RollerCoaster Tycoon World

RollerCoaster Tycoon World game image

Mostly Negative

Total: 1.92 ThousandPositive: 498Negative: 1.42 Thousand
Steam review score: 4

AI Review

RollerCoaster Tycoon World is the latest entry in the beloved RCT franchise, offering a next-generation theme park simulation experience. With stunning 3D environments, innovative coaster-building tools, and robust customization options, this game promises endless creativity. Players can design wild roller coasters, manage park finances, and even ride their creations in first-person mode. The game features a brand-new progression mode, sandbox mode, and Steam Workshop integration for sharing user-generated content. However, with an AI Community Rating of 37.21%, the game has faced criticism for frequent crashes, clunky controls, and missing features like transport and water rides. Positive feedback highlights its potential, enjoyable content, and improved graphics, while negative reviews point to bugs, lag, and unpolished gameplay. If you’re a fan of simulation games and can overlook its flaws, RollerCoaster Tycoon World offers a fun, albeit imperfect, theme park experience.
RollerCoaster Tycoon World
  • November 16, 2016about 8 years

    Game was released

  • November 14, 20243 months


    Game stats 3 months ago

  • December 14, 20242 months


    Game stats 2 months ago

  • January 14, 2025about 1 month


    Game stats 1 months ago

  • February 14, 2025


AI Community game rating

37.93 %

RollerCoaster Tycoon World is placed at number 246 under 246 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

18.75 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes

game is terriblegame is frustratinggame is brokengame is awfulgame is fungame is unplayablegame is disappointinggame is laggygame is greathorrible game couldn'tugly as hellwaste of moneygame is buggypoorly animated guestsgame is trashgame is abysmalgame is playablegame is decentgame is shockinggame is boring

What the community wishes

Fix frequent game crashes
The game crashes frequently, especially during coaster building or level transitions. Implementing an auto-save feature and improving stability should be a top priority to prevent loss of progress and frustration.
Improve coaster building tools
The coaster builder is clunky and lacks precision. Adding banked corners, smoother track transitions, and better physics would enhance the building experience and make it more enjoyable.
Add missing ride types
Transport rides, dark rides, and water rides are missing. Adding these promised features would bring the game closer to its predecessors and meet player expectations.
Optimize graphics and performance
The game struggles with poor graphics and low framerates even on high-end systems. Optimizing textures, foliage, and overall performance would make the game more visually appealing and playable.
Revamp path and building tools
Path connections are restrictive, and building tools are clunky. Improving pathing flexibility and allowing custom buildings or pavilions would enhance creativity and park design.
Fix AI and peep behavior
Peeps exhibit unrealistic behavior, such as ignoring rides or repeating dialogue. Improving AI logic and adding more varied interactions would make the park feel more alive.
Add more rides and scenery
The game lacks variety in rides and scenery compared to previous RCT titles. Expanding the catalog and adding more customization options would improve replayability.
Improve UI and controls
The UI is overwhelming, and controls are unintuitive. Simplifying the interface and making controls more user-friendly would improve the overall experience.
Add better terrain tools
Terrain editing is limited and frustrating. Adding more advanced terrain tools, such as tunnels and smoother elevation changes, would enhance park design.
Include a proper soundtrack
The game lacks a memorable soundtrack. Adding a variety of music tracks and allowing custom music for rides would improve immersion.
Fix coaster physics and brakes
Coaster physics are unrealistic, and brake systems are poorly implemented. Improving speed loss over time and adding fine-tuned brake controls would make coasters more realistic.
Add more customization options
The game lacks customization for rides and scenery. Adding more themes, colors, and props would allow players to create unique parks.
Improve scenario design
Scenarios are poorly designed and feel like extended tutorials. Adding more engaging and challenging scenarios would improve gameplay variety.
Fix object scaling issues
Object scaling is inconsistent, with stalls being larger than rides. Fixing scaling issues would make the park look more realistic and cohesive.
Add better save and load features
Frequent crashes lead to lost progress. Adding an auto-save feature and improving save/load functionality would prevent frustration and data loss.
Improve developer communication
Players feel ignored by developers. Regular updates, bug fixes, and community engagement would rebuild trust and improve the game's reputation.
Add more diverse objectives
The game's objectives feel repetitive and tutorial-like. Adding more diverse and challenging goals would make gameplay more engaging.
Fix coaster ride experience
Coaster rides are shaky and uncomfortable. Smoothing out the camera and improving ride visuals would enhance the player experience.
Add more user-generated content
The game relies too heavily on Steam Workshop. Adding more official content and improving UGC tools would provide more variety and creativity.
Improve tutorial and onboarding
The tutorial is buggy and unhelpful. Revamping the onboarding process with clear instructions and fewer bugs would help new players get started.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


