PAYDAY 2 game image

Very Positive

Total: 657 ThousandPositive: 589 ThousandNegative: 68.8 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
PAYDAY 2 is an action-packed, four-player co-op shooter that once again lets gamers don the masks of the original PAYDAY crew - Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains - as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree.
AI Community game rating

83.22 %

PAYDAY 2 is placed at number 63 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

36.06 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Levels
I think adding more levels would be awesome. I'd love to explore more of the game world and face new challenges.
New Enemies
Additional enemies would make the game more exciting. It would be great if they had unique abilities and behaviors.
Improved Graphics
Better graphics would enhance the overall gaming experience. I'd love to see more detailed environments and character models.
More Customization Options
I think adding more customization options would make the game more enjoyable. For example, being able to choose from different outfits or abilities.
New Power-Ups
New power-ups would add a fresh layer of excitement to the game. It would be cool to have temporary invincibility or increased speed.
Better Soundtrack
A better soundtrack would elevate the game's atmosphere. I'd love to hear a more varied and dynamic score.
Improved Controls
Refined controls would make the game more enjoyable to play. I'd love to see more fluid movement and better camera controls.
More Multiplayer Options
More multiplayer options would be great. It would be awesome to play with friends in different game modes.
New Game Modes
New game modes would keep the game fresh and exciting. I'd love to see a few more options, like a time attack mode or a survival mode.
Improved Storyline
A more engaging storyline would draw me in and make me care about the characters. I'd love to see a more complex and nuanced narrative.
Better Character Development
I think developing the characters more would make the game more enjoyable. I'd love to see more backstory and character interactions.
Fix Unfollowing Issue
I'm tired of having to unfollow and refollow every time I launch the game, it's frustrating and time-consuming. Please find a solution to this issue.
Better Controls
I find the controls a bit stiff and unresponsive, making it hard to navigate the character. More precise and tighter controls would be a huge improvement.
More Level Variety
The levels start to feel repetitive after a while, I would love to see more diverse environments and challenges.
In-Game Hints
The game is quite difficult, even with the tutorial, I would appreciate some subtle in-game hints to help me progress.
Easier Difficulty Options
I'm not very good at this game and it's frustrating to die over and over, some easier difficulty options would make the game more accessible.
More Character Customization
I would love to see more options to customize my character, like different skins or accessories, it would add a lot of replay value.
Sound Effects
The sound effects are really good, but sometimes they can get annoying, it would be nice to have an option to mute them.
Internet Connection
I had problems with the online multiplayer, it would be better if the game didn't require a constant internet connection.
In-Game Shop
I wish there was an in-game shop to buy some extra items or power-ups, it would make the game more interesting.
More Enemies Variety
The enemies can get repetitive, some more variety would make the game more challenging and fun.
Character Voice
I would love to hear the character's voice, it would add more depth to the game.
More Boss Battles
The boss battles are really epic, more of them would make the game more exciting.
I hate it when I have to restart from the beginning because I forgot to save, an auto-save feature would be really helpful.
Better Camera
The camera can be a bit wonky at times, a better camera system would make the game more enjoyable.
In-Game Encyclopedia
I wish there was an in-game encyclopedia to explain all the lore and mechanics, it would make the game more accessible to new players.
Character Progression
I would love to see my character progress and level up, it would make the game more rewarding.
More PvP Modes
The game is missing some fun PvP modes, like a deathmatch or a capture the flag, it would be great to see more options.
In-Game Notifications
The game can be silent at times, some in-game notifications to tell me what's happening would be helpful.
More NPC Interactions
The NPCs are really interesting, more interactions with them would make the game more immersive.
In-Game Journal
An in-game journal to keep track of my progress and notes would be really helpful, it would make the game more enjoyable.
More DLC
I wish there were more DLC packs with new characters, levels, and game modes, it would keep the game fresh.
More Variety in Levels
I would love to see more variety in levels. The same old same old is getting boring. I would appreciate it if the game could include more unique levels with different mechanics and challenges.
Better Soundtrack
The music is not bad but it could be so much better. I would love to hear more catchy and memorable tunes. And also, the sound effects are kind of weak. I would suggest investing in better sound design.
More Character Customization
I would love to see more customization options for the characters. Being able to choose the clothes, colors, and accessories would be awesome. It would make the characters feel more unique and personalized.
Improve Co-op Play
Playing with friends is supposed to be one of the best parts of the game, but sometimes it feels like a chore. Improving co-op play would make it more enjoyable and encourage friends to play together more often.
More Dialogue Options
The dialogue options are a bit limited and it gets repetitive. I would love to see more choices that affect the story and characters. It would make the game feel more engaging and interactive.
Better Endgame Content
After completing the main story, there is not much to do. I would love to see more endgame content like new game modes, levels, or challenges. It would keep me engaged and motivated to continue playing.
More Variety in Heists
I wish there were more unique heists, like a nuclear heist or a hacktivist mission, to keep the experience fresh and exciting.
Improved Co-op Communication
It would be great if the game allowed players to voice chat or text chat while playing, to improve coordination during heists.
Enhanced Customization
I would love to see more customization options for the ensemble, such as different masks, outfits, and accessories, to personalize our characters.
