Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance game image

Very Positive

Total: 136 ThousandPositive: 114 ThousandNegative: 22.7 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Story-driven open-world RPG that immerses you in an epic adventure in the Holy Roman Empire. Avenge your parents' death as you battle invading forces, go on game-changing quests, and make influential choices. Explore castles, forests, villages and other realistic settings in medieval Bohemia!
AI Community game rating

80.83 %

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is placed at number 74 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

32.76 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Complex Quests
Some quests were a bit too straightforward, I would have enjoyed more complex and challenging ones.
More Realistic Combat System
I would love to see a more realistic combat system, where timing and strategy matter, and not just button-mashing to win.
Multiplayer Mode
Adding a multiplayer mode would allow me to play with friends and family, and experience the game in a new way.
More NPC Customization
I would like to see more options for customizing NPCs, such as more detailed character models and personalities.
Improved Inventory Management
It's often frustrating to have to manage my inventory, especially when I'm trying to focus on the game's story.
More Story Cutscenes
I would love to see more story cutscenes to help bring the game's world and characters to life.
Better NPC Interaction
Sometimes the NPCs feel a bit stiff or unresponsive, it would be great to see more natural interactions.
More Customization Options
I would like to see more options for customizing my character, such as more hairstyles, face shapes, and clothing.
Improved Graphics
The game's graphics are already great, but I would love to see even more detailed and realistic environments and characters.
More Combat Options
I would like to see more options for combat, such as dual-wielding or using ranged weapons.
Better Sound Design
The game's sound design is good, but I would love to see even more immersive and realistic sound effects.
More Clothing Options
I would like to see more clothing options, especially for the characters. It would be cool to be able to customize my character's appearance with different outfits and accessories.
Improve Combat System
I didn't like the combat system as it was a bit confusing. I think it would be better if they added more tutorials or explanations to help players understand how to use it effectively.
Optimize Performance
The game was sometimes slow, especially when there were many characters on the screen at once. Optimizing the performance would make the game more enjoyable and smoother to play.
More Farming Options
I liked the farming feature, but I think it would be great if there were more options available, such as different types of crops to grow or animals to raise.
Title Suggestions
I think it would be cool if the game had a feature where I could name my character's titles, like king or queen, and have everyone address me by that title.
More Quests
I went through the game and finished all the quests, but I think there should be more quests available, especially for the later levels.
Better Enemy AI
The enemies in the game were a bit too easy to defeat. I think it would be better if they had better AI, like being able to dodge attacks or work together to defeat the player.
More Variety in Armors
I liked the armor options, but I think there should be more variety, like different materials or designs to make each piece unique.
Fix the Camera Issues
Sometimes the camera would get stuck or move in weird ways, which made it hard to navigate the game. I think it would be better if they fixed these issues.
Fix bugs
I was frustrated with the constant crashes and task bugs that made it hard to progress. Fixing this issue would make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating.
Improve loading times
The long loading times were really annoying and made me lose interest in playing. Improving loading times would make the game more accessible and enjoyable.
More character customization
I wish I had more options to customize my character, it would make the game more immersive and personalized.
Increased enemy diversity
The enemies were a bit repetitive and it would be great to see more diverse and challenging enemies to fight against.
More storylines
I enjoyed the romantic storyline, but more storylines would make the game more engaging and replayable.
More communication with NPCs
I felt like I couldn't really interact with NPCs, it would be great to have more conversations and interactions with them.
Better exploration mechanics
Exploring the world was a bit clunky, I wish there were more intuitive mechanics for navigation and discovery.
More Hours of Gameplay
I'd like to have more hours of gameplay without having to walk for so long
Racial Diversity
I'm waiting for the second part to have more racial diversity, also on the Russian language
Russian Language Option
I'd like to have the option to play with Russian language instead of English
Additional Content
More content would be great, new storyline, new missions
Smoother Combat
I would have loved a smoother combat system, less repetitive and more engaging.
Improved UI
The UI could be more intuitive and user-friendly, especially during combat.
More Character Development
I would have liked to see more character development and backstories for the supporting characters.
More Replay Value
I finished the game in 243 hours, it would have been great to have more replay value.
More Quests
I would like to see more quests in the game that are engaging and challenging, allowing players to explore more of the game world.
