For Honor

For Honor game image


Total: 145 ThousandPositive: 101 ThousandNegative: 44.3 Thousand
Steam review score: 5
Fight alone or with friends in For Honor, a third-person hero-based melee fighting game. Enter the chaos of war as a Knight, a Viking, a Samurai, a Wu Lin, or an Outlander. Fight in brutal PvP and team-oriented modes, or play the thrilling story campaign.
AI Community game rating

65.81 %

For Honor is placed at number 95 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

45.0 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Reduce Cyber Cutlets
I think there's too many of them, it's overwhelming and difficult to play.
Simplify Techniques
I had to learn too many techniques to play effectively, it's exhausting.
Damage Limitation
The damage to my character's health and nerves is too high, please find a way to balance it.
Improve Keyboard and Mouse
They broke easily, I'd like to see more durable options.
Monitor Quality
My monitor broke, it's unacceptable, please ensure they're of high quality.
More DLC Options
I would love to have more DLC options that are not just skins and passes, but actual new heroes, maps, or game modes.
Improve Honor System
I think the honor system in multiplayer mode needs to be improved. It feels dead and doesn't encourage players to play fairly.
Easier Hero Unlocking
It would be great if heroes were easier to unlock. Maybe through a ranking system or by completing specific challenges.
Improved Server Performance
Server performance is sometimes laggy and affects the overall gaming experience. I think it needs to be improved for a smoother gameplay.
More Regular Updates
Regular updates with new content, balance changes, or events would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Better Multiplayer Matchmaking
The current matchmaking system can be frustrating at times, I think it needs to be improved to match players of similar skill levels.
Add More Difficulty Levels
I think adding more difficulty levels would be beneficial for players who want a greater challenge. It would help to prolong the game's longevity and make it more appealing to hardcore gamers.
Simplify the Gameplay
I think the game's mechanics are too complex for a casual player. Simplifying the gameplay would make it more accessible to a wider audience and easier to pick up for new players.
More Challenging Enemies
I think the enemies in the game are too easy to defeat. Adding more challenging enemies would make the game more exciting and require players to use their skills and tactics more effectively.
Streamable Content
I would like to see more streamable content available in the game, not just the same old maps and game modes.
Lemon and Tequila Reward
Offer players a reward system where they can earn goods and services like food and drinks for meeting certain goals or milestones.
Improved Multiplayer
Improve the multiplayer aspect of the game by adding more game modes and maps to make it more engaging and fun.
More Customization Options
Add more customization options for characters and weapons to make the game more personalized and unique to each player.
Better Performance
Improve the game's performance by optimizing the graphics and reducing lag, making the game more enjoyable and responsive.
Improve AI
I think the AI needs improvement, as it can be quite predictable and easy to exploit. Implementing more complex behaviors and reactions would make the game more challenging and immersive.
Add More Variety
The environment and enemies can feel repetitive after a while. Adding more varied terrain, enemy types, and game modes would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Enhance Graphics
While the graphics are decent, they're starting to show their age. Updating the visuals with more detailed textures, lighting, and animations would enhance the overall aesthetic.
Implement Fair Matchmaking
I feel frustrated when I'm matched with bots instead of real players. Implementing a fair matchmaking system would ensure that players are matched with others of similar skill levels and interests.
Punish Cheaters
It's unfair that cheaters are not punished. I think it would be better if they were banned or penalized in some way to encourage fair gameplay.
Improve Server Stability
The game's server stability is a major issue. I've experienced several instances where the game crashes or freezes, which is frustrating and annoying.
Increase Player Incentives
I feel motivated to play the game when there are rewards for winning or achieving certain milestones. Increasing player incentives would keep me engaged and interested in the game.
