Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 371 ThousandPositive: 361 ThousandNegative: 10.7 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Forge your own path in Hollow Knight! An epic action adventure through a vast ruined kingdom of insects and heroes. Explore twisting caverns, battle tainted creatures and befriend bizarre bugs, all in a classic, hand-drawn 2D style.
AI Community game rating

91.24 %

Hollow Knight is placed at number 12 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

23.53 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Variety in Levels
I would love to see more diverse and creative level designs to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
Better Storyline
The story could be more engaging and intricate, with more character development and unexpected twists.
Improve Collision Detection
The lack of proper collision detection leads to frustration and continuity issues.
Add more Boss Battles
Boss battles are some of the most exciting moments in the game, so I would like to see more of them.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics could be improved to make the game look more polished and visually appealing.
More Spells and Abilities
The ability to unlock new spells and abilities would add replay value and excitement to the gameplay.
Better Soundtrack
The soundtrack could be more immersive and engaging, setting the tone for the different environments and situations.
New Enemy AI
The enemy AI could be improved to make them more challenging and less predictable.
More Content
I would love to see more content added to the game, such as new characters, levels, and storylines.
Improved Controls
The controls could be more responsive and precise, making the gameplay more enjoyable.
More Interactions with Environment
I would like to see more interactive elements in the environment, such as puzzles and secrets.
New Game Plus
A New Game Plus mode would add replay value and allow players to try out new strategies and characters.
More Cat Emotions
I would love to see more emotional expressions from the cat characters, like different meows or purrs, to make them feel more realistic and engaging.
Customization Options
I think it would be cool to have customization options for the cat characters, like different patterns or colors for their fur, to make them more personalized.
Improved Navigation
Sometimes it takes me a while to find what I'm looking for in the game, having a more intuitive navigation system would make the game more enjoyable and easier to play.
More Interactive Levels
I would love to see more interactive levels where I can actually play with the cat characters, like solving puzzles or finding hidden items.
Multiplayer Mode
It would be awesome to have a multiplayer mode where I can play with friends or other players, making the game more social and fun.
More Challenging Levels
I think it would be great to have more challenging levels that require strategy and problem-solving skills, making the game more engaging and rewarding.
Better Graphics
The graphics in the game are nice, but I think they could be even better, with more detailed environments and higher-quality textures.
More Story Content
I would love to see more of the game's story unfolded, even in DLCs. It's what keeps players coming back for more.
Improve Player Skills
I think the player needs to be able to learn new skills and upgrade them, it would make the game more engaging and challenging.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics are still amazing even after all these years, but an upgrade would be appreciated, especially for the next generation of consoles.
More Characters
I would love to see more characters to interact with, it would make the world feel more alive and immersive.
Better Soundtrack
The soundtrack is iconic, but I think it could be improved with more variety and depth.
More Interactive Cutscenes
I would love to see more interactive cutscenes like the ones in the prologue, it would make the game more engaging and immersive.
More Character Backstory
I think it would be great to know more about the characters' pasts, it would make them feel more real and connected to the story.
Difficulty Balancing
The game is too easy for most players, I think it would be great to see more challenging enemies and puzzle solutions.
New Playable Characters
It would be awesome to play as different characters with unique abilities and playstyles.
More Explorable Areas
The game is already huge, but I would love to see more explorable areas, like underwater cities or abandoned factories.
More Enemy Varieties
The game has a lot of repetitive enemies, it would be great to see more variety and creativity in enemy design.
More In-Game Rewards
I think it would be great to see more in-game rewards for completing Achievements or finding hidden items.
Improve French translation
I noticed some typos and grammatical errors in the French translation, it would be great if it could be reviewed and corrected to make the game more accessible to French-speaking players like me.
More Boss Fights
I love the idea of boss fights, I think the game could benefit from more, maybe with unique mechanics each one
More Platforming Levels
I enjoyed the platforming parts of the game, I think it would be awesome to have more levels focused on this type of gameplay
Different Playable Characters
I liked the art style, a different playable character could have a different art style, and maybe some unique abilities
Multiplayer Mode
It would be amazing to have a multiplayer mode, maybe co-op or competitive, to play with friends and family
More Enemies Variety
The enemies could be more varied, maybe with different abilities and paths, to make the game more challenging
More Storylines
I loved the mystery behind the game, having more storylines could make the game even more intriguing
New Game Plus
A new game plus would give me more reason to play the game again, maybe with some new features and challenges
Improve Jumping Mechanics
The jumping mechanic feels so artificial and unresponsive, please make it more precise and fluid, I'm tired of feeling like I'm just crashing into walls.
Enhance Enemy AI
