Congratulations. The October labor lottery is complete. Your name was pulled. For immediate placement, report to the Ministry of Admission at Grestin Border Checkpoint. An apartment will be provided for you and your family in East Grestin. Expect a Class-8 dwelling.
85.35 %
64.91 %
No joke, this game made me better at my job. Playing this has gotten me to be pretty good at quickly scanning documents and identifying potential discrepancies IRL, and I use that at my job when I check ID's, verify documents, and input them into a computer. 10/10
* Papers, please. - What do you mean? I just want to review the game. * Due to a recent acts of vandalism, reviewers are required to provide proper id. - Oh, yes sure, here you go: ╔═════════════════════╗ ║ Steam-User-Certificate ║ ╠=========================╣ ║ Name: kamran ║ ║ SteamId: kamranmed ║ ║ Level: 52 ║ ╚═════════════════════╝ * The certificate states you are level 24, but according to our database this is not true. - Well yes, I have leveled up since. * I will have to search you, turn around. - What?! This is ridic... * There is something in your pocket. Is that a Bad Rats badge? - Erm I'm keeping that for a friend, I would never play such a... * With credentials like this you do not qualify as a reviewer. Guards! - Nooo! * Detain! - But papers please is great game! You hear me? It's AMAZIIiing... * Next!
Я: "В ваших документах ложная информация." Ч: "Я про это ничего не знаю!" Я: *Арест* Охрана: *уводит человека* Я, в рупор: "ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ В АРСТОТЦКУ!" 10 из 10
I might be in the minority here, but I didn’t enjoy this game at all. The document-checking became tedious, and I got tired of scrutinizing every detail. It’s probably better suited for detail-oriented players, but I’m more of a big-picture, go-with-the-flow type. In the end, I couldn’t bring glory to Arstotzka. :(
THIS NEGATIVE REVIEW HAS BEEN REMOVED BY THE ARSTOTZKIAN GOVERMENT Author has been given death penalty. Glory to Arstotzka.
Great art, game mechanics, novelty. Worth it for the experience once, but too much like real work. After my first play through I went back and looked up [spoiler]a cheatsheet[/spoiler] which made it way easier to refer to the rule book in windowed mode. It really trains you to check absolutely everything, and that my own eyes are unreliable.
bu arstotzkanın amk bir ülkede her kez mi kaçakçı olur amk karım çocuğum tüm aile fertlerim ilk haftadan öldü nefret ediyorum bu oyundan zaten asgeri ücrette vermiyorlar kirada hepsi bitiyor nerde oturuyorsam amk cicibebe su karıştırıp yiyoruz evde
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