Path of Exile is a free-to-play online Action RPG set in the dark fantasy world of Wraeclast. With an AI Community Rating of 82.21%, this game offers deep character customization, a vast Passive Skill Tree, and a strong focus on item-driven gameplay. Players praise its complexity, rewarding grind, and the freedom to create unique builds. However, newcomers may find the learning curve steep, and some criticize the reliance on external tools for optimal play. Despite its challenges, Path of Exile delivers a rich, immersive experience for fans of dark fantasy and action RPGs, with no pay-to-win mechanics. Dive into Wraeclast and carve your path to revenge!
Here because Diablo 4 was a waste of $100. How can a free-to-play game with no pay-to-win aspects be 10 times better? Edit: Updating a year later to say that Diablo 4 still sucks, no matter how much they continue to update it. Path of Exile is a thousand times the game, is much deeper, more intricate, more enjoyable, more fun to grind, and has a much better playerbase to learn the game with. The trade website tends to be full of price gauging, and there are arguments in world chat hourly, but buy-in-large, the game is substantially, and I mean *exponentially* better than Diablo 4 will ever be. I wish the $100 was never wasted.
It is overwhelming, it is confusing, it is difficult, but above all, imo it is very rewarding. This is a game that rewards knowledge. So it might take time for you to get to the point you were at before in other arpgs but i think the journey there is rewarding and also fun.
The best free dungeon crawler you will ever play. The only problem is that the very first build you make will be absolutely terrible and you'll have to play through all of this excellent game again. Years pass and the above remains as relevant as it ever was. The team loves the game and Path of Exile remains the best ARPG ever made.
You know how Final Fantasy 14 put out a trash game, then got their stuff together and turned it into something wonderful? Path of Exile is like that. But, the opposite. Edit 2023: It's good again now. But still worse than it was 3 years ago. Edit 2024: Ok it's actually just good again now.
A beautiful, dark rabbit hole where you can lose months of your life crafting the perfect build, only to get one-shot by a boss you thought you could handle. 10/10, would get lost in the skill tree again!
I want to enjoy this game, but as a colorblind person, the developer just seems to want to make it impossible to play. I remember years ago, I think while it was in beta, they had shapes for the sockets and gems and that helped immensely. I have tried this game out a few times in the years since that shape feature was removed, and I just cannot tell what gems go into what sockets. Various filters and third-party fixes just do not help. I do not understand why such an easy and useful feature was removed and remains missing and ignored.
As of now: New Players SKIP the Game. Old Players be prepared to dive 5+ hours in explanation videos on YouTube, GGG will not explain anything. Current Players: have fun! The Game got even more complex, even as a player who played it years ago I understand absolutely nothing of any systems left in the game. The game is only playable with extensive research on your part and you need to follow a step by step guide of someone else. They made Lootfilters a Grinding Gear Games account thing it seems and no one cares to explain it anymore, not even GGG themselves do it in the menue for selecting them (They have that Questionmark tooltip system for graphics that could have been used), took me hours to find those and see what it requires, instead of making them free and accesible for everyone, likely to just get even more player data and break the first barrier to spending extra money on the game. They did not improve Quality of Life of the players at all over the last 10 years it seems. No way to import builds made by others, no easy acces to Information about things you don't understand in the game, like a basic Text guide with searchable Keywords (Example: Last Epoch). It feels like all they did over the years is: add system on system on system without a care in the world how new players or returning players can interact with those. I'll wait for the next game and hope they stop this or I fear their players will die out in the future.
I can't. I just can't any more. The game was complicated to start with. Then they added more. Then more after that. Then more. Every league brings new yet more additional mechanics and complexity. Sounds good, right? Sadly not. PoE has become utterly, *utterly* impenetrable. The over-complexity of the PoE has now reached a critical mass and I simply can't justify the level of research and *work* that's required to play the game. It's an ARPG. I shouldn't need to have the Wiki open to allow me to make any sense of what's going on. Beyond that, most of the endgame content is gated behind vast amounts of grind and layers upon layers of preceding content. GGG simply don't seem to either notice or care. I simply can't recommend it any more.
With every update, the distance between the top 5% players and the average ones just grows bigger and bigger. GGG aims the top players with everything. I used to play this game a lot, but now it's just painful. Slow and you need a uni degree from PoE to be able to play it properly. I'm a casual player with few hours per week for gaming.
After years of updates the game runs worse than ever,more new player unfriendly than ever,every new league is just overtuned trash that needs 3 weeks of nerfs to be in line with the rest of the shits.Be prepared to hit triple empowered sponge rares that never die. 3.24:Developers with amnesia doing the same mistakes every league.
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