Manor Lords

Manor Lords game image

Very Positive

Total: 56.4 ThousandPositive: 49.2 ThousandNegative: 7.26 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Manor Lords is a medieval strategy game featuring in-depth city building, large-scale tactical battles, and complex economic and social simulations. Rule your lands as a medieval lord – the seasons pass, the weather changes, and cities rise and fall.
AI Community game rating

83.97 %

Manor Lords is placed at number 60 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

24.49 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 104 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Better Trading System
I didn't know how to get money after spending all my cash, the game needs a better trading system that helps players earn money.
Clearer Instructions
I didn't know what to do after 2 hours of playing, the game needs clearer instructions or guidance on what to do next.
Money Management
I spent all my money on backyard expansions and didn't know how to get more, the game needs a better system for managing money.
Raid Countdown
I got raided again and again, the raid countdown system needs to be changed, it's unfair to the players.
More Flexible Options
I wanted to continue playing but couldn't because I didn't have the right options, the game needs more flexible options for players to progress.
Manor Building
I didn't know that manors give players money, it's not clear what they do, the game needs better explanations for new players.
War System
I lost a war because I didn't have enough army, the game needs a better war system that gives players more options to defend themselves.
More Mercenary Groups
I couldn't hire more mercenary groups because they were all busy, the game needs more mercenary groups to help players in need.
More Options for Progression
I got stuck in a loop of rebuilding and getting raided, the game needs more options for players to progress and continue playing.
Hire Full-Time Devs
I think the single motivated dev should hire full-time devs to finish the game and make it more polished.
Expand the City Builder
I would love to see more buildings, more complex mechanics and more features added to the medieval city builder.
Improve Game Stability
I've experienced a few bugs when I first started playing, but they got fixed quickly. It would be great if the game could maintain its stability without needing frequent patches.
Community Feedback
It's awesome that the developer listens to the community. I would like to see more feedback mechanisms in place to ensure that players can easily share their thoughts and ideas.
Diversify Regional Resources
I would like to see different resources in each region, not just varying in soil fertility, to make the regions feel more distinct and valuable
Improve Trade Efficiency
I would like to see a more efficient trade system between regions to reduce the need for frequent transactions and alleviate the strain on resources
Enhance World Map Design
I would like to see a more detailed and visually appealing world map that accurately reflects the regions and their connections
Strengthen Production Chain
I would like to see a more robust production chain system that allows for more dynamic and realistic production and resource allocation
Balance Resource Allocation
I would like to see a more balanced system of resource allocation between regions and production chains to eliminate bottlenecks and inefficiencies
Clarify Production Chain Flow
I would like to see a clearer and more transparent production chain flow that shows the connections and dependencies between resources and products
Enhance Visualization of Resource Distribution
I would like to see a more intuitive and visually appealing way to display resource distribution and availability in each region
Improve Fights and Strategies
I would like to see more dynamic and challenging fights and strategies that require players to think creatively and adapt to changing circumstances
Simplify Local Production
I would like to see a simpler and more straightforward local production system that is easier for players to understand and manage
Increase Transparency in Resource Production
I would like to see a more transparent system of resource production that shows the exact uses and requirements for each resource
Improve Combat Mechanics
Make combat more engaging and realistic, for example, by adjusting the AI and balance of weapons and armor.
Refine Economy System
Implement a more complex economy system with fluctuating prices and adjust the trade mechanics to prevent abuse.
Localize Game Properly
Localize the game more accurately, for example, by avoiding cultural and linguistic inaccuracies.
Improve Building Mechanics
Enhance the building mechanics by adding more customization options and realistic building behaviors.
Tame Market Fluctuations
Implement a more stable market system that prevents sudden price changes and promotes sustainable trading.
Address Robberies
Implement a system to prevent or punish robberies on storage facilities and ensure that players can trade safely.
Enhance Localization
Increase localization accuracy and provide more context to the game's setting and story.
Refine Storage and Trading
Improve storage and trading mechanics by allowing players to store and trade resources more efficiently.
Improve Camping Security
I've been robbed and camp destroyed after 3 hours. Please add more security measures to protect players' camps.
Hire employees
I understand this is a one-man dev team, but that doesn't justify charging so much for so little. Consider hiring employees or expanding the dev team to improve the game.
Lower the price
The current price is not justified given the unfinished state of the game. Consider lowering the price to be more competitive.
Improve AI farming
The AI farming mechanic is completely broken and needs improvement to provide a better player experience.
Fix mechanics
Some of the implemented mechanics don't work properly and need to be fixed to provide a smoother gameplay experience.
Use money to improve game
Instead of charging a high price for an unfinished game, use the money to improve the game and make it worth the investment.
