Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 166 ThousandPositive: 162 ThousandNegative: 3.56 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
We fused card games and roguelikes together to make the best single player deckbuilder we could. Craft a unique deck, encounter bizarre creatures, discover relics of immense power, and Slay the Spire!
AI Community game rating

91.81 %

Slay the Spire is placed at number 8 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

19.53 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 75 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Localizations
It would be great to have more languages translated, especially for users who don't speak English or Russian.
More Mod Options
Having more options for mods would be awesome, as it would allow players to customize their experience more.
Add More Content
More quests, characters, or storylines would definitely make the game more engaging and replayable.
Improve Server Performance
Lag and disconnections can be frustrating, so improving server performance would make the game more enjoyable.
Better Inventory System
I want to see a more organized and efficient inventory system, allowing for easier access to items and fewer drops.
More Realistic Cart System
Don't let me fill the cart with items that can't be sold, it's frustrating and unrealistic.
Inventory Management
Notify me when I'm about to sell something that's almost sold out, it's a big problem.
Smoother Gameplay
Reduce the lag and make the game more enjoyable to play.
Improve Customer Service
Make sure the in-game store is fully stocked and items are available for purchase.
Multi-platform support
I wish the game could be played anywhere, anytime, without considering the platform, as I mentioned earlier, even with broken hands and feet.
Wide compatibility
It would be awesome to have the game compatible with different playing methods and devices, such as PC, phone, tablet, and game console.
Game preservation
I would like to see the game preserved and untouched even if the service is terminated, so we can still enjoy it anytime, anywhere.
Card game variety
I suggest adding more card game options to keep the game fresh and exciting, and to attract more players.
No interruptions
I wish there were no interruptions, even if the server goes down, and the game could be played offline.
More Characters
I would love to see more characters added to the game, each with unique abilities and playstyles. This would keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
New Game Modes
Additional game modes, such as puzzle modes or mini-games, would be a great way to spice up the gameplay and offer more variety.
Improved Animation
The visuals are already pleasant, but a bit more effort in animations and effects would make the game even more engaging.
More Card Variety
The card pool feels limited, and adding more unique and powerful cards would make the game even more rewarding to play.
Before releasing, the game should be thoroughly playtested to ensure balance and fairness in the card rewards and opponents.
More Variety
I wish there were more unique events and surprises in the game to keep it fresh.
Better User Interface
The UI could be improved to show more information about the cards and their effects without overwhelming.
More Complex Cards
It would be great to see more complex card effects and interactions to challenge players.
More Card Types
I would love to see more types of cards, such as environmental cards that affect the game world, or cards that represent skills or abilities.
Branching Storyline
It would be amazing to see the storyline branch off in different directions based on the player's choices, adding replayability and depth to the game.
More Player Character Options
I would like to see more player character options, such as different abilities, skill sets, and backstories, to make the game more replayable.
Improved PvP Mode
The PvP mode in this game feels a bit unbalanced, it would be great to see it improved with more strategic options and a more robust ranking system.
More Real-World Inspiration
I would love to see more real-world inspiration in the game's design, such as drawing from mythology, folklore, or historical events.
More Complex Mechanics
The game's mechanics feel a bit simple, I would love to see more complexity and depth added to the gameplay.
More Atmospheric Soundtrack
The game's soundtrack is great, but I would love to see it expanded to include more atmospheric and immersive music.
More Environmental Interactions
I would like to see more interactions with the game's environment, such as being able to manipulate objects or interact with characters in creative ways.
More Development Updates
It would be great to see more regular updates on the game's development, such as new features, balance changes, and content updates.
More Multiplayer Options
I would love to see more multiplayer options, such as co-op play, competitive multiplayer, or even a dedicated server browser.
Improved UI and UX
The game's UI and UX could be improved to make it easier for players to navigate and understand the game's mechanics.
Enemy Damage Balance
Make enemy damage more balanced, avoiding sudden spikes, to ensure a smoother experience for players.
Card Viewing Protection
Implement a protection mechanism, such as a confirmation prompt, to prevent accidental card upgrades.
More Interesting Choices
I would like to see more impactful and meaningful choices that affect the game's outcome.
Prescription Reduced
I felt the choices I made were too predictable and didn't allow for much freedom of creativity.
Increased Replay Value
