Forza Horizon 4

Forza Horizon 4 game image

Very Positive

Total: 251 ThousandPositive: 226 ThousandNegative: 25 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Britain in a shared open world.
AI Community game rating

86.71 %

Forza Horizon 4 is placed at number 48 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

25.77 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Variety in Cars
I would love to have more unique and varied car designs, maybe some with different shapes and colors, it would make the game more visually appealing and exciting.
Free Roam Mode
It would be great to have a free roam mode where we can explore the open world without the confines of a specific route or mission.
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack is amazing, but I think it could be improved by adding more dynamic music that changes depending on the player's actions and surroundings.
More Realistic Weather
The weather in the game could be more realistic, with changing conditions that affect the gameplay and visuals.
Add More Arcade Games
It would be awesome to have more arcade games to play in the open world, it would add more variety and excitement to the game.
Improve Car Physics
The car physics could be improved by making the cars feel more realistic, with better handling and weight distribution.
More Customization Options
It would be great to have more customization options for our cars, such as different liveries, wheels and spoilers.
Better AI for Enemies
The enemies in the game could be improved by having better AI, that would make the game more challenging and exciting.
More Realistic Racing Tracks
The racing tracks could be more realistic, with changing conditions, obstacles and scenery.
More Variety in Quests
I would love to have more varied and challenging quests that would require different skills and strategies.
Add More Scenarios
It would be great to have more scenarios in the game, such as racing against other cars, or escaping from law enforcement.
Improve Graphical Details
The game could be improved by adding more graphical details, such as better lighting, textures and effects.
More Realistic Car Models
The car models could be more realistic, with accurate designs and details, it would make the game more immersive.
Add More Power-ups
It would be awesome to have more power-ups and special items that would give us an edge in the game.
More Customization for Players
It would be great to have more customization options for our player characters, such as different skins and accessories.
Improve Online Multiplayer
The online multiplayer could be improved by adding more features and modes, such as co-op racing and free roam.
More diverse environments
I would have loved to see more diverse environments in the game, such as deserts, jungles, or cities, to provide a change of pace and keep the gameplay fresh.
Improved storyline
The storyline was repetitive and lacked depth, I would suggest adding more twists and turns to keep players engaged.
More variety in gameplay
The gameplay felt repetitive, I would suggest adding more variety such as new vehicles, tracks, or weather conditions to keep the gameplay exciting.
Better graphics for lower-end computers
I had to lower the graphics settings on my computer to play the game smoothly, I would suggest optimizing the graphics for lower-end computers.
More language options
I had to play the game with an imperfect translation, I would suggest adding more language options to cater to a global audience.
More DLC content
I finished the game quickly and wanted more content, I would suggest releasing more DLCs or expansions to keep players engaged.
Improved sound design
The sound effects and music were not memorable, I would suggest improving the sound design to make the game more immersive.
More realistic sound effects
The sound effects were unrealistic and detracted from the game, I would suggest using more realistic sound effects to enhance the gameplay.
Improve Dashboard
I would love to see a more realistic and functional dashboard in the game, rather than the static 12:00 clock.
Add More Cars
Including more car models, such as those from Japanese brands, would be a great addition to the game.
Special Events
Hosting special events, like timed challenges or limited-time car sales, would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Weather and Time Cycles
Enhancing the weather cycles and time system to create a more immersive experience would be a nice improvement.
Car Customization
Adding more customization options for cars would allow players to personalize their rides even more.
Multiplayer Improvements
Improving multiplayer features, such as better matchmaking and more game modes, would enhance the social aspect of the game.
Including a more developed storyline or characters would give the game more depth and narrative appeal.
Off-Road Modes
Adding more off-road modes, such as rally or trail racing, would provide more variety to the game's racing modes.
Standard Edition is Enough
For a casual player, the standard edition is sufficient and offers a good balance between price and content.
Ultimate Edition is Worth the Extra Cost
The additional DLCs in the ultimate edition make it a better value for players looking for more content.
Avoid Deluxe Edition
The deluxe edition only offers more cars, which may not be worth the extra cost for players who only want to play the base game.
Buy with Caution
Players should carefully consider their purchase and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.
Don't Wast Money on DLC
Players who already own the standard edition should not waste money on DLCs, especially considering the high cost.
Consider Alternatives
Players should consider other games that may offer better value for money and more satisfying gameplay.
Improve Lego Build
I think it would be nice to have more Lego pieces to build with, so it's more challenging and fun to complete Lego builds.
Easier Fortune Island Treasure Hunt
It would be more enjoyable if the Fortune Island treasure hunt was easier to complete, maybe with more clues or hints.
Ferrari 599XX Evo Upgrade
I would love to have the ability to upgrade the Ferrari 599XX Evo, making it even stronger and faster.