Balance Resource Economy
I suggest balancing the economy to make resources available and scarce at the same time. This will make gameplay more engaging and challenging.
Improve Battle System
I recommend reworking the battle system to make it more strategic and less based on luck. For example, introducing different unit abilities and weaknesses.
Fix Market System
I think it would be great if the market system was rebalanced to prevent constant shortages and surpluses. This will make trading more viable and fun.
Increase Transport Capacity
I suggest increasing the transport capacity of wagons to reduce congestion and improve gameplay efficiency.
Improve Hunting System
I recommend introducing more challenges to the hunting system, such as wildlife attacks and limited resources.
Streamline Farming
I suggest simplifying the farming system to reduce micromanagement and make gameplay more enjoyable.
Improve Logging System
I think it would be great if the logging system was improved to reduce the time it takes to deliver logs and make it more efficient.
Enhance Construction
I recommend introducing more variety and complexity to construction to make it more engaging and challenging.
Reduce Taxes
I suggest reducing taxes to make them more manageable and less punishing.
Introduce Exploration
I think it would be great if the game introduced exploration mechanics to discover new resources and opportunities.
Improve AI Behavior
I recommend improving AI behavior to make enemies and allies more intelligent and responsive.
Improve Tech Tree
I suggest you enhance the tech tree by adding more meaningful and impactful upgrades to make the game more engaging and challenging.
Fix Politics and Governance
You should revamp the politics and governance system to introduce more realistic and meaningful consequences for the player's actions.
Implement Balanced Economy
I recommend you to rebalance the economy by adjusting resource production, consumption, and costs to create a more stable and realistic gameplay experience.
Enhance Farming Mechanic
You should improve the farming mechanic by making it more realistic and efficient, such as by adding more crops, better crop rotation, and more control over crop growth.
Add More Realistic Weather System
I suggest you to enhance the weather system by adding more realistic rain and weather patterns that affect the gameplay, such as crop growth and harvesting.
Improve Market and Trade System
You should rework the market and trade system to make it more realistic and challenging, such as by introducing more trade limitations and obstacles.
Add More Leader Abilities
I recommend you to add more unique leader abilities that offer a strategic advantage and make the game more engaging and challenging.
Fix Game Bugs
You should prioritize fixing the game's bugs and glitches to create a more stable and enjoyable gameplay experience.
Improve City Development
It would be great if the city development system is improved, allowing for more strategic gameplay.
Balance Game Mechanics
The game mechanics need to be balanced, making it fair for players to play without getting frustrated.
Enhance Resource Management
Resource management should be improved, allowing players to manage their resources more effectively.
Improve Combat System
The combat system needs to be improved, making it more challenging and engaging.
Expand World Map
The world map should be expanded, allowing for more exploration and discovery.
Improve Graphics and Sound
The graphics and sound effects should be improved, making the game more visually appealing and engaging.
Simplify UI
The UI should be simplified, making it easier for players to navigate and understand the game.
Improve Research and Development
Research and development should be improved, allowing players to unlock new technologies and innovations.
Add More Variety to Buildings
More variety should be added to buildings, allowing for more personalized gameplay.
Improve Navigation
Navigation should be improved, making it easier for players to move around the game world.
More Content
I would have expected more levels, characters, and storylines. Adding more variety would definitely make it worth the money.
Strategic Diversity
Introducing different gameplay mechanics or building styles would make the game more engaging and challenging.
Price Adjustment
Considering the lack of content, the price should be adjusted to reflect the value provided.
New Features
Adding new features like multiplayer, trading or diplomacy would make the game more appealing to a wider audience.
Improved Graphics
Updating the graphics to modern standards would make the game more visually appealing and immersive.
More Game Content
There isn't enough game here to justify the price, more content is needed to make it worth playing.
Address Bugs
The current build is quite buggy, I was frustrated by the issues I encountered.
Fix Progression System
The progression system is broken and keys to unlock features are missing, it's hard to progress.
Improve Key Functionality
Some key functionality is missing, making the game frustrating to play.
Hire More Developers
The developer needs to hire more people to turn this product into something ready for consumer purchase.
More Transparency
The game's development is not transparent, it's hard to see what's being worked on and when it will be ready.
Expand Content
I think the game lacks so much content, especially after reaching level 2, it's like there's no direction or purpose. Please add more to keep players engaged.
Improve Diplomacy
The diplomacy system is underdeveloped, it's too easy to just buy relationships instead of building them. I suggest adding more nuance and depth to this feature.
Enhance Production
The production cycle is too basic, it's like a never-ending loop with little to no progression. I recommend adding more complexity and variety to this aspect of the game.
Flesh out Game Framework
It's surprising that the developers took 7 years to work on this game and yet the framework is still unfinished. I think they should focus on completing the foundation before adding more features.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


