
Frostpunk game image

Very Positive

Total: 113 ThousandPositive: 105 ThousandNegative: 8.7 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Frostpunk is the first society survival game. As the ruler of the last city on Earth, it is your duty to manage both its citizens and infrastructure. What decisions will you make to ensure your society's survival? What will you do when pushed to breaking point? Who will you become in the process?
AI Community game rating

87.71 %

Frostpunk is placed at number 41 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

32.27 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More game modes
I would like to see more game modes in Frostpunk, including a mode that focuses on exploration, survival, and combat in a random generated city.
More building options
I would like to see more building options, including different types of buildings, decorations, and layout options, to make the city more customizable.
Improve sound effects
I would like to see the sound effects improved, including more realistic and immersive soundscapes, to enhance the overall gaming experience.
Add multiplayer option
I would like to see a multiplayer option added to the game, allowing players to collaborate or compete with each other in building and managing their cities.
More character customization
I would like to see more character customization options, including different clothing, accessories, and abilities, to make the characters more unique and personalized.
Improve graphics
I would like to see the graphics improved, including better lighting, textures, and animations, to make the game more visually stunning.
Add more storylines
I would like to see more storylines and plot twists in the game, including branching narratives and multiple endings, to make the story more engaging and replayable.
More event and emergencies
I would like to see more events and emergencies in the game, including natural disasters, conflicts, and other challenges, to make the game more dynamic and unpredictable.
Improve diplomacy system
I would like to see the diplomacy system improved, including more nuanced and realistic interactions with other factions, to make the game more immersive and challenging.
Add more rewards and achievements
I would like to see more rewards and achievements added to the game, including new items, buildings, and abilities, to make the game more rewarding and challenging.
Improve city management
I would like to see the city management system improved, including more efficient and streamlined mechanics, to make the game more accessible and fun to play.
Add a moral compass
As a player, I felt uneasy about enslaving children even if it's just a game. Adding a moral compass could give players a sense of unease and make them think about their actions.
Enhance the storyline
Without a compelling storyline, the game feels shallow and unengaging. I'd love to see a deeper narrative that explores the motivations behind enslaving children.
Add diverse gameplay mechanics
The gameplay feels repetitive and monotonous. Introducing new mechanics could keep players engaged and interested in the game.
Improve character development
The characters feel one-dimensional and lack depth. Adding character development could make players more invested in the story.
Increase game difficulty
The game feels too easy, which makes it unchallenging and unengaging. Increasing the difficulty could provide a sense of accomplishment when completed.
Fairer Ending
I think the ending was a little unfair to the players. I would have liked to see a more satisfying conclusion to the game.
More Positive Roles
I felt like the game was really negative and that's not what I want to play. I would love to see more positive roles and storylines in future updates.
Kind Treatment of Children
The way the game treated the children was really disturbing. I think it would be better if the game handled this topic more sensitively.
More Freedom for Players
I felt like I didn't have enough freedom to play the game my way. I would love to see more choices and options in future updates.
Less Cheesiness
I found some of the dialogue and storylines to be really cheesy. I think it would be better if the game took itself a little more seriously.
More Realistic Setting
I felt like the setting was really unrealistic and unrealistic settings can be distracting. I think it would be better if the game had a more realistic setting.
More Variety in Gameplay
I felt like the gameplay was really repetitive and I would love to see more variety in future updates.
Better Handling of Death
I found the way the game handled death to be really jarring and disturbing. I think it would be better if the game handled this topic more sensitively.
More Rebellion
I felt like the rebellion in the game was really weak and immature. I think it would be better if the game had a more realistic and mature portrayal of rebellion.
Improve Road Construction
I suggest improving the road construction feature by reducing the likelihood of roads getting stuck in the process.