Enhance Game Modes
The game's game modes are limited and need improvement. Adding new game modes or game types would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Address Connection Issues
I've experienced several connection issues while playing the game, which can be frustrating and annoying. Addressing these issues would improve my overall gaming experience.
Math Balance
Add a math-based system to balance gameplay, ensuring players have a fair chance to win without getting frustrated
More Story
Develop a decent storyline to make players invested in the game, giving them a reason to play and feel fulfilled
Less Queues
Improve matchmaking to reduce queues, allowing players to start playing immediately and reducing frustration
Better Specialists
Upgrade doctors and medical professionals to provide better care, reducing the feeling of being chased away and improving overall experience
Improve Politicians
Redesign politicians to inspire hope and positivity, rather than frustration and disappointment
Shorter Books
Offer shorter book options for players who prefer shorter read-throughs, while still providing depth and storyline
Fast-Paced Films
Create shorter, fast-paced films to cater to players who have short attention spans, while still delivering engaging storylines
Food Quality
Introduce high-quality food options to improve the overall player experience, making it more enjoyable to stay at home
More Engaging Gameplay
I think the game could be more engaging if it had more varied gameplay mechanics to keep players interested.
Better Storyline
The story is weak, I would suggest a more immersive and complex narrative to keep players invested in the game.
Improve UI
The user interface is cluttered, a more intuitive and clean design would improve the overall gaming experience.
More Challenging Missions
The missions are too easy, I would suggest making them more challenging to provide a greater sense of accomplishment when completed.
More Customization Options
The game could benefit from more customization options, such as character customization or equipment upgrades.
Better Multiplayer Experiences
The multiplayer experience is lacking, I would suggest improving matchmaking and adding more game modes to keep players engaged.
Improve Game Mechanics
I would have enjoyed the game more if the mechanics were more engaging and responsive. The controls were clunky and made it difficult to progress.
More Interesting Story
I found the story to be boring and unoriginal. Adding more twists and turns would have kept me more invested in the game.
Better Online Multiplayer
I was disappointed to find that the online multiplayer aspect of the game was poor and had many lag issues. Improving this would have made the game more enjoyable.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics were subpar and didn't live up to my expectations. Improving the visuals would make the game more immersive.
Fix Bugs
I experienced several bugs during my playthrough, including crashes and freezing. Fixing these issues would make the game more stable and enjoyable.
More Variety in Gameplay
The gameplay became repetitive and formulaic. Adding more variety and diversity to the levels and missions would keep players engaged.
Remove Berserker's hyper armor
This feature makes the game unfair and frustrating as I always die early in the game
Remove Gryphon
Gryphon is an unnecessary feature that adds no value to my gaming experience
Remove Warmonger
Warmonger is another unnecessary feature that confuses me and makes the game harder to understand
Fix the game
The game is currently trash and needs a major overhaul to make it enjoyable again
Balance Character Stats
I think it would be great if they balanced the stats of each character so that no single one is overwhelmingly better than the others.
New Characters should be fitted to the game
I feel like every new character added to the game is the best character until a new one comes out. It would be better if new characters were designed with the game's balance in mind from the start.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: - Quality product; - Interesting to play; - Variety of battles; - Variety of characters; - Graphics; -------------------------------------------- : - Too many cyber cutlets; - Difficult to play; - To play effectively, you need to learn 100 different techniques, otherwise your opponent will use them all on you, he’s a cyber cutlet; - Damages nerves and health; - Broken keyboard and mouse; - Broken monitor;