1. -Launched the game for the first Time 2. -Started a new save and played for 2 Hours. -got raided. -rebuild everything. -Didn't know what to do after 2 hours. -Didn't want to continue anymore. 3. -Created a new save. -played for 30 minutes. -spent all my money on backyard expansions. -Didn't know how I could get money now. -also got raided aigan. -Gave up. 4. -Created a new save. -Played and actually found out how trading works and that's the way to get money. -Raid countdown started. -Had no weapons for an army. -Tried to trade them. -I didn't make enough money to buy them. -Last hope is a mercenary group. -Can only pay them with money from the treasury. -Everything burned down. -Gave up. 5. -Started a new save. -found out I can build weapons with backyard expansions. -made a small army. -Sacred the raid. -I won. -Game passes on, and I gave all my money to the village. -Had no money in the treasury. -Got a second land. -Still had no money in the treasury. -couldn't start a new Village. -Didn't realize I can build a manor for money. -Gave up. 6. -Started a new game. -Did everything aigan. -Found out what a manor does. -Got money in the treasury. -Game passes on for like 4 hours. -War started 5 minutes ago because someone wants my land. -I do not have enough army to fight. -Hired 2 mercenary groups. -Currently fighting and can't hire any more mercenary groups. -I lost 7. -I am starting a new save. -wish me luck this time. Very good game.

  • Sentiments

    • I was really frustrated with the game after getting raided multiple times.
    • I was excited to start a new save and play for a bit.
    • I had to rebuild everything after getting raided again.
    • I didn't know what to do after 2 hours of playing.
    • I felt frustrated again after spending all my money on backyard expansions.
    • I didn't know how to get money anymore.
    • I tried to trade my items, but it wasn't enough.
    • I felt hopeless after everything burned down.
    • I finally figured out how to get money and trade items.
    • I was relieved that I could finally get money and trade items.
    • I felt a sense of accomplishment after building a small army and saving the raid.
    • I was happy that I won the raid.
    • I was disappointed that I ran out of money in the treasury.
    • I didn't know how to start a new village.
    • I felt relieved that I could build a manor for money.
    • I was frustrated that I couldn't start a new village.
    • I was excited to start a new game and do everything differently.
    • I was frustrated again after losing a war.
    • I decided to start a new save, hoping to do better this time.
    • I was really enjoying the game after figuring out how to get money.
    • I was disappointed that I lost a war again.


A very chill medieval city builder. Beautiful graphics, good gameplay, and a single motivated dev who should now take his millions and hire some full time devs to finish the game.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is described as 'chill' which suggests a positive sentiment.
    • The graphics are 'beautiful' which is a positive adjective.
    • The gameplay is 'good' which is a positive adjective.
    • The developer is described as 'single' and 'motivated' which could be interpreted as a positive trait.
    • However, the review also mentions the game being 'incomplete' which is a negative aspect.
    • The reviewer suggests that the developer 'hire some full time devs' which could be interpreted as a negative sentiment.


The developer Greg is extremely hardworking and attentive. While the game is still in beta, it's the most fun I've had in a long time. Greg really listens to his community. I can't wait for the future of this game. The bugs I had experienced that made me put down the game when it released got fixed within 2/3 weeks. So it's nice knowing if something is affecting all players or a lot of players it will be attended to. Thank you for all you do Greg. You deserve everything that's coming to you. Congrats man

  • Sentiments

    • The game is fun and enjoyable to play.
    • The developer, Greg, is hardworking and attentive.
    • The game has bugs, but they are being fixed quickly.
    • I'm excited and looking forward to the future of the game.
    • The developer listens to the community and fixes issues promptly.
    • The game is still in beta, but it's already enjoyable.
    • The developer deserves appreciation for their hard work.
    • I'm grateful for the quick bug fixes.
    • The game is making progress and getting better.


