Portal 2

Portal 2 game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 406 ThousandPositive: 401 ThousandNegative: 5.31 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
The "Perpetual Testing Initiative" has been expanded to allow you to design co-op puzzles for you and your friends!
AI Community game rating

91.6 %

Portal 2 is placed at number 10 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

26.98 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 97 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Play Co-op
Play with friends to increase playtime and experience different modes, such as Portal Stories: Mel, Portal Revolution, and Portal Reloaded.
Explore Community Maps
Try out maps created by the community, which can be more polished and well-made than official maps, and search for recommended maps by popular creators.
Recommend Maps
Explore maps recommended by popular creators, such as Azorae, ben77, gigo, and others, which can offer better gameplay and experiences.
Use Shortcuts
Use quick save and quick load features (F6 and F7) to improve gameplay efficiency and speed.
More Variety in Puzzles
I think it would be great if the puzzles were more diverse and challenging. Some times I find the same puzzle mechanics being used in different ways which makes it feel repetitive.
Improve Storyline
The story was really engaging, but I felt like there were some plot holes and unanswered questions. I think it would be great if the developers could add more depth to the story.
More Interactive Elements
I loved the interactive elements in the game, but I think there could be more of them. It would be great if the developers could add more ways to interact with the environment and characters.
Add Replay Value
I wish I could play the game for the first time again, it seems that the game has no replay value, it would be great if developers add more levels, or game modes, to make the game more appealing to players who already completed it.
More Co-op Modes
I think it would be a great idea to include more co-op modes, like a 4-player mode, making it even more fun and competitive.
New Testing Elements
Introducing new testing elements would make the game even more challenging and exciting, offering a fresh experience.
Better Storyline
The storyline was already great, but it could be even more engaging if it was expanded, with more character development and cutscenes.
More Creative Freedom
Giving players more creative freedom to design their own test chambers would be amazing, allowing for endless possibilities.
Improved Graphics
Updating the graphics would make the game look even more stunning and immersive, especially with the addition of new environments.
Increased Difficulty
Raising the difficulty level would make the game even more challenging, requiring players to think creatively and strategically.
New Audio Tracks
Adding new audio tracks would enhance the overall atmosphere and soundtrack, making the game even more engaging and memorable.
Glados' Logic
Improve AI difficulty adaptability, as it's too easy for players to exploit and not challenging enough
Portal 3, Now!
Develop a new Portal game that continues the story and improves on previous gameplay mechanics
More Wheatley Content
It would be great if the game had more content related to Wheatley, perhaps a spin-off or additional storylines where Wheatley is the main character. This would make the game more engaging for fans like me.
Improve Map Variety
Most maps are easy, add more challenging ones to keep the game interesting.
Fix Workshop Sorting
The current sorting system is annoying, make it easier to find good maps.
Rate Maps More Meaningfully
Good rated maps are mostly easy, come up with a better rating system.
Reduce Workshop Clutter
The workshop is cluttered, a better filtering system would make it more enjoyable.
Improve Workshop Interface
The workshop interface feels annoying, it needs to be improved.
Fix Aimbots
Implement a robust anti-cheating system to prevent aimbots from ruining the game experience for honest players.
Micro-Transaction Fix
Replace micro-transactions with a fair and transparent monetization model, ensuring players' items and in-game wealth are safe from exploitation.
Better Online Security
Enhance online security measures to protect players' personal information and prevent malicious activities like doxxing.
Serious Approach
Valve should take a more serious stance against cheating, focusing on creating a fair and enjoyable experience for all players.
More Trust
As a player, I would like to see valve more transparent with their future plans and decisions.
Fix TF2
I would love to see the team fortress 2 game in a better state, with less bugs and a more stable experience.
Improve Storyline
I was expecting a strong storyline like Postal 2, but this game fell short. I would suggest creating a more engaging narrative with memorable characters.
More Realistic Graphics
The graphics are subpar compared to other games in this genre. I propose using more realistic environments and character models to enhance the gaming experience.
Add More Interactions
Interacting with the environment and NPCs was severely lacking. I would recommend adding more items to interact with, such as breakable objects or hidden secrets.
Develop Characters
The characters in this game felt flat and uninteresting. I suggest adding more depth and backstory to make them more relatable and engaging.
Improve Physics
The game's physics felt off, especially when it came to movement and collision detection. I propose tweaking the physics engine to create a more realistic and immersive experience.
More Customization Options
I was disappointed there weren't more options to customize my character. I would recommend adding more clothing and accessory options to personalize my character.
Add More Variety
The game's levels and activities felt repetitive. I suggest adding more variety to the gameplay by introducing new mechanics or level types.
Fix Cheater/Bot Problem
I think it's essential to deal with cheaters and bots in TF2, as it spoils the overall gaming experience
Save TF2
I'm worried that the lack of attention to this issue will lead to the decline of TF2 and the loss of players
I am tired of having to deal with the constant botnet attacks and cheating, fix the anti-cheat model or completely remove it from the game.
Remove Casual Matchmaking
Casual matchmaking is a burden on the game, it's a way to go around the anti-cheat model and is not enjoyable for players who want to play with serious opponents.
Delist the Game
If the game is no longer being supported or developed, it's time to let it go and allow players to focus on other games.
Take Down Botnets
The botnets are a cancer to the game, they need to be eradicated and prevented from spreading further.
Improve Game Development
Valve, please prioritize game development over other projects and focus on fixing the issues that are plaguing the game.
Provide Better Support
Players are frustrated with the lack of support and communication from Valve, it's time to step up and address the concerns of the community.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