It has been some time since the release of RCTW Early Access and I feel the game has reached a level where a review is warranted. There have been many negative reviews, and I can see the frustrations that led many to leave such, but a lot of those seem to have dismissed the game after a few moments of play. Not giving the game a chance to show off its potential. And in Early Access, potential is what we want to consider, The foundation that RCTW has laid is such that it may very well grow into that potentail we can glimpse. Should UGC become full, and each day we see more pieces added, should Piece by Piece building with the UGC be solved, and each update we see that happening. Then the foundation could lead to overwhelming success. At present, for those who are creative, the park builders, I would say the game has enough that you can find many hours of contentment playing it. For those who are problem solvers and want to play scenarios, we are not quite there yet with needing AI to balance better, with the scenarios to be tweaked better. But for the $50 price, it is closer each to day to be the successor to RCT3. At present the trajectory that it is on, may never get us to being equal or better than RCT3. But perhaps one rung below it. Though should more coaster types, more rides, more more more be released, then it might even surpass RCT3 for at present the graphics are better. Should the gameplay expand, UGC be optimized and the others items that we can see the potential to better happen, then yes, we shall have a GAME!

  • Sentiments

    • I feel that the game has reached a level where a review is warranted, as it has been some time since its Early Access release.
    • I can see the frustrations that led many to leave negative reviews, but I believe many dismissed the game too quickly without giving it a chance to show its potential.
    • I think the foundation of RCTW has potential to grow into something great, especially if UGC becomes fully realized and piece-by-piece building is improved.
    • I believe that for creative park builders, the game already offers enough content to provide many hours of enjoyment.
    • I feel that for problem solvers and scenario players, the game is not quite there yet, as the AI needs balancing and scenarios require tweaking.
    • I think the game is getting closer to being a worthy successor to RCT3, but it may never fully equal or surpass it.
    • I believe that with more coaster types, rides, and improvements to gameplay and UGC, the game could potentially surpass RCT3.
    • I feel that the graphics in RCTW are currently better than those in RCT3, which is a positive aspect of the game.
    • I think the game is on a trajectory that might place it one rung below RCT3, but it still has room to grow and improve.
    • I believe that if the potential for better gameplay, UGC optimization, and other improvements is realized, the game could become something truly great.


Despite all of the negative reviews, this game really isn't that terrible. Although there are some annoying bugs and some funky features, none of them are really game destroying. There's been a lot of hate about things not snapping correctly, or things not snapping at all, and although it is a bit annoying, there's really easy ways to work around it. People have been commenting about the graphics as well too, and although they aren't top notch, they are pretty good, and much better than RCT3. So yes, it is buggy, it still has many problems, but in reality, none of these are truely game destroying bugs. Me and my girlfriend think this game is absolutely amazing and look forward to playing another 6 hours tomorrow. Let's just hope for some basic fixes too, and I'm sure this game will pull through, just like the others did! :)

  • Sentiments

    • I think the game is not as terrible as some negative reviews suggest, despite its flaws.
    • I find some bugs and funky features annoying, but they are not game-destroying.
    • I acknowledge that there are issues with things not snapping correctly, which can be frustrating.
    • I believe the graphics are pretty good, even if they are not top-notch, and better than RCT3.
    • I feel the game is absolutely amazing and enjoy playing it with my girlfriend.
    • I look forward to playing the game for many more hours, showing my enthusiasm for it.
    • I hope for some basic fixes to improve the game further.
    • I am confident the game will overcome its issues, just like previous games in the series did.


