73.43 %
20.64 %
HELLDIVERS™ 2 is a fast-paced, third-person shooter where you join the fight for freedom across a hostile galaxy. With a 73.23% AI Community Rating, this action-packed game offers intense co-op gameplay for up to four players. Team up with friends, rain down explosive firepower, and tackle strategic missions in a dynamic, destructible environment. The game’s Galactic War system adds depth, as your actions contribute to the overall war effort. Players praise its fun, chaotic gameplay and strong community vibe, but some note persistent bugs, crashes, and weapon balancing issues. Despite these flaws, HELLDIVERS™ 2 delivers an adrenaline-fueled experience for fans of cooperative shooters. If you enjoy teamwork, explosive action, and a touch of chaos, this game is worth enlisting for.
I've been struggling with getting into multiplayer shooters and their competitive nature, but with this game being PVE, and everyone is collectively working towards the same goal, has made me enjoy shooters again.
The game is certainly having some launch issues. It is safe to say however that if this game works for you, you will love it. It is fantastic, fluid movement and combat, realism where it's enjoyable and immersive, really fantastic stuff. My advice would be to take heed of the reviews, make the purchase, set a timer for two hours and refund the game if it doesn't end up working for you. EDIT: It is the 4th of March and this game is still going strong, server issues are (mostly) fixed, you shouldn't have a problem getting in now as they've upped their server cap exponentially. Mechs, Vehicles and new Weapons are on the horizon, now is the time to get in and get some experience before it gets complicated. The game is now at very positive and it deserves it, BUY IT.
They finally found the corrupt official that was putting war funds into his own pockets , causing all helldiver's weapons to be weaker and outdated models. With patch 1.001.100, helldivers finally have the right firepower to keep super earth safe. This game is finally back on step to being GOTY again.
This game is the equivalent to watching someone you love slowly asphyxiate. The developers hit the lottery out of the box on this and have made the tragic mistake of listening to the wrong voices in the community. This is a PVE GAME, and anyone who recommends a nerf to any gun is a saboteur to this games full potential. It almost seems like the devs don't even know why the game WAS fun, which is a real head scratcher. The game definitely has a fun aspects to it, but please refer to my first sentence. If this review is fortunate to be read by someone who has influence on the dev team, you have one shot to get this game back on track to its original glory. ROLL BACK ALL WEAPON NERFS SINCE LAUNCH WHEN THE ILLUMINATE ARRIVE. The data shows you have spikes every patch, but the community shrinks shortly after. You need to restore this game to opening day fun/carnage levels. You claim you've done all nerfs in the name of balance and you've achieved the exact opposite by making everything equally suck instead of equally good. Bring stats of other weapons up instead of lowering a favorite. The carnage IS the fun. If a gun is slightly OP, THAT IS THE FUN. You can solve the problem of "being too easy" by adding difficulty levels, much like you just added Super Helldive. That way your weapons stay balanced in all levels and the harder you make it, the more the "OP" weapons are leveled. I never have reviewed a game before, so I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears, but the sad part is is that I know it will.
[h2][b]Another game that prove greedy "Modern gaming" needs to die![/b][/h2] I feel like I'm playing a [b]video game[/b] once again, not a [b]part-time job[/b] or a [b]chore[/b]. A battlepass that actually feel rewarded and it is not timed as well! Plus you can earn real money currency during mission, if you're lucky enough. Playing solo is fine up to extreme difficulty Playing with random mixed feelings mostly still fun Playing with friends hell yeah absolutely!!! The game is still very buggy (not game breaking bug), which already had been fixed. Highly recommend for 90's and 00's vibes, the game is just pure fun, no stress even playing with random. Also PSN drama update: https://x.com/playstation/status/1787331667616829929?s=46
I went to the Arrowhead Car mechanic to have my brand new V8 fixed. I said the check engine light is on and I feel its vibrating really bad. They took a look. One of my spark plugs was bad and the cylinder wasn't firing as a result. They disabled the spark plug in the other cylinder to balance it out and told me how my new V6 was more balanced, since it allowed me to try other cars. I complained that it didn't feel the same. The power was really bad and it wasn't pulling like it used to. They told me it used to be way too powerful, but admitted that they did overdo it a bit. They replaced my tires so I get better grip and told me it should be better now. I started really disliking the V6, so I sold it and bought a 1000cc motorcycle. It sounds amazing. I'm in love. And it can really go go go! First service, Arrowhead mechanics replaced my exhaust without telling me anything. I told them something doesn't seem right, but they insisted it was fine. The mechanic later confirmed this was an error. I brought my bike back, and they reverted the mistake. For some reason, this also included putting the old oil back into the bike. My engine blew up. They apologized and promised a fix. Got my bike back several months later, now it has 600cc. Balancing reasons. Too fast. Everybody is riding motorcycles, and Arrowhead wants people to try some of the other vehicles... I decided to give up and just walk. The Arrowhead mechanic dragged me into a dark alley and cut my legs off. Everybody is walking and it really isn't balanced. I should try a wheelchair. What the fuck is this bastard talking about? V8, motorcycle, wheelchair, what??? THIS IS HOW ARROWHEAD PATCHES THEIR DAMN WEAPONS.