Add Variety to Robot Enemies
I recommend introducing more robot enemy variations to reduce the monotony and increase the challenge.
Increase Food Supply
I think increasing the food supply in the cafeteria would alleviate the issue of hunger among players.
Enhance Endless Mode Difficulty
I propose increasing the difficulty in endless mode to keep players engaged and interested beyond 70 days.
More Story Layers
I was captivated by the story, but more depth and complexity would have left me even more in awe.
Additional Missions
The extra missions were great, but more would have been welcome, with more variety in content and difficulty levels.
RTS Gameplay Tweaks
While I enjoyed the gameplay, some tweaks to the RTS mechanics would have made it even more engaging.
More Storyline Variety
I would like to see more diverse and interesting storyline variations to keep players engaged and curious about what's next.
Improve Decision Making Tools
The decision making process could be improved with additional information and clearer consequences of each choice.
More Realistic Character Management
Characters could be more realistically portrayed, with more detailed backstories and relatable personalities.
Enhance Atmospheric Soundtrack
The soundtrack could be more immersive and atmospheric, with music that complements the game's atmosphere and tone.
More Interactive Cutscenes
Cutscenes could be more interactive, allowing players to make choices that affect the story.
Realistic Environmental Consequences
Environmental consequences could be more realistic, with lasting effects on the game world and its inhabitants.
More Contextualized Information
Information could be more contextualized, with relevant details provided about each decision or action.
Improve UI and Navigation
The user interface and navigation could be improved, making it easier to access information and make decisions.
More Player Choice and Agency
Players could have more agency and choices that affect the game world, making the experience more engaging and replayable.
More Realistic Character Development
Characters could be developed more realistically, with growth and change over time based on player choices and actions.
More Immersive Gameplay Mechanics
Gameplay mechanics could be more immersive, with a focus on exploration, discovery, and creative problem-solving.
Adjust Environmental Temperature
The environment is too cold, it's affecting my game experience. Adjusting the temperature would make the game more enjoyable.
Limit Work Hours
8 hours of work is too long, it's unrealistic and stressful. Limiting work hours would make the game more relaxing.
Improve Decision-Making
As the leader, I should have more control over the residents' dissatisfaction. Improve decision-making mechanics to make the game more engaging.
Increase Constructibility
I should be able to build more structures and upgrade them more frequently. Increase constructibility would make the game more challenging and rewarding.
Fix Logical Errors
The game has logical errors that make no sense. Fix them to make the game more realistic and immersive.
Enhance Graphics and Sound
The graphics and sound effects are not impressive. Enhancing them would make the game more visually and aurally appealing.
Improve UI and Navigation
The UI and navigation are confusing. Improve them to make the game more accessible and user-friendly.
Increase Storage and Capacity
My storage and capacity should be increased. This would allow me to build more structures and store more resources.
Fix Economy Issues
The economy is unbalanced. Fix the economy issues to make the game more challenging and rewarding.
Improve Random Events
Random events should be more varied and unpredictable. Improve them to make the game more exciting and challenging.
Enhance Leader Abilities
As the leader, I should have more abilities to manage the residents and the town. Enhance leader abilities to make the game more engaging.
Improve Resource Gathering
Resource gathering should be more fun and challenging. Improve resource gathering to make the game more engaging.
Define Patient Zero
I would like to see the character responsible for starting the outbreak explicitly identified and addressed in the game, rather than leaving it ambiguous and open to interpretation.
Improve Character Development
The characters in Frostpunk are underdeveloped and lack depth, making it hard to empathize with them and become invested in their stories.
Add TPP View
The game's camera is often too close, making exploration and navigation difficult. Adding a third-person perspective would greatly improve the viewing experience.
More Diverse Outbreak Sources
The same sources of contamination are repeated throughout the game, making it feel predictable and unchallenging.
More Feedback on Decision Making
I would like to see more immediate and clear feedback on the consequences of my decisions, so I can better understand the impact on my characters and the city.