FH5 Comparison
Comparing FH5 and this game would be interesting, highlighting the differences and similarities, maybe even doing a review.
Improve Progression System
I think that the progression system needs to be reworked so that players feel a sense of accomplishment and motivation to play more
Reward System
I think that the reward system should be more rewarding, by providing tangible benefits for players
More Challenging Opponents
I think that opponents should be more challenging, especially at higher levels, to make the game more engaging and competitive
More Meaningful Use of Currency
I think that the currency should be used more meaningfully, such as being able to buy upgrades or enhancements for cars, rather than just cosmetic items
Better Car Customization
I think that car customization options should be more detailed and extensive, allowing players to personalize their cars to their liking
More Realistic Physics
I think that the game's physics should be more realistic, making the driving experience more immersive and responsive
Improved Multiplayer Experience
I think that the multiplayer experience should be improved, by adding more features and options for players to customize their online matches
More Dynamic Environments
I think that the environments should be more dynamic, with changing weather conditions, day-night cycles, and more
Better Soundtrack
I think that the soundtrack should be improved, by adding more variety and depth to the game's music
More Realistic Graphics
I think that the game's graphics should be more realistic, with better character and environment modeling
More Challenging Tracks
I think that the tracks should be more challenging, with tighter turns, narrower roads, and more obstacles
Better Drifting Mechanics
I think that the drifting mechanics should be improved, by making it easier to drift and more rewarding to do so
Improve Wheel Handling
I think the game's wheel handling is very poor, especially when using a Logitech G923. It's hard to take a simple turn, and I've spent too much time trying to find a solution.
Better Support from Steam
The game's customer support is non-existent. I followed multiple guides and configurations, but none of them worked. It would be great if they just returned my money when I asked for it.
Better NPC Introduction
Introduce NPCs in a more exciting and interactive way, for example, by having them appear from the air and allowing the player to respond accordingly.
Restore Progress
I was extremely disappointed to find that all my progress was lost after a 3-month break, please restore my favourite cars as well as other rare cars.
Implement Progressive Save
I understand that some progress may be lost due to server issues, but a progressive save system would ensure that I can pick up where I left off, without losing my progress.
Improve Car Unlocks
I spent a long time earning rare cars and it was disheartening to find that they were gone when I logged back in, please improve the car unlock system to prevent this from happening in the future.
Enhance User Experience
As a loyal player, I was shocked and frustrated by the lack of consideration for my progress, please enhance the overall user experience to prevent players from feeling abandoned.
Regular Backups
Regular backups of player progress would help prevent losses like this from happening, please ensure that your developer team prioritizes this feature.
Improve Crash Prevention
I was really frustrated when the game kept crashing. I think the developers should work on preventing crashes and making sure the game is stable.
Add More Game Content
After the first few hours, the game got boring. More tracks, modes, and cars would make it more enjoyable.
Test Game Better
I was surprised that the game didn't work after saving. Better testing would prevent this issue.
Provide Better Support
I wasted a lot of time trying to fix the game with no success. The developers should provide better support for players who encounter issues.
Add Multiplayer Option
Racing with friends would make the game more fun. Adding multiplayer would be a great feature.
Improve Online Support
I believe it is essential to restore online support for Forza Horizon games to increase player engagement and longevity.
Arcade-like Gameplay
Incorpating different gameplay mechanics could enhance the overall experience, making it more appealing to a wider audience.
Enhance Animations
I would recommend upgrading the animations of the driver to make the game more realistic and enjoyable.
More Diverse Cars
Offering a broader range of cars with unique characteristics could improve replayability and satisfy players.
Improve Storyline
Developing a more engaging and immersive storyline would elevate the game's overall quality and player satisfaction.
More Realistic Physics
Implementing more realistic collision and damage physics would make the game more immersive and challenging.
Additional Game Modes
Introducing new game modes, such as multiplayer or time trials, could increase the game's replay value and appeal.
Improve Car Controls
The car is not responsive and often drifts sideways, causing nausea. Make the steering more precise and controlled.
Add Upgrade Options
There are limited upgrade options for the car, making it difficult to progress. Add more upgrade options to keep players engaged.
Fix Manual Drive Bug
The manual drive bug in Asphalt 9 makes the game non-competitive. Fix this bug to make the game more competitive.
Add Anti-Nausea Measures
The game causes nausea after just one round. Add anti-nausea measures, such as adjustable graphics settings, to prevent this.
Improve Graphics Settings
The graphics settings are not well-suited for all players. Improve the graphics settings to prevent nausea and make the game more enjoyable.
Add Competitive Modes
The game lacks competitive modes, making it difficult to compare with other racing games. Add more competitive modes, such as multiplayer, to make the game more engaging.
Improve Player Feedback
The game lacks effective feedback, making it difficult to know how to improve. Improve player feedback, such as scoreboards and leaderboards, to help players track their progress.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


