Hunt: Showdown

Hunt: Showdown game image

Mostly Positive

Total: 230 ThousandPositive: 170 ThousandNegative: 60.3 Thousand
Steam review score: 6
Hunt: Showdown 1896 is a new era of the addictively unforgiving extraction shooter. In corrupted backwaters lost to history, fight back alone – or with friends – against timeless evil. Twisted monsters and other ruthless Hunters stand between you and your Bounty. Risk everything as Hunt consumes you
AI Community game rating

70.64 %

Hunt: Showdown is placed at number 91 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

42.8 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Improve Mini-Games
The game's mini-games should be more engaging and varied, with different themes and mechanics
Improve Audio Feedback
I think it would be great if the audio feedback could be more subtle and realistic, like a gentle creaking sound instead of a loud noise.
Add More Storylines
I would love to see more storylines and plot twists, it would make the game feel more dynamic and engaging.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics are good, but I think it would be amazing if they could be even more detailed and realistic, especially in the environments.
Increase Difficulty
I'd like to see more challenging levels and enemies, it would make the game more exciting and rewarding when you finally beat them.
Improve Inventory Management
It's a bit confusing to manage my inventory, I think it would be great if it was more organized and easier to use.
Simplify Mechanics
I felt overwhelmed by the complex mechanics and UI. A more streamlined and intuitive experience would improve the game's accessibility and enjoyment for newer players.
More Varied Missions
The missions felt too similar and repetitive. Adding more varied and challenging objectives would keep me engaged and interested in the game.
Improve New Player Guidance
As a new player, I struggled to understand the game's mechanics and objectives. A more comprehensive tutorial or better in-game guidance would be helpful.
Reduce Monotony
The repetitive mission objectives started to feel monotonous. Adding more variety and unexpected challenges would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Enhance Multiplayer Features
The PvP and PvE multiplayer features were great, but could be improved with more features and options to make them more engaging and tactical.
Better Sound Design
The sound design was amazing, but sometimes it was hard to distinguish between different sounds and effects. Improving the sound design would enhance the immersion and realism.
More Realistic Character Development
The characters felt somewhat generic and lacked depth. Adding more realistic and nuanced character development would make the game's world feel more authentic.
Improve Enemy AI
The enemies felt too predictable and stupid at times. Improving their AI would make the game's combat more challenging and realistic.
Add More Interactivity to the Environment
The environment felt somewhat static and uninteractive. Adding more environmental objects and interactions would make the game's world feel more alive and immersive.
Improve Game Mechanics
I'd like to see more dynamic game mechanics, such as the ability to cut fruits with a katana, instead of just using it for show
Realistic Character Dialogue
Players should be able to engage in realistic conversations, not just quote lines from the game
Varying Enemy Types
The game would be more challenging with a variety of enemy types and abilities
More Realistic Fights
I'd like to see players use strategy and tactics to defeat enemies, not just run and gun
Improve Character Customization
Allow players to customize their character with more options, such as different hairstyles and outfits
Higher Difficulty Level
Add a harder difficulty level for experienced players to test their skills
More Realistic Fruit Cutting
The fruit cutting mechanic should be more realistic, with different fruits requiring different techniques
Improve Player Movement
Allow players to move around the map more smoothly, with less lag and more control
More Interactive Environments
Players should be able to interact with the environment more, such as using items and objects to their advantage
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack should be more dynamic and vary in its tone and style to match the game's different environments
More Realistic Character Abilities
The character's abilities should be more realistic and useful, such as being able to use their katana for self-defense
Improve Multiplayer Mode
Add a multiplayer mode where players can battle each other online
Improve Storyline
The game's storyline should be more engaging and have a clear direction
Improve Inventory System
The inventory system should be more user-friendly and allow players to carry more items
More Realistic Map Design
The game's map design should be more realistic and varied, with different environments and terrain
Improve Player AI
The player's AI should be more advanced and responsive, allowing for more realistic gameplay
Improve Graphics
The game's graphics should be more detailed and varied, with different environments and characters
More Realistic Character SFX
The character's sound effects should be more realistic and varied, such as different sounds for different fruits
Improve Boss Battles
The game's boss battles should be more challenging and varied, with different enemies and abilities
More Cat Variety
I would love to see more cat breeds and varieties in the game. The current selection is lacking and doesn't give me the freedom to explore different cat personalities and traits.
Improve Camera System
The camera system is quite wonky and often gets stuck or has a weird perspective. I think it would greatly improve the overall gaming experience if they could improve the camera system to make it more intuitive and responsive.
More Customization Options
I would love to have more customization options for my cat, such as different collars, accessories, or even customizable texturing on their fur. It would make the cat feel more unique and special.
More Achievements and Rewards
I think there should be more achievements and rewards in the game. It would incentivize me to keep playing and trying new things, and it would give me a sense of accomplishment when I complete them.
Better Storyline
The storyline is quite weak and doesn't pull me in. I think it would be great if they could create a more engaging and immersive storyline with more character development and plot twists.
More Interactive Environments
The environments in the game are quite static and don't offer much interaction. I think it would be great if they could add more interactive elements, such as moveable objects or puzzles to solve.