  • Sentiments

    • I love the quality of this product.
    • I find it interesting to play.
    • The variety of battles is impressive.
    • I like the variety of characters available.
    • The graphics are stunning.
    • I am frustrated with the abundance of cyber cutlets.
    • The game is difficult to play.
    • I find it hard to learn all the techniques, and it's annoying when opponents use them against me.
    • The game causes damage to my nerves and health.
    • I experienced problems with my keyboard, mouse, and monitor.


Honnêtement, je suis agréablement surpris de la longévité de ce jeu. Les patchs sont réguliers, l'équilibrage est de mieux en mieux et les DLC qui se concentrent sur de la pur customisation (skins et passes) restent optionels et permettent de faire survivre le jeu. Des évènements, du lore avec les nouvelles saisons et des bonnes tranches de fou rires avec mes potes ! Les héros ne sont pas trop compliqués à déverouiller (il y a juste à bien économiser l'acier) et les mécaniques sont bien ciselé. De bonnes heures de rages visibles par mon temps de jeu x) Juste dommage que l'honneur soit un peu mort en multijoueur, mais on s'y fait. C'est, je pense, l'une des meilleure période pour commencer For Honor (malgré le fait qu'il ne reste principalement que des try harders)

  • Sentiments

    • I am pleasantly surprised by the game's longevity.
    • Regular patches, better balance, and optional DLCs that focus on decoration only, allow the game to thrive.
    • I had fun with friends and laughed a lot.
    • Heroes are not too hard to unlock, and mechanics are well-crafted.
    • Unfortunately, honor is a bit dead in multiplayer.
    • It's a shame that there are mainly try-hards left.
    • This is a good period to start For Honor.


近接系のTPSには明るくないのでわかりませんが、とても敷居が高く長い時間負け続けると思います。 面白いゲームシステムで類を見ないです。 簡単にうまくなれないので人を選ぶかもしれませんが、かなりおすすめです。

  • Sentiments

    • The game has a high difficulty level, making it unsuitable for new players.
    • The game has a unique and interesting game system.
    • The game is not recommended for everyone due to its complexity.


My friend who I play CS2 with said if I post a review and it gets 50 likes and 25 Awards he will buy me 2 Kilo of Lemon, Tequila and Vodka to stream a For Honor with him. So I'm just gonna leave this here. Please help a brotha

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is mentioning a personal aspect, their friend, which indicates a positive sentiment.
    • The reviewer is expressing gratitude towards their friend, which indicates a positive sentiment.
    • The reviewer is asking for an incentive in exchange for posting a review, which indicates a neutral sentiment.
    • The reviewer is expressing a desire to play a game, which indicates a positive sentiment.
    • The reviewer is asking for a specific reward, which indicates a positive sentiment.
    • The reviewer is mentioning a drink, which indicates a neutral sentiment.
    • The reviewer is mentioning a game, which indicates a positive sentiment.


Atualização da Review de forma mais simples: Se você gosta de enfrentar bots, esse é o jogo certo, porque os players quitam toda hora, já que não tem punição real pra quem abandona a partida. Na verdade quem não abandona que é penalizado, por perder tempo, pois quem quita pode já buscar outra partida mais favorável. Se você estiver num time bom, o time inimigo vai quitar e você vai enfrentar apenas bots. Se seu time for ruim, os jogadores do seu time vão quitar e você vai ficar com apenas bots no time. E se a partida estiver boa ou estiver ganhando, não se iluda, porque muito provavelmente ela irá cair. O número de cheaters também tem aumentado muito e a Ubisoft não faz nada, mesmo apresentando provas. É tanto medo de perder os players que eles não banem ninguem, então tá liberado usar cheat. Quer saber o mais legal? Se você for olhar as classificações de duelo rankeado, geralmente os top 10 são cheaters conhecidos e isso já faz muito tempo. Esse é o estado atual do jogo, de forma resumida. Infelizmente ainda jogo esse jogo porque é o único nesse estilo e tenho uns amigos que só jogam esse jogo e eu gosto de acompanhá-los, mas se você ainda não comprou e puder evitar, evite. A gota d'água para eu atualizar a review foi jogar 3h seguidas e não terminar 1 partida sem bots e na única partida sem bots, ela cai pra TODO MUNDO.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is frustrating due to the lack of punishment for quitting a match.
    • I'm forced to play with bots due to teammates quitting.
    • The game's ranking system is unreliable due to cheaters not being banned.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of effort from the developers to address the issues.
    • The game is not worth playing, especially for newcomers.
    • I'm stuck playing with bots due to matchmaking issues.
    • It's clear that the developers are not committed to fixing the game's problems.
    • The game lacks a sense of accomplishment due to the bot-filled matches.
    • I'm worried about the game's future, given its current state.
    • The game's community is plagued by cheaters.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of punishment for cheaters.
    • The game is a waste of time for newcomers.
    • I'm forced to play with a bad team due to matchmaking issues.
    • The game's rating system is unreliable.
    • I'm stuck playing with a bad team due to matchmaking issues.
    • It's hard to stay motivated playing a game with so many issues.
    • The game is not enjoyable due to the lack of challenge.
    • I'm worried about the game's future due to its current state.


