Goose Goose Duck

Goose Goose Duck game image

Very Positive

Total: 69 ThousandPositive: 60.1 ThousandNegative: 8.92 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Time to be a Silly Goose! Immerse yourself in the various environments of the Birdverse of Goose Goose Duck. A game of social deduction where you and your fellow geese must work together to complete your mission. Watch out for those malicious Mallards and other birds!
AI Community game rating

76.76 %

Goose Goose Duck is placed at number 148 under 210 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

67.35 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Optimize the item availability system
Ensure that the item availability system is fair and reliable, and avoid sudden changes that affect players' progress
Expand the in-game resource management
Add more items to the in-game resource management system to provide a sense of progression and accomplishment
Improve the update notification system
Consider implementing a more user-friendly notification system to alert players of new updates and changes
Enhance the shopping experience
Improve the shopping interface to make it easier for players to find and purchase desired items
Introduce a randomization system for item availability
Consider introducing a randomization system for item availability to make the game more challenging and unpredictable
Add a trading system
Add a trading system that allows players to trade items with each other to promote social interaction and community building
Improve the game's economy
Improve the game's economy to make it more stable and predictable, and reduce the impact of sudden changes on the game's balance
Introduce a rank system for players
Introduce a rank system that rewards players for their progress and achievements, and provides a sense of competitive spirit
Enhance the game's storytelling
Add more storylines and narratives to the game to provide a richer and more immersive experience for players
Improve the game's user interface
Improve the game's user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly, and reduce the amount of time spent on navigation
Add more player character customization options
Add more player character customization options to provide players with more flexibility and self-expression
Introduce a multiplayer feature
Introduce a multiplayer feature that allows players to play with each other and socialize in the game world
Improve the game's server performance
Improve the game's server performance to reduce lag and improve the overall gaming experience for players
Enhance the game's visuals
Improve the game's visuals to make it more visually appealing and immersive, and reduce the amount of effort required to process the game world
Add more in-game events and activities
Add more in-game events and activities to provide players with more content and reasons to keep playing the game
Improve the game's tutorial system
Improve the game's tutorial system to make it more effective and efficient at teaching players the game's mechanics and systems
Introduce a crafting system
Introduce a crafting system that allows players to create new items and resources, and provides a sense of progression and accomplishment
Enhance the game's sound design
Improve the game's sound design to make it more immersive and engaging, and reduce the amount of effort required to process the game's audio
Improve the player's experience with bugs
Improve the player's experience with bugs by providing clear and concise error messages, and offering in-game solutions to common issues
Add a ' forgiving' system
Add a 'forgiving' system that rewards players for trying again, even if they fail
Enhance the player's sense of community
Improve the player's sense of community by introducing social features and mechanics that promote interaction and cooperation among players

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


玩了两百个小时,好友列表一个个都灰了,当初认识的人已经离开,我也没在原地等待,这是个很好的游戏,能遇见开心玩游戏的人,很不错。很感谢这款游戏让我这么不喜欢讲话的人变成话痨,遇见很多游戏伙伴,朋友,与大家一起游戏的日子很开心。 2024/10/25 不过关于这个游戏的故事,我始终忘记不掉,下午有感,希望故人不要鄙视怀念那时的我。我那天起得早,看到熟悉的她在游戏中,没提前说直接加入游戏,我看里面的人个个都在做任务,我就偷偷问熟悉的朋友,你们在干嘛呢?做任务可以抽奖的,你不知道吗?她说道。他们一个个像勤劳的蜜蜂在游戏里不停采蜜,我也加入进来。打到一半,重新换角色,变成鸽子,是中立角色,游戏胜利就必须感染所有人,我突然想使坏,把这群勤劳的蜜蜂全感染了,也许能变相拯救他们。终于感染所有人,游戏结束,我赢了,他们输了,我的朋友,她也笑了,也许她心里会说,这个笨蛋,游戏币还能继续刷的,时间还够的呀。不过她没说,最后她也拿到鸽子,又把那群勤劳的蜜蜂给感染了。她赢了,我俩心里都乐开花了。那群勤劳的蜜蜂苦笑说,我招谁惹谁啊。这是独属于我俩的糗事,我很怀念那些时光,非常抱歉没经过她的同意写下这段文字,我很想念,祝君安好。

  • Sentiments

    • really like this game, happy to play
    • feel a little sad thinking about the story, but still happy to play
    • enjoy playing with friends, feel happy and amused
    • feel a little frustrated with the story, but still mildly annoyed
    • love playing as the bird character, great story
    • enjoy the game, it's okay
    • amused by the silly situation, feel happy
    • mildly annoyed by the game's story, feel okay
    • feel happy and amused by the game's humor
    • love the game, happy to play
    • enjoy playing with friends, feel happy and amused
    • feel happy and amused by the game's humor
    • mildly annoyed by the game's story, feel okay
    • enjoy playing with friends, feel happy and amused
    • love the game, happy to play
    • enjoy the game, it's okay
    • feel happy and amused by the game's humor
    • mildly annoyed by the game's story, feel okay
    • enjoy playing with friends, feel happy and amused


I will leave a cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up.       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ

  • Sentiments

    • I will leave a cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up.
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void
    • void