More Variety in Levels
The levels in the game are quite repetitive and don't offer much variety. I think it would be great if they could create more diverse and challenging levels with different themes and objectives.
More Casual Options
I feel that there could be more casual options, such as a relaxed mode or a tutorial, to make the game more accessible to new players.
Improve Trio Game Mode
The trio game mode could be improved by adding more variety to the challenges and game modes, making it more engaging for players.
Add More Multiplayer Options
It would be great to have more multiplayer options, such as competitive modes or game types, to cater to different types of players.
More Regular Updates
I would love to see more regular updates with new content, features, and game modes to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Fix Lag and Stability Issues
The game sometimes experiences lag and stability issues, which can be frustrating for players and detract from their experience.
Improve Cheats Protection
Developers should implement a more effective way to detect and prevent cheats, to ensure a fair gaming experience for all players.
Remove Banned Accounts
Developers should remove banned accounts to avoid account sharing and cheating, and to maintain a clean gaming community.
Conduct Regular Updates
Regular updates with new content, features, and bug fixes would keep the game fresh and exciting for players.
Enhance Community Support
Developers should provide better support for the community, including regular updates on new developments and an active presence in official discords.
Address Cheating in Official Discords
Developers should address cheating in official discords by providing clear guidelines on cheating, and taking action against those who engage in it.
Release a Separate Anti-Cheat System
A separate anti-cheat system would help to detect and prevent cheats more effectively, and provide a better gaming experience for players.
China Region Lock
Implement a region lock to prevent Chinese cheating accounts to play in EU games
Max Acceptable MM Ping Setting
Set a maximum acceptable ping setting in matchmaking to prevent cheating
New MMR System
Introduce a new MMR system that takes into account the lack of competition in the EU region
Prevent Cheating
Implement measures to prevent cheating, such as tracking and banning hidden cheating accounts
Enhance Matchmaking
Improve matchmaking to group players with similar MMR and ping settings
Anti-Cheat Measures
Implement anti-cheat measures to detect and prevent cheating behavior
Fix Server Overload
I suggest that the developers implement a fairer distribution of players on servers to avoid overloading them. This would improve the overall gaming experience.
Address Cheating
It's essential to add measures to prevent cheating, such as anti-cheat software, to maintain a fair and enjoyable environment for players.
Frequent Bug Fixes
I recommend that the developers focus on fixing bugs and providing regular updates to ensure a smooth gaming experience.
No DLC Skins
Instead of releasing DLC skins, I suggest that the developers invest time and resources in improving the game's core mechanics and content.
Server-Side Anti-Cheat Measures
Server-side anti-cheat measures could help prevent exploitation and maintain a healthy player base.
New Engine
I believe the game needs a new engine to improve performance and reduce bugs.
Fix Bugs
The game has been plagued by bugs for too long, I suggest the developers prioritize fixing these issues.
More Development
I feel like the game has stopped developing and improving, I would suggest the developers to continue adding new features and content.
Player Feedback
Players' feedback seems to be ignored, I would suggest the developers to take it more seriously and make changes accordingly.
Fix Server Lag
I suggest to implement a better network infrastructure to reduce lag and ping issues, it's really frustrating to play with such problems.
Block Cheaters
I think it's necessary to create a system to detect and block cheaters, it's unfair to compete with players who use scripts or bots.
Improve Server Matchmaking
I recommend to improve the server matchmaking system to ensure fair and balanced matches, it's important to play with players of similar skill level.
Enhance User Interface
I suggest to improve the user interface and make it more intuitive and user-friendly, it's difficult to navigate through the menus and options.
Add More Server Regions
I think it's necessary to add more server regions to reduce latency and ping issues, especially for players who live far from the main servers.
Improve Reporting System
I recommend to improve the reporting system to make it easier for players to report cheaters and other issues, it's important to have a fair and effective way to address problems.
Better Support for Asian Players
I suggest to provide better support for Asian players, including translation and localization options, to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for them.
Improve Balance
I think it's necessary to improve the balance of the game, including the difficulty and rewards, to make it more enjoyable and challenging for players.
Add More Game Modes
I recommend to add more game modes to the game, including new game modes or variations on existing ones, to keep the game fresh and exciting.
More Realistic Sound Effects
I would love to hear more realistic sound effects in the game, especially for the gunshots. The current sound effects seem cartoonish and don't add to the immersion of the gameplay.
More Enemy Varieties
Having more enemy varieties would make the game more challenging and exciting. It would also make the game feel more dynamic and unpredictable.
Improved Cover System
The cover system is a bit frustrating to use. Making it more seamless and intuitive would make the gameplay smoother and more enjoyable.
More Weapon Customization
I would love to be able to customize my weapons more extensively. This would make the game feel more personal and engaging.
Better Storyline
The storyline feels a bit generic and predictable. I would love to see a more complex and engaging storyline with unexpected twists and turns.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Buen juego 8/10 Opinión: ¿Sabes qué se siente cuando te haces una paja y de repente, en tu casa se oyen pasos? Sí, ¿no? Pues, amigo, estás de suerte. Este juego imita a la perfección esa sensación de miedo y temor por tu vida que te cagas.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is exciting and thrilling
    • Fear is a key element in this game
    • The game is realistic
    • It's a good job
    • It mimics the feeling of fear and fear for your life
    • This game is great