I would appreciate seeing a more diverse set of choices and outcomes to encourage me to play again.
Reduce Enemy Damage
I think the enemies' damage output is too high, please reduce it to a more balanced level, so players can focus on their strategies instead of constantly worrying about resource scarcity.
Improve Resource Management
I would suggest improving the resource management system. Maybe add more ways to restore resources or lower the costs of abilities and upgrades.
Include Buff and Debuff Countermeasures
It would be awesome if players had access to skills or abilities that could counteract the enemies' buffs and debuffs, giving more flexibility in combat.
Balance Gameplay Mechanics
I think the gameplay mechanics feel unbalanced. Enemies are too strong, players have too few resources. A rebalancing of the mechanics would make the game more enjoyable.
Add More Resource-Regenerating Abilities
Having more abilities that regenerate resources would give players more flexibility and allow for more complex strategies.
Introduce a Resource-Replenishing System
I would love to see a system that replenishes resources over time, so players don't have to constantly worry about running out.
Improve RNG
The game feels like it's heavily influenced by luck, rather than player skill. Consider adjusting the odds to make it more skill-based.
Add Progression
There's no sense of progression or accomplishment when running through the map multiple times. Introduce new content, enemies, or items to make each run feel different.
Develop Storytelling
The game feels hollow without a compelling story. Introduce characters, quests, or lore to give players a reason to continue playing.
Diversify Play
The meta builds are the only viable options, making the game feel too repetitive. Introduce more experimental builds and encourage creativity.
Expand Content
There's not much to see or do in the game. Add new maps, enemies, or game modes to increase replayability.
Improve Experimental Builds
Allow players to try out new builds and experiment without being heavily penalized by RNG or limited to meta builds.
Add Permanently Helpful Items
Give players a sense of accomplishment and progression by providing permanently helpful items or abilities.
Enhance Replays
Allow players to watch replays and learn from their mistakes to improve their skills.
Add Non-Randomized Elements
I would love to see non-randomized elements added to the game, so that players can influence the outcome and have more control over their gameplay experience.
Improve Startup Perk System
The startup perk system should be fixed so that players can choose their desired perks and not rely on random chance.
Influence Enemy AI
It would be great if the game could include some way to influence the enemy AI, such as through strategy or skill.
Include More Strategies
The game needs more strategies and deck-building options to improve player variety and agency in the game.
Rebalance Enemies
The game's enemies need to be rebalanced so that they don't rely too heavily on random chance for their attacks.
Introduce a Progress Meter
A progress meter would help players feel like they're making progress and not just relying on luck.
Add More Control Over Card Draws
Players should have more control over what cards they draw and when, to give them a sense of agency in the game.
Improve Deck-Building Options
The game needs more deck-building options to give players more variety and agency in the game.
Include Faster Restart Options
A faster restart option would help players quickly regroup and try again after a bad run.
Make Enemies Less Random
Enemies should be less random and more predictable, so that players can plan their strategies and execute them successfully.
Introduce a Story Mode
A story mode would provide a more structured experience and give players a goal to work towards.
Improve Card Art
The card art is important to the game's visual identity and should be improved to make the game more visually appealing.
Make the game more unpredictable by introducing random elements, so players have a fair chance of winning
Card Balance
Ensure cards are balanced in terms of damage and survivability to prevent overpowering or overworrying situations
Game Mechanics
Revise game mechanics to prevent cheap wins and forced losses, making the game more interesting and challenging
Mana System
Reform the mana system to allow for more flexibility and control over character abilities
Rethink debuffs and their effects on gameplay, making them less frustrating and more strategic
Improve combat mechanics to make battles more engaging and rewarding
Path Choices
Allow players to make meaningful choices throughout the game that affect the outcome
Game Direction
Provide clearer direction and guidance for players, helping them to progress and overcome challenges
Power Creep
Avoid introducing new powerful cards or abilities that can quickly become overpowered
Difficulty Curve
Smoothen the difficulty curve to prevent sudden spikes or dips in challenge
Enemy AI
Enhance enemy AI to create more realistic and formidable opponents
Add a more fitting and immersive soundtrack to enhance the overall experience
Spoiler Prevention
Prevent spoilers by hiding crucial information and surprises until the player is ready
Level Design
Design levels with more variety and exploration opportunities to keep players engaged
Card Art
Improve card art to make them more visually appealing and interesting
Community Feedback
Acknowledge and address community feedback to improve the game and create a sense of ownership
Provide a sense of progression and accomplishment as players progress through the game

