86.64 %
13.6 %
Palworld is an action-packed, open-world survival and crafting game where you team up with mysterious creatures called Pals. With an AI Community Rating of 86.47%, players love its unique blend of farming, building, and exploration. Fight poachers, automate factories, or even breed Pals to create the ultimate companion. The game supports single-player and multiplayer modes, including co-op adventures for up to 32 players. While fans praise its fun gameplay and potential, some note issues like repetitive mechanics and bugs. If you enjoy survival games with a twist, Palworld offers a fresh, albeit imperfect, experience worth exploring.
I loved pokemon, and still love it. I also like survival games. This is the best of both, creature collector and survival. Nintendo should take notes, not lawsuits.
Nintendo is jealous they can't produce a solid 60fps experience with little to no bugs and frame rate drops with a team 100x larger than palwords dev team. And no its not a Switch hardware issue since TOTK runs very well with little framerate drops and bugs for such a massive open world game on their own console LOL Support Palworld and support competitive titles that will push Game Freak to not release trash!
Captured Pals, made them work for me, rode some into battles, others tagged along me to assist in attacking other Pals or humans, but at the end of the day we return to base and eat and sleep like 1 big happy family. And then the next day we do it all again until I got 100% achievements. Joking aside, pretty fun game, played it all solo, farming materials and leveling up Pals and doing dungeons and exploring is all very nice. Can change a lot of settings including difficulty and spawns and other things that make the game easier or more tough. Recommended
Going to be Very Upset if this game gets shut down or even removed because Papa Nintendo got their panties in a bunch and/or wanted Pocketpair's money. The fact that the suit's happening this long after Palworld was basically screamed across the internet (and thus earned a lot of money) reeks of bad faith. Grumbling about things I have no hand in aside, the game's fun. Runs a bit hot on my PC and there's still this chest that steadily gets further under the ground each time I start a new world, but I don't regret my money or time spent on Palworld. It's got its bugs, flaws, unfinished/generic bits, etc.... but compared to other "survival crafts" in my library, it's still leagues better.
At first its a fun and silly game. Your enjoying catching pals and progressing. Then one day you stop and look at what you have done. Multiple slave camps with innocent pals being forced to work for you. Mining camps, Factories, Farms and breeding camps. Your a monster!
I've played hundreds of hours of Palworld and genuinely enjoyed this game, but with the newest update and EULA, I cannot recommend it. The Monitoring section of the new EULA states: "We may actively monitor use of the Services, both on our own servers and on your computer or device, for a wide variety of different purposes, including preventing cheating and hacking, reducing toxic user behavior, and improving the Services. We may monitor and collect data regarding the use of the Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy." (The link to the privacy policy was broken, but I managed to find it.) The privacy policy also does not state exactly what data they are monitoring on your device, just a lovely, vague "we automatically collect certain information for a variety of purposes." Soooo... yeah. As much as I've loved Palworld, I'm not willing to blindly agree to let anybody monitor my devices, especially when they won't specify what data is being collected. So long, pal!
Honestly a super fun game, but it has consistently lost my save data and that has successfully ruined my experience with this title. Did nothing that would warrant losing save data like turning off my PC while the game was going. Great game but having to start over repeatedly is really annoying. Tried doing the good ole copy the back up data and that also did not work for me.
This game is decent but I feel like they already bought the Lamborghini and are driving off in it. Came out in as an absolute bombshell but then had basically no updates for months, not even for simple bug fixes. Either their heads are firmly up their own colonic tracts or the devs are too busy counting money to remember that they made a video game.
The start of this game is so good. I played together with a friend and had a blast the first 30 levels or so. But man does the pacing get ruined in mid game. The fun I got from playing Palworld was mainly from exploring the world, finding and catching new pals and collecting collectibles. But when you enter mid game, which is around level 30 you can't progress by simply exploring anymore. You instead need to farm materials to craft necessary items and farm the same pals you've already caught to gain exp. And this loop of farming and running around can go on for hours. Me and my friend changed the world settings (higher drops etc) to make it more bearable but even so the game was too boring for me to want to continue. And it's so frustrating because the beginning of the game was so much fun and I wish the developers would've designed the game progression to be like that through out the whole game. There's more stuff I could criticize the game for but what's written above is the main complaint I have and what made me stop playing.
This game is a lot of fun - BUT the developers have a very serious problem: after you play the game for sometime the level.sav and other files have an error/corruption were you have to start all over again. NO solution or way to communicate with the developers.. Very Sad - I am going to not play and can't recommend this game to anyone until this major issue is corrected
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