Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 200 ThousandPositive: 195 ThousandNegative: 4.84 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
1998. HALF-LIFE sends a shock through the game industry with its combination of pounding action and continuous, immersive storytelling. Valve's debut title wins more than 50 game-of-the-year awards on its way to being named "Best PC Game Ever" by PC Gamer, and launches a franchise with more than eight million retail units sold...
AI Community game rating

91.68 %

Half-Life 2 is placed at number 9 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

29.78 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

New Enemies and Bosses
The same old enemies and bosses get boring, introducing new and challenging ones would keep players on their toes
Improve UI
I think the UI can be more intuitive and user-friendly, maybe make some buttons more accessible and clear the clutter
Larger Levels
The levels are too small, making them larger would allow for more exploration and discovery
More Rewards
I would like to see more rewards for completing levels or achieving certain feats, it will make the game more engaging and motivating
Improve Child Protection
I would suggest implementing a feature to protect children from the abhorrent toilet behavior, as it is unsettling and not suitable for young audiences. A warning system or parental lock would be an ideal solution.
Streamline Gameplay
I think the game could benefit from a more streamlined and user-friendly interface. Simplifying the controls and reducing the complexity of the game mechanics would make it more accessible to a wider audience.
Enhance Graphics
Upgrading the graphics would greatly improve the overall visual quality of the game. A more vibrant and detailed environment would enhance the immersive experience and make it more engaging for players.
Develop Multiplayer
I would encourage the developers to consider adding multiplayer features to the game. This would allow players to co-op or compete with each other, adding a new layer of replayability and social interaction to the game.
Improve Audio
The sound effects and music in the game could be further improved to create a more engaging and immersive atmosphere. Adding more varied and dynamic sound effects would make the game feel more cinematic and engaging.
Fix Glitches
I noticed some minor glitches throughout the game that could be fixed to create a smoother and more polished experience. These could include bugs with enemy AI, graphics glitches, and other minor issues.
Add more Pokémon
I would love to see more of my favorite Pokémon added to the game, it would make it more exciting and fun to play.
Improve enemy AI
The enemies are too easy to defeat, it would be great to see them react more realistically and put up a better fight.
Add more trainer interactions
I enjoyed the lines of conversation, but I would like to see more interactions with other trainers, it would add more depth to the game.
Better Endgame
The game should have a more satisfying ending, it feels abrupt and unfinished
More Content
There is a lack of content, I wish there were more story and lore to keep me engaged
Improve Physics
The physics engine could be improved, sometimes the animations feel stiff and unrealistic
Edit Reviews
Allow users to edit previously written reviews, so they don't have to write a new one each time they want to change their opinion.
Play in VR
If a player owns a VR headset, they should be able to play the game in virtual reality, it would be a great experience.
Target Older Players
I was 10 when I first played the game, but it can be enjoyed by any age group, including older players, who might find it more challenging.
Improve level construction
The levels lack a sense of progression and exploration. The layout could be improved to include more secrets, alternative paths, and better pacing.
Enhance audio implementation
The music and sound effects could benefit from more variety and nuance. The current soundtrack is repetitive and doesn't add much to the game's atmosphere.
Refine protagonist's abilities
The protagonist's abilities feel underwhelming and could be improved with more variety and depth. This would make the player feel more empowered to take on challenges.
Add more enemy variation
The enemy design is somewhat repetitive and could be improved with more diversity and nuanced behaviors. This would make combat more engaging and challenging.
Improve graphics and textures
The graphics and textures could be improved to match the quality of newer games. This would enhance the overall visual fidelity and immersion.
Develop a more engaging storyline
The story feels somewhat predictable and could be improved with more twists and surprises. The protagonist's character could also be fleshed out more.
Increase the sense of urgency
The game lacks a sense of urgency and could benefit from a timer or other mechanism to encourage players to progress through the levels.
Improve Graphics
I think the graphics could be improved with more detailed environments and characters to make the game more immersive.
Add More Levels
I want to see more levels and challenges in the game to keep me engaged for a longer period.
Better Soundtrack
I think the soundtrack could be improved with more varied and fitting music to enhance the gaming experience.
Enhance Storyline
I would like to see a more developed and engaging storyline to get more invested in the game's world and characters.
Improve Atmosphere
The game lacks atmosphere, it feels empty and boring. Adding more ambient sounds and creepy noises would make it more immersive
Enhance Graphics
The graphics are outdated, it's time to upgrade to modern standards. This would make the game look more appealing and engaging
Streamline Gameplay
The gameplay is slow and clunky, it's hard to navigate through levels. A redesign of the controls and level layout would make it more enjoyable
Increase Variety
The same enemies and levels get repetitive, adding more variety to the game would keep players engaged
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack is boring and forgettable, a new soundtrack that matches the game's theme would enhance the overall experience
Add More Story
The story is lacking, adding more cutscenes and dialogue would make the game more engaging
Better AI
The AI is too predictable, making it more intelligent and unpredictable would make the game more challenging
More Interactive Objects
The objects in the game are too passive, making them more interactive would add a new layer of depth to the game
More Alyx Variations
It would be awesome to have more variations of Alyx Vance, maybe different hair styles, clothing, or even other species, like a Alyx with animal features. This would make the character feel more dynamic and interesting.
More Breeding Options
The ability to breed with Alyx would make the game even more immersive. It would be great if there were more breeding options, like the ability to influence the child's appearance or stats.
More Baby Options
Breeding with Alyx would be even more exciting if there were more baby options. For example, the ability to name the child or choose its characteristics.
More Volvo Options
I would love it if there were more options for Volvo, like more species or more customization options. This would make the game feel more open-ended and fun.
Improve Storyline
I was expecting a compelling storyline, but it was too long and uninteresting. It would be great if the developers could improve the narrative and make it more engaging.
Simpler Gameplay
The gameplay mechanics felt too complex for me. It would be better if the developers simplified the controls and made it more accessible to new players.
More Variety in Levels
I got bored with the repetitive level design. It would be great if the developers could add more variety to the levels and make them more challenging.
Better Stealth Mechanics
The stealth mechanics felt clunky and unresponsive. It would be better if the developers could improve the AI and make it more challenging to sneak past enemies.
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack was forgettable and didn't add much to the game. It would be great if the developers could create a more memorable and immersive soundtrack.
More Rewarding Collectibles
Collecting items felt like a chore because they didn't give me a sense of accomplishment. It would be better if the developers could make the collectibles more interesting and rewarding.
Fix TF2
Valve should focus on fixing the classic game Team Fortress 2, as it is currently unplayable and not meeting the expectations of players.
Improve Classic Games
Valve should prioritize the development of their classic games, such as Half-Life 2, to ensure they continue to satisfy their player base.
Improve Memory
I have a hard time remembering where I left my motor boat in the game, make it easier to recall
Better Progression
I couldn't progress in the game because I forgot where I left my motor boat, make it easier to keep track of my progress
More Engaging
The game started out great, but got boring, make the game more engaging to keep players interested
Keep it Simple
I forgot how to play the game because it's too complicated, simplify the gameplay mechanics