«Hunt: Showdown» - це захоплюючий та атмосферний шутер, на який ви обов'язково повинні звернути свою увагу. Поглиблений світ жахів XIX століття, де ви знаходитеся в ролі мисливців на чудовиська, ця гра поєднує в собі елементи виживання, стратегії та багато емоційних моментів. Одним з переваг Hunt: Showdown є його неперевершена атмосфера. Реалістична графіка та майстерно пророблене звукове оформлення переносять вас у світ, населений страхом та напруженістю. Кожен звук може означати загрозу, і це створює неймовірно іммерсивний досвід. Геймплей також є сильною стороною гри. Комбінування PvE та PvP елементів додає глибини та непередбачуваності. Ви постійно відчуваєте напругу, бо навколо вас можуть бути як інші гравці, так і небезпечні монстри. Кожен бій стає екстремальним випробуванням, де ви повинні робити швидкі та обдумані рішення, щоб вижити та завершити місію. Незважаючи на всі свої переваги, гра також має свої недоліки. Для нових гравців гра дуже тяжка особисто я награв в неї 80 годин і ще до сіх пір не розумію всі механіки. Також іноді може відчуватися деяка монотонність у завданнях, особливо якщо ви граєте на протязі тривалого часу. Загалом, «Hunt: Showdown» - це захоплива та захоплююча гра, яка пропонує унікальний геймплей та неймовірну атмосферу. Для тих, хто шукає щось нове та незвичне в жанрі шутерів, ця гра безумовно варта уваги.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is exciting and atmospheric, worth paying attention to.
    • The realistic graphics and sound design create an immersive experience.
    • The gameplay is a strong point, combining PvE and PvP elements adds depth and unpredictability.
    • The game's atmosphere creates a sense of tension and fear, every sound has a potential threat.
    • The game is challenging, especially for new players.
    • The game can feel monotonous at times, especially during long play sessions.
    • The game is unique and offers a fresh experience in the shooter genre.
    • The game is worth considering for those looking for something new and different.


