Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 163 ThousandPositive: 159 ThousandNegative: 3.69 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
In a land torn asunder by incessant warfare, it is time to assemble your own band of hardened warriors and enter the fray. Lead your men into battle, expand your realm, and claim the ultimate prize: the throne of Calradia!
AI Community game rating

94.36 %

Mount & Blade: Warband is placed at number 1 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

21.79 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 78 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More game modes
I would love to see more game modes, such as a conquest mode or a role-playing mode, to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Improved AI
The AI could be improved to make battles more challenging and realistic, making the game more engaging and replayable.
Multiplayer improvements
The multiplayer mode could be improved with features such as clan support, customizable matches, and more.
More horse customization
I would love to see more customization options for horses, such as different breeds or colors.
Graphical updates
The game could benefit from some graphical updates to make it look more modern and visually appealing.
More historical accuracy
I would love to see more historical accuracy in the game, including accurate depictions of battle tactics and historical figures.
Quest system overhaul
The quest system could be improved to make it more engaging and meaningful, such as allowing players to choose their own objectives.
Character development
I would love to see more character development options, such as customizable armor or equipment.
Co-op campaign
A co-op campaign mode would be amazing, allowing players to play through the story together.
Competitive esports scene
A competitive esports scene could be established, with regular tournaments and prizes for the best players.
More diplomacy options
I would love to see more diplomacy options, such as the ability to negotiate trade agreements or form alliances.
In-game encyclopedia
An in-game encyclopedia would be helpful, providing information on historical figures, places, and events.
Battle damage system
A battle damage system would be great, where battles leave lasting effects on the environment and characters.
Customizable settlements
I would love to see more customization options for settlements, such as building design or resource allocation.
More Realistic Kingdom Management
When a king offers to grant a city, the player should be able to refuse it if they already have too much land. Offering compensation in denars is not sufficient.
More Flexible Vassalage System
Players should be able to negotiate the terms of vassalage, including the amount of land and resources required to serve a lord.
Improve Revolt Mechanics
The loss of men and resources when revolting should be more balanced. Being able to revolt should not be too punishing, but also not too easy.
More Clear Communication
Kings should be more explicit when declining requests for cities, providing clear reasons instead of generic statements.
More Options for Player's Estate
Players should have more options for expanding their estates, such as building more towns or castles, to provide more depth and variety to the game.
More Realistic AI Behavior
Swadian AI should be more aggressive when reclaiming lost land, and less likely to make unnecessary wars against other factions.
Improve Load Times
I hate the long load times, it takes away from the overall gaming experience. Optimizing the game's loading speed would be a major improvement for me.
Make Arrows More Realistic
The enemy arrows feel too easy to dodge, making battles feel less challenging. Making them more realistic and unpredictable would increase the sense of danger and excitement.
Add More Variety to Levels
The levels start to feel repetitive after a while, with too much repetition in the terrain and enemies. Adding more variety would keep the game fresh and exciting.
Improve Graphics
Although the screen is poor, I think improving the graphics would greatly enhance the overall aesthetic and immersion of the game.
Balance Equipment and Enemies
It feels unfair that with the right equipment, I can easily defeat even the strongest enemies. Balancing the two would make the game more challenging and rewarding.
Provide More Meaningful Content
I dislike the pointless run-through levels and would rather have more meaningful content to engage with. This would make the game feel more substantial and enjoyable.
Improve Multiplayer
I think the multiplayer aspect of the game is really good, but it could be improved by adding more features and options to make it more engaging and fun for players.
Add More Maps
I would love to see more maps added to the game, it would give players more variety and options to choose from, making the game more replayable.
Iconic Soundtrack
I think the soundtrack is decent, but it could be improved by adding more iconic and memorable songs that would stick with players.
Better Tutorial
I had a bit of trouble understanding how to play the game at first, a better tutorial would help new players get started more easily and understand the game mechanics.
Add More Mod Support
I love the modding feature, but it would be great to see more mod support and community engagement, it would make the game more vibrant and dynamic.
Improve User Interface
The user interface is a bit cluttered and confusing, making it hard to navigate and access certain features and options.
More Variety in Game Modes
I would love to see more variety in game modes and options, it would keep the game fresh and exciting for players.
Support for More Controllers
I had trouble playing with my favorite controller, it would be great to see the game support more controllers and devices.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics are decent, but it would be great to see some enhancements and improvements to make the game look more visually stunning.
Improve Sound Effects
The sound effects are okay, but it would be great to see them improved and enhanced to make the game more immersive and engaging.
Add More Achievements
I love the achievements feature, but it would be great to see more achievements added, making the game more challenging and rewarding.
Improve Server Performance
I had some trouble with server performance, it would be great to see improvements and optimizations to make the game more stable and responsive.
Improve Vanilla Game
I wish the vanilla game had more content to keep me engaged
Prophecy of Pendor Mod
The Prophecy of Pendor mod is a game-changer, it adds a rich storyline and new gameplay mechanics
Native Gold Mod
The native gold mod is a must-have, it adds a new dimension to the game's economy
Perisno Mod
The Perisno mod is incredible, it brings new characters and quests to the game
Last Days of the Third Age Mod
This mod is a masterpiece, it rewrites the game's lore and adds a new layer of depth
Add Harvesting Season
Having a seasonal event like harvesting season would add a new layer of excitement to the game
Add a tutorial
As I had no idea what '战利品' was, a tutorial at the beginning of the game would help new players understand the game mechanics more easily
Improve game guidance
The game is hard to understand at first, more guidance on the game mechanics and controls would be helpful for new players