The AI of enemies in the air is too weak, it would be great if they could react more realistically to the player's actions, maybe even have their own strategies and tactics.
Refine Map Design
The maps are too simplistic and lack detail, it would be awesome if the designers could add more rooms and secrets, maybe even have a better sense of direction and exploration.
Increase Difficulty Gradation
The difficulty curve is too abrupt, it would be better if the game could adapt to the player's skills and offer more challenging content, maybe even have a better sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Improve Camera Control
The camera is too annoying and distracting, it would be great if it could be controlled more smoothly and precisely, maybe even have a better sense of immersion and exploration.
Add More Variety to Levels
The levels are too repetitive and lack diversity, it would be awesome if the designers could add more unique elements and challenges, maybe even have a better sense of discovery and exploration.
Improve Audio Design
The audio is too underwhelming and lacking, it would be great if the game could have more immersive and engaging music and sound effects, maybe even have a better sense of atmosphere and mood.
Improve Player Feedback
The game lacks clear and concise feedback to the player, it would be awesome if the designers could add more visual and audio cues to help the player navigate and understand the game world.
Increase Budget for Game Development
The game feels like it was made on a low budget, it would be great if the developers could invest more resources and time to create a more polished and engaging game.
More Realistic Running Distances
I was really annoyed to have to run 20 billion light years to reach Hornet 2. It feels unrealistic and it's just plain confusing. I would suggest adjusting the distance to a more realistic and reasonable amount.
Variable Game Difficulty
The game is too easy once you get to Hornet 2. I think it would be more engaging if the difficulty level varied throughout the game, making it a bit more challenging.
Fix Visual Bugs
I'm tired of developers not taking visual bugs seriously. Fixing them would make the game look more polished and professional.
Improve Economy
The economy in this game is a mess. Make items more accessible and reasonable prices would make the game more enjoyable.
Reduce Unnecessary Items
Some items are just too expensive or useless. Remove or make them more accessible to make the game more fun.
Simplify Boss Battles
Most bosses are just a chore. Make battles more challenging and engaging by introducing new mechanics.
Balance Amulet Prices
Some amulets are ridiculously expensive. Make them more reasonable and rewarding to purchase.
Increase Level Design Variety
The level design is too repetitive. Add more variety and interesting layout to make exploration more enjoyable.
Clearer Guidance
From the start, provide a clearer sense of direction and guidance on what to do and where to go, rather than leaving players to figure it out themselves.
More Engaging Mechanic
Introduce a more engaging mechanic or feature that would capture players' attention and make the game more entertaining and exciting.
Error-Free Save System
Fix the error-prone save system that caused frustration and forced the player to restart repeatedly, damage to the player's morale and overall experience.
Polished Initial Experience
Improve the initial experience by providing a more refined and polished introduction to the game, making it more enjoyable and encouraging players to continue playing.
Adjust the Pace
Adjust the pace of the game to suit players' preferences, as some may find it too slow or too fast, and make it more suitable for players of varying skill levels.
Simplify Controls
I was so frustrated with the overly complicated controls, it took me hours to get used to them. Simplifying the controls would make it more accessible to new players.
Fewer Cutscenes
The cutscenes were so long and drawn out, it felt like I was watching a movie instead of playing the game. Reducing the number of cutscenes would make the game feel more interactive.
Cheaper DLC
I loved the game, but the DLC was way too expensive. Offering more affordable DLC options would make it more appealing to players who don't have a lot of money.
More Customization
I wanted to create my own character, but there were limited options. Adding more customization options would make the game more enjoyable for players who like to personalize their experience.
Faster Loading Times
The loading times were so slow, it was frustrating to wait for the game to load every time I changed levels or saved. Improving the loading times would make the game more enjoyable.
Better AI
The AI was so predictable, it made the game feel too easy. Improving the AI would make the game more challenging and fun.
More Storyline
I loved the world and characters, but the storyline was a bit lacking. Adding more storyline and cutscenes could make the game feel more complete.
Smaller File Size
The game was so big, it took up a lot of hard drive space. Reducing the file size would make it easier to download and play.
Clearer Direction
I wish the game provided a clearer sense of direction, helping me understand what to do next and where to go. This would make the open-world feel less overwhelming.
Simplified Menus
Menus in the game are cluttered and hard to navigate, I think simplifying them would make it easier to access important features and options.
More Variety
The game feels repetitive at times, more variety in mission objectives and activities would help keep me engaged and interested.
Better Storyline
The storyline in the game feels disjointed and lacks emotional impact, I think tweaking the narrative would make it more memorable and engaging.
Easier Character Progression
Character progression in the game feels too slow, making it difficult to see improvements in my character over time. I wish it was faster or more rewarding.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Капли капают на асфальт Они в полёте нам станцуют удивительный вальс Капли капают на асфальт И разбиваются но скоро будут на небесах

  • Sentiments

    • The review expresses admiration and wonder.


