PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the original PAYDAY crew - Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains - as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree.
83.23 %
36.06 %
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ngl im just hoping leaving a review fixes needing to unfallow + refallow every time i launch the game
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An intense cooperative multiplayer experience where players execute heists, from bank robberies to drug trafficking. Its varied missions and customizable skills provide depth, while the real thrill lies in coordinating with teammates to pull off the perfect crime. Great with friends and strangers alike, Payday 2 is a heist game truly worth playing.
Can you guys stop focusing on payday 3 (game that's been dead on release) and fix the only game that you guys managed to salvage and keep together? Fix the community weapons issue, come on. (Also the game is failing to launch as well, this game just keeps getting better)
終於到了我受不了要給負評的一天了 首先遊戲平衡性很爛,出一個DSOD這種難度,要虐人就算了,武器平衡性也是差得離譜,在DSOD出來之前,幾乎每個牌組都有好玩的特色,不過這不打緊,畢竟有很多大佬也有類似評論,我想一定有人會嗆我說我不打DSOD或是打得少被虐才抱怨,會這樣說的肯定不認識我,不過也沒關係,這也不重要 但是更令我不爽的是,有些Bug萬年不修,然後這遊戲本該在2018年要結束的,因為某些開發商無能的原因,促使這款早該讓人緬懷的遊戲,就像李維拉一樣又下場救援了,但是他並不像李維拉一樣寶刀未老,而越玩下去越發現開發商只是為了賺錢開始關卡粗枝濫造,Bug越來越多,就像這次活動一樣的爛 因為下個月要推行3代了,雖然有很多朋友一直叫我入坑,但是光是Bug和對玩家的態度讓我十分忌憚,又害怕像OVK陰屍路和Raid:WWII一樣的下場,希望他們在3代不要重蹈覆轍之前的無能
Раньше игра была веселой и в ней можно было хорошо провести время с друзьями. Но теперь появился непонятный сервис Старбриз и вылеты с сервера во время игры.
Overkill business plan 1: Release mid mobile game 2: Break their actually good game 3: Release broken game and then immediately abandon it 4: Profit???
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