Simplify NPC interactions
I was confused about how NPCs give equipment, a more straightforward method would be a big improvement
Add a save feature
I lost a lot of progress because I didn't know how to save, this feature is essential for players like me
Reduce frustration
The game is too difficult at first, a more gradual difficulty curve would reduce frustration and make the game more enjoyable
Improve the UI
The UI is not user-friendly, especially for players who are not familiar with the game
Add a way to reset skills
I wish I could reset my skills when I wanted to switch to a different playstyle
Add a hint system
A hint system would be helpful for new players who get stuck or lost
Simplify the combat system
The combat system is hard to understand, a more straightforward approach would make the game more enjoyable
Add a community feature
A community feature would allow players to share tips and strategies with each other
Improve the game's feedback
I often didn't know what I did wrong or what I did right, clearer feedback would be helpful
Add a way to reset quests
I wish I could reset quests when I wanted to try a different approach
Improve Balance
The game's balance is terrible. I've experienced abrupt changes in difficulty that ruin the fun. Please rebalance the game to make it enjoyable for players.
Remove Cheap Tricks
The enemy's cheaty behavior is frustrating. Enemies too strong, too many, and too aggressive. This makes the game feel unfair and unenjoyable.
Fix Siege Battles
The siege battles are a major letdown. The game feels like a chore to play at this point. Please overhaul the siege mechanics to make them more engaging.
Improved Enemy AI
Enemies' brainless behavior is unacceptable. They need to have better tactics and decision-making. This would make the game more challenging and fun.
Quality Japanese Localization
The Japanese localization is subpar. The game's text and UI need to be rewritten to avoid cultural insensitivity and ensure a smooth experience.
Adjust Resource Management
Managing resources is too restrictive. Players should have more flexibility and creative freedom. This would make the game more replayable.
Enhance Exploration
Exploration should be more rewarding and engaging. This could be achieved by adding more secrets, hidden areas, and surprises.
Improve Single-Player Experience
The single-player campaign feels like an afterthought. It needs more variety, depth, and challenging enemies to make it enjoyable.
More Variety in Enemies
I would love to see more varied enemies in the game, with different abilities and behaviors. This would keep the gameplay exciting and challenging.
Improve Camera System
The camera system is often unpredictable and disorienting. I think it would be better if I could adjust the camera to my liking.
More Character Customization
I would like to see more customization options for my character, such as different outfit styles, hair colors, and accessories.
Better Storytelling
The story is convoluted and hard to follow. I think it would be better if the game had a more linear narrative with clear goals and motivations.
More Interactive Environments
I would like to see more interactive elements in the environment, such as destructible objects and climbable walls.
Faster Load Times
The load times are really frustrating. I think it would be better if the game had faster load times or a more seamless transition between areas.
More Challenging Levels
The levels feel too easy and don't provide enough of a challenge. I think it would be better if the levels were more difficult and required players to think strategically.
Improve Enemy AI
The enemies seem too stupid and predictable. I think it would be better if their AI was more advanced and required players to be more clever in their tactics.
More Variety in Level Design
The levels feel too similar and don't provide enough variation. I think it would be better if there were more different level types and layouts.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack is repetitive and doesn't provide enough atmosphere. I think it would be better if the soundtrack was more varied and immersive.
More Character Abilities
I would like to see more abilities and tools that my character can use to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles.
Better Inventory System
The inventory system is clunky and hard to use. I think it would be better if there were more intuitive ways to manage my inventory.
More Challenging Bosses
The bosses are too easy and don't provide enough of a challenge. I think it would be better if the bosses were more difficult and required players to use strategy and skill.
Improve Lighting
The lighting is too dark and hard to see. I think it would be better if the lighting was more realistic and didn't make it difficult to navigate.
More Variety in Player Abilities
The player abilities feel too limited and don't provide enough variety. I think it would be better if there were more abilities and tools that players could use.
Better Difficulty Curve
The difficulty curve is too steep and frustrating. I think it would be better if the difficulty increased more gradually and provided more opportunities for players to learn and improve.
More Interactive NPCs
The NPCs feel too non-interactive and don't provide enough of a challenge. I think it would be better if the NPCs were more interactive and required players to solve puzzles to progress.
Improve Visuals
The visuals are too dated and don't provide enough detail. I think it would be better if the visuals were more realistic and provided a more immersive experience.
More Challenging Puzzles
The puzzles feel too easy and don't provide enough of a challenge. I think it would be better if the puzzles were more difficult and required players to think creatively.
Improve Graphics
As a gamer, I would expect a game of this age to have better graphics. The textures and models look outdated and outdated, making it hard to engage with the game.
Simplify Controls
The controls are clunky and confusing. Simplifying the controls would make it easier for players to get started and enjoy the game.
Fix Lag and Bugs
I experienced a lot of lag and bugs during my short playtime. Fixing these issues would make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating.
Improve AI
The AI in the game is laughable. Enemies are stupid and don't react realistically, making the game less challenging and less fun.
Fix Campaign Bugs
I experienced a bug that caused the game to crash after a certain point in the campaign, it would be great if the developers could fix this issue to make the game more stable.
Add Political Intrigue
I loved the political aspect of the game but it felt lacking, adding more intrigue and complexity to the game's politics would make it more engaging.
Improve Poorly Made Garbage
I would love to see a major overhaul of the poorly made areas in the game, making them more immersive and appealing to players like me.
Add More Strategy Depth
I think adding more strategic elements to the game would make it more engaging and attract a wider audience.
Streamline User Experience
I found the game's UI to be cluttered and overwhelming at times, making it hard to focus on the gameplay. A more streamlined experience would be greatly appreciated.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


