People Playground

People Playground game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 260 ThousandPositive: 256 ThousandNegative: 3.61 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Shoot, stab, burn, poison, tear, vaporise, or crush ragdolls in a large open space.
AI Community game rating

93.32 %

People Playground is placed at number 2 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

22.56 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 75 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Add Children
I would like to see children in the game, it would add a fresh perspective and new possibilities for experiments.
Improve Human AI
The humans in the game seem brainless, adding some level of intelligence would make the game more challenging and engaging.
More Variety
I came into this game off of tons of hours of MaD 2 and I bounced off of it real hard because of that. It doesn't quite have the variety as that game.
Update Frequency
Unfortunately, the game isn't updated as frequently anymore, which is a problem for someone like me with hundreds of hours in it.
Add More Gizmos and Gadgets
There are a ton of gizmos and gadgets that you can play around with, like injecting someone with a tub of nitroglycerin or electrifying a laser pointer to turn it into a death ray.
Improve Bait Variety
I wish the bait was more diverse in terms of types and effectiveness. Sometimes the same old worms get boring.
Add Decomposing Hookers
The idea of decomposing hookers being used as bait is intriguing. I'd love to see this implemented in the game.
More Worm Options
I'd like to see more types of worms, maybe with different effects on the fish or the environment.
More Mods
I really love the mods, they have everything I thought of, I would advise you to get some mods.
More Regular Updates
As a player who has spent 318 hours, I believe regular updates with new content would keep the game fresh and engaging.
Improve User Interface
I encountered some difficulties with the user interface, and I think it could be improved for a smoother gaming experience.
More Realistic Physics
The ragdoll physics are impressive, but I think it would be amazing if the game took physics to the next level. For instance, more realistic collisions, better handling of objects and characters, and maybe even some emergent behavior.
More Mod Categories
I love that there are already free mods available, but it would be awesome if there were more categories to choose from. Maybe some ambient mods, or mods that change the overall tone of the game?
Improved Graphics
The game looks nice, but I think it could benefit from some upgraded graphics. Maybe some more detailed textures, better lighting, or even ray tracing?
Camera Control
It is confusing to me, I think it would be better to have more control over the camera view
Mod Versioning
It would be good to have separate versions for mods, it's frustrating to have to deal with compatibility issues
Simpler Graphics
The graphics are overwhelming, it would be better if they were simpler and easier to understand
Improve WiFi Connection
I think the game's WiFi connection is quite slow, it would be great if the developers could improve it to make it faster and more reliable for players.
Fix Mastercraft Resort
The Mastercraft Resort seems to be stuck, I couldn't access it after a certain time, I think the developers should fix this issue to add more gameplay value.
Add In-Game Tutorial
I struggled to understand the game mechanics, an in-game tutorial would be really helpful to new players like me, to get started quickly.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Se você já sonhou em ser um cientista louco com zero consequências éticas, People Playground é o seu bilhete dourado para a insanidade. É um jogo basicamente sobre soltar sua criatividade (e seus bonecos) em experimentos no mínimo moralmente duvidosos. Minhas únicas reclamações são a falta de crianças e a burrice dos humanos do jogo.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a great opportunity to unleash creativity and experiment without any ethical consequences.
    • The game is entertaining and allows for creative experimentation.
    • There is a lack of children in the game.
    • The human characters in the game are not very intelligent.


sometimes the bait tastes better than the fish, unless the fish is actually a decomposing hooker. otherwise i prefer the worms

  • Sentiments

    • The review is confusing and doesn't make sense
    • The review is playful and humorous
    • The review is complaining about the game


good game bad without mods i really love them so you should go get some they have everything you think of i would advice you to get some mods

  • Sentiments

    • The game is good
    • The game is bad without mods
    • I really love the mods
    • You should go get some mods
    • I would advice you to get some mods


the game is very good, I played 318 hours and don’t regret it, thanks to the one who gave it to me, but there is still a minus, these are rare updates, there have been very few of them lately but still a good game

  • Sentiments

    • I think the game is very good
    • I don't regret playing the game for 318 hours
    • I appreciate the person who gave me the game
    • There is still a minus in the game
    • These are rare updates, very few lately
    • But overall, the game is still good


primeira coisa os mods tem que ter versão especifica e e muito chato segunda quem ja sabe como jogar outros jogos e para endar ou mecher a camera e w-a-s-d e aqui para mecher a camera e as setas e sempre me confundo os graficos e bom mas a jogabilidade e meio ruim não comprem e legal mas eu prefiria não comprar

  • Sentiments

    • The game's mod system is a hassle with no specific version
    • It's annoying to learn the controls and camera mechanics
    • The graphics are good but
    • The gameplay is mediocre, not worth buying
    • The game has a sense of legality, but I would rather not buy it


сначала моды роботали, но с времинем мастерская пеопле плеиграунд зависла, и пишет што вайфая нету. Хотя у меня на площятке стим, йесть вайфай.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is unhappy with the game's server performance, specifically the lack of WiFi

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