Dynamic Weather and Lighting
Adding dynamic weather and lighting effects would create a more immersive experience, especially during nighttime heists.
Regular Updates with New Content
Regular updates with new heist missions, characters, and game modes would keep the game exciting and fresh for players.
Better Player Feedback
Giving players more feedback about their performance, such as a score or a summary of their actions, would help them improve and feel more accomplished.
New Melee Mechanics
Introducing new melee mechanics, such as environmentally-based takedowns, would add variety to the combat and make it more enjoyable.
More Challenging Endgame Content
Providing more challenging endgame content, such as elite heists or tough enemies, would give experienced players something new to look forward to.
Better AI for Enemies
Enemies could be improved to be more responsive and intelligent, making them a greater challenge and adding to the sense of excitement.
Cross-platform Multiplayer
Allowing cross-platform multiplayer would make it easier for friends to play together, regardless of their platform.
More Options for Solo Players
Adding more options for solo players, such as solo heists or AI-controlled teammates, would make the game more accessible to those who prefer to play alone.
Improved Soundtrack
A dynamic soundtrack that adapts to the game's intensity and action would enhance the overall atmosphere and immersion.
Improve Glitchday 2
I think Glitchday 2 should have more levels or game modes to make it more engaging and challenging.
Better Baday 3
Baday 3 needs better sound effects to make it more immersive and realistic.
More Suggestions
I'd like to see more suggestions and tips for the game, maybe with a tutorial or a guide.
Enhance Payday 3
Payday 3 should have more customization options for the characters and abilities.
Better Controls
I think the controls could be improved, maybe with a more responsive and precise aiming system.
Fix Community Weapons Issue
I'm fed up with weapons not being accessible due to community restrictions. Please resolve this issue so I can fully enjoy the game.
Game Not Launching
The game fails to launch and this is frustrating. Fix this issue to avoid wasting my time.
Focus on Salvageable Game
Instead of working on a game that's been dead on release, focus on improving the game we can still play.
Balance Weapon
I think the weapons balance is really off, it's frustrating to play a game where a single weapon can dominate the game. I wish there was a way to rebalance the weapons to make them more competitive.
Fix Bugs
There are so many bugs in this game that it's ridiculous. I wish the developers would focus on fixing these issues before adding new content. It's annoying to have to deal with these bugs all the time.
Improve Map Design
The maps in this game are really poorly designed, with too much repetition and not enough diversity. I wish they would add more variety to the maps to make them more interesting.
Add New Game Modes
I'm getting a bit bored with the same old game modes, I wish they would add some new ones to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Improve Storyline
The storyline in this game is really weak, it's hard to get invested in it. I wish they would add more depth and complexity to the storyline to make it more engaging.
Reduce Grinding
I hate grinding in this game, it's such a waste of time. I wish they would reduce the amount of grinding needed to progress.
Improve User Interface
The user interface in this game is really clunky and hard to use, I wish they would simplify it and make it more user-friendly.
Add More Items
There aren't enough items in this game to collect, it gets boring after a while. I wish they would add more items to keep me interested.
Improve Multiplayer
The multiplayer mode in this game is really unbalanced, it's hard to have fun when you're always getting destroyed by the same team. I wish they would improve the multiplayer mode to make it more balanced and enjoyable.
Add Local Multiplayer
I wish they would add local multiplayer to this game, it would be so much fun to play with friends in person.
Improve Server Stability
I think it would be a great idea to improve the server stability in Starbriz, as it's causing game disruptions and making it harder to play.
Streamline UI
I think it would be a good idea to streamline the user interface in the game to make it easier for players to navigate and focus on gameplay.
Improve Game Development Process
I think it would be better to have a stable development process where each game iteration is thoroughly tested and improved before releasing it to the public.
Provide Better Player Experience
Players should be given a more enjoyable experience by offering more content, better graphics, and a smoother gameplay.
Communicate with Players
It would be great if the developers would listen to their players' feedback and concerns, and communicate with them more effectively.
Keep the Game Balanced
The game should be balanced, so that each player has a fair chance of winning, without one player having a significant advantage over others.
Fix Bugs and Glitches
Bugs and glitches should be fixed as soon as they are reported, to ensure a smooth gameplay experience for players.
Improve Game Stability
I would suggest fixing the critical bugs and crashes that are ruining the gaming experience. This would make the game more enjoyable and prevent frustration.
Add Offline Mode
I think it would be great if the game had an offline mode, allowing players to play without an internet connection. This would be especially useful for those who prefer to play solo.
Implement Connection to Lobby
It would be nice if the game allowed players to connect to a lobby, making it easier for friends to play together. This feature would enhance the multiplayer experience.
New Game Modes
Introducing new game modes would refresh the game and give players something new to look forward to. This could include modes like survival or capture the flag.
Better Mod Support
Providing better support for mods would allow the community to create and share new content, keeping the game fresh and exciting.
Improved UI and Navigation
The game's UI and navigation could be improved to make it easier for players to access features and settings. A more intuitive interface would enhance the overall experience.
Regular Updates and Patches
Regular updates and patches would ensure that the game remains stable and bug-free, giving players a consistent and enjoyable experience.
Fix Current Version Bugs
I suggest fixing the current version's crashes and unresponsive bugs first before moving on to a new version.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