[h1] 100 из 10! Игра го... [/h1] А если серьезно с момента выхода Mount & Blade: Warband прошло уже 8 лет! Казалось бы, игра устарела и утратила свою актуальность ведь вышли новые проекты на данную тематику. Но нет, в нее до сих пор играют. Даже в новых играх на тему средневековья нет таких возможностей, какие есть здесь. Кроме отличной боевой системы и атмосферы, присутствует огромная вариативность в прохождении игры, хотя пройти ее не реально. Это больше похоже на средневековую песочницу. Игрок сам ставит свои собственные цели и создает свои правила. В итоге игра может затянуть на долгое время, но рано или поздно надоедает. На помощь в данном случае приходят моды, которых к игре огромное множество. От эпохи палеолита до вселенной Star Wars. Что касается мультиплеера, то с ним полный порядок. В нем достаточно народу даже в ночное время, так что проблем с поиском сетевых противников не будет. [strike] В режиме ожидания Mount & Blade II Bannerlord [/strike] [spoiler] Ну, наконец-то! Дождались! [/spoiler]

  • Sentiments

    • The game is amazing, and it has taken me a long time to play it, but I enjoy it so much.
    • I think the game is outdated, but it still has a lot of variations to play.
    • The game has a beautiful atmosphere and realistic combat system, I love it.
    • I got bored with the game eventually, but it's still a good game to play.
    • The multiplayer is full of players even at night, so I don't have to wait long for a match.
    • I'm waiting for the new Mount & Blade II game, but it's taking too long to arrive.
    • The game has many mods available, which is a great bonus.
    • I'm not sure if the game is still actually new, but it's still fun to play.
    • The game is so vast with content, it's like a sandbox game.
    • I'm not a fan of the game's longevity, it takes too long to complete.


-Start game fighting for the Nords -Gain vassalage -Nords declare war agings Swadia -Capture their last city losing many valuable men leaving them with three castles left -Ask for the city -King says no saying i have too many estates already (i have one town and castle) -Compensates with 900 denars -Revolt -Join Swadia -Spend next year helping them reclaim lost land -Win 10/10

  • Sentiments

    • The game starts well with a good battle against the Nords
    • Getting vassalage was a good move, as it led to a war against Swadia
    • Capturing Swadia's last city was a huge win, even though it came at a great cost
    • The king's refusal to give up the city was frustrating
    • The compensation of 900 denars was a nice gesture from the king
    • The ability to revolt and join Swadia was a great plot twist
    • Helping Swadia reclaim their lost land was a fun experience
    • Winning in the end was the perfect conclusion to a great game


