In Kerbal Space Program, take charge of the space program for the alien race known as the Kerbals. You have access to an array of parts to assemble fully-functional spacecraft that flies (or doesn’t) based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics.
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[h1] 2024年Kerbal Space Program一代是否值得购买? [/h1] [h2]提示[/h2]👉游戏时常会有打折所以请留意您是否有意愿原价购买,以免钱包遭遇不测之灾。 [h2]关于同类游戏的选择[/h2]👉尽管坎巴拉一代发布时间久远,但它目前仍然是您体验太空沙盒模拟不二之选👍(亦或是坎星军工) [h2]关于难度[/h2]👉请您忽略玩家对游戏硬核程度的调侃,作为一款模拟器,您可以通过不断的尝试或是游戏内外的教程来了解游戏的玩法。无成本的尝试正是作为模拟器存在的意义,您不应被传言中的门槛而磨灭自己对于太空模拟的兴趣。 [h2]一代与二代的选择[/h2]👉在见证ksp2代那一言难尽的开发历程以及令人唏嘘的结局后回看目前mod完整发展的一代,后者无疑是更有优势的。目前二代的开发几近停止。而曾经在二代上画过的大饼,您都可以通过在一代安装mod体验到绝大部分,甚至于二代突出的美术优势一代也能够通过美化类mod的安装达到甚至超越二代的水准。但由于玩家群体的小众性,导致在您希望体验更丰富的太空之旅时,需要您有一定的获取网络资源的能力以及好问的心😊。 [h2]配置要求[/h2]👉由于游戏发布时间久远,该游戏对于多核优化并不理想,因此您在您需要建造组件数较多的航天器时,对于处理器单核性能要求会进一步提升,而更多的美化模组对于显卡的要求也会进一步提升。[b]但这并不能说明它不能运行在低配的电脑上[/b],如果您需要,即便是老旧的赛扬处理器的笔记本,仍能在一定的部件数内以体验的水平运行该游戏。请您放心,即便是原版的一代,其中也有丰富的内容等待您探索。
This game started my whole career. It's the only place you can learn to eyeball orbital mechanics. Buy this, not KSP2.
The one and only complete Kerbal game. The one you should get because the second one is probably dead in the water with halfbaked promises. What more to say, other than i personally suck at this game lol
I never write reviews. But for people who may be on the fence about this game like I was, let me ease your mind. It's incredible. I have been a gamer for a long time and have played a great variety of games from all genres. I would place this game in my top five favorite. There is a slight catch. It's hard. Real hard. I spent hours researching physics, aerodynamics, and orbital mechanics just to play this game effectively. But don't let that scare you away. Learning all these new things is part of what makes this game so amazing. I had never been so interested in physics nor understood as much as I do now before trying to play this game. Learning the real-world science genuinely makes the game better. Modding expands the game exponentially and there is an endless amount of creative possibilities. However, I would strongly encourage new players to at least play a good 30-50 hours or so on just the vanilla game. Complete the tech. tree and then play some more. Then start adding mods and "kerbalising" the crap out of everything. It's worth it. This game is worth both your time and money. I have not regretted buying it and look forward to logging my next 400 hours. Edit: After well over 400 more hours and multiple actual years, my review remains the same. KSP2 has crashed and burned and this game still maintains its status as the best physics-based space sim ever made.
I cannot put into words how much this game means to me. buy it, fail to reach orbit, try again, reach obit. go to the mun, crash land, send a rescue. build massive stations, mod it till it crashes. do whatever your heart desires. fantastic game 10/10 would get stranded on Laythe again.
edit: 2024-05-03 - Hey Take two, after that poop of firing people to keep your "profit up" for your investors, which means you are making plenty of money but you fired all these people and really screwed up this time. I'm not getting GTA6. I'm not buying your products again, KSP 2 was the one thing you had to not screw up. Your greed is disgusting, and your leadership is disgusting. This game provides life times of imagination and science together in one. If you like space and exploration and adventure this is the game for you.
The game is great. But the studio doesn't deserve you to buy it. Thus downvote on Steam, not for the quality of the program, but to the question "recommandation". One (among a lot) of bad choices: the game USED TO be compatible with Linux. But isn't anymore. How is that possible? Well they didn't care to make the 2023 or something update of the launcher compatible with Linux. Yes. The launcher. No. Not a joke. Yes, it used to be! How is that even possible? I introduced this great game to my (Linux only) father, he did like it, once he finally installed it, it worked... 2 monthes. Sure, it's just bad luck on us to do just before they introduced that pile of bs. I could spend forever on forums to try to find a workaround. But then I realized the rumors about KSP2 (imagine some rumors, any of them, and keep the worst: they are now confirmed). About what hide behind a major "launcher" update (spywares). So I understood what was going on with the studio. So... yes, I recommend you get yourself a copy of this game. It's worth the effort. It was worth its price when I bought it, I have no regrets. It still would be... But whoever will receive the money you are willing to pay for it nowadays, they do NOT deserve a cent.
Damn Steam keeps deleting my GameData and settings. I just lost all my custom mod configs and Steam Cloud reverted to saves from 3 years ago when I know full well I last played the game on February of 2024. Great game otherwise. Always copy your install to another directory away from Steam directories. I wanted to use Steam to count my hours. Oh well
I've played for hundreds of hours and can honestly say, do not purchase as of 9/3/2024 til they work out whatever they did to mess up my DLC, I can't open any saved games for lack of critical parts from DLC packs I purchased, but suddenly don't register.
I kinda love the physic engine of the game. I played alot of it, kinda tied my life with it, cuz my father that gone was working on space sites at Baikonur. I pushed a new limits on this game, doing crazy stuff. Building alot of muscle cars, japan tuners and other BUT. The thing i realy hate about this game is OPTIMIZATION. IT SUCKS... i have a gaming PC, and more you play, worse it behave, so you have to quit it, verify local files and launch again to run it good. I dont use much mods, keeping more to classic. But this thing annoys me as hell. If this thing like WORST optimization didnt exist, and it always no matter how session of gameplay is long played smooth, without long loadings and low FPS. I would call this game a god-tier. I would play it even more and more #SaveKSP.
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