Hotline Miami is a high-octane action game that plunges players into a brutal, neon-soaked alternative 1989 Miami. With its fast-paced gameplay, hard-boiled gunplay, and skull-crushing close combat, this indie gem has earned an impressive AI Community Rating of 89.61%. Players assume the role of a mysterious antihero, driven by cryptic messages to unleash chaos on the criminal underworld. The game’s unmistakable visual style, paired with a driving synthwave soundtrack, creates an immersive and surreal experience. However, the challenge is unforgiving—players must rely on quick reflexes and strategic thinking to survive. Community feedback highlights the game’s strengths, praising its soundtrack, satisfying gameplay, and unique aesthetic. Yet, some players find the difficulty frustrating, citing clunky controls and unfair AI behavior. Despite these critiques, Hotline Miami remains a standout title for fans of action-packed, adrenaline-fueled indie games. If you’re drawn to intense, fast-paced action and a retro vibe, this game is a must-play.
I don't know who I am. I don't know why I'm here. All I know is that I must kill. This meme fits the game perfectly. I don't understand what the story is talking about even after two runs, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the beauty of pure violence. This fast paced game is straight to the point, to kill or to be killed, hesitation is defeat. Achievements requires some effort but not really that difficult. Chapter 5 is your best friend for collection related achievements. Don Juan + wall kill will help you to get A+ rating in most of the levels. Overall very recommended and it deserves to be an overwhelming positive game.
The game grabs you by the throat and throws you into a pixelated bloodbath. Fueled by a heart-pounding '80s soundtrack, this game doesn’t let up. It’s fast, brutal, and unforgiving—where you’ll die often, hit ‘R’ to respawn, and throw yourself right back into the chaos. With its VHS-era aesthetics and random enemy behavior, each level becomes a savage puzzle. The pixelated carnage? A relentless, stylish massacre that leaves your nerves frayed and your fingers itching for more.
Hotline Miami is a cult classic fast paced arcade style game where you kill. There is so much violence and gore I love it. You have to plan out your course of action and one mistake can be your downfall. It is so satisfying to get a high score for each level, although this game made me MAD MAD. I can finally live out my sadistic self in this game. I highly recommend this game to anyone who wants to have some great action gameplay!
- DIFFICULTY - 🔲 My 90 year old grandma could play it 🔲 Easy 🔲 Normal ☑️ Hard 🔲 "Dark Souls" - GRAPHICS - 🔲 "MS Paint" 🔲 Bad 🔲 Meh ☑️ Graphics don't matter in this game 🔲 Good 🔲 Beautiful 🔲 Masterpiece - MUSIC - 🔲 Bad 🔲 Not special 🔲 Good ☑️ Beautiful - STORY - 🔲 This game has no story 🔲 Like playing "Temple Runners" for the story 🔲 It's there for the people who want it ☑️ Well written 🔲 Epic story - PRICE - 🔲 Underpriced ☑️ Perfect price 🔲 Could be cheaper 🔲 Overpriced 🔲 Complete waste of money - REQUIREMENTS - ☑️ You can run it on a microwave 🔲 Average 🔲 High end 🔲 "NASA" computer - LENGTH - 🔲 Very short (0 - 3 hours) ☑️ Short (3 - 15 hours) 🔲 Average (15 - 50 hours) 🔲 Long (50 - 90 hours) 🔲 Extremely long (90 - 110 hours) 🔲 No ending - FUN - 🔲 I'd rather watch paint dry 🔲 Hard to enjoy 🔲 Repetitive ☑️ Actually pretty amusing 🔲 Ride of your life - REPLAYABILITY - 🔲 It's a one - time experience 🔲 Only for achievements 🔲 If you wait a few months / years ☑️ Definitely 🔲 Infinitely replayable - WORTH BUYING - 🔲 No 🔲 Wait for sale ☑️ Yes
This game is difficult to review, because it's a ludonarrative masterpiece. It's not a game, as much as it is a small shard of a completely different reality. The mechanics, soundtrack, art, and narrative all combine to create an experience that's great than the sum of its parts. Mechanically, it's a fast paced, top down shooter with a tight gameplay loop. You can see every mistake you make, and rectify it without a loading screen. Narratively, it hits the sweet spot: enough so you know what's going on and come away with a different perspective, but not so much that you feel preached to. Artistically, every single asset in this game comes together to create a world you can lose yourself in. It's a masterpiece that uses a simple gameplay loop to tell a story that's worth hearing, and worth repeating.
To be honest, this isn't really my kind of game. I was only drawn to play this one because of the hype. If you're into top-down, fast-paced, almost rhythmically frantic violence with very little room for player error, this game will probably be your holy grail. That's just not the kind of games I seek out these days. Which is okay! Well-designed, dripping with flavor, but just not for me.
incredibly fun concept but it feels like they planned out these controls to be as confusing and clunky as possible. the hud sucks ass, the last thing i want to do is check the bottom left on my screen to see how much ammo i have left. 90% of this thing feels like a game of wheres waldo with my crosshair. all the ai is all knowing and with 360 no scope you at any given time. and the art style is so fucking ugly. like jesus christ fire every artist at the studio.
I love the game, I love the music, i love game mechanics. BUT HOLY **** does this game crash and bug out. First of all the so called "updated" version straight up just doesn't launch for me and the original version just crashes, crashes, crahse or bugs out - at the end of levels too with no way of saving your progress so you have to re-do the leve every single time. I'm currently on chapter 8 and the level either bugs out when the character just gets stuck during a transition on stairs or the game just crashes when I complete the game and get in the car. Completed this chapter like 10 times at this point in hopes that THIS time it will surely work. Tried different launching options that the game gives you - windowed, v-sync, different resolutions, tried running as administrator, tried different compatibility options with previous Windows' - nothing works. So this is where the game will end for me i guess. What shame.
The only reason to buy this garbage fire of the game is for the soundtrack which I have listened to for over 10 years at this point. The "game" however is extremely repetitive with the usual cheap tricks a game made by developers that hate the gamer implement, you need an x item for a certain room you don't have it you have softlocked the game/ boss fights where you have 1 frame to do something and will die 100s of times even after you had to watch youtube videos, that last boss fight in the game is downright one of the most vile and degenerate one's ive seen in a game, outright took me 10 years of rage before I finally got past that trash.
the game broke absolutely all microsoft c++ libraries, because of which all other games became laggy upd: because of ur ****ing game, I had to reinstall windows with a lot of software, spending a day on it. burn in hell, crooks.
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