骑马与砍杀真是神中神。我对游戏的理念一向是游戏性第一,美术第二,剧情第三。游戏首先是有趣才行,骑砍最让人欲罢不能的就是其战术系统与战场氛围营造,骑在马背上驰骋疆场,与敌方骑兵展开较量,时刻防备敌人的冷箭,游戏特色速度对伤害的加成下,有匹马你就能拿它来击杀大陆最强的战士,但同样你穿着满级装备受满速度骑兵一击照样倒地,让你深刻感受到在战场生命如纸薄。一代有句话叫骑砍玩三年母猪赛貂蝉,画面虽然差,但也大大提高游戏加载速度。我讨厌冗长的加载时间和无意义跑图练级,骑砍在前期这方面做到不错,但到了后期也会出现这些问题。总体来说五分能评4.9分。 Riding and slashing are gods among gods. My philosophy of games has always been gameplay first, art second, story third. First of all, the game is fun, the most fascinating thing is its tactical system and battlefield atmosphere, riding on horseback gallop the field, battle with enemy cavalry, always guard against enemy arrows, the game features a damage bonus, you can use a horse to kill the most powerful soldiers in the mainland, but also wearing full speed cavalry hit you still fall down. It makes you feel like you're all human on the battlefield. Generation has a saying called riding cut play three years sow race Diao cicada, although the screen is poor, but also greatly improve the game loading speed. I hate the long load times and pointless run-through levels, which I do well in the early stages, but also in the late stages. Overall, it's 4.9 out of 5.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is fun and exciting, with a thrilling sense of adventure and exploration.
    • The tactical system and battlefield atmosphere are impressive.
    • The game has a good pace, with a sense of urgency to keep the player engaged.
    • The game's presentation is not its strong suit, with poor graphics and excessive loading times.
    • The game's early stages are well-designed, but the late stages suffer from repetitive gameplay.
    • The game's sense of excitement and adventure is unmatched.
    • The game's graphics are poor, but this is compensated by the improved loading speed.
    • The game's mechanics are well-balanced, with a good mix of exploration, combat, and strategy.
    • The game's story is not its strongest aspect, but it gets the job done.
    • The game is addictive and difficult to put down.


Herkese tavsiye ediyorum oyun süper hele modlar olunca efsane oluyor zaten oyun multiplayerınıda tavsiye ediyorum milli gururumuz herkes gibi bende sabırsızlıkla bannerlordu bekliyorum 10/10 bok gibi oyun

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is excited and enthusiastic about the game, expecting a legendary experience.
    • The reviewer is comparing the game to something unpleasant.
    • The reviewer is making a recommendation to try out the game.
    • The reviewer is expressing impatience and eagerness to play the game.
    • The reviewer is mentioning the game's multiplayer mode as a positive aspect.


Note: this concerns only Mac users, Windows version is probably fine. Since the developers moved on to Bannerlords, Warband doesn't receive any attention whatsoever, which resulted in game being mostly unplayable on recent macOS versions. Textures are not loading (or loading broken), constant crashes and weird glitches. Most likely it has to do with M&B: Warband being 32bit game. And Catalina and up don't do that. I mean I completely understand that devs don't have time or priority to support the old game when they have enough on their plate with the new one. What I don't understand is why they keep charging $11.99 for an abandoned product and not giving customers any warning regarding it's state of disarray? Reduce the price or remove it from the macos platform completely. You'll save time for anyone on refunds. Shame, it was a great game.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has become unplayable due to the lack of attention from the developers.
    • Textures are not loading, and there are constant crashes and weird glitches.
    • The developers are prioritizing the new game, and the old one is abandoned.
    • It's a shame the game was great.
    • The developers don't have time to support the old game.
    • The game is not worth the price charged.
    • Customers are not being warned about the game's state.



  • Sentiments

    • The game has a good concept, being able to become a mercenary or a lord, and it's a unique experience.
    • However, the game has a terrible balance, like a typical Japanese game.
    • The battle system is unbalanced and the AI is too strong, making it impossible to enjoy the game.
    • The enemy is too strong, like cheating, and it's frustrating to play.
    • The Japanese localization is awful, and it's like they're lying to the customer.
    • The game is just too easy, and it's boring.
    • The game is a typical Japanese game, with a terrible balance and poor localization.
    • The game is not enjoyable, due to its poor balance and AI.
    • I'm not satisfied with the game, due to its poor quality.
    • The game has a good concept, but it's poorly executed.



  • Sentiments

    • The game is disappointing
    • The graphics are not as expected
    • The gameplay is frustrating
    • The characters are not well designed
    • The story is weak
    • The game lacks depth
    • The multiplayer mode is not working properly
    • The game is not fun to play
    • The sound effects are poor
    • The controls are not intuitive


Played the tutorial for 10 minutes and even though this is an old game, it's one of the jankiest piles of crap I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing. Idk how people play this garbage

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has a strong negative sentiment towards the game.
    • The reviewer has negative feelings towards the game's jankiness.
    • The reviewer is surprised that people still play this game.

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