Yes, it's not a complete Game. Yes, they published as complete. Yes, a lot is still missing. But in the end they update it from time to time and it is getting better and better. More features getting added and overall you can have fun in the game right now, if you like the Sandbox Mode. Just remember --> Right now it's early access. Keep that in mind if you want to buy it.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel that the game is not complete, which is disappointing because it was published as a complete product.
    • I notice that a lot of features are still missing, which makes the game feel unfinished.
    • I appreciate that the developers are updating the game from time to time, which shows their commitment to improvement.
    • I observe that the game is getting better and better with each update, which gives me hope for its future.
    • I enjoy that more features are being added, which enhances the overall experience of the game.
    • I find that the game can be fun right now, especially if you enjoy the Sandbox Mode.
    • I think it's important to remember that the game is currently in early access, which sets expectations appropriately.
    • I feel that the game has potential, but it’s not fully realized yet due to its early access status.


Purchased dispite the bad reviews. Easy to use once you get used to the controls and edge scrolling is on (turned off by defult which is annoying). Not as buggy as I was expecting it to be but have run into the odd bug which is expected with an early access game. Still a work in progress but happy with my purchase :)

  • Sentiments

    • I decided to purchase the game despite the bad reviews, which shows I was willing to give it a chance.
    • I found the game easy to use once I got used to the controls, which was a positive experience.
    • I was annoyed that edge scrolling was turned off by default, as it made the initial experience less smooth.
    • I was pleasantly surprised that the game was not as buggy as I expected, which improved my experience.
    • I encountered some bugs, but I expected this since it's an early access game, so it didn't bother me too much.
    • I acknowledge that the game is still a work in progress, but I am happy with my purchase overall.


I'm gonna recommend this game for the following reasons: - The game is in beta stage, and they've made beta testing mainly to fix bugs, and find main issues on the way. However after i've seen this beta so far, there's still alot they'll need to improve, but the tools you do have are excellent compared to other coasters. - It's like Cities Skylines of Roller Coaster games, mainly because the community is huge for this game, and steam workshop. A lot of people fear that there's only 10 coasters, don't worry just wait 1-3 months and you'll have pretty much every coaster in the world to play around with. Not only can you share what you've made, but also most likely see legendary coasters in-game. But for every coaster i guess they'll look on highway systems from Cities Skylines for an example where you could pick different interchanges from the community, in this game under speciality, you'll most likely find extreme versions of loops, corkscrews and etc. - Even though the game is pretty good so far, as i said earlier there's a lot of features they'll need to add. It's almost impossible to make something 100% straight, and i will go cry in a corner if they don't add such a feature, because that's mainly one of the few things you'll need. So after this review, i would say the game got a bright future, but it takes some time to get used to, i really wanted a tutorial in the beta, just to know how the mechanics work. It's nice to being able to tweak EVERYthing on your coaster. But they should add classic mode coaster building from the older games. All in all if it was up to me i would give it 7/10 for now, but it's only in beta and hopefully it will only improve from full release 10th dec. But lets see how the next beta goes, and if the game actually improved or they'll need to push the release date a few months.

  • Sentiments

    • I recommend this game because it is in beta stage, and the developers are actively working to fix bugs and improve the experience, which shows promise for the future.
    • I find the tools available in the game to be excellent compared to other coaster games, which makes the experience enjoyable despite being in beta.
    • I compare this game to Cities Skylines for roller coaster games because of its huge community and Steam Workshop integration, which adds a lot of potential for content creation and sharing.
    • I am confident that the community will create and share a wide variety of coasters within 1-3 months, which will significantly enhance the game's content.
    • I appreciate the ability to tweak every aspect of the coaster, which adds depth and customization to the gameplay.
    • I feel that the game still lacks some essential features, such as the ability to create perfectly straight tracks, which is frustrating and limits the building experience.
    • I wish there was a tutorial in the beta to help me understand the mechanics better, as it would make the learning curve less steep.
    • I think the game has a bright future, but it will take time to get used to, and I hope it improves significantly by the full release.
    • I rate the game 7/10 for now, as it is still in beta and has room for improvement, but I am hopeful for its potential.
    • I am concerned that if the game does not improve in the next beta, the developers might need to delay the release date to address the issues.


