Join over 30 million adventurers worldwide and take part in an epic and ever-changing FINAL FANTASY. Experience an unforgettable story, exhilarating battles, and a myriad of captivating environments to explore.
78.91 %
59.58 %
haven't played enough to form a proper opinion but its ok so far edit: Finally reached endgame, story is ok
you start off wanting to become the pinnacle of combat and raiding hardcore dungeons. then you realize your true passion as a blacksmith.
After having played the game for over 200 hours on Steam and another 300 hours on PS5 before I was gifted it on PC, this game has had me hooked since I started. There is honestly... A LOT to do in this game, and about 10 years of content it's taken me a year and a half to get to the last expansion Endwalker and finish it (not including the patch quests). It is a perfect blend of RPG and MMO that deserves the praise and recognition it garners. *edit: after 1700+ hours, I have given my soul to this game and there is no going back. There are still things that I have no done yet, even after completing the last expansion, and I can't wait to get started on it! As a forewarning to those who wish to play it, it is VERY story heavy and skipping cutscenes and blazing past dialogue will have you confused as hell. Another point I'd like to make is that it isn't new user friendly, so take your time in learning the game, it definitely gives you the time to do so, and unlike most games like this (Genshin) you aren't punished for taking a break when you need to. It's one of my favorite games ever, and that's hard to do from someone who's played RPG's all their life. Hope this helps!
This adjusted review is only for the veteran players that have spend more then hundred hours into one character. After they updated the game from EW to DT I don´t recognize my Character anymore. It looks wierd , uncanny and off. The crucial part for me is the Eyebrows , they changed from a fem aura stoic bushy eyebrows that were distinctive to some glued on eyebrows textmarker, that are far below the normal placement of the eyebrows and nearly invisible. I don´t like to play Uncanny Skinwalker Doppelgänger Variant of my once beloved Character. I respect everyone that got the good end of the stick in terms of graphical update and fidelity, and i hope you enjoy the game, but i won´t be proceeding with the MSQ anytime soon, as it would tarnish the memories i had with my Original made character , that i have spend thousands of hours over some years. I hope they fix it somehow , but it doesn´t look like it will be in the near future , so I will let this review be kept up untill some changes are made. Long Story short: Bought the Expansion, they changed my character into a ugly mess , Refunds are not possible, unsubscribed and warn other Veteran players that it could also hurt them.
Apparently there's two versions of this game, a steam version and a non steam version. Only it's not clear when you go onto the Mogstation website, which I did to buy the expansions. Well I registered the expansions on the non steam version without realizing it after I have been playing for the last two months on the steam version. I didn't even realize there were two accounts. When I reached out to customer service and explained the situation I was told basically there's no refunds whatsoever and there's nothing they can do. So now my options are 1. start over from scratch and I just wasted the last two months of my life leveling every single job/class to above 50, or 2. I spend another $60 to buy the expansion again and register it on the correct account. I'm not doing either. Square Enix intentionally makes this whole process confusing and when a customer makes a mistake they just tell them "too bad, so sad". It's bad business and nobody should be giving these scam artists their money.
This review does not reflect the actual game play, but the process for getting the game installed. It took me over 45 mins to: - Get the Square Enix client to accept my username and password, requiring me to reset my password 5+ times, then getting flagged for "suspicious activity" and being locked from attempting again for 10 mins. - Determine where to input my game key online (since the client can't just read it from steam directly?) During this process, I was completely unable to start installing the game. So now I need to wait an additional 1.5 hours for the game to download (and that is with 2GB speed internet). This process was so bad that I felt obligated to leave my first-ever Steam review. I can only assume that this process is not ADA friendly and will cause issues for some people with disabilities. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
[b][strike]ゲーム自体は面白いですが、[/strike]Steamから買うのはオススメできません。[/b] Steam版特有の不具合があるため、メリットデメリットを考慮して購入することをオススメします。 コントローラーの設定やSteamランチャーからのゲーム起動など、Stean版のメリットもありますが、公式サイトから購入し、非Steamゲームをライブラリに追加することで利用できるかもしれません。 私の場合、SSD換装に伴いOSを再インストールをしたところ、ゲームが起動できなくなりました。 サポートに問い合わせましたが、現時点では原因が特定できないとの回答でした。 具体的な症状としては、ランチャー起動後プレイをクリックするとゲームが起動し、暗転したまま応答なしとなってフリーズします。 いわゆるおま環ですが、別の方がフォーラムに同じ症状で投稿されていたので気になる方は調べてみてください。 対処方法は[strike]DirectX9で起動するか[/strike](Patch6.58にてDirectX9での起動は削除されました)、ランチャーを起動してログインした後プレイをクリックする前に、タスクマネージャーからSteamを終了することで起動できます。 ゲーム自体は特に[b]暁月のフィナーレ[/b]が面白く、戦闘ストーリーともに一番楽しめてます。 戦闘に関しては、80Lvくらいからギミックの対応をしつつスキル回しを最適化するのが難しくなり、アクション性を求めていた自分にとっては丁度いい難易度になります。 [strike]現状国産MMORPGで一番クオリティが高いゲームだなと感じました。[/strike] 黄金のレガシーのメインクエストは出来が非常に悪く、またバトルジョブの新規アクションが少なかったり、調整が甘いです。 [b]暁月のフィナーレまでであればおすすめできました。[/b] 黒魔返して・・・。 [h1]追記[/h1] ランチャー起動後、インストール先のbootフォルダにあるsteam-api64.dllを削除するか、名前を変更すると起動します。 これによってSteamをタスクマネージャーから[b]終了することなく[/b]起動できるようになりました!!!!!!! なめてんのか [spoiler]大きな声では言えませんが、XIVLauncherを使えば問題なく起動できます。[/spoiler]
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