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Dungeon master сказал, что если на этом обзоре будет 10 лайков и 5 наград, она вставит мне пробку в Ass, Boy's выручайте!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses frustration and disappointment with the game's performance
    • The reviewer makes a joke about getting a prize since they dislike the game so much


Если ваш ребёнок заражён скибиди туалетами, отучите его от них, и заставьте его играть в эту игру, иначе злой дядя Г-Мен заберёт его в Зен и оставит перед остатками армии пришельцев.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is great and I strongly recommend it to parents.
    • This game has a unique feature of sucking kids off toilets.
    • The game has an interesting storyline and I found it engaging.
    • The illustration of zombies is quite realistic and scary.
    • The game has a lot of violence and I do not recommend it to parents.


Można bawić się w trenera pokemonów i atakować wrogów wielkimi karakanami. Moim ulubionym momentem był moment w którym Grzegorz wolny mężczyzna powiedział " ". a potem G mężczyzna powiedział "powstań i lśnij panie Wolnymężczyzno, powstań i lśnij"

  • Sentiments

    • The game is enjoyable, with the ability to play as a Pokémon trainer and attack enemies with large cannons.
    • It seems that the reviewer enjoyed a particular moment in the game.
    • The quote from Grzegorz, the free man, was amusing.
    • The reviewer also found humor in the quote from another man.


