85.84 %
10.0 %
Step into the iconic fedora of Indiana Jones in *Indiana Jones and the Great Circle*, a thrilling first-person action-adventure game set in 1937. Developed by MachineGames, this single-player experience takes you on a globe-trotting quest to uncover ancient secrets tied to the Great Circle, blending exploration, puzzles, and whip-cracking action. With an AI Community Rating of 85.73%, players praise its immersive story, stunning graphics, and engaging puzzles. However, some note issues like repetitive combat, clunky menus, and occasional bugs. If you love cinematic adventures with a mix of stealth, exploration, and mystery, this game delivers—just be prepared for a few rough edges.
I remember back in the mid Aughts I was home for the holidays and playing Uncharted. My Father, who hated video games watched me for a few hours and then pronounced 'I'd play this if it starred Indiana Jones.' That game didn't exist then, but two decades later it does. I wish he were here to play this right now, but this one's for you, Dad.
Forget the modern movies, this is the future of Indiana Jones. Bring on a whole long series of games just like this and let Indy live on.
8.5 / 10 Gameplay is silly fun Combat is silly fun Enemy AI is stupiddly funny Story is good for an Indiana Jones Like watching a 30 hr Indiana Jones Movie
the masculine urge to become an archaeologist and find biblical treasures all around the world whilst fighting fascists is insane when you play this game.
[b] Review After 100% Achievements [/b] This one completely took me by surprise! Main story is great, I really enjoyed the fieldwork side quests and mysteries as well. Exploration is awesome, puzzles are fun, and the collectables were all memorable to track down. Great addition to the Indiana Jones timeline in my opinion, now I’ve gotta go back and rewatch the movies. Loved traversing all the different areas. From the pyramids to hidden temples I loved every second experiencing what MachineGames has created. Wear disguises to blend in with enemies, or go straight in punching and parrying like John Wick. Combat feels awesome, and combine that with a natural feeling progression system, you get a solid experience. I feel like I’ve explored every inch of this game after obtaining all ancient relics, lost artifacts, notes, and foods. I will never forget solving that final ancient relic puzzle to obtain the last note and special cutscene! Definitely a must play. Achievement Count: 45 Time to 100%: ~35hrs Difficulty: ★★✩✩✩ Genre of Game: First Person, Puzzle, Story Rich, Action Fun Rating: 8/10 Checkout my YT video review or my [url=https://steamcommunity.com/groups/twigmastergaming] Steam Curator Page! [/url] https://youtu.be/1TM0K080YFs
I spent 44 hours and finished the game. There is a lot to love about this game. The world is stunning and feels just like the movies. The characters feel real, the pace is good, and the puzzles are excellent. I only have few issues that are just simple design flaws: 1: There is no manual save, although there is no real reason to have it only save automatically at checkpoints. The problem is if you have a real life. I've been more than 30 minutes from my last save when real life calls. I was more than 40 minutes from my last save during the finale. It sucked. A simple save option would have allowed me to enjoy all that cutscene. 2. The menu system is clunky. Journal/map, and inventory access is painful. It is immersion breakingly clunky. 3. This gripe is minor, because this is a stealth game. Combat is weak. 4. Some puzzles cannot be solved when you encounter them, and there is no way to know that with the information given. Eventually you figure out that you must progress more to have another tool or access point. Not a huge deal except that leads to #5. 5. There points of no return and no indication of that. You might be really close to finishing a particular quest when yoink! Off to the next location. It is painfully obvious that this game was built for a console and ported to PC. I'm guessing the console version is better. If this game goes on sale, it could be worth a shot. But at full price I cannot recommend it.
BUYER BEWARE - Check the minimum specs. For some reason this game has high requirements, but you probably won't notice until several hours in when a cutscene refuses to progress. This puts you past Steam's refund window and Bethesda support will dismiss your case.
A solid 3/5 at best - I feel a complete disconnected to the rave reviews this game has received. The first 4-5 hours were great fun but quickly after that it peters out and becomes incredibly repetitive. The storyline was entertaining but the collectible elements are rudimentary, the puzzles are both infrequent and present little challenge. This combined with the clunky movement mechanics, terrible combat/stealth mechanics, repetitive mundane animations with no variety and random CTDs made this a disappointing and severely overpriced offering.
So you think that your PC at least meets the minimum requirements (plus a bit) but you get partway through and then the game won't play. Searching shows that it only really works on the recommended requirements which more or less means that you have to have a very up-to-date machine. You MUST have ray tracing, must have high graphics and PC memory. By the time you get to the point that the game is unplayable, you are beyond the point of being able to get a refund. Feels dishonest. Are we now only going to be able to play new games if you have got the very latest machine specs?
I love the Indiana Jones movies. This game isn't awful per se, and a lot of love and attention went into it and there are moments where it truly shines. Ultimately the biggest problem with the game is in its core design, and that can't be fixed with any number of patches. This game's pacing is nowhere near as exciting as an Indiana Jones movie, except for two or three scripted sequences which are admittedly pretty great (especially Shanghai). This is a slow-paced game where you will spend most of your time walking around, climbing around, or sneaking around. Most of the time spent in the game is just traversal. It's frustrating when you don't have a disguise because enemies will attack you on sight (usually with guns, see below), and it's boring otherwise. The melee combat system is fun at first, but after about 8 hours you know it just doesn't have anything new to throw at you. Shooting guns feels good, but at no point did I enjoy any gunfight. Enemies are very accurate, guns deal a lot of damage to YOU, but YOU deal only a medium amount of damage to enemies with guns. There is no effective cover to be found at any point. The enemy AI is not smart, nor are they dumb in a fun way. Everything feels a bit clunky. Everyone moves and acts like Skyrim NPCs, including the dogs. If you want thrilling adventures and lovable characters like the Indy movies, play Uncharted instead, unless you are a die-hard fan. I don't regret my purchase, but I can't say "go play this game."
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