Improved Player Movement
The player movement in the game feels a bit stiff and could be improved with smoother animations and more responsive controls.
More Historical Accuracy
The game's historical accuracy is impressive, but I would like to see even more attention to detail in the game's setting and characters.
Enemy Intelligence
Enemies in the game could benefit from more intelligence and strategy, making them more challenging and realistic.
More Character Customization
I would like to see more options for character customization, allowing players to personalize their characters more.
Improved Combat Mechanics
The combat mechanics in the game are solid, but could be improved with more depth and complexity.
More Diverse Environments
The game's environments are well-done, but I would like to see more diversity in terms of setting and architecture.
Character Voice Acting
I would like to see more character voice acting in the game, adding more depth and emotion to the characters.
More Story Branching
The game's story is engaging, but I would like to see more branching storylines and multiple endings.
Improved Inventory Management
The inventory management system in the game could be improved with more organization and customization options.
Improve Level Scaling
Make it more gradual and less predictable, so players don't get bored or stuck.
Balance Enemy Difficulty
Tune enemies' strength and armor according to player's level and progress to avoid tedious encounters.
Enhance Combat Mechanics
Improve camera control and combat AI to make fights more engaging and responsive.
Add Variety to Encounters
Include more types of enemies, with unique abilities and behaviors, to keep fights interesting.
Give Players More Options
Offer more choices and strategies for overcoming challenges, such as puzzle-solving or stealth.
Improve Grinding Mechanisms
Make grinding less tedious by providing more rewarding and varied activities.
Increase Player Agency
Give players more control over their character's development and progression.
Improve Storyline
The storyline is too boring, it feels like a drag while playing, please make it more engaging.
Rewrite Storage System
The storage system is inefficient and feels like a waste of time, please rewrite it to make it more enjoyable.
Increase Immersion
The game's immersion is low due to the storage system, please find a way to increase it.
More Diverse Items
The items are repetitive and not interesting, please add more diverse items to make it more exciting.
Fix Boring Gameplay
The gameplay is too repetitive and boring, please add more variety to make it more enjoyable.
Fix Major Bugs
The game is plagued with game-breaking bugs that force players to restart. I suggest the developers to fix these issues as soon as possible to improve the overall gaming experience.
Improve Combat Mechanics
The combat system is clunky and unresponsive. I recommend reworking the system to make it more smooth and enjoyable, such as reducing the camera jitters and making the lock-on feature more reliable.
Enhance AI Intelligence
The enemy AI is laughable and easily exploited. I suggest increasing their intelligence and making them more challenging to defeat, such as adding more complex patrol routes and making them react to the player's actions more realistically.
Simplify Unnecessary Mechanics
The game has too many unnecessary mechanics that make it confusing and difficult to play. I recommend streamlining the game's design to make it more accessible and enjoyable for players.
Improve Multiplayer Experience
The multiplayer mode is plagued with lag and disconnections. I suggest optimizing the game's netcode and improving the server infrastructure to provide a smoother and more reliable multiplayer experience.
Save Game Limitation
There should be no limit on the number of saves, it's frustrating to have to overwrite and risk losing progress.
Freeze Bug
The game should be able to handle saves without freezing, it's unacceptable to lose progress due to bugs.
Taxation on Save Game
It's annoying to have to tax my progress by overwriting saves, it's a waste of time.
Game Stability
The game should be more stable and less prone to bugs and glitches, this would improve the overall experience.
Load Save Option
There should be an option to load a previously saved game, this would be helpful in situations where the game freezes or crashes.
Multiple Save Slots
Having multiple save slots would alleviate the need to overwrite saves and reduce frustration.
Improve Auto Lock On
I think the auto lock on should be more accurate and reliable, not constantly switching between enemies.
Fix Character Animation
The issue with my character not swinging his sword even when I'm holding the L click is really frustrating and needs to be fixed.
Simplify Combat Mechanics
I think the combat mechanics are too complicated and need to be simplified to make the game more enjoyable.
Improve Auto Saves
The auto saves often get stuck, losing my progress. I think the game needs a better auto save system.
Make Combat Optional
I agree with the reviewer who suggested avoiding combat at all costs. I think making combat optional would make the game more accessible.
Improve Cryptocurrency Mining
I'm still confused about the cryptocurrency mining mechanism in the game. It seems to activate when entering a city, but I'm not sure what it's for or how it benefits the gameplay. Making it more transparent or optional would be a great improvement.
Optimize City Loading
The game's optimization for city loading is impressive, but it feels like there's still room for improvement. Perhaps adding more detailed loading screens or animations to make the wait more engaging would be nice.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