[b] What I'm trying to say is this: The average gamer is in this arena because they are driven crazy by the eternal click of the shutter in CS GO, the crazy team in Dota 2, the eternal jumping out of the plane in PUBG, the dead attitude towards story games, endless queues in Overwatch (2-2-2), eventually depression, food that tastes like failure, doctors who chase you away, stay at home, hospitals filled with useless specialists, politicians with the festering brains of a monarch . I could go on and on, but that would not be about For Honor. I only had 400 books, but I watched 1500 films, and the only thing I can advise the curious is to do some maths so that at least someone can make an adequate balance in this rat's arena [/u] [/b] First rule of the Review: [spoiler] do not tell anyone about the Review The opinion is purely subjective, the writing could be influenced by any little thing, emotion, people, food, or inspiration by the creativity with which the author surrounded himself at one stage of life or another, in case of disagreement, I am always open to adequate criticism Second rule of the Review: never tell anyone about the Review The third rule of the review is that it lasts until you read "Enough" [/spoiler]. [h1] Enough is Enough - 2 bars of soap[/h1]

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses frustration with the video game market and its effects on players' mental health
    • The reviewer implies that the game 'For Honor' is an escape from the problems mentioned earlier
    • The reviewer's tone is sarcastic and critical of the game's mechanics and community
    • The reviewer mentions their own struggles with mental health and the impact of the gaming industry on their life
    • The reviewer praises the creative freedom and balance possible in 'For Honor'
    • The reviewer criticizes the lack of attention to storytelling and multiplayer mechanics in the game
    • The reviewer's writing style is unrestrained and emotional, showing their frustration
    • The reviewer wants the reader to do 'math' to understand the balance of the game
    • The reviewer mentions the effect of the game on their mental health, being a possible escape
    • The reviewer implies that the game is a distraction from the problems mentioned earlier


Problem z for honor jest taki ze GIGA uzalezna. To tak jak z ligą nienawidzisz tej gry ale chce ci sie w to grac. Gra która jest cierpieniem przez 95% twojego play-time ale po tym cierpieniu dalej chce ci sie kliknac "zagraj" EDIT: pogralem kolejne 150 godzin (uzależniony jestem) i dalej ta gra jest siusiakowa

  • Sentiments

    • I have a big problem with For Honor, it's like a huge addiction. It's like you don't hate playing this game but you keep wanting to play it. The game that is a suffering for 95% of your play-time, but after that suffering, you still want to click 'play again'.
    • I got addicted again after playing for another 150 hours.


[h1] Жидкое Г*вно, Скучное , с неудобным управлением и сюжет тоже показался слишком нудным та слишком тупым [/h1] [b] - Без понятие, зачем я вот ее покупал ... думал продукт годным покажется по трейлеру, а вот получил негативное мнение об данном продукте "Юбиков" - Несколько часов, я смог осилить но в дальнейшем прохождении я просто не выдержал и послал ее далеко та подальше - Не понимаю, тех которые еще и в онлайн играют и прошли до конца вот этот продукт . [/b] [h2] Игра получает: Лично мое мнение 1.2 / 10 баллов, нечего не понял но сыграл до 3.2 часа . Это не то чего ждал, думал получше будет но этого не случилось! - Ненужно ее покупать, лучше что-то другое купите а не вот это Г*вно! [/h2]

  • Sentiments

    • The game is very bad, uninteresting, with uncomfortable controls and a too bland storyline.
    • I bought it not knowing what to expect, but it's not as good as I thought it would be.
    • The gameplay is too long and too tedious, making it impossible for me to continue.
    • I don't understand how others can enjoy playing this game till the end.
    • The game gets a 1.2/10 in my opinion, I didn't understand what the fuss was about.
    • Don't waste your time, it's not worth playing.
    • I'm very disappointed with this game, it's not what I expected.
    • This game is not good, better to choose something else.

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