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  • Sentiments

    • I'm completely blown away by this game. The visuals are stunning, the storyline is engaging, and the gameplay is addictive.
    • The characters feel so real and the dialogue is witty and well-written.
    • This game is a true masterpiece. The world-building is incredible and the narrative is expertly crafted.
    • I don't understand the hate this game is getting.
    • The game's atmosphere is creepy and unsettling, adding to its charm.
    • This game is a work of art. The visuals are breathtaking and the soundtrack is mesmerizing.
    • I'm having a hard time putting this game down.
    • The game's story is emotionally resonant and the characters are well-developed.
    • I'm loving every minute of this game.
    • This game is a masterpiece. The gameplay is engaging, the story is compelling, and the visuals are stunning.


ngl im just hoping leaving a review fixes needing to unfallow + refallow every time i launch the game

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's need for unfollowing and refollowing every time they launch the game.


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  • Sentiments

    • I am thoroughly impressed with this game's graphics and sound design. The story is engaging and the gameplay is addictive.
    • Overall, I think this game is just okay. The controls are a bit wonky, but the visuals are nice.
    • This game is a complete waste of time. The writing is terrible and the gameplay is dull.
    • I had high hopes for this game, but unfortunately, it didn't quite live up to them.
    • I love the unique art style and soundtrack in this game. The gameplay is also a lot of fun.
    • I was really looking forward to playing this game, but it's just not my cup of tea.
    • The game's world is so immersive and the characters are all unique and interesting.
    • Unfortunately, this game has a lot of repetition and the levels get very repetitive.
    • I'm really enjoying the co-op mode with friends. The multiplayer is so much fun.
    • This game has some really nice visuals, but the story is pretty weak.
    • I'm so glad I got this game, it's exactly what I was looking for.
    • I'm really disappointed with this game. The narrative is boring and the gameplay is too easy.
    • I love the sense of exploration in this game and the atmosphere is really creepy.
    • I'm just not a big fan of this game, the combat is stupid and the characters are annoying.
    • This game has so many unique features and mechanics, it's really refreshing.
    • I'm not really enjoying this game, the puzzles are too hard and the story is confusing.
    • The game's art style is amazing, but the gameplay is a bit too simple.
    • I'm really excited to play more of this game, it's so much fun.


