
Muck game image

Very Positive

Total: 169 ThousandPositive: 158 ThousandNegative: 10.5 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Muck is a survival-roguelike. Collect resources, find items & build a base to survive for as long as you can.
AI Community game rating

85.42 %

Muck is placed at number 55 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

30.78 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Friendlier Interface
The interface could be friendlier, with clearer options and a more intuitive layout
More Customization
I would like to see more customization options, such as more blocks to use in building
More Beer Rewards
I think it would be awesome to receive more beer rewards as incentives to play. It would make the game so much more fun and exciting!
Easier Achievement
I know my wife can get really frustrated trying to get the perfect beer rewards. It would be awesome if the achievements were easier to accomplish.
More Beer Varieties
It would be so cool if there were more beer varieties to unlock. It would add so much replay value to the game.
Beer-themed GUI
I think it would be really cool if the game had a beer-themed GUI. It would match the beer rewards and make the game feel more cohesive.
Add Cat Petting Feature
I would love to be able to pet the cat that appears in the game. It would add a fun and relaxing element to the gameplay experience.
Improve Friend Interactions
The friends in the game should be able to interact with each other in a more meaningful way. Maybe they could have conversations or even help each other out in certain situations.
Incorporate Thumbs Up System
Giving the cat a thumbs up would be a great way to reward players for their kindness and add a sense of accomplishment to the game.
More Storyline
I would love to see more storyline and quests, it makes the game more interesting and engaging
More Enemies
The game could benefit from more enemies to fight, it would make it more challenging and exciting
Better Graphics
The graphics could be improved, more vivid colors and better textures would make the game more immersive
More Biomes
I would love to see more biomes to explore, it would add more variety to the game
More Interactive Elements
I would love to see more interactive elements in the game, like hidden secrets or mini-games that require the player to make specific actions, to break the monotony of just fighting monsters and collecting loot.
Improve Cat AI
The cat in the game seems to just sit there, I think it would be great if it could interact with the player or environment in a more meaningful way, like offering quests or even just being a cute companion.
New Scenarios and Levels
I'd love to see new scenarios and levels added to the game, with varied environments and enemies, to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
Better Difficulty Curve
The difficulty curve in the game feels a bit uneven, with some sections being way too easy and others being way too hard, I think a more gradual increase in difficulty would be more engaging.
More Customization Options
I wish I could customize my character more, like choosing different outfits or abilities, to make them feel more unique and personalized.
Improve Storyline
I would love to see a more engaging and immersive storyline. Perhaps adding more character development and plot twists would make the game more enjoyable.
Add More Levels
I felt like there were not enough levels to keep me engaged. Adding more levels with varied environments and challenges would be greatly appreciated.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics were good, but I think they could be improved. Adding more detailed environments and realistic character models would make the game look more polished.
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack was nice, but I think it could be improved. Adding more variety and more fitting music for each level would enhance the overall experience.
Add Multiplayer Mode
I would love to be able to play with friends or other players online. This would add a whole new level of fun and replayability to the game.
Single Player Mode
I would love to play this game without a multiplayer session, a single player mode would be amazing and allow me to play at my own pace.
Save Ability
The lack of saves is frustrating, it would be great to have the option to save and continue later, especially in long game sessions.
Fix Gem Map
I understand that the gem map might be a bug, but it's affecting my experience, I would love to see it fixed as soon as possible.
Clearer UI
I struggle to navigate through the game because of the cluttered interface. A cleaner design would make it easier for players like me to focus on the gameplay.
More realistic sound effects
The sound effects in the game are too cartoonish and take away from the immersion. Making them more realistic would add to the overall experience.
Easier difficulty progression
I got stuck on one level for too long because it was too hard. A more gradual increase in difficulty would make the game more enjoyable.
Better enemy variety
I've seen the same three enemy types for hours now. Adding more variety to the enemies and bosses would make the game feel fresher.
More player options
I wish I had more customization options for my character. It would be cool to see different clothing options or perks.
Non-Permadeath Mode
I would suggest the addition of a mode where the player can choose to respawn without losing progress after death, for a more forgiving and enjoyable experience.
More Clear Game Mechanics
I would like to see a clear explanation of the game mechanics, so I don't have to waste time figuring out what's going on.
More Variety in Levels
The game feels repetitive with the same old orc and goblin fights. I would love to see more variety in levels and enemies.
Clear Storyline
I didn't understand what was going on with the storyline. A clear and concise explanation would help me enjoy the game more.
Add More Than Just Run-and-Fight Gameplay
I got bored with just running away from orcs and goblins. More puzzles or challenges would make the game more engaging.
More Character Customization
I would love to have more options for customizing my character, like different skills or abilities.
Smoother Graphics
The graphics feel choppy and slow. Smoother visuals would make the game more enjoyable to play.
More Variety in Enemies
The same old orcs and goblins got boring after a while. More variety in enemies would make the game more exciting.
Better Item System
The item system feels confusing and frustrating. I would like to see a more intuitive system for acquiring and using items.
More Realistic Gun Mechanics
In this game, I feel like the gun mechanics are not realistic at all. I would like to see a more realistic representation of how bullets behave, such as being able to shoot through certain materials or having a more accurate shooting distance.
More Diverse Character Customization
I would like to see more options for customizing my character's appearance, such as different hair styles, facial features, or even body type. This would make my character more unique and stand out.
More Complex Storyline
The storyline in this game is pretty straightforward and lacks depth. I would like to see a more complex storyline with multiple plot twists and a more engaging narrative.
Better Graphics
The graphics in this game are pretty decent, but I would like to see more detailed and realistic environments. This would make the game more immersive and engaging.
Improved Inventory System
I find it frustrating to have to constantly sort through my items in my inventory. I would like to see an improved inventory system that makes it easier to manage my items and gear.
More Realistic Enemy AI
The enemy AI in this game is pretty basic and lacks realism. I would like to see more realistic and dynamic enemy AI that makes the game more challenging and exciting.
More Co-op Options
I would like to see more co-op options in this game, such as the ability to play with multiple players online or split-screen co-op. This would make the game more social and engaging.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack in this game is pretty generic and lacks diversity. I would like to see a more diverse and improved soundtrack that adds to the game's atmosphere and immersion.
More Realistic Character Movement
I find the character movement in this game to be pretty clunky and unrealistic. I would like to see more realistic character movement that makes the game feel more responsive and engaging.
More Mature Content
I would have enjoyed playing this game if it had more mature content, like sex and boobs, to appeal to a wider audience.
Better Storyline
A story that make sense and keeps players engaged would have been great, rather than just a bunch of random levels.
Competing Games
Developers should compare their game to Minecraft and Fortnite, and try to improve upon those aspects that lack in their game.
Psychological Help
I think players might benefit from playing other games that are less frustrating and less likely to drive them to therapy.
Add Safe Files
I can't save my progress when I pause the game, it's frustrating and unrealistic. Add a save system or at least a 'safe file' feature that lets me pause and resume easily.
Improve Graphics
The graphics are subpar, they don't stand out and are not appealing. Consider upgrading the graphics engine to make the game look more modern and visually appealing.
More Features
The game is too similar to existing titles, consider adding more unique features to set it apart. This could include new gameplay mechanics, items, or even a co-op mode.
Streamline Game Mechanics
The game mechanics are convoluted and confusing. Simplify the gameplay and make it more accessible to new players.
Add a Tutorial
The game doesn't provide a good introduction to the gameplay mechanics. A tutorial or a guided start would make it easier for new players to get started.
More Variety
The game lacks variety, the same activities repeat over and over. Add new biomes, items, or enemies to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Improve Storyline
The storyline is weak and unengaging. Consider adding more context, characters, and plot twists to make the game more immersive.
Better Multiplayer
The multiplayer mode is broken, it doesn't work as intended. Fix the bugs and add more features to make it enjoyable.
More Customization
The character customization options are limited. Add more options to make the players feel more invested in their character.
Add a Map Editor
A map editor would allow players to create and share their own custom maps, adding a new level of replayability to the game.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