一旦你点赞了,牛子精灵不仅会给你的牛子加长1cm 还可以让一个你最讨厌的人的牛子缩短1cm ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠟⠉⠄⣀⡤⢤⣤⣈⠁⣠⡔⠶⣾⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠋⠁⠄⠄⠄⣼⣿⠁⡀⢹⣿⣷⢹⡇⠄⠎⣿ ⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠹⣇⣀⣡⣾⣿⡿⠉⠛⠒⠒⠋ ⠋⠁⠄⠄⢀⣤⣤⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠙⠛⠛⠉⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⢹⣧⡈⠿⣷⣄⣀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⣠ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠻⢿⣶⣌⣙⡛⠛⠿⠶⠶⠶⠶⠶⠖⣒⣒⣚⣋⡩⢱ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠉⠛⠛⠛⠻⠿⠿⠟⠛⠛⠛⠉⢉⣥⣶⣾⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠒⠶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠻⣿⣿

  • Sentiments

    • I love the creative freedom this game gives me
    • The humor is so ridiculous, I just can't help but laugh
    • The graphics are really underwhelming
    • I'm so annoyed at how cheap some of the items are
    • The song in the background is catchy
    • I hate having to deal with mean players in online multiplayer
    • The storyline is really engaging
    • The UI is really intuitive
    • I'm so frustrated with the lack of updates
    • The voice acting is well done


— Что это? — А ты как думаешь, петушила? Это нож! — Это не нож — это грёбанное копьё. Вы из фильма «300 спартанцев»? Вам оно для чего, примите участие в олимпиаде? Или пожарите шашлык? Посчитаете, сколько шампуров я съем? Я сюда припёрся, чтобы нормально пострелять! Ждал нормальной перестрелки с нормальными мужиками, как полковник Кастер и Джеронимо! Вы про них не слыхали. Вы нацепили на себя эти шампуры и жарите свои сраные шашлыки. Так ведь? Бро, они пригнали нам сюда стадо долбаных педофилов. Дай мне пройти, срань! Отвали! Пошёл с дороги, урод! Тоже мне, охотники сраные. Ублюдки хреновы, я шёл на перестрелку!!! Как в вестерне. Макаки, вашу мать, только время отняли. Кучу времени отняли!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely frustrated and angry with the game, feeling misled and wasted their time.
    • The reviewer is extremely disappointed and frustrated with the game, feeling it is not what they expected.
    • The reviewer is upset with the game, feeling it is inaccurate and unrealistic.
    • The reviewer feels the game is unrealistic and unengaging.
    • The reviewer is angry and frustrated with the game, feeling it is fake and unrealistic.
    • The reviewer is extremely upset and frustrated with the game, feeling it is not worth the time.
    • The reviewer feels the game is fake and unengaging.
    • The reviewer is angry and frustrated with the game, feeling it is not what they expected.
    • The reviewer feels the game is unengaging and unrealistic.
    • The reviewer is upset with the game, feeling it is not accurate.
    • The reviewer feels the game is not realistic and accurate.
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game, feeling it is not engaging.
    • The reviewer feels the game is unrealistic, inaccurate, and unengaging.
    • The reviewer is upset with the game, feeling it is fake and not realistic.
    • The reviewer feels the game is fake and worst.
    • The reviewer is angry and frustrated with the game, feeling it is the worst.
    • The reviewer feels the game is not worth the time and is the worst.