I spent $60 on this game last year. I didn't do my homework, had no idea of it's horrible history and was still fairly new to the concept of today's scams know as "Early Access". I just thought "HEY NEW RCT GAME! i need dis." I was naive. I was wrong. RCTW is ugly as hell. There is no covering that up with scenery because everything has a strict placement grid so decorating is frsuterating to the point where you just want to leave everything bare. Large groups of ugly poorly animated guests just vanish in an instant. Building a coaster is kind of cool at first glance. There are different axises to build in and it seems to be very physics based, however I spent hours tweaking a coaster only to finally call it a failure and scrap it. Today it is selling for $17 but I wouldn't even drop that much money on it. They said it left the early access phase but that was a lie. There is absolutely no point in buying this game now that Planet Coaster is out. Maybe try this is if drops to the five dollar range. (it will)

  • Sentiments

    • I spent $60 on this game last year and regret it deeply because I was naive and didn't research its history or the concept of Early Access.
    • I thought the game would be great because it was a new RCT game, but I was wrong and disappointed.
    • The game is ugly as hell, and the strict placement grid for scenery makes decorating frustrating and unenjoyable.
    • Large groups of poorly animated guests vanish instantly, which breaks immersion and feels unfinished.
    • Building a coaster seemed cool at first due to its physics-based mechanics, but it ultimately became frustrating and time-consuming.
    • I spent hours tweaking a coaster only to scrap it as a failure, which was a waste of time and effort.
    • The game is now selling for $17, but I wouldn't even spend that much on it because it feels unfinished and not worth the price.
    • The developers claimed the game left Early Access, but that was a lie, and the game still feels incomplete.
    • There is no point in buying this game now that Planet Coaster is out, as it is a far superior alternative.
    • I might consider trying this game if it drops to the five-dollar range, but even then, it feels like a low-value purchase.


Here we go; Bad Simulation Bad Framerate Bad Graphics Bad Communication from the Developer Poor future plan Poor bug fixes Poor coding Poor attempt at pleasing everyone Poor attempt at keeping what an RCT game even is Poor Game life it's had due to having 3 seperate developers. Overall i wouldnt recommend this to anyone. If this changes in the future than fair enough but as it stands now its is not a full product. Releasing this product as a full game is ridiculous and i wouldnt be surprised if Trading Standards in the UK fined the publisher and/or Steam removes it from its services. The game did not live up to anything originally promised along with the fact that it has had basically no optimization done too it throughout the entire time of it being in Alpha. Not only that but releasing this a day before its competitors when its no where near feeling like a full game just goes to show how much of a waste, scam and poor attempt at trying to make your own market with an already estabilshed franchise went for this publisher/developer.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel that the simulation aspect of the game is poorly executed and does not meet expectations.
    • I am frustrated with the bad framerate, which significantly impacts the gameplay experience.
    • I find the graphics to be subpar and not up to modern standards.
    • I am disappointed with the lack of communication from the developer, which has left me feeling ignored.
    • I believe the future plan for the game is poorly thought out and lacks direction.
    • I am dissatisfied with the poor bug fixes, which have left the game in an unplayable state.
    • I think the coding quality is poor, leading to numerous technical issues.
    • I feel the game fails to capture the essence of what an RCT game should be, which is disappointing.
    • I am unhappy with the game's life cycle, as it has had three separate developers, leading to inconsistency.
    • I would not recommend this game to anyone in its current state, as it feels incomplete and unpolished.


Buy Planet Coaster instead. This game is a buggy, laggy cash grab defacing the Roller Coaster Tycoon name. Planet coaster is developed by Frontier, the original developers of Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 and they are doing an excellent job. If you don't believe me there are plenty of lets plays and player made videos of the betas that look far and away better than this game ever will.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel that this game is a buggy and laggy experience, which significantly detracts from its overall quality.
    • I believe this game is a cash grab, exploiting the Roller Coaster Tycoon name without delivering a quality product.
    • I think Planet Coaster, developed by Frontier, is a far superior alternative to this game.
    • I feel that Frontier, the original developers of RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, are doing an excellent job with Planet Coaster.
    • I believe that the beta versions of Planet Coaster, as seen in let's plays and player-made videos, look much better than this game ever will.
    • I feel that this game is defacing the Roller Coaster Tycoon name, which is disappointing.


