Portal™ is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and will offer gamers hours of unique gameplay.
90.49 %
37.18 %
Valve: release a good game People: omg we love it can we have a sequel? Valve: of course People: wow that was even better, how about a next one Valve: ...
The game that got me into PC gaming. I don’t know what it is about Portal specifically, but the world is so interesting and cool to be in, even though it is little more than some reused HL2 assets and short, snappy lines of dialogue. While it’s not my favourite game, it’s definitely in the top 10. So satisfying, so fun, so short. In an era where every game takes 30 hours to complete (if you’re rushing) and shoves a million different mechanics in the hopes of distracting you longer than it’s competitors; it’s so nice and cosy to play a brief game that takes one idea does everything it can think of with it. Also, replaying it all these years later I’d never noticed just how good the soundtrack is.
[h1] O jogo do bolo de schrödinger, ele é REAL ou NÃO? [/h1] Um clássico dos clássicos, o jogo que me fez interessar no gênero de puzzle, com sua genialidade na mecânica de criar portais. É muito bom como o jogo brinca com portais e física, criando um loop de gameplay desafiador e satisfatório. Com uma dublagem também muuuuito boa faz a gente criar um certo desconforto e mistério com a vilã/vilão. [b] Mas afinal de contas ao bolo existe ou não? Ele sempre esteve lá mas depende da perspectiva? Ou tudo era uma mentira? Muitas interrogações com o Bolo de Schrödinger [/b]
[h1]Hipnótico[/h1] Uno de mis juegos favoritos. La sensación de abrir portales y ver que es lo que ocurre me tiene todavía hipnotizado después de tantos años. Para los que hayan vivido en otro planeta en estos años y no sepa de qué va os explico que Portal es un juego de resolución de puzles a partir de interactuar con el entorno mediante portales. El juego tiene una visión en primera persona y tu personaje es una chica metida en una especie de experimento a lo pelicula CUBE. La única pega es que se hace muy corto y que no tiene funciones online (subsanado en Portal 2 con un buen cooperativo) Recomendadisima la compra y recomiendo jugarlo antes de Portal 2 para ver la transformación del entorno. [h2]Nota: [b]9,5/10[/b][/h2] [u][h2][url=steampowered.com/curator/45277685]🎮🌵Más reseñas en mi mentor🌵🎮[/url][/h2][/u]
포탈건을 활용한 혁신적인 퍼즐 액션의 시작. 연구소 내부에서 진행되는 짧은 스토리지만, 참신함과 창의성 면에서 손꼽을 만합니다. 2 하시기 전에 1도 해보세요. [code] 스팀 큐레이터 : [url=store.steampowered.com/curator/44849820/]INSTALLING NOTHING[/url] [/code]
If you like puzzles, you will enjoy this. If not, you will find out that you don't like puzzles. Like me. Later puzzles demand additional abilities that have nothing to do with puzzle-solving itself: aiming, quick reaction, platforming, and spatial orientation. Many recommend this game to complete beginners. Please, you should stop doing that.
Валв решили поесть дерьма и удалили Family Sharing. То, чем пользовались. Эта Х**я под названием "Семейная группа" никому не сдалась Не играйте в их игры. Позорище!
Works on my crappy ass laptop, you can tell its an old game but it's still a good platform puzzle game. Has no replay value though.
Owned by a multi-billion dollar company that can't overcome a bot problem run by basement dwellers, lmao. #FixYouKnowWhat
Valve has shown extreme incompetence in regards to managing their products and as such I have lost all respect for them.
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