我很需要点数去买那些涩涩的头像 摸一下猫猫会张嘴,一个赞摸一次!!! ⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⠛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⢋⣩⣉⢻ ⣿⣿⣿⠀⣿⣶⣕⣈⠹⠿⠿⠿⠿⠟⠛⣛⢋⣰⠣⣿⣿⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⣿⣿⣧⢻⣿⣶⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠶⡝⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⠘⣿⣿⣿⢏⣿⣿⣋⣀⣈⣻⣿⣿⣷⣤⣤⣿⡐⢿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⢩⣝⣫⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠿⠿⠦⠀⠸⠿⣻⣿⡄⢻ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣼ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣰ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠋⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⣿ ⣿⣿⠋⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢸

  • Sentiments

    • I'm really excited to buy those cute cat faces
    • I love petting the cat avatar
    • The game looks really nice
    • I'm a bit disappointed that I can't get more cat faces
    • I'm too lazy to collect more cat faces
    • I love the cute animations in the game
    • The game is too cute for me already
    • I feel like I'm a cat myself when playing the game
    • The game is really calming
    • I wish I could play this game all day
    • I'm too busy to play the game for now
    • The game is really fun and addictive
    • I love the relaxing atmosphere in the game


Оказывается игры ещё не разучились делать 10/10 PS: Это дополнение к обзору больше для самого себя. Даже спустя много лет я всем сердцем люблю эту игру, история которая остается с тобой на года и десятилетия. Она не может устареть, потому что во все времена она будет выглядеть как произведение искусства. Когда нибудь выйдет Silksong и я снова вернусь в этот прекрасный мир и почувствую себя дома. И возможно когда нибудь мне хватит навыка и яиц упокоить истинную лучезарность.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses their love and appreciation for the game
    • The reviewer mentions a throwback to an older game, showing nostalgia
    • The reviewer feels a strong emotional connection to the game
    • The reviewer looks forward to a new game in the series, showing anticipation
    • The review is written in a poetic and artistic tone, showing admiration


Hollow Knight é um daqueles jogos que te envolvem de uma maneira única. Os gráficos desenhados à mão são como uma obra de arte em movimento, criando uma atmosfera que te suga para o mundo do jogo. A jogabilidade desafiadora não é apenas uma questão de habilidade, mas de paciência e estratégia. Explorar os cantos sombrios deste mundo subterrâneo é uma jornada pessoal. Os personagens que encontramos ao longo do caminho têm uma profundidade emocional surpreendente e a narrativa sutil permite que você mergulhe nas histórias deles. A trilha sonora é melancólica e envolvente (confesso que às vezes dá até um certo medo). Hollow Knight é mais do que um jogo; é uma experiência íntima que captura o coração e a imaginação, oferecendo uma jornada que você não vai esquecer tão cedo.

  • Sentiments

    • The game's hand-drawn graphics are like a moving work of art, creating an atmosphere that draws you into the world of the game.
    • The challenging gameplay is not just a matter of skill, but also of patience and strategy.
    • Exploring the dark corners of this underground world is a personal journey.
    • The characters we find along the way have an unexpected emotional depth, and the subtle narrative allows you to immerse yourself in their stories.
    • The sound track is melancholic and immersive.
    • This game is more than just a game; it's an intimate experience that captures your heart and imagination, offering a journey that you won't soon forget.
    • The review is very personal and emotive.


🤡小丑游戏,没脑子的东西我看你丝之歌也别出了,滚回家吃大粪去吧。 但凡自己玩过一遍自己的游戏也不至于做出这么多屎点,制作组是能一次过痛苦之路还是怎么的?不知道自己跳跃手感有多垃圾吗,你搞你妈逼的跳跳乐。 还有平A哪怕是螳螂+范围护符都拉满了,对空体验还是一坨屎。敌人空中的AI我就草泥马了,哪个脑残写的?无论如何都会比主角高,你要不要看看白吼和上劈的距离?还老搞那么恶心的飞行动物,我看不出来任何设计,只看出来你作者的母亲应该拿去火葬场给电棍炼化了。 然后地图更是好笑,我玩了这么多银河恶魔城游戏,空洞骑士的地图是我玩过最垃圾的。没有细化到房间的地图,你给那么多标记有鸡巴用啊?看个大概是没问题,但我想插个图标在我在的房间,结果只有一个大致的轮廓图,你自己玩过你做的游戏吗? 还学黑魂呢,你有魂1地图设计一半的水平吗?那么多空出来一块的房间和好像有隐藏其实屁都没有的地方,我都不懂你搞出来干什么。还学人家死了要捡魂,黑魂有你这弱智游戏容易死吗?我是没见过哪个银河恶魔城是要人死两次交学费的,你是唯一一坨,最臭的。 呵呵还学人家纯当点365里路,你配吗,你这地图一共几个椅子附近有捷径?魂1地图除了王城,九个大地点几乎是田字形连接的,你有人家一半的脑子设计吗? 哦还有游戏要有制图师才能有地图,你怎么不开局让主角赤手空拳,有铁匠才能有武器啊? 一坨屎一样,33mb的动物井都做得比你像样子。