I was one of the first purchasers of Roller Coaster Tycoon World. As you can see, I have more than 150 hours invested in the game. When the game was released, lots of things were missing - like transport rides, dark rides, etc. The game was playable, barely, but didn't come close to the quality of Planet Coaster or even Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. In the forums, several times myself or others who were concerned about development asked if nvizzio and Atari were in it for the "long haul." We wanted to make sure they wouldn't just drop the game because of negative reviews and not finish it. We were assured, several times, that the game would be finished. It never was. Atari moved on to other projects, leaving those who invested in RCTW to realize that Atari's bad reputation is well-deserved. Unlike others, I withheld judgement on this game with the promise that it would be finished - that we would have transport rides, dark rides, and tons of other missing elements/features. Well, the others who said, "don't waste your time - they won't finish it" were right. And so now my judgement has arrived. Do not buy this game or invest in other Atari games until they stop lying to their customers and until they put a solid effort into developing a good game (with good developers). Sadly, this isn't it and is the first major stain on the Roller Coaster Tycoon name. I would give this a 0 out of 10 stars if I could. That's how I feel about being lied to.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel deeply disappointed and betrayed by Atari for not finishing Roller Coaster Tycoon World as promised, leaving many features missing and the game incomplete.
    • I invested over 150 hours in the game, hoping it would improve, but it never reached the quality of its predecessors like Planet Coaster or Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.
    • I feel frustrated that Atari and nvizzio repeatedly assured the community they were committed to finishing the game, only to abandon it later.
    • I regret withholding judgment on the game, as others were right to warn that Atari would not follow through on their promises.
    • I feel strongly that Atari has a bad reputation and deserves it, as they lied to their customers and failed to deliver a complete product.
    • I would rate this game 0 out of 10 stars because of the dishonesty and lack of effort in its development.
    • I feel that this game is a major stain on the Roller Coaster Tycoon name, which was previously held in high regard.
    • I advise others not to buy this game or invest in Atari games until they demonstrate honesty and a genuine effort to develop quality products.
    • I feel that the game was barely playable at release, missing key features like transport rides and dark rides, which were promised but never added.
    • I feel that Atari's decision to move on to other projects instead of finishing Roller Coaster Tycoon World shows a lack of respect for their customers.


Epic fail. I was determined to play though this game despite the many, MANY game-breaking bugs. I had to replay many of the levels multiple times in order to fulfill the level requirements. Sometimes, an influencer would just never show up (you can't advance without influencers). Sometimes, an influencer WOULD show up and then just run around without fulfilling his mission. Occasionally, peeps would refuse to get on some of the rides (or all of them). Often, the game would require me to put down 4 hat shops or 2 family rides (just for example) but would fail to recognize when I completed those requirements. Still, I persisted. For most of the game, I found ways around these inexcusable inconveniences. I had to play certain levels 3 or 4 times, but eventually, I figured out how to complete them despite all the bugs. Unfortunately, my luck ran out on the last 3 levels. 2 of the last 3 levels just would not let me complete some of the requirements no matter what I tried and no matter how many times I replayed them. The final level WOULD NOT LOAD. Like ever. I've never even seen the final level because the game crashes every time I try to load it. I spent many hundreds of hours playing RCT3, so I was determined to get through this game at all costs. Call me nostaligic. I was willing to overlook the game's many cosmetic issues and minor glitches. I was wiling to replay levels and to invent workarounds - something I shouldn't have to do (obvi). But even with all my stubborn determination, I was unable to complete THREE buggy levels. I've owned this game since alpha, and I've put off writing this review because I hoped against hope the developers would fix enough of the bugs to make this game playable. Unfortunately, that's not the case. This game is broken. Don't waste your money :(

  • Sentiments

    • I was determined to play through this game despite the many, MANY game-breaking bugs, which shows my initial willingness to give it a chance.
    • I had to replay many of the levels multiple times due to bugs, which was frustrating and time-consuming.
    • Influencers would sometimes never show up or fail to fulfill their mission, making progression impossible without workarounds.
    • Peeps would refuse to get on rides, and the game often failed to recognize completed requirements, adding to the frustration.
    • I persisted through most of the game, finding ways around the bugs, which shows my determination and patience.
    • The last three levels were unplayable, with two levels not allowing completion and the final level crashing every time I tried to load it.
    • I spent hundreds of hours playing RCT3 and was nostalgic, which motivated me to try and enjoy this game despite its flaws.
    • I was willing to overlook cosmetic issues and minor glitches, but the game-breaking bugs were too much to ignore.
    • I held off writing this review, hoping the developers would fix the bugs, but they never did, leaving the game broken.
    • I ultimately concluded that the game is broken and not worth purchasing, which is a strong negative sentiment.

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