Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range’ where she tries her hand at making a living wrangling slimes.
90.34 %
34.66 %
I played through the entire game with my sister's daughter at my elbow, issuing me commands and squealing any time a cat slime booped me. Seventy-one hours of Uncle and niece time I wouldn't trade for anything.
После этой игры у меня появилась девушка, любящая семья, ферма слаймиков, и жизнь лучше стала! Благодарю эту игру всей душой, я аж стал гигантским волосатым мужчиной дровосеком!
Sin duda de los mejores juegos que he jugado, tiene una variabilidad de cosas implementadas, tanto que explorar, tanto que hacer y sobre todo divertirse, este juego es literalmente de farm, conseguir slimes y sobreexplotarlos, soy una persona que le encanta platinar juegos, este juego es impresionante, sin duda la recomiendo divertidisimo :D
🎮Hitap ettiği kesim🎮 ❌ Çocuklar ✅ Gençler ✅ Yetişkinler ❌ Hardcore Oyuncular 🌆 Grafikler 🌆 ❌ Bu oyunda grafik önemli değil ❌ Zamanına göre iyi ❌ Patates ✅ İdeal ✅ Güzel ❌ Müthiş ❌ Gerçek hayatla karıştırılabilir 📖 Hikaye 📖 ❌ Bu oyunda hikaye önemli değil ❌ Hikaye ne demek ? ✅ Bir şeyler denenmiş ✅ Orta ✅ Güzel ❌ Fazla iyi ❌ Kitabını yazsınlar okurum 💰 Fiyat - Performans 💰 ❌ Beleş ❌ Ucuz ❌ Orta ✅ İndirimde Al ✅ Pahalı ❌ Çok Pahalı 💻 Sistem Gereksinimleri 💻 ❌ Tost Makinesi ❌ EBA Canavarı ✅ Ortalama ❌ İyi bir Ekran kartı ve İşlemci ❌ Nasa PC'si ⌛️ Oynanış Süresi ⌛️ ❌ Tek oturuşta biter (1-3 saat) ❌ Kısa (3-10 saat) ✅ Normal (10-60 Saat) ❌ Uzun (60-120 Saat) ❌ Arka Sokaklar ⚙️ Zorluk ⚙️ ❌ Sadece 'W'ye bas ❌ Kolay ✅ Orta ✅ Oynaması kolay / Ustalaşması zor ✅ Emek istiyor ❌ Zor ❌ Dark Souls 🇹🇷 Türkçe Dil Desteği 🇹🇷 ✅ Maalesef yok ✅ Yok ama gerek de yok ❌ cCc Var cCc 🎧 Ses - Müzik 🎧 ❌ Ses/Müzik tamamen kapatılmalı ❌ Ses: %1 ❌ Kabul edilebilir ❌ İyi ✅ Atmosferi hissettiriyor ❌ Efsane 🎮 Tekrar oynanabilirlik 🎮 ❌ Tek seferlik ✅ Üzerinden baya bir zaman geçmeli ✅ Üzerinden biraz zaman geçmeli ❌ Kesinlikle oynanabilir ❌ Multiplayer Var 🔮 Oyun Modları 🔮 ❌ Multiplayer ✅ Singleplayer ❌ Co-op 😡 Bug var mı ? 😡 ✅ Hiç Yok (Açıkcası Görmedim) ❌ Rahatsız Etmiyor ❌ Olsa da oynatıyor ❌ Cyberpunk 2077 🎮 Sarıyor mu ? 🎮 ✅ Evet ❌ Ehhh işte ❌ Hayır 🔟 Puanlama 🔟 9.8/10
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single father to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game for Christmas in 2019 from his uncle, so we installed it on his computer and he started playing. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So i decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and world and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there’s fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories. Do not award this!
5/10,还行,但玩过一次就不会想再玩了。 首先是内容上的极度匮乏,核心玩法就是抓各种史莱姆然后产出材料,可以卖钱也可以用来造各种科技。但是这个玩法本身就及其乏味,更别提他不合理的游戏设计。 首先,地皮非常少,一块地种菜勉强可以养一块地大史莱姆,把游戏内所有地皮利用起来勉强能把所有种类史莱姆都产一遍,这就引出第二个大问题,没有存储手段,光史莱姆就有近20种,还有各种菜和肉,但是这游戏竟然连背包都没有,你有的只是四格储存栏,上限也只有50,50什么概念?一格史莱姆日产出就有上百,在你养了10格史莱姆之后,你整个游戏就只剩下收菜,喂食,卖产物,没有任何时间去探索。 这游戏以当下的评判标准,只适合情怀党玩。工厂建筑类玩家找不到大规模,自动化的乐趣,沙盒玩家找不到自由建筑的乐趣,模拟经营玩家找不到赚钱升级,搞装修的乐趣,探索玩家整个地图就只有史莱姆和史莱姆吃的菜,非常可惜的作品
عاجل 🚨 بشكل رسمي Square Enix تعترف في فشل تحقيق العابها نجاح على منصة Playstation ✅ تقول الشركة اصدرنا العاب حصريه ولكن فشلت في تحقيق ارباح للشركة التي لم تكون قد التوقعات 💯 اعلنت Square Enix انها لن تحصر اي لعبه من العابها القادمه و ان جميع العابها سوف تكون لجميع المنصات 🎮
I dont get the hype, its a farming simulator with slimes that you can cross breed which is cool, theres almost no direction which can be good and bad. Your walking forever which is frustrating and have limited storage. I gave it 5 hours but i was hesitating to reload it
I'd like to recommend it, because I think the premise is really cute and it's quite inventive. However, I got to a certain point and just felt the weight of the grind setting in and it killed it for me. So, "fun to a point" would be my review.
Wait until they have drones or some forms of automation similar to Slime Rancher 1. Once those are added then absolutely I can recommend the game... two years without them though so we may be waiting a while longer
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