Add More Morality Choices
Frostpunk's moral choices are too binary and lack nuance, making the game feel simplistic and shallow.
Improve Save System
I found myself loading and saving too often, which became frustrating. A more intuitive save system would be a great improvement.
More Enemy Variety
The enemies felt too similar and repetitive. Adding more unique enemies with different abilities would make the game more engaging.
Longer Gameplay Sessions
I would have enjoyed longer gameplay sessions without interruptions. Perhaps implementing a more accessible way to pause the game would be helpful.
Better Map Design
The maps felt too linear and predictable. Incorporating more exploration opportunities and hidden areas would make the game more enjoyable.
More Storyline Depth
The story was interesting, but felt a bit shallow. Adding more character development and plot twists would have made it more immersive.
Adjust Difficulty Curves
I found the difficulty curve to be quite harsh, often feeling like I was beating my head against a wall. A more gradual difficulty increase would be appreciated.
More Customization Options
I would have loved to have more customization options for my character. This would have added a new layer of depth and replay value.
Improve Combat Mechanics
The combat mechanics felt somewhat clunky, especially when using certain abilities. Streamlining the combat would make it more enjoyable.
More Interactive Environments
The environments felt somewhat static and uninteractive. Adding more interactive elements would have made the game feel more immersive.
Better Graphics
The graphics were somewhat dated. A refresh to better match modern standards would be appreciated.
Improve Gameplay Mechanics
I feel like the game's mechanics are too repetitive and unresponsive, making it hard to enjoy the game. Please make the mechanics more engaging and interactive.
More Realistic City
The city in the game is too fictional and not realistic enough, it would be great if the game's developers could make it more realistic, like real cities.
Improve Dialogue Choices
I feel like the dialogue choices in the game are too limited and not impactful enough, it would be great if the game could have more choices with real consequences.
Make it More Immersive
I want to feel like I'm actually in the game, but the UI and graphics are too distracting. Please make the game more immersive with better visuals and sound design.
More Challenging
I beat the game too quickly and easily, it would be great if the game could have more challenging levels and enemies.
Improve Ending
I didn't find the ending satisfying, it felt like the game just ended abruptly without any closure. Please make the ending more meaningful and impactful.
Improve Resource Management
I think the game could greatly benefit from more complex resource management systems, allowing players to truly feel the weight of their decisions
Balance Tyranny
The pursuit of absolute power is cool, but the game's design feels too obvious and childish, adding more nuance to the tyrant's decisions would elevate the game's themes
In-Depth Storyline
A deeper, more immersive storyline would add depth to the game, making the player feel more invested in the world and its characters
More Realistic Tyrant Motivations
The game's portrayal of tyranny is too cartoonish, I would like to see more realistic motivations for the tyrant's actions, making the game feel more grounded
More Player Agency
I feel like the game is too linear, giving the player more agency over their decisions would make the game feel more engaging and challenging
Improve the rescue mechanic
I feel frustrated when I couldn't save all the people on the ship, it would be great if the game allowed for a more realistic rescue mechanic where you have to make tough decisions about who to save.
Increase the ship capacity
Having only 500 people able to be saved feels arbitrary and limits the emotional impact of the story, it would be better if the game allowed for more people to be saved, or if it had a more nuanced system for selecting who to save.
Add more context to the story
The game does a great job of setting up the story, but sometimes it feels like important details are left out, it would be great if the game provided more context for the characters and their motivations.
Improve the balance between combat and exploration
The combat and exploration mechanics feel a bit unbalanced, it would be great if the game allowed for more variety in the types of enemies and treasures you encounter, and if the difficulty curve was more gradual.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Az egyik legjobb túlélő városépítő játék. Engem ez a fajta stílus annyira sosem vonzott mert szinte mindig ugyan azt adják ki, csak más skinekben. Viszont a Frostpunk bőven felül múlja a konkurenciát. Engem kilóra megvett, csak azt bánom hogy korábban nem játszódtam vele, de ami biztos hogy a 2. résznél ez másképp lesz. Értékelésem: Grafika: 3/5 Játékélmény: 4/5 Hangzások: 3/5