I bought this game on steam with the intention of playing it on steam. I do not now nor will I ever have a playstation account. Forcing players to link or be banned from the game months after launch is unacceptable. I would refund this if I had the opportunity to do so. Honestly absurd behavior from Arrowhead. Update: Sony has now walked back the PSN requirement. They have also blocked the game from being purchased in any region that doesn't support PSN which is close to 170 countries. My review stays negative until all Helldivers can dive. https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/
Edit April 2024 - Oh look, they had a big corporation moment and shoehorned in the requirement for players to sign up for a PSN account - with Sony's notorious lack of security - and link it to their steam account. Supposedly in the name of security. Yeah checks out mate. This is the first I and most people are hearing of it. Not interested. The game its self, for the most part, is great. Some of the best 3rd-person gunplay since MGSV; fun, challenging gameplay and mechanics. It's lacking much in terms of features and content compared to the first game - time will tell if that's addressed, but for the moment it's still very enjoyable. The main reason for the negative review is that Helldivers 2 uses nProtect GameGuard - a kernel-level anti-cheat software, aka a rootkit - and widely regarded as amongst the worst of its kind. It runs at the highest possible level of privilege in your PC's system - enabling it to monitor files and control hardware. It acts as a keylogger, monitors which programs you have running, and still lingers after uninstallation.. Presenting a gaping security vulnerability, a huge invasion of privacy, degrading the performance of the game and having the potential to brick peoples' PCs - and not even preventing hackers from creating cheats for the effort - it's already a bit of a stretch for games that take themselves seriously as competitive arenas. Why the fuck does a co-op game of all things need one?
Greatly disappointed with the additional forced change of requiring a PSN account in order to play the game. Not only does this force users who are in the many countries to either break the ToS and risk their entire account (you can't fake your country of origin) but it also locks those out of playing the game entirely. This forced change by SONY directly contradicts their stated language on their official website that said (said is an important word here because it's past tense) you would not need to connect to a PSN account to play a game on Steam. This statement on the OFFICIAL SONY WEBSITE was changed incognito with no announcement or warning. This is because SONY KNOWS that they misled people and changed the words after the fact in the hope that no one noticed. We did. This is a clear and obvious case of FALSE ADVERTISEMENT because the SONY website's statements apply to all SONY games, including the ones on steam and overrules the individual game's TOS or rules. LET IT BE KNOWN--YOU WERE SCAMMED AND SONY CHANGED THE LANGUAGE ON YOU THINKING YOU WOULDN'T NOTICE BECAUSE THEY THINK YOU ARE STUPID
I really loved the game when it came out. Totally new experiences, a player-centric design approach, and an underdog studio sticking it to the rest of the industry. Well except Sony. The game was small then but to be expected; the intention of the developers was to create an evolving gameplay experience and narrative. 6 Months later and the game is plummeting in quality. A few new enemies and environments to fight in are great, but there are always new game breaking bugs popping up. The development team has a problem with control over all aspects of gameplay; 1. Obsession with balancing, disrupting preferred play styles and in many cases creating bugs 2. Progression is a joke. You are capped at a very low limit on resources you can find. You can grind away to level 150 for absolutely no reason. 3. Armor customization has so much potential, but I dislike Arrowhead's decision to make armor sets not color customizable. Different armors give different stats, which means that I have to look wear a certain one and look a certain way if I want those benefits. This player would rather wear the armor that looks the coolest, without any drawbacks EDIT: This isn't even a decent review, there are other players who have gone really into detail on these issues and more
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