Half-Life, Valve's groundbreaking debut, is a first-person action-adventure game that revolutionized the genre with its immersive storytelling, innovative gameplay, and realistic world-building. Named Game of the Year by over 50 publications, it combines intense combat, puzzle-solving, and a gripping narrative set in the Black Mesa research facility. With an AI Community Rating of 88.87%, players praise its revolutionary design, immersive atmosphere, and engaging story. However, some note frustrations with the Xen level design, slippery movement mechanics, and occasional bugs. The game also features a thrilling multiplayer mode, allowing you to compete against friends and foes worldwide. Despite its age, Half-Life remains a must-play for fans of action and adventure, offering a timeless experience that continues to inspire modern gaming.
funny scientist scream, game makes me cream game is from the middle ages but it still holds up word of warning: this game seems a lot faster paced than you think it is. play slow and think combat situations through methodically, or you'll be living medkit-to-medkit at 10hp for half the game
the oldest game I've played and it's incredible to see Valve supporting this game with updates, bug fixes and compatibility with new hardware even in 26 years later! I highly recommend playing Black Mesa over Half Life. I consider the remake from Crowbar superior over this in every way. Skip this one unless you're in for nostalgia factor. Oh and stay away from the 2004 Source version of the game at all costs. It's a buggy mess with tons of issues and poor quality textures, gameplay and graphics.
I will leave the cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up and awards /> フ | _ _ l /` ミ_xノ / | / ヽ ノ │ | | | / ̄| | | | | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__) \二つ
Half Life, might be an older game, but it is the foundation of Steam. The original Half Life shows its age, and might be painful to play now, but I recommend it. Why? Because there is a trilogy sort-of-speak. Understanding this game will set the stage for all the mods including HL2. Even the newest VR game Alex has its beginnings here. Without playing the original Half Life, you won't truly appreciate the others that came after.
[h1]A great FPS expirience, even by today's standards[/h1] Half-Life is one of those "old but gold" type of games. This game could tell a story with no cutscenes, but pure gameplay. The puzzles were fun, sometimes confusing ([spoiler]like the one where you had to escort the scientist to open you the door, cause I didn't even think about it being a thing (my bad most probably, but anyways)[/spoiler]), but fun. The biggest "wow" for Half-Life (considering the year of it's release) is the amount of mechanics used in it. Throughout the gameplay you get boosted jumping, low gravity, water-based level elements, a dozen of enemy types and so on. [b]Half-Life is the game ahead of it's time. [/b] [b]Solid 9/10[/b]
I'm really sad to put a negative review for this game, i would put a mixed if i could, but it just did not age well in my experience. The Black Mesa part of the game was pretty great, a few parts were pretty unfair but perfectly beatable, though the games starts being really spammy by Surface Tension, but once i got to Xen it's like i stopped having fun entirely, and the level design just took a nosedive. It's not even the enemies that i have trouble with, the platforming gets pretty terrible and i've had issues like a boss getting stuck, enemies that clearly weren't supposed to be in the level teleporting with me and messing everything up, so constantly having to reload saves to get stuff unstuck.... I totally get that a game can't not have bugs and HL1 in particular is one of Valve's first games, but it got so annoying that i just stopped playing entirely. FWIW though, the gunplay is pretty solid, and the atmosphere is absolutely top notch... it's an extra shame that Xen is so unfun to play through when it's one of the really strong points of the game in anything BUT gameplay. I respect this game for what it led to, and for being so iconic, but unfortunately i ended up just not really enjoying it and it didn't age that well in my opinion.
From my top 3 (if not number 1) is Half-Life 2. I had never played the first one, thinking it would be an epic moment and an unforgettable game. However, that was not the case. The game has aged very poorly, not because it has bad graphics or is often tedious with the platforming sections within the game, and not because the game itself is bad, but I am surprised that, despite being considered many times as the best PC game in history, they haven't fixed it over time. The game is full of bugs! It was a decisive moment for me when, after spending 3 hours in the same place and not being able to advance, I went online and found out that the game had a bug that could only be fixed by either restarting the game from an earlier save or using a cheat. That moment made me very sad because I had no choice but to cheat (without really cheating since I couldn't continue otherwise), and even then I decided to use the cheat (since reverting to an earlier save didn't help), I deactivated the cheat and continued, only to find that there were more unresolved bugs, doors that you had to click on a certain spot because the lever didn't work, and many other nonsensical things that only frustrated me more and more every second. I continued despite this and other issues, like dying from falling from a certain height even though to progress you had to let yourself fall (and the character gets damaged!). It was very frustrating to finish this game; I did it out of respect for Half-Life 2 but inside I feel like I wasted my time. My only consolation is knowing that I didn't spend a cent on the game since I took advantage of a moment when Steam was giving it away for free. But seriously, if you are thinking of buying it, don't do it; you're not missing anything, start from Half-Life 2, that is a gem and will continue to be my favorite game, and Half-Life 1 one of the worst I've ever played. What a pity.
Half Life is one of the most memorable fps game and will always be as this was my first fps games and still is the core for my fps love however the game is in a very bad place as it is riddled with bugs and one cannot progress due to issues like the walls gets spawned through the path I was supposed to go, zombies are unable to die no matter how much bullets I feed them, loading screen glitch, and more. again this is a very good game but the poor maintenance fucked this game pretty bad
if its me or the game. i find it annoying to play plus having to fix my camera aim is just annoying i get stuck alot and the game doesnt turn off after i think i close it leading to my computer battery to drain
You won't be missing out if you haven't played this game. It's a simple story, simple mechanics and it doesn't hold up. The entire hype is built on the fact that it was a game that really impressive for 1998, which doesn't matter anymore. 7/10
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