  • Sentiments

    • The game's survival and city-building mechanics are impressive.
    • The reviewer is not impressed with the usual style of other games in the genre.
    • The reviewer is surprised that the game exceeded their expectations.
    • The reviewer regrets not playing the game earlier.
    • The reviewer is looking forward to the second part of the game.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's graphics and sound effects.
    • The reviewer is disappointed with the game's graphics.
    • The reviewer is neutral about the game's sound effects.


I love enslaving children. something about sending them into the cold mines for 24 hours without food or medical is just so heart warming; 10/10.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses a strong dislike towards the game's mechanics.


原本之前听别人说这句名台词还真觉得还没啥,但累死累活紧紧张张把所有人都救下来让人吃的好住的全是最高级房子甚至基本都是机器人干活人都没用多少不满值很低希望值几乎满的结局后来一句这一切真的值得吗真的让人气愤,也真的搞笑,想起当年朱莉站在废墟上身边都是家破人亡难民那句名台词:虽然他们失去了一切,但他们获得了自由。好玩法,但夹带私货结局真的恶心,比看到的评测还恶心。甚至都没签那些特别过分的条约就签了个童工让小孩也干干活但平时有个啥就给他们放假休息吃好住暖结果做这救了无数人的一切都变得不值了就越界了,就写文案的这些B,你猜暴风雪越界了没,暴风雪:我没意见。得亏暴风雪不会说话是吧. 这几天也确实能看出来这厂孝子贤孙确实多,自己爹妈在家吃啥不关心,它心中至高无上游戏那是一点不能骂,这么玻璃心敏感自卑啊,否定你的观念你至高无上的白月光游戏那可真是太太太不好意思了

  • Sentiments

    • The review expresses disappointment and frustration with the game's storyline and plot development.
    • The reviewer feels that the game's portrayal of characters is shallow and lacks depth.
    • The reviewer is sympathetic to the plight of the game's characters and feels that they have been mistreated.
    • The reviewer is critical of the game's portrayal of children and its depiction of child labor.
    • The reviewer feels that the game's ending is unsatisfying and lacks closure.
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's lack of regard for its characters' feelings and well-being.
    • The reviewer feels that the game is overly focused on conflict and war.
    • The reviewer is disappointed with the game's lack of originality and creativity.
    • The reviewer feels that the game's narrative is overly simplistic and lacks depth.
    • The reviewer is critical of the game's portrayal of its protagonist.
    • The reviewer feels that the game is overly reliant on clichés and lacks originality.
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's lack of diversity and representation.


以经济建设为基础,大力发展生产力。 不论是不满、希望,或者为了控制这两项数值、迎合刁民无理要求,本质上都是紧紧围绕资源获取为手段。相比于第二部围绕平衡派系斗争,我还是喜欢这一代的玩法,盖房铺路、政策指导、科学研究、侦查探险都由我决定,能更直观感受每个决定对大局、对个体的不同影响。 ------ 建设道路时自动吸附辅助线有时候会很抓狂,就差一条腿的距离横竖开不了路,不开路建筑就挤不下; 剧情做的很不错,最后的秋天两条成就路线把阶级对立算是玩明白了; 后期机器人太多了会很卡,跟人数关系不大,这一点在做75天不用机器人的成就时十分明显; 无尽模式成就在100天卡的很准——相比我的耐心而言,70天左右就真的腻了,没什么新意,等待好感度随机事件的刷新、等待探索搜集文物,正常都会在100天左右凑齐,不过有时14/15怎么都不出最后一个; 人数多了明明食堂有饭也会有很多挨饿的(难道挤不进去了?

  • Sentiments

    • The game's development path is impressive, with a good sense of control and freedom
    • The automatic absorption of assistant lines while building roads can be frustrating
    • The story is well-done, with a clear outcome and a good representation of class struggle
    • The game becomes too repetitive and feels like a chore after 70 days
    • The game's Chinese setting and cultural references add to its charm
    • The excessive use of AI-controlled units can cause performance issues
    • The game's difficulty spikes at the 100th day, making progress feel challenging
    • The game's exploration and discovery mechanics are engaging
    • The game's resource gathering and management system is well-implemented



  • Sentiments

    • I'm frustrated with the decision-making system, feeling pressured by the residents' dissatisfaction.
    • I feel the game's environment is too extreme, with severe disasters and constant work pressure.
    • It's hard to sleep at night due to the constant reminders to return to work, feeling like the game is trying to guilt-trip me.