等了3年的游戏,借助优秀的画面,规划的高自由度和拟真的沉浸感打动了一众玩家,但我必须要浇一盆冷水。 根据作者在推上透漏的信息和最新发布的更新内容,是倾向于将地区作为独立的个体单独经营,以及希望保持在需求冲突下对于不同岗位之间的调配过程。这两点同时存在将非常致命。 首先,大地图总共有9个地区,而每个地区资源除了土地肥力没有差异化,这就决定了游戏里的这些不同地区的存在形同虚设。上来就天下大同了,无非是铺地的快慢,那不管战斗系统无论多优秀,都无法支撑起游戏中对地区争夺这一玩法的核心诉求,对玩家的体验来说非但不想去抢,反而还要为了把地区征下来耗费威望和兵,真是填色游戏最后真就只填了个色,如鲠在喉。 其次,就算做出了差异化,但地区之间资源的互通效率很低,几个骡子根本无法承受频繁的交易,还会给本就紧缺的人力资源釜底抽薪。因为底层的机制本就不是纪元那样殖民地养本土,本土再反哺殖民地的运行逻辑,再加上回报率极高和更为便捷快速的贸易机制,由此会陷入造不如买买不如租的窘境。 假如上述的缺陷都被一一解决,还是要面对不透明的生产链效率调配以及精耕细作和宏观把控之间的天然冲突。 如果无法通过当前固定的人口对某一资源的需求反推出上游生产所需的数量,那么生产链的玩法就像小打小闹。 对不同地区之间的单独经营也会对玩家大局操纵表现出非常大的节奏割裂,一边要把控A地区的供需的动态平衡,一边还要关照B地区的建造进度,可能还有少数玩家要兼顾造景美感,同时还要应付ai的进攻,就算赢了也没有任何奖励,输了会让开局以来至少一半的努力付之一炬,造成玩家没有失败的余地,在关键节点sl不断重复以上步骤,会非常消耗玩家的经营动力,厚此薄彼,你会发现这几个单元不是互为正反馈的,每一个机制互斥,注定了底层逻辑无法支撑上层建筑的局面。 势力对抗和战斗方面,肤浅。战略上,玩家甚至没法分辨两个敌对领主对应的领地是哪些,目标不明确何谈谋略?对方拿下地也不会发展领土,没有竞,只有争。战术上,弓兵摆设就不谈了,地形优势会在两边近战刀兵相见之后二人转的过程中变成劣势,难崩。 考虑到ea阶段当然有明显弊病和不完善的情况无可厚非,但是同时希望作者能明确接下来的内容规划和前景展望,不要浪费玩家的期许。 [strike] 我觉得希望不大 [/strike]

  • Sentiments

    • The game's visuals are excellent, but the lack of differentiated resource distribution in each region is a major flaw.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of transparency in the game's production chain and resource allocation.
    • The game's combat system is shallow and unimpressive.
    • The way the game handles AI attacks is frustrating.
    • I'm tired of being forced to manage different regions, it's too much work.
    • The game's strategic depth is lacking.
    • The game's visuals are very good.
    • I'm expecting more from the game, hoping for improvements.
    • The game's planning and management mechanics are confusing.
    • The game's AI is too aggressive.



  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely disappointed with the game's content being too scarce.
    • I'm impressed with the game's short development period.
    • The lack of diplomacy system is unacceptable.
    • The game's basic production loop is unfulfilling.
    • The game's development team claims to have spent 7 years, but it seems they didn't even complete the framework.