I didn't leave a positive review 6 years ago just because I had no words to say. This is my favourite game ever. I play a lot of different types and genres of games, multiplayer, single, coop, VR games, etc.. And this is number one. The previous number one was Mafia 2002. And do you know what these two games have in common? The developer, Daniel Vavra, this genius definitely knows how to create games. I pre-ordered Kingdom Come in 2017 just because it was the only realistic medieval RPG without magic, LGBT, feminists, etc. And I was right, other developers should learn how to create games. And I hope the second part will be the same.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses a strong liking for the game, stating it's their favorite
    • The reviewer praises the game's developer, Daniel Vavra, as a genius
    • The reviewer compares the game to Mafia 2002, another favorite, implying a high level of quality
    • The reviewer mentions they pre-ordered the game, indicating anticipation and excitement
    • The reviewer expresses relief and satisfaction that the game does not include certain elements they dislike
    • The reviewer uses strong language to express their admiration for the game's realism and medieval setting
    • The reviewer hopes for more games like this in the future, indicating a sense of longing


Самая прекрасная игра из всех, что я видел о средневековье... 1. Множество одежды, брони и оружия - каждый может найти своё 2. В этой игре можно купить лошадь или даже целую ферму 3. Увы система сражения не каждому может понравится 4. Сюжетная линия и оптимизация вполне годная 5. Огромный мир и множество возможностей 6. Множество навыков и характеристик 7. Тут даже можно сделать тыры пыры Можно прожить жизнь: 1. Мародером 2. Травником 3. Охотником 4. Кузнецом 5. Поэтом 6. Вором Или же как я - Ультра легендарным рыцарем Если честно ночью я убивал всю стражу :) 10 набухавшихся священников из 10

  • Sentiments

    • The game has a beautiful medieval setting.
    • I like the variety of clothes, armor, and weapons available.
    • Buying a farm or a horse is an interesting feature.
    • The battle system is not for everyone.
    • The storyline and optimization are acceptable.
    • The game world is huge and offers many possibilities.
    • The 10 annoying priests from the priesting guild should be avoided.


记得那个时候刚刚玩了荣耀战魂 偶然在主页看见天国拯救的页面,发现两个游戏战斗有点像于是这个游戏刚出就入了 结果发现单挑不过山贼(雾) 那个时候的战马作为一个小工作室能做出这种体量的游戏真的是有点东西的,力求真实的世界,美丽的乡间原野,庞大的任务系统和人物关系以及对话,在开始游戏的瞬间就完全代入进去了。 不过小问题也不少,包括到现在还没修的任务bug,当年就是卡无限加载打不完这个游戏,吃灰了好几年,结果现在又在最后部分遇到了任务卡死的bug好在是可以换不同选择避开。 总的来说是瑕不掩瑜的作品,希望马上发售的第二部能更加牛批,保留恋爱剧情+完善澡堂动画(不是

  • Sentiments

    • I'm impressed by the game's realistic world and beautiful graphics.
    • I found the game's main story to be engaging and immersive.
    • The game's character development is also noteworthy, with well-written dialogue and complex relationships.
    • However, the game's combat system is a bit lacking, with repetitive battles.
    • Additionally, the game has some minor bug issues, including occasional crashes and loading problems.
    • Luckily, the game's design allows for some creative workarounds, making it still enjoyable to play.
    • Overall, I think this game is a solid effort, and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
    • The game's story has some moments that feel rushed, and the animation could be improved.


