FIFA 22 game image

Very Positive

Total: 121 ThousandPositive: 97.4 ThousandNegative: 23.6 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Powered by Football™, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 22 brings the game even closer to the real thing with fundamental gameplay advances and a new season of innovation across every mode.
AI Community game rating

77.68 %

FIFA 22 is placed at number 80 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

25.6 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Add Cat Interactions
I would love to interact with the cat in the game, maybe pet it or feed it. It would be a great way to add some cute moments and make the game more enjoyable.
Reward System Improvement
The current reward system is too basic, I think there should be more options for rewards or a more complex system that depends on the player's progress.
More Customization Options
It would be great to have more options to customize the character, like different outfits or accessories. It would make the game more personalized and fun.
Improve Graphics
The game could benefit from improved graphics, maybe with more detailed environments or character models. It would make the game look more modern and engaging.
Add Multiplayer Mode
It would be awesome to play with friends or other players online, even if it's just a simple multiplayer mode. It would add a lot of replay value to the game.
Enhance Soundtrack
The soundtrack is okay, but I think it could be more immersive and engaging. Maybe add more tracks or orchestral elements to make it more memorable.
More Realism
I think the game mechanics should be more realistic and not leave out any real-life football simulation features to make it more immersive.
More Options
There should be more options for customization, especially for the players' appearance, and also the ability to switch between different players in the same team.
Better AI
The AI of the opposing team should be improved to make it more challenging and unpredictable, especially in online multiplayer mode.
More Variations
There should be more variations in game modes, like the ability to choose the type of match, such as friendly or cup matches, and also more tournament formats.
Better Graphics
The graphics of the game should be improved to make it more visually appealing and to reduce any lag or stuttering issues.
More Replay Value
The game should have more replay value, such as daily challenges, rewards, and leaderboards, to keep players engaged and motivated.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack of the game should be improved to make it more immersive and fitting for the game's atmosphere.
More Color Options
I would like to see more color options for characters and environments to make the game more visually appealing.
Simpler Controls
I had trouble with the controls, it would be great to have more intuitive and simpler options for new players.
More Levels
I finished the game in a few hours, it would be great to have more levels or game modes to keep me interested.
Better Storyline
The storyline was kind of confusing, it would be great to have more coherence and a more engaging narrative.
Sound Effects
The sound effects were nice, but sometimes they were distracting, it would be better to have a way to turn them off.
Multiplayer Mode
I was missing a multiplayer mode, it would be great to play with friends and challenge each other.
Character Customization
I would like to see more character customization options, such as hair and clothing choices, to make my character more unique.
Better Boss Battles
The boss battles were kind of easy, it would be great to have more challenging and engaging opponents.
More Enemy Types
I noticed that there were only a few enemy types, it would be great to have more variety and challenge.
Improved AI
The AI of some enemies was too easy to bypass, it would be great to have more intelligent and challenging opponents.
Fix AI Decisions
The AI makes stupid decisions, it's frustrating. Fix this to make the game more enjoyable
Mod Support
Mods can help to correct the AI's mistakes, more support for mods would be great
Improve Career Mode
Career mode is the only mode I play, it's still buggy and frustrating. Improve it to make it more enjoyable
Add New Players
I'd like to see new players added to the game, it would make it more interesting and dynamic.
Career Mode Improvements
The career mode feels a bit outdated, it would be great to get some new features and improvements to make it more engaging.
Improve Customer Support
I was really disappointed when the game was removed from my library and app, I think EA should have a better customer support system to handle issues like this
Better Library Management
I'm still confused on how this game got removed, maybe EA should improve its library management system to avoid situations like this
Improve AI
The AI is weak, it's too predictable and easy to predict. It's like it's stuck in a loop, never adapting to the player's actions. It's frustrating to play against, it feels like I'm just exploiting its weaknesses.
More variety in matches
The matches always seem to follow the same pattern, with one team dominating the other. It gets boring to play the same match multiple times, with no surprises or challenges. I wish the game could generate new match scenarios.
Better player stats
The stats are not very informative, they don't give me a good idea of how well I'm doing. I wish there was a more detailed breakdown of my performance, so I could identify areas for improvement.
Faster online matchmaking
Finding a good match takes too long, it's frustrating to wait for ages just to get disconnected. I wish the matchmaking system was faster and more reliable.
More realistic opponents
The opponents feel like AI, they don't react like real players. It's like they're just following a script, they don't make mistakes or have their own strategies. I wish the opponents were more realistic and unpredictable.
More control over game options
I wish I had more control over the game options, like the ability to adjust the difficulty level or turn off certain features. It would make the game more enjoyable and customizable.
Better Refs
Implement a fair referee system that doesn't make the player feel mentally unstable. The calls should be consistent and accurate, allowing the player to focus on the game.
Repairable Legs
Allow the players' legs to be repairable or replaceable, instead of breaking. This would make the game more realistic and enjoyable.
War Crime Fine
Introduce a fine or penalty for excessive tackling, making players think twice before committing a 'war crime'. This would add a new layer of strategy to the game.
Innovative Gameplay Mechanics
I wish to see the introduction of new and innovative gameplay mechanics that can revitalize the series. The current gameplay feels stale and repetitive.
Improved Graphics and Sound
The graphics and sound design of the game are subpar. I would love to see an improvement in these areas to make the game more visually appealing and immersive.
New Storyline and Characters
The storyline and characters in the game are predictable and unoriginal. I would like to see new and unexpected twists to keep the player engaged.
Dynamic Environments
The environments in the game feel static and uninteractive. I would love to see dynamic environments that respond to the player's actions.
Multiplayer Options
The game lacks multiplayer options which is a major disappointment. I would like to see online multiplayer and co-op modes to enhance the game's replay value.
In-Game Currency Fairness
I think it's unfair that I need to spend so much money to get a decent player. If I'm a casual player, I shouldn't have to spend 200€+ just to get the players I want. Give players more ways to earn in-game currency or make it more accessible.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