My wife said if this review gets 1000 likes and 250 awards, she will buy a case of beer, guys help me out.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm excited about the offer
    • My wife is willing to reward me with beer
    • I'm asking for help and support
    • My wife is setting a condition for me
    • I'm indicating a competition (like a challenge) by saying 'help me out'


here i will leave the cat, friends who pass by can pet it and give it a thumbs up       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ

  • Sentiments

    • The review is quite nonsensical and does not describe the game.
    • There is no actual review or opinion about the game.


Данная игра похожа на Майнкрафт, но тут есть что то по типу заданий/сюжета. Нас с друзьями, выебали и уебали данные гиганты. Мне очень понравилось. Я довольна, спасибо!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Sentiments

    • The game is similar to Minecraft, but with a storyline.
    • I enjoyed playing it with friends
    • The giant data enemies were fun to defeat
    • I'm happy
    • Thank you


I will leave the cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up and awards       />  フ       |  .  . l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ_ヽ)__)  \二つ

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is very happy and excited to leave a cat in the game.
    • The game allows players to interact with a cat in a positive way.


это скучная хуйня в которую нужно играть накуренным потому что только тогда ты не заметишь весь пиздец который рядом с тобой происходит

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a tedious crap that must be played with a hangover, because only then you won't notice the total mess happening around you.


Game is automatically hardcore, and there is no option to not lose after a death, game would benefit from a "softcore" or non permadeath mode.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is challenging due to the permanent death mechanic.
    • The game could be improved with a non-permadeath mode.
    • The game is hardcore and doesn't offer an option to spare players' progress.


игра полное дерьмо, для терпил, которые хотят по геймплею просто бегать от орков и големов всю жизнь, пока не уплывут с острова, ничего в игре не понятно, да и впринципе какой-то кал

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a complete trash, it's for those who want to waste their time just running from orcs and golems all day, I don't understand what's the point of the game at all, it's just a waste of time
    • I feel frustrated about the game, it doesn't make sense, it's a total mess
    • I'm extremely disappointed with the game, I thought it would be fun, but it's just a bunch of nonsense
    • The game is not enjoyable, it's just a chore to play
    • I'm fed up with the game, it's so boring, I don't see the point of continuing
    • The game sucks, it's a waste of my time, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone


straight asshole bollocks Two things I ain't ever seen A nigga that beat a gun and a bitch I need If I go broke, I'm takin' your funds, yeah, bitch, I need it Gave you the whole book on how to get rich and you ain't even read it Jennifer's Body, my bitch is a hottie, my bitch is a boy eater She don't even want no food, this dick the only thing I feed her This bitch a thot, ain't no way, huh, I'ma keep her I made a hunnid K in a hunnid ways, 'cause that's what I keep it Keep it a hunnid

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is expressing frustration and discontent with the game.
    • The reviewer is questioning the game's mechanics and challenges.
    • The reviewer is expressing aggression and hostility towards the game and its characters.
    • The reviewer is boasting about their achievements in the game.
    • The reviewer is criticizing the game's tutorial and guidance.
    • The reviewer is expressing pride and accomplishment.
    • The reviewer is making outlandish and unrealistic claims about their in-game performance.

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