE server would fix most of the game's problems.
    • I appreciate the game's ability to accommodate mods, but the unfair treatment of players is a major issue.


Самая слабая игра Миядзаки. + Мы взяли все анимации из ДС 1,2,3 + Мы сделали очень интересный открытый мир(нет) + Не можешь победить босса, иди перекачайся + Не можешь сделать уникального босса копируй + Баланс оружия (отсутствует) + Нормальная сеть с ковенантами и разнообразным взаимодействием(нет, вот 2 пальчика:) ) + Рыночек порешал Игра объективно слабая.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has an interesting open world.
    • The game is weak.
    • We took all animations from DS 1,2,3.
    • You cannot defeat the boss, you just need to level up.
    • You cannot create a unique boss, you just copy.
    • The balance of weapons is non-existent.
    • The network is normal, with covenants and diverse interactions.
    • The marketplace is a rat's nest.
    • The game is objectively weak.


Es todo un GOTY si, aun a día de hoy, Mayo de 2024, pero. He visto como por algún motivo injustificado muchos jugadores se ven afectados por un baneo de 180 días después de no jugar el juego durante meses, uno de esos jugadores es familia mía, y resulta que este baneo no son capaces de revertirlo ni muestran interés alguno en solucionar este problema causado de forma injustificada. Así que mi reseña es mas que negativa a pesar de ser un juego bien hecho.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is amazing and deserves a GOTY award
    • The game is well made, but there is an unjustified 180-day ban
    • The game has a problem with unfair bans that can't be reverted


Даю этой игре уже третий (или четвертый, не помню) шанс и эта тягомотина вообще не вызывает желание в себя играть. Тягомотина - потому что я вообще не понимаю, зачем я ковыряю этот "открытый мир", ведь кроме гринда опыта для прокачки и лута для крафта в нем нет ничего интересного (А копирки боссов можно встретить и позже). В этот раз постараюсь пройти через силу, но выпадающие в конце необязательных данжей куски говна горгульи как-то убивают дух исследования (да и боссы на 3 тычки тоже)

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a disappointment, it's not fun to play
    • I don't see any reason to stay in this 'open world' as it's boring and doesn't offer anything interesting
    • This experience is bringing me down, I'm not motivated to play
    • This 'open world' only offers experience grinding and crafting, nothing else is interesting
    • Boss fights are so frustrating and disappointing
    • I'm trying to force myself to play, but some parts of the game are a waste of time

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