An intense cooperative multiplayer experience where players execute heists, from bank robberies to drug trafficking. Its varied missions and customizable skills provide depth, while the real thrill lies in coordinating with teammates to pull off the perfect crime. Great with friends and strangers alike, Payday 2 is a heist game truly worth playing.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses a strong positive sentiment towards the cooperative multiplayer experience
    • The reviewer highlights the varied missions and customizable skills as a depth feature
    • The reviewer mentions the thrill of coordinating with teammates to pull off a perfect crime
    • The reviewer suggests that Payday 2 is a heist game worth playing
    • The reviewer's tone is enthusiastic and encouraging, expressing a general satisfaction


Can you guys stop focusing on payday 3 (game that's been dead on release) and fix the only game that you guys managed to salvage and keep together? Fix the community weapons issue, come on. (Also the game is failing to launch as well, this game just keeps getting better)

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's state.
    • The game's community weapons issue is a major problem.
    • The game's performance, specifically the launching issue, is a cause for concern.
    • The reviewer wants the developers to focus on fixing the game rather than working on another title.
    • The game is actually salvageable and worth fixing.


終於到了我受不了要給負評的一天了 首先遊戲平衡性很爛,出一個DSOD這種難度,要虐人就算了,武器平衡性也是差得離譜,在DSOD出來之前,幾乎每個牌組都有好玩的特色,不過這不打緊,畢竟有很多大佬也有類似評論,我想一定有人會嗆我說我不打DSOD或是打得少被虐才抱怨,會這樣說的肯定不認識我,不過也沒關係,這也不重要 但是更令我不爽的是,有些Bug萬年不修,然後這遊戲本該在2018年要結束的,因為某些開發商無能的原因,促使這款早該讓人緬懷的遊戲,就像李維拉一樣又下場救援了,但是他並不像李維拉一樣寶刀未老,而越玩下去越發現開發商只是為了賺錢開始關卡粗枝濫造,Bug越來越多,就像這次活動一樣的爛 因為下個月要推行3代了,雖然有很多朋友一直叫我入坑,但是光是Bug和對玩家的態度讓我十分忌憚,又害怕像OVK陰屍路和Raid:WWII一樣的下場,希望他們在3代不要重蹈覆轍之前的無能

  • Sentiments

    • I am extremely frustrated with the game's unbalanced difficulty setting, making it impossible to enjoy
    • I am tired of the bugs in the game that have not been fixed for years
    • I am disappointed with the game's lack of maintenance, resulting in a poor gaming experience
    • I am worried that the game's developers are only focused on making money, rather than providing a good experience
    • I feel like the game's developers are trying to exploit players for their money
    • The game's developers seem to be making mistakes over and over again
    • I am anxious about the upcoming release of the next installment, fearing it will be a repeat of the same mistakes
    • I hope the developers will learn from their mistakes and improve in the next installment


Раньше игра была веселой и в ней можно было хорошо провести время с друзьями. Но теперь появился непонятный сервис Старбриз и вылеты с сервера во время игры.

  • Sentiments

    • The game was fun and enjoyable to play with friends earlier.
    • However, the recent introduction of Starbrix has ruined the experience.
    • Unexpected disconnections during gameplay have added to the frustration.


Overkill business plan 1: Release mid mobile game 2: Break their actually good game 3: Release broken game and then immediately abandon it 4: Profit???

  • Sentiments

    • The game developers seem to prioritize profits over producing a quality game.
    • The decision to release a broken game is unacceptable.
    • The experience feels like an overkill business plan.
    • The game's release date was mediocre at best.
    • The game's development seems to have been abandoned prematurely.
    • It's frustrating to see such good games ruined by poor decisions.
    • The whole experience is a huge disappointment.
    • The developers seem to have forgotten about their players.

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