[h1]Forza Horizon 4[/h1] Gameplay: ★★★★★ Graphics: ★★★★★ Sound/Music: ★★★★☆ Story: ★★☆☆☆ Replay Value: ★★★★★ Overall: ★★★★★

  • Sentiments

    • The gameplay in Forza Horizon 4 is absolutely brilliant, I love the controls and the racing mechanics.
    • The graphics in this game are stunning, a true visual masterpiece.
    • The music and sound effects are also top-notch, I love the soundtrack.
    • Unfortunately, the story in Forza Horizon 4 is quite weak, it's just not that engaging.
    • On the other hand, the replay value is very high, I've been playing for hours on end.
    • Overall, I'm very satisfied with my purchase, I would definitely recommend Forza Horizon 4.


个人评分8.5/10 笨人手残鱼雷玩家只玩单机部分,以下对比评价仅供参考。 《极限竞速:地平线4》优点: +四代地点在英国,四季分明风景优美,有雪景有落叶有花海,比五代墨西哥千篇一律的热带风景(基本上感觉只有沙漠和森林)强多了;财富岛DLC还可以看极光 +部分内容有优势,表演赛诚意满满(光环路人粉落泪),两个带地图的大DLC体验和趣味程度都强于五代(个人体验如此,steam评测也如此——四代财富岛DLC和乐高DLC都是特别好评,五代风火轮DLC还能勉强褒贬不一到多半好评,拉力DLC直接多半差评) +作为前作打折力度更大,价格更优惠 《极限竞速:地平线5》优点: +开放世界做得更完善更成熟,更流畅无缝 +画质更好,但如果电脑配置不高、四代也只能勉强拉满画质,那区别其实不大,因为瓶颈在电脑配置了(笨人笔记本RTX4050差不多就在这个水平) +有中文配音,虽然有点尬但信息传达效率确实更高 +作为更近的作品,社区活跃度更高,资料和攻略略多一点 +(更新)五代的地平线故事,剧情稍微好一点。。。我是真没想到我还会被迫夸五代的故事部分(和剧情类游戏比自然已经是相当无聊了),但四代的故事重复度实在是太高了,而且剧情上来说也是主角到处打工,完完全全、里里外外就是打工(当然也不至于没亮点,但确实从头到尾感觉都在打工)。。。不过玩赛车游戏,谁奔着剧情来呀?所以也就无伤大雅吧 总体来说,两个游戏还能称得上大同小异,前者内容上更好一点+更便宜,后者具有后发优势,一些细节体验更好。

  • Sentiments

    • The game's location setting in the UK is much better than Mexico in the previous game, with more varied and beautiful scenery.
    • The game has some excellent contents, such as the performance racing mode, which is very enjoyable.
    • The game's graphics are better than the previous one, but the difference is not significant due to hardware limitations.
    • The game has some good features, such as the ability to choose whether to have Chinese audio or not.
    • The game's storyline is lacking, with too much repetition and not much exciting moment.
    • The game is overall still good, but not as good as the previous one in terms of content.


Forza Horizon 4,游戏于2018年发布,即使在系列的第五部推出之后仍然保持着热度。 首先谈谈游戏画面,游戏画面令人惊叹,每周变换的四季让游戏更加精彩。游戏中共有752辆汽车。 游戏的背景设定在英国。你可以自由旅行,参观名胜古迹,拍照并参加比赛。 游戏中有四类比赛系列:公路赛、越野冲刺赛、越野赛和街头赛。 游戏的多人模式是你所需要的。你可以与机器人或其他玩家一起玩。Horizon Life系统为你和其他玩家创建了一个服务器。 The Eliminator是一个汽车大逃杀模式,你必须在提升自己的一级车(Mini Cooper S 1965)的过程中赢得最终比赛。你可以用喇叭挑战对手进行1对1比赛,如果你赢了,可以选择提升到更高级的车或对手的车。如果输了,就会被淘汰出局。 DLC增加了新的汽车,如三菱和Formula Drift,以及新地点。LEGO Island是一个乐高岛,通过完成任务你可以获得乐高积木,用于建造房屋或购买乐高汽车。 Fortune Island是一个寻宝岛,你需要寻找游戏内货币箱子。岛上有令人着迷的极光和著名的漂移区域。 我发现的唯一缺点是车内的仪表板。请注意时钟,它总是显示12:00,而在GTA V(五年前发布)中,时钟和其他指示器如电台标记都正常工作。 如果你计划购买这款游戏,等到打折时购买终极版,因为你将获得所有DLC,除了Hot Wheels。这版还提供VIP身份和订阅服务。这样比单独购买DLC便宜。 结论:即使在Forza Horizon 5推出后,四代仍然有很棒的在线体验,并且物有所值(尤其是有折扣时,因为没有折扣的话不如买Forza Horizon 5)。