사람들이 만든 싱글 맵이 재밌어서... 좀 많이 플레이 했습니다.... 이 게임을 클리어 후, 다소 짧은 플레이 타임에 아쉬우신 분들은 1. 친구와 함께 2인 협동 플레이(co-op) 2. 다양한 모드 플레이 (모드 중에 portal stories: mel , portal Revolution , portal Reloaded 추천) 3. 사람들이 만든 커뮤니티 맵 플레이 추천드립니다. 특히 커뮤니티 맵들 중에는 스토리에 있는 맵보다 완성도 높은 아주 잘만든 맵들도 많으니, 사람들이 추천하는 맵 또는 추천하는 제작자의 맵들을 플레이 해보시는것을 강추드립니다! 커뮤니티 맵 처음 하시는 분들은 맛보기로 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1979390071 추천합니다. 그리고 아주 잘만들었다고 생각되는 맵들도 엄선해 봤습니다. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236462236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]<커뮤니티 맵 플레이 방법>[/b] 추천 맵 링크 클릭 or 창작마당에서 맵 검색 -> 초록색 구독(subscribe) 버튼 클릭 -> portal 2 실행 -> 커뮤니티 실험실 -> 개인 실험실 플레이 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]<필수 팁>[/b] 빠른 저장=F6 , 빠른 불러오기=F7 꼭 활용 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 추천하는 맵 제작자 : Azorae / ben77 / gigo / fumbly bumbly / Mikeastro / Almisuifre / HankyMueller / Mevious / RedSilencer / bhoun / Rector / TuRboz / Teo / K7 Avenger / Demon Arisen / HMW

  • Sentiments

    • The game is fun to play, but the single-player mode is quite short.
    • The community-made maps are very well-made and worth playing.
    • Some players may find the game too short to play.
    • The game has a variety of playable modes, including co-op.
    • The game is replete with curt instructions.
    • The game's gameplay is recommendable.
    • Some maps are better than others.
    • The game has a recommended map for beginners.
    • Some players may find the game's short length to be disappointing.
    • The game is worthy of playing with friends.


This game is absolutely perfect. The puzzles and the story that has this game are one of the best I've ever seen. It's just a masterpiece. Good job, Valve.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is absolutely perfect with a great story and puzzles.


just listened to "still alive" after a few years. i wish i can play this game for the first time again

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has a strong nostalgic sentiment towards the game, probably positive


[h2]V社的神作!永垂不朽的经典![/h2] 花的最值的6块3![spoiler]捆绑包[/spoiler] 玩传送门2是我在steam做出的最正确的决定 两个有血有肉的...AI?[spoiler]愚蠢核心[/spoiler]Wheatley和傲娇机器人GLaDOS[spoiler]PotatOS(bushi)[/spoiler]完美地和Chell讲述了一个独一无二的传送门2故事 丰富的剧情和游戏界的经典尽在传送门2中出现 传送门2不愧是继最有创意的游戏《Portal》之后的又一个神作[spoiler]有生之年还能看到Portal3吗[/spoiler] 游戏大胆地将科幻中才会出现地传送门完美地嵌合在了一个第一人称解密游戏中,让玩家体验传送门独有的各种奇妙之处 游戏的创意工坊也有数不清的佳作,通关了的可以玩玩创意工坊 相对于一代,二代加入了联机功能,这意味着你可以和你的好友一起[spoiler]干烧CPU了[/spoiler],联机较单机会更难! 我想,如果Aperture Science真的存在,并且传送门设备真的存在...但可惜这会导致物理学体系的崩塌[spoiler]至少能量守恒定律是不存在了[/spoiler] 但如果传送门真的存在,那人们的生活将会是多么便捷[spoiler]开传送门去上班上学?[/spoiler] 倘若Aperture真的存在,那我定会是其中一员! [strike]还有这炮塔为什么这么萌[/strike] [h2]最后,神作永垂不朽![/h2] [h2]我们需要《Portal 3》[/h2][spoiler] G胖你是个数一数二的男人[/spoiler]

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely satisfied with the game and considers it a classic
    • The reviewer is happy to have bought the game
    • The reviewer is impressed with the creative gameplay
    • The reviewer has high expectations for the game's storyline
    • The reviewer is disappointed that there is no Portal 3
    • The reviewer is annoyed by thedependence on physics laws


Got boring after a while... Stop'ed playing this Due to The time it wasted Played it when i was bored The workshop Feels Annoying to use Most maps are easy You can Post whatever the hell you want... The sorting System of the whole workshop needs to be fix... Good rated Maps Are mostly Easy...

  • Sentiments

    • The game is boring
    • Wasted time playing this
    • Workshop feels annoying
    • Most maps are easy
    • Good maps are mostly easy
    • Can post whatever


Valve would rather sell you micro-transactions than deal with malicious aimbots that spit slurs and can get your pc doxxed. This company doesn't deserve good reviews. #FixTf2 #SaveTf2

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses frustration and disappointment with Valve's approach to handling aimbots and slurs in Team Fortress 2.


fun game and all, but valve is a pretty untrustworthy company :/ i wouldnt give em another penny #savetf2 #fixtf2

  • Sentiments

    • I'm generally pleased with the game, but my trust in the company has been eroded.
    • I dislike Valve, at least in this context.


I have spent almost 200 hours of my life playing this game just to realize its not Postal 2. This is just a cheap rip off of the game. :(

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a rip-off of Postal 2

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