其实对于功利性玩家而言欢愉之屋一直是个必点的法案——他们会用历史的必然来麻木和抚慰自己借此粉饰其反人道性——毕竟女人只要轻轻地拉动衣带就足以制造出使鼠目寸光的愚民深陷其中的奶头乐,而所取得的稳态跟低廉到根本无法被称作代价的砝码相比简直物超所值。 那么,谁会去那工作呢,自愿者们? 这些未亡于苦寒的遗孀并非这场桃花瘟疫的源头…可任何军官都能以疑病从有之名对其进行公开羞辱和猥亵,而真正的Patient Zero-One-Two...竟还公然作祟在发动这场暴行的人群之中? 这才是Frostpunk极端到近乎泯灭人性的法案,令人怒极反笑的是在本作里居然未涉及“越界”的判定。 于是,这一具具薄命人的尸体和碾碎喉管才发出的悲鸣只能连同疮痍的残躯一同无声焚烂在这所凛冬炼狱的病室与墓园之炉。

  • Sentiments

    • The game's dark and pessimistic tone is impressive, but it's also unsettling and uncomfortable.
    • The gameplay mechanics are well-designed, but the moral dilemmas presented are concerning.
    • The game's tone is extreme, almost dehumanizing, and the lack of moral judgment is unsettling.
    • The game's portrayal of war and its consequences is realistic, but it's also brutal.
    • The game's writing is engaging, but the themes are dark and disturbing.
    • The game's atmosphere is immersive, but it's also haunting.
    • The game's themes are thought-provoking, but they're also uncomfortable.
    • The game's setting is well-designed, but the moral implications are concerning.
    • The game's characters are well-developed, but their motivations are unclear.
    • The game's story is engaging, but its themes are dark and disturbing.
    • The game's mechanics are well-designed, but they're also unsettling.
    • The game's world is immersive, but it's also haunting.
    • The game's themes are thought-provoking, but they're also uncomfortable.
    • The game is well-designed, but its themes are dark and disturbing.
    • The game has realistic themes, but they're also unsettling.
    • The game is well-written, but its themes are dark and disturbing.
    • The game is immersive, but its themes are haunting.
    • The game is well-developed, but its themes are uncomfortable.
    • The game is thought-provoking, but its themes are dark and disturbing.


Ben bu londralıların ta anasının amına koyayım. Düzeni seçiyoruz gardiyan tutuyoruz 2 ekstra mesai'ye satıyorlar. Ulan iktidar gibi oynayalım diyoruz papaz tapınak cart curt barınakları eve çevirmedik diye isyan ediyorlar. MUTLU EDEMİYORUM OROSPU EVLATLARINI 3 SAATİN 1 SAATİ OYUNU KAVRAMA DİĞER 1'ER SAATLERİ DE 2 SAVE HARCADIM AMA BU OROSPU EVLATLARINI BİR TÜRLÜ TUTAMADIM BUNDAN SONRA KENDİMİ GÖKTEN İSA GİBİ İNDİRİP KÖYDE KALMAYANIN ANASINI BEN SİKECEM DİYECEM

  • Sentiments

    • I am extremely dissatisfied with the game's purchase system
    • The guardians are annoying and take a long time to get my rewards
    • I'm feeling frustrated with the lack of understanding from the game's developers
    • I'm really upset about the 3-hour gameplay experience
    • I don't like the way the game takes a long time to progress
    • I'm tired of the constant disappointment with the game


玩到最后我都感觉还不错,直到最后游戏总结出来,感觉被喂了几大口粪。“洗脑宣传,严刑逼供,秩序变成了专制。都在为了生存而战,我们越过了底线。城市没有消亡,但一切值得吗?” 我现在就感觉太不值得了,就该让这群刁民直接冻死。我对罪犯都没赶尽杀绝,开个宣传中心也成洗脑了,这种程度的拉幸福度、减不满的操作都要被这么一顿阴阳怪气的批判,我想制作组一定是没见过什么叫专制集权,就该给这b能量炉直接超载全给你们炸飞,怎么办,只有杀

  • Sentiments

    • I felt a sense of frustration and disappointment towards the game
    • The gameplay seems to perpetuate a sense of oppression and powerlessness
    • I felt my emotions were being manipulated in a manipulative way
    • I feel that the game's message is too controlling and dictatorial
    • I am left wondering if the game's overall message is worth it
    • I am dissatisfied with the game's treatment of its characters

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