  • Sentiments

    • The game has an amazing graphics, the weekly changing of the four seasons makes the game more interesting.
    • The game has a huge collection of 752 cars.
    • The game has a nice background setup in the UK where you can travel freely, visit famous landmarks, take photos and participate in competitions.
    • The multiplayer mode is good, you can play with human or AI players.
    • The Horizon Life system creates a server for you and other players.
    • The Eliminator mode is a good distraction, you can challenge other players in a 1v1 mode if you win, you can upgrade to a higher level car or your opponent's car.
    • The DLC adds new cars such as Mitsubishi and Formula Drift, and new locations.
    • The LEGO Island is a nice addition, you can earn LEGO blocks by completing tasks and use them to build houses or buy LEGO cars.
    • The Fortune Island is also a nice addition, you can find treasure chests and earn in-game currency.
    • The only drawback is the dashboard of the cars, the clock always shows 12:00.
    • The game is still worth playing even after Forza Horizon 5 is released.
    • The VIP version is a good value for money, it includes all DLC except for Hot Wheels and provides VIP status and subscription service.


购买小建议 就不同的群体来说,如果只是单纯的玩赛车游戏,不玩其他乱七八糟的,买标准版就行; 如果想玩的更加丰富的就买终极版,终极版内包含财富岛和乐高两款DLC,两款DLC各80单价,还是很划算的 不建议买豪华版,豪华版只是比标准版多很多车子; 如果你先买的标准版,发现还挺上头的,想玩那两款DLC,再去补的话,就要160,或者等折扣116买终极版补DLC,它并不会因为你买的本体,而给你折扣,也就是你要花目前的史低价格178.59,当个冤种,要么你就继续等它出新史低;不巧在下就是冤种之一。 最后,建议要考虑清楚再购买,同时再游戏内游玩愉快。

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer suggests buying the standard edition and advises against buying the luxurious edition
    • The reviewer thinks the deluxe edition is overpriced for the DLC
    • The reviewer appreciates the game's variety, but advises to consider the price before buying
    • The reviewer is unhappy about the lack of discounts for buyers of the standard edition
    • The reviewer thinks the game is enjoyable, but not worth the cost
    • The reviewer warns readers not to buy the luxurious edition unnecessarily
    • The reviewer recommends considering the deluxe edition only if the additional DLC is relevant
    • The reviewer implies that the game is overvalued
    • The reviewer suggests buying the deluxe edition only if the DLC is worth the extra cost


No te pilles la versión de Steam si tienes un volante Logitech (concretamente el G923). El coche se vuelve inmanejable en la primera curva que tomas. Continuamente te estás saliendo y es imposible coger una simple curva. He seguido multitud de guías y de configuraciones y ninguna me ha servido. Sin darme cuenta, me pasé el tiempo haciendo lo que el servicio de soporte de Steam debería de haber hecho y no me devolvieron el dinero cuando lo solicité.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is unplayable with a Logitech G923 steering wheel, as it becomes uncontrollable from the first curve.
    • I've tried various guides and configurations, but none have worked.
    • The Steam support service should have been more helpful and refunded my money when I asked.
    • I wasted time trying to find a solution, instead of getting help from Steam.
    • The game is frustrating and uncooperative.


як блять грати, коли нпс з'являються з повітря, і я блять на всій швидкості влітаю в них, ну шо це за хуйня

  • Sentiments

    • The game has a unique feature where NPCs suddenly appear from the air and it's frustrating to be forced to react to them unexpectedly.


after a 3 month break of playing other (arguably better) car games, i wanted to get back to forza to see if i cant rebuild my fav car on forza - after logging in all my progress was gone... alot of rare cars u cant just get back... thanks for introducing me to car games, but ur the worst forza!

  • Sentiments

    • The player is frustrated with the loss of their progress in the game.
    • The player is disappointed with the game's inability to recover their progress.
    • The player's favorite car in the game is not accessible.
    • The player has a sense of betrayal towards the game developer.
    • The player does not consider the game to be their favorite anymore.


Great racing, game looks incredibly and the races are fun and satisfying. Well at least for the first hour and half. Then I tried start the game again and I couldnt. Everytime I loaded my save, the game crashed, sometimes just the game, sometimes it send my PC to blue screen of death. Nothing I tried made the game work, so I had maybe two hours of fun and then a lot of hours helplessly trying make the game run.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is great and the racing is fun and satisfying.
    • However, it crashes and the game is unable to be played after the first hour and a half.
    • The game's appearance is impressive.
    • Unfortunately, the game fails to load my save consistently.
    • The game sent my PC to a blue screen of death repeatedly.

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