  • Sentiments

    • The game is a scam, not worth playing
    • The game is nowhere near complete, feels like a cash grab
    • The game's technology tree is incomplete, doesn't work as expected
    • The game's planting system is flawed, needs improvement
    • The game's housing system is frustrating, needs optimization
    • The only new thing in the game is the leader's perspective, not enough to redeem it
    • The company is not communicating with players, no updates or fixes
    • The game needs better quality control, feels unpolished
    • The game is disappointing, doesn't meet expectations
    • The game is overpriced, not worth the money
    • The game has too many bugs, needs fixing
    • The game has no redeeming value, not worth playing
    • The game is a waste of time, should not be played


Tired of people reviewing games based on what is could become if development goes exactly as planned... Is this game worth $40 rn??? Not even close... It feels like a shell of a finished game. More of a public testing branch than early release even... I mean some of the mechanics that ARE implemented don't even seem to work properly. Farming is completely broken with the AI often planting at the end of the year right before winter proceeding to kill all crops and ruin the fertility of the land. This means the only reasonable way to feed your people is to make mile long carrot and cabbage house farms XD... I understand this is a one man dev team if I am not mistaken but that only explains why it is so unfinished it doesn't justify charging so much for so little... Perhaps consider using all of this money to hire some employees? Start your own little dev team maybe? Or just lower the price... Because I honetly don't see this game becoming worth $40 for a long time otherwise...

  • Sentiments

    • I'm tired of people reviewing games based on what they could become
    • This game is not even close to being worth $40
    • It feels like a shell of a finished game
    • More of a public testing branch than early release even
    • Some mechanics don't even seem to work properly
    • Farming is completely broken
    • AI often plants at the end of the year, killing all crops
    • This means the only reasonable way to feed people is to make mile long farms
    • I understand this is a one man dev team, but that doesn't justify charging so much for so little
    • Perhaps consider using all the money to hire employees or lower the price


Игра слишком сырая, экономика очень непроработанная, из хорошего только графика. Цены на экспорт импорт отличаются в 3 раза, разбойники забирают ресурсы не нападая на поселение, находясь в другом регионе, боевая система не продуманная совершенно, зачем то дают снаряжение на 20 человек в начале игры, а минимальный отряд состоит из 30 человек. Непродуманная система рынков, на них постоянно дефицит хотя мбар забит на 5 лет вперед. Ужасная транспортная система тележки максимум 2 на амбар, склад, когда работников там по 8-12 человек. У охотничьих лагерей периодически перестает работать ограничение на популяцию и они тупо убивают все живое. Непонятно отчего зависит желание работать на своем подсобном огороде и как заставить людей их это делать. На рынке создается куча ларьков одинаковых и все торгуют одним и тем же, лишь бы не работать. Дрова приносят по 1 и забирают по 1. Лесопилка, в нее влазит одно бревно, пока его дотащят до нее 5 смен отдыха пройдет. Даже если скотину привязать к зданию. Строительство такое же убогое, тащят по одному камешку дощечке. Налоги на ранних этапах по 7 монеток в месяц добывают со здания 2 уровня, а наемники нормальные стоят 100 монет в месяц. ИИ захватывает территории пока ты развиваешься и у него уже 90 наемников захватывают земли пока ты собираешь свои семь монеток в месяц.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is still underdeveloped, with an unbalanced economy and poor resource management.
    • The game lacks a well-designed battle system and has poorly implemented mechanics.
    • The transportation system is clumsy and inefficient.
    • The game's population management is poor, leading to overcrowding and resource waste.
    • The game's UI and interface are poorly designed, making it difficult to navigate.
    • The game's combat mechanics are unbalanced, making it difficult to progress.
    • The game's AI is poor, with enemies and NPC's acting illogically.
    • The game's economy is poorly balanced, with prices fluctuating wildly.


本当に未完成です。この金額は、このゲームの将来性を応援したい人のみ許容できるでしょう。 プレイしているうちに、先がないことがわかる。この後何をするのだろうってなるので、この金額は高い 1 ゲームの基本デザインは良いが、戦略的な都市開発は未熟で、地形や自然条件を生かしたプレイはできない 2 ゲームバランスが悪い。ひたすら家を建てて移住者を増やして生活を維持するのにいそがしくて、戦どころじゃない。そこに攻め込んでくる蛮族が邪魔で、続けるのがあほらしくなる。 3 資源開発や製造など、はじめはいいが途中で行き詰まる。物流がうまくいかず生かせない。 4 隣地を征服したとしても、別エリア扱いで、また初めから村を作り始めるのがめんどくさい。

  • Sentiments

    • The game is not complete and the price is too high for those who want to support its future
    • The game's basic design is good, but the strategic urban development is immature
    • The game balance is bad, making it annoying to maintain a life and defend against invaders
    • Resource development and production are initially good but get stuck later
    • Conquering neighboring areas is inconvenient because you have to start a new village

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