Hikayesi ve hikaye anlatımı o kadar mükemmel ki oyunu yaşıyorum resmen. Lore'unu bildiğim için normalden fazla içine çekilmiş de olabilirim. Fizik motoru, silahları, araçları, düşmanları, çevre tasarımı gibi şeyler zaten çok iyi. Tek sorunu finali, keşke bu oyunla bitirselermiş diyeceğim ama bu oyuna sığdıramadıkları bile bi ton içerik var.

  • Sentiments

    • The storytelling and narrative are excellent, I feel like I'm actually living in the game.
    • I was drawn into the story more because I was already familiar with the lore.
    • The physical engine, weapons, vehicles, enemies, and environment design are all very good.
    • The only problem is the ending, I wish they had closed the story with this game.
    • Although there is some extra content, I feel like it's not enough.


What a great game, I can't wait for the company that made this game to make a successful sequel to it!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is excited about the game and hopes for a sequel.


Кому лень читать: игра неплохая, особенно для своего времени, но её откровенно перехваливают. Если рассматривать эту игру как некий проходняковый боевичок из нулевых, что продают по цене пиваса на регулярных распродажах, где ты просто шагаешь по откровенно пустым локациям (с интуитивно-непонятными препятствиями) и отстреливаешь болванчиков, то тут претензий нет. Если же позиционировать Половину Жизни 2 как нечто легендарное, неподражаемое, умопомрачительное (а именно так мне игру преподносили при любом упоминании) то это безусловно крах и уныние, игра совершенно не проходит проверку временем. Я честно не понимаю откуда у этой игры такая обширная фанбаза, особенно среди несовершеннолетних т.к. они небыли даже в планах когда эта игра выходила. Быть может конечно эта игра и была инновационной 20 лет назад, однако в нынешних реалиях играть в это тяжеловато и у игры довольно скучное начало, она разгоняется только после середины где-то. Лучше пройдите Black Mesa, она и атмосфернее и разнообразнее и драйвовее.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is mediocre and overhyped.
    • It's a good game, especially for its time.
    • The game is a disappointment and doesn't hold up well over time.
    • The game has a lot of empty locations with unintuitive obstacles.
    • The game is not innovative and is not worth playing.
    • The game is only enjoyable after the middle section.
    • Black Mesa is a better alternative with a more atmospheric, diverse, and engaging gameplay.


I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Alyx Vance. That perfect, curvy body. Those beautiful breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hurts knowing that I'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her, and have her birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ANYTHING for the chance to get Alyx pregnant. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bear. Why would Volvo create something so perfect? To ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tantalize us? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ can't anymore. ♥♥♥♥.

  • Sentiments

    • I am extremely dissatisfied with the lack of intimacy with Alyx Vance in the game.
    • The game teases the player with Alyx's physical appearance, leaving me feeling frustrated.
    • I am deeply unhappy about the artificial constraints on Alyx's character.
    • The suggestion of a romantic relationship with Alyx is emotionally taxing for me.
    • I feel a strong sense of longing for an opportunity to be with Alyx.
    • The game is merciless in its refusal to provide a satisfying romance.
    • I am utterly disappointed with the lack of agency in my interactions with Alyx.
    • The game's portrayal of Alyx feels cruel and tantalizing.
    • I am desperately unhappy with the game's direction.
    • The game's refusal to provide intimacy with Alyx is emotionally draining.


[h1]圧倒的に好評の理由が分からない[/h1] 全く面白くないとまでは言いませんが、ただ、ひたすら弾を撃って ひたすら一本道を進んで、ひたすらつまらないストーリーを進めるゲームです 慣性が働くようなうざい操作感は私には合わず3D酔いしやすくて ギリギリを切り抜ける撃ち合いもできず、ステルスもできず なぜ、このゲームの評価がFarCryより高いのか私には理解できません クリアした後の達成感もありませんでした 評価が高いので頑張ってゲームをしていこう! そのうち楽しくなってやめられなくなる!はず・・と頑張りましたが 最後まで苦痛しかありませんでした

  • Sentiments

    • The game is uninteresting, with a repetitive storyline and monotonous gameplay.
    • The operation feels like a routine, and it's not exciting.
    • I couldn't understand why the game would receive a higher rating than Far Cry.
    • The sense of accomplishment after clearing the game is lacking.
    • I struggled to enjoy the game until the end, where I finally felt some excitement.
    • The game is a chore to play, with a sense of boredom throughout.

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