[b]Разработчики покрывают изготовителей читов, либо сами являются изготовителями.[/b] ни в коем случае не покупайте эту игру. На китайских маркетплейсах можно легко купить читы, от них нет никакой защиты. Любые упоминания читов в официальном дискорде или дискордах партнеров игнорируются или банятся. Единственная причина этому - причастие самих разработчиков к продаже читов. Ютубьте "читы hunt showdown", ознакомьтесь с видео Айвара и других русских ютуберов о читах. [b]Developers either cover cheat manufacturers or are cheat manufacturers themselves.[/b] do [b]NOT[/b] buy this game even on sales. On Chinese marketplaces, cheats can be easily purchased, and there's no protection against them. Any mentions of cheats in the official Discord or partner Discords are either ignored or result in bans. The sole reason for this is the involvement of developers in cheat sales. YouTube "Hunt Showdown cheats", watch videos by Ivar and other Russian YouTubers about cheats(use captions or AI to translate).

  • Sentiments

    • The game is completely untrustworthy and has a strong potential for cheating
    • The developers are involved in cheat sales
    • Any mention of cheats in official Discord or partner Discords is ignored or results in bans
    • The game is not worth buying, even on sales
    • The game lacks protection against cheats
    • The game has a bad reputation
    • The developers are not honest about cheating
    • Cheats can be easily purchased on Chinese marketplaces
    • The game is untrustworthy
    • The game has a high potential for cheating


If the next engine update doesn't come with China Region Lock or max acceptable MM ping setting and a brand new MMR system, it isn't worth playing. As of June 2024 EU is infested with chinese/hidden cheating accounts in nearly every game if not peak hours making it unplayable, and trios mostly queues against full lobbies of duos as thats how the cheat carry services operate to get more kills and MMR meaning you are constantly 3rd partied at spawn by the cheaters. Hidden accounts mean one of two things-cheater or shit at the game and embarrassed by stats, no in-between.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely dissatisfied with the game's handling of Chinese cheaters and hidden accounts.
    • I'm frustrated with the lack of a solution to this cheating problem.
    • I'm disappointed that the game is not enjoyable due to cheaters.
    • I think the current system is flawed and needs improvement.
    • I'm angry that some players are using cheating carry services.
    • I'm fed up with the constant 3rd partying at spawn by cheaters.
    • I wish there was a new MMR system to prevent this issue.
    • I'm unhappy with the lack of effort to stop cheating accounts.
    • I think some players are embarrassed by their stats.


Developers are chasing money by making more and more skins that aren't needed. Where's the new engine? Where is the solution to the problems with bugs? Why the game stopped developing and everything stopped only on the same events. The game is good, but apparently players are no longer heard. We'll see what happens in august

  • Sentiments

    • The game developers are only focused on making more money instead of improving the game.
    • There is a lack of innovation and progress in the game's development.
    • The game is good, but the developers seem to be ignoring the players' concerns and feedback.
    • The solution to the game's problems is not being implemented.
    • There is a sense of frustration and disappointment with the game's current state.


I played quite a lot for such a game. It all started quite well. But for 2-3 years, the servers in Europe were overwhelmed with the Chinese, who are in the order of things to play with cheats, as I understand it, because they are so crooked. Developers literally don't want to do anything about it. Instead of bug fixes, they release DLC skins every 2-3 weeks. They are only interested in money. The game is quite interesting, but there are a lot of bugs, a lot of Chinese on the European server.I'm not a racist, but when you play on the European server.Do you want to see only hieroglyphs around.So it's up to you to decide whether to buy the game.Just be prepared that it's not perfect and the developers only need it for the money.

  • Sentiments

    • I started well but got disappointed by the server issues and unbalanced gameplay
    • The game is interesting but full of bugs
    • Developers prioritize money over bug fixes and server stability
    • It's not perfect but the game has potential
    • The Chinese players are a problem on the European server

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