100 часов... 80 из них ходьба 10 бомжей из 10 P. S.: Жду вторую часть, там в трейлере не было негров P.S.2: Мало того, что вторая часть будет без негров, так ещё и на русском языке. P.S.3: Эм... Ну похоже больше не на русском P.S.4: Снова на Русском. УРА

  • Sentiments

    • I'm disappointed with the game's long hours of walking
    • The game has a good pacing with 10 out of 10 enemies
    • I'm not convinced by the game's second part trailer, lacking diversity
    • I'm excited about the game's second part, which will have a Russian language option
    • My initial excitement was crushed when I found out the game's second part will not have a Russian language option
    • It's surprising to see the change in the game's language option
    • I'm overjoyed to see the game's second part will have a Russian language option
    • I'm confused and worried about the game's second part, now that I know the language option is back


Game is so promising, and a lot of fun early on, but the incredibly aggressive level scaling turned it tedious and unfun after a while. I just had barely managed to get my first set of battered chainmail and was enjoying fun fights and encounters for a while, then leveled once (to 7, max is *20*) and now every single encounter was 5-7 bandits in the best plate armor in the game with battle axes/war hammers. I don't know, it may have been bad luck or something and it shouldn't be that often, but after like 5-6 encounters in a row like that, I was just done. The ONLY option at that point is not to play and to run until all but one of them breaks off because it's going to take 5 minutes of hitting him in the head with an axe to kill him by himself and the snap camera does not do well with multiple enemies at once. Quite the shame because the game was very very good and I was enjoying it a lot up until that point, and it just did a hard 180 and became one of the most unfun experiences I've played in a while.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is promising and fun at first
    • However, level scaling becomes aggressive and unfun
    • Too much repetition in combat encounters
    • Difficulty spikes suddenly and unfairly
    • Frustrating experience due to high difficulty
    • Disappointing turn of events
    • Game was enjoyable initially


[h1]게임 싫어하고 영화 좋아하는 사람들을 위한 게임[/h1] 더럽게 지겨운 이야기는 내가 게임을 하는지, 영화를 보느지 모르게 만들며 소모성 아이템으로 저장하는 시스템은 몰입도를 높이긴 커녕 끌타이밍만 놓치게 만든다.

  • Sentiments

    • I hate the game's storyline, it's so boring that I can't even distinguish whether I'm playing a game or watching a movie.
    • The system of storing items as consumable goods is actually making the game less engaging.


1.任務BUG一堆,很多都是會直接卡死過不去的BUG,到現在都沒解決。 2.能把戰鬥做得跟大便一樣也就只有這家公司了,你戰鬥時會把頭跟強力膠一樣強制黏在對手臉上嗎?然後多人戰時鏡頭瘋狂亂轉亂跳在多個敵人自動鎖定,強制鎖定也沒屁用,依舊亂跳,變成你要一直按解鎖,結果一個攻擊又強制自動鎖定,這是哪個智障寫出來的垃圾系統? 3.AI智力極低,跳上高台就能清場依舊可行,你看著那些衛兵有手有腳,卻連爬和跳上高台都不會。 4.許多繁瑣的地方該簡化的地方就該簡化,這家公司就是純粹的什麼都想要,結果什麼都做得爛,他們還能拉第二泡尿出續作,真的是佩服。 評價:剛出時是垃圾遊戲,多年以後降價還是垃圾遊戲,不可回收那種。

  • Sentiments

    • The game is full of bugs that cause it to freeze and become unplayable.
    • The combat is ridiculous, with the camera randomly jumping around and locking onto enemies uncontrollably.
    • The AI is incredibly dumb, and enemies can be easily defeated by simply jumping on top of them.
    • The game tries to do too many things and ends up doing nothing well.
    • The game is still trash even after multiple years and price drops.
    • The developers of this game are capable of creating a crappy game that fails to improve over time.


I could understand the amount of bugs and glitches if I downloaded a 2018 crack of the game, but this is just retrarded. For example now, pressed save game, dogshit game said i have reached the max amount of saves, i have to overwrite, saved, and the fucking game froze, and guess did it save. Some early 2000's gaming issues I last remember facing when I played New Vegas. Love the game itself, but shit like this just flattens the experience like the taxes do to a boner.

  • Sentiments

    • I am extremely dissatisfied with the game's performance
    • This is a frustrating experience due to frequent bugs and glitches
    • The game freezes unexpectedly
    • I'm fed up with the game's inability to save properly
    • The game has corrupted the experience
    • I'm disappointed with the overall quality of the game
    • The game has poor performance
    • I'm frustrated with the lack of stability in the game
    • The game's performance is subpar
    • I'm disappointed with the game's bugs and glitches
    • The game has a lot of issues
    • I'm not happy with the game's save system
    • The game has many problems
    • I'm dissatisfied with the game's inability to save properly
    • Love the game itself,

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