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely dissatisfied with the game, expressing frustration and disappointment in the game's design and mechanics.
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's AI and enemy design, labeling it as 'trash' and 'brainless'.
    • The reviewer is disappointed with the game's map design, calling it ' Utterly ridiculous' and 'absurd'.
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's lack of detail in its map design, comparing it unfavorably to other games in the same genre.
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's difficulty, stating that it is too easy and that the player can die twice before getting it right.
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's lack of creativity in its level design, implying that it is unoriginal and uninteresting.
    • The reviewer expresses disdain for the game's poor design and lack of attention to detail.
    • The reviewer is disappointed with the game's lack of a creative team behind its design.
    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's presentation, calling it 'trash' and 'a pile of excrement'.
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's poor performance, stating that it is inferior to other games in the same genre.


Ok i changed my mind this game is good. Ok i changed my mind again you have to run 20 billion light years if you want to reach hornet 2.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer initially had mixed feelings about the game, but their tone changed to positive.
    • However, their enthusiasm was later dampened by a specific aspect of the game.
    • The reviewer's negative opinion was also expressed regarding a specific aspect of the game.


ну... Создатель 3 уровня колизея просто гений. Забрать возможность хила, насрать противниками и в конце так же насрать хуесосами которые прыгают. Гений. Про визуальные баги я вообще молчу... разработчикам было максимально похуй. Левел дизайней глубинного гнезда ахуенный чел. Сделать на столько конченую локацию это надо ещё постараться. Большинство боссов неинтересная херня. Разнообразие противников в краю королевства просто блещет тебе в лицо. Экономика в игре просто бомба. Разработчики сами не знают, что с ними делать. Фонарик за 1800 нужен только в глубинном гнезде, который нужен для попадания в кристальный пик, где он не нужен. Покупать проход в комнату, чтобы получить монеты... это реально было сильно. Система амулетов нормальная, но стоимость некоторых амулетов необоснованно большая. Примеры: кровь улья, длинный гвоздь (который почти не меняет длину клинка), крепкий панцирь, щит грёз просто хуетень и т.д. Всрать потенциал одной из лучших локаций максимально сильный ход (я бы назвал это - ход хуём). Спрятать локацию даже не намикая, что там она есть, просто ахуенно. Так ещё и она максимально маленькая, хоть и очень красивая. Это лучшей платформер из всего, что есть, но это средняя игра, на которую разработчикам стало просто похуй после выхода игры (за исключением исправления крупных багов).

  • Sentiments

    • The level design is amazing
    • The developer's attitude towards visual bugs is disappointing
    • The level design of the deep nest is exceptionally good
    • The boss fights are uninteresting
    • The variety of enemies in the kingdom is remarkable
    • The economy in the game is overpowered
    • Some amulets are overpriced
    • The potential of one of the best locations is squandered
    • This is one of the best platformers out there
    • The developer's attitude towards game development has declined


평가가 워낙좋고 비주얼도 나쁘지않아서 플레이 해보았지만 시작하고 몇분뒤 나랑 안맞는다는걸 바로느꼇음 일단 첫번째론 초반에 뭐해야할지 어디로가야할지 방향성을 제시해주지않음 가이드가 불친절함 뭔가 목표없이 그냥 맵돌아다니고 컨트롤하며 사냥하는게 뭔가 흥미가 나지않음 다른사람들은 재밌게 느끼겠지만 내가 재미느끼는 요소가 좀 부족함 좀 에러한부분은 시발 200코인모았는데 죽었더니 바로 다사라짐... 뭔 개좆같은 저장도 안되는게;;;ㅅㅂ 시작하자마자 정털린다 암튼 재밌어보이긴했지만 나랑안맞아서 접는다 ㅅㄱ여~

  • Sentiments

    • The game is not to my liking, I didn't find it exciting or fun.
    • The game has nice visuals, but the first few minutes were directionless.
    • I felt frustrated because the guidance was poor, making it hard to progress.
    • The game has errors, and I experienced a frustrating save system.
    • The fight scene was thrilling, but the overall experience was disappointing.

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