My friend who I play Counter Strike 2 with said if I post a review on this game and it gets 5000 likes and 5000 Awards that he will buy me a RTX 3080 and 2 Kilos of The lamb ham. So I'm just gonna leave this here Help a brotha ~

  • Sentiments

    • Help a brotha
    • My friend
    • who I play Counter Strike 2 with
    • said
    • if I post a review on this game
    • and it gets 5000 likes and 5000 Awards
    • that he will buy me a RTX 3080
    • and 2 Kilos of The lamb ham


Обнова мусор. Копил полгода монетки на машину, после выхода обновы все костюмы которые я мог купить стали легендарными за донат валюту, а за серебро можно получить только мусор всякий. До обновы видно было что разрабы думают как о тех кто донатит, так и о тех кто нет. Теперь же видно что разрабы забили на тех кто играет бесплатно без доната. Машинку теперь ни получить ни как... На что я копил пол года интересно? Никакой компенсации ничего. Разрабы: ДЕНЬГИ! ДЕНЬГИ! ДЕНЬГИ! ДЕНЬГИ! ПЛАТИ ДЕНЬГИ! ПЛАТИ ДЕНЬГИ!!! P. S. Открыл на 40к+ монет сундуков по 500. Сколько у меня пыли? правильно 1к +-. Что мне выпало? Правлиьно пуки которые стоили раньше по 250 и футболочки которые стоили по 800 монет. Именно такого обновления я и хотел!

  • Sentiments

    • The game is full of garbage. The developer sucks.
    • The update is a complete scam. They took advantage of free players.
    • The developer thinks only of paying players, not free players.
    • I spent 6 months collecting resources for a machine that can now only be obtained through donates.
    • There is no compensation for players who have spent time and resources.
    • The update is only designed for paying players.
    • The developer is greedy and only cares about paying players.
    • I am very disappointed in the update.
    • The update is a money grab.
    • The developer took advantage of the free player base.
    • The update is a bad idea.
    • I am extremely dissatisfied with the update.
    • The developer is impossible to please.
    • I will never play this game again.
    • The update is a joke.
    • The developer has lost the support of the community.
    • I regret playing this game.
    • The update is a huge mistake.
    • The developer is not listening to the community.


Really enjoyed this game for quite a while. Was fun earning new costume pieces via the game play. Then, they "renovated" the claw machines, and now everything above a certain rarity costs actual money, just for a random roll. Want something specific from the top-rarity items? It's cost you a lot. How much? That all depends on your luck, but as a point of reference, if you want EVERYTHING from the top-tier claw machine, it will cost you upwards of $1475.00. And that's just based on my doing the most cost-effective math available. Seriously, fuck you guys. I used to play daily, just to earn claw machine coins. That was fun. This bullshit, fake "micro-transaction" math you don't think anyone does? I did it. Absolutely fuck you.

  • Sentiments

    • really enjoyed this game for quite a while was fun earning new costume pieces via the game play
    • then they renovated the claw machines, and now everything above a certain rarity costs actual money, just for a random roll
    • want something specific from the top-rarity items it's cost you a lot
    • seriously fuck you guys i used to play daily just to earn claw machine coins
    • this bullshit fake micro-transaction math you dont think anyone does
    • i did it absolutely fuck you


毋庸置疑的,有咱们CN玩家的地方游戏环境就是糟糕的。公主与骑士,汪汪队,场外等等,你可以看到有些脑瘫以任何方式当傻逼,甚至有些男女开房间女的说啥就是啥,所有的规则是可以随着性别而改变的,两块皮控制小脑的,小脑控制大脑的,大脑是没有的。各种规则层出不穷,最开始还正常 轮麦 禁止贴脸,后边什么开会狼自爆吞发言,好人不能拉铃,中立不能拉铃,狼不能拉铃,更有甚者轮抽什么第一位不能拿狼必须是好,关键会女的说啥就是对对对,不带脑子,有咱们这群玩家在的地方就是厕所

  • Sentiments

    • Game environment is terrible. The gameplay mechanics are confusing and unengaging.
    • Lack of clear rules and poor design choices.
    • Poor sentence structure and unclear writing style.
    • Unclear objectives and ambiguous goals.
    • Frustrating experience due to poor gameplay mechanics.
    • Poor overall experience.
    • Lack of challenge or engagement.
    • Poor design choices and confusing gameplay.
    • Unenjoyable experience.
    • Unclear and confusing gameplay.
    • Poor writing style and unclear objectives.
    • Frustrating and unengaging experience.
    • Poor overall experience.
    • Lack of challenge or excitement.
    • Poor gameplay mechanics and confusing design.
    • Unenjoyable and frustrating experience.
    • Unclear and confusing gameplay mechanics.
    • Poor experience overall.


After playing the game for almost 700 hours, I am sad to announce that I wont be playing this anymore. I am totally disgusted with the direction this game got regarding cosmetics, as someone that has been earning silver coins just to unlock one of the most expensive silver coin cosmetics, this gacha update destroyed hopes for me and for some friends I used to play this game with. Good luck to those who want to unlock a specific "Legendary" grade cosmetic, you will need it...

  • Sentiments

    • sad to announce
    • disgusted
    • destroyed hopes
    • good luck

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