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Насамперед, дякую за локалізацію українською! Чудова гра і є багато крутих модів, котрі добавляють багацько контенту, також є мод на СУМІСНУ МЕРЕЖЕВУ ГРУ Together in Spire!

  • Sentiments

    • I'm grateful for the Ukrainian localization!
    • The game is amazing and has many cool mods that add a ton of content
    • There's a mod that connects to the Spire Network!



  • Sentiments

    • I'm saddened by their lack of transparency
    • I hate this game, it's a disappointment
    • They are selling incomplete items, it's a scam
    • It's frustrating when they don't listen to customers
    • I'm angry because they didn't give me more gold
    • I feel deceived because they didn't mention the missing gold
    • I'm fed up with their clumsy system
    • I will never buy from them again
    • I'm extremely unhappy with their customer service
    • I don't trust them anymore
    • I'll never recommend this place to anyone
    • I'm huge disappointment with this game and its business
    • I'm keeping my distance from this game


나는 아마도 평생 슬더스를 할 것이다. 슬더스 2가 나와도, 3이 나와도, 4가 나와도, 5가 나와도 그 게임을 할 것이다. 스팀이 서비스를 종료해도, 폰으로, 패드로, 게임기로, VR로, 언제 어디서든 이 게임을 할 것이다. 손 두 짝이 다 잘려나가도 발로 이 게임을 할 것이다. 이는 농담이 아니다... 그 어떤 카드 게임을 해도 다시금 이 게임으로 돌아오며, 이 게임을 깼다고 해도 끄지 않는다. 오늘도 첨탑이 나를 부른다...

  • Sentiments

    • I am willing to play this game for the rest of my life.
    • I would play this game, even if it's on different platforms.
    • I would play this game, even if my hands are amputated.
    • I would play this game, regardless of the service being closed.
    • I would play this game, even in VR or on different devices.
    • I would play this game, even if I have to play with my feet.
    • This is not a joke.
    • I would play this game even after a long break.
    • This game is always calling me.


Всегда обходил эту игру стороной, ибо долгое время играл в Hearthstone и думал, что не потяну разбираться в ещё одной игре с картами, но страсть к ней прошла и спустя время, я отдохнул от карт и решил дать Slay the Spire шанс, за пока короткое время, что я провел на данный момент здесь, я получил огромное удовольствие, швырять картами весело, визуал простенький, но более чем приятный глазу, несколько стилей игры aka персонажей на выбор, если коротко - ляпота. Надеюсь в будущем у меня найдется время поиграть в нее побольше и очень жду вторую часть. Подводя какой-то итог могу сказать, что очень рад, что дал сей игре шанс, так как мои надежды она оправдала полностью, смело могу рекомендовать всем её попробовать.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm glad I gave this game a chance
    • I finally found a game I really enjoy
    • I was hesitant at first but now I'm having a great time
    • The game is simple but visually pleasing
    • I'm loving the variety of game styles
    • The game exceeded my expectations
    • I'm happy to have given the game a chance
    • I'm disappointed there's no second part yet
    • The game is fun and entertaining
    • I'm looking forward to playing more
    • The game is definitely worth trying
    • It's a great game that I can highly recommend


half your runs are just lost if you get unlucky and can't get a good defense because the enemies just started to do 30+ damage every turn for whatever reason there is no protection if you accidentally left click instead of right click to see an upgraded card, unlike other games where you can just press and hold a key to quickly see its enhanced version.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer feels frustrated with the game due to unexpected difficulty spikes.
    • The reviewer finds it annoying to lose progress due to luck.
    • The reviewer is dissatisfied with the lack of protection against accidental clicks.


While I can see what others enjoyed about the game, for me it ultimately fell flat. Although it presents a lot of options, in repeated runs I felt as though the individual choices were uninteresting and prescriptive for the most part. I tired of it long before I exhausted all the turns it had in store for me.

  • Sentiments

    • I was disappointed with this game.


The enemies just simply hit too hard. You're constantly at a resource scarcity for block, damage, energy, health, and regeneration. The enemies all spam debuffs and buffs that you have no consistent way to deal with.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is frustrating due to the constant need to manage resources
    • Enemies deal too much damage
    • There is no consistent way to deal with enemy debuffs and buffs


This is more of a mixed rating than a negative one. First of all: on a sale, this game is absolutely worth giving a try. The first 15-20 hours are fun. But... This game is way, wayyyyy too RNG based. Your chances of winning are more determined by the RNG gods than they are by your own skill. Because of that, it feels like you can't be too experimental, as the meta builds end up being the only viable options for having fun. There is actually no progress between your runs. Yes, technically you do unlock some relics which you MIGHT find in the future, but there's nothing permanently helpful to assist you in your next attempt. I won't judge the game too much for this, but there's literally no story. I know the story is not the point, but still, the game feels genuinely hollow in this state. Run through the map 3 times and you've seen all there is to see. In the end, the game feels like an addictive, unrewarding chore. It was fun at first, but now I'm left with a sour taste in my mouth, and I see no reason to continue playing it.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is absolutely worth giving a try on a sale.
    • The first 15-20 hours are fun.
    • The game is too RNG based.
    • The meta builds are the only viable options for having fun.
    • There is actually no progress between runs.
    • The game feels hollow in its current state.
    • The game feels like an addictive, unrewarding chore.
    • I see no reason to continue playing it.
    • It was fun at first.
    • But now I'm left with a sour taste in my mouth.

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