У меня здесь кошка. Проходящие мимо друзья могут прикоснуться к ней и нажать "Нравится", чтобы погладить ее один раз А особенные кто обожает котиков и собак поставят награду         __       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer seems to be joking about a cat being in the game, which implies a sense of playfulness and lightheartedness.
    • The mention of friends being able to pet the cat could suggest a sense of social interaction and community building.
    • The reference to special people who love cats and dogs rewards, might imply a sense of exclusivity or favoritism.


FC 24 alabilme imkanına sahip olmama rağmen hala bu oyunu oynuyorum. Fifa 23'ten beri oyun mekaniklerinin içine ettiler gerçekçilik diye birşey bırakmadılar.

  • Sentiments

    • I am surprised by the lack of realism despite having a lot of abilities in this game
    • The game mechanics have been changed significantly since FIFA 23



  • Sentiments

    • I'm very excited to play this game, as it seems to bring a lot of joy!


I only play career mode and have never touched FUT or any online modes, so I get to keep my sanity mostly intact. It's still a nerve wracking buggy mess, but thank God for mods and external tools (AKA cheat engine) that allows players to correct most of the stupid decisions the AI makes

  • Sentiments

    • The game is still a bit buggy, but I'm glad I can modify it to my liking.
    • It's still a nerve-wracking experience, but at least I don't have to deal with other players.
    • I'm grateful for the tools that allow me to keep my sanity.
    • The AI's decisions are frustrating, but I can correct them with mods.
    • I'm relieved to be able to keep my sanity in a single-player mode.


I paid full price for this game and now I can't play it anymore?? Removed from my library and removed from EA app. That's messed up.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely dissatisfied with the game, feeling ripped off for having to pay full price and then having it removed from their library.


Nepřijde mi to lepší než předchozí tituly a fakt že nemůžou hrát dva na jedné klávesnici mě děsně sere. Jó na extra ovladači je to lepší, ale když ho nemáš tak proč ne. tolik kláves to zas nechce...

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses disappointment
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the keyboard layout
    • The reviewer has a negative opinion on the game
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the limitations of the game
    • The reviewer suggests that the game is not good


La verdadera definición de juego poronga. Estás jugando un partido parejo, y de un momento a otro tu rival es el Barça y tu equipo parece la selección de San Marino. Que juego poronga loco Edit 1: 28/3/2023 Sigue siendo una poronga Edit 2: 15/5/2023 Acabo de jugar 5 veces el mismo partido. Siempre estaba ganando por más de 2 goles y mágicamente en los últimos 10 minutos mi rival parecía ver el futuro. Desastroza la IA, siempre la misma poronga hijos de remil... Edit 3: 4/6/2024 Gracias por arruinarme la noche de gaming hijos de remil p... Si hay guerra nuclear ojalá la primera bomba les caiga a ustedes, la con... de sus madres.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a mess, the AI is terrible, and the experience is frustrating.
    • The game is ridiculous, the AI is predictable, and it's annoying.
    • The game is a disaster, the AI is ruined, and it's disastrous.
    • The game is frustrating, it's like playing against a scripted team.
    • The game is broken, the AI is broken, and it's disappointing.
    • The game is unbalanced, the AI is predictable, and it's unfair.
    • The game is not enjoyable, the AI is terrible, and it's a waste of time.
    • The game is not fun, the AI is predictable, and it's boring.


i hate this game you should fire the refs i think they make me mentally unstable when i get tackled and the legs of my players brake but they dont call that it should be a war crime

  • Sentiments

    • I strongly dislike this game, expressing frustration with the game mechanics.
    • The game's referees are considered incompetent, leading to mental instability.
    • I believe the game's referees are responsible for my mental state.
    • The game has poor sportsmanship, causing players' legs to break.
    • The game's decision-making is criticized, referring to a 'war crime'.

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