Slime Rancher

Slime Rancher game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 125 ThousandPositive: 122 ThousandNegative: 2.59 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Slime Rancher is the tale of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, young rancher who sets out for a life a thousand light years away from Earth on the ‘Far, Far Range’ where she tries her hand at making a living wrangling slimes.
AI Community game rating

90.53 %

Slime Rancher is placed at number 19 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

18.72 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 81 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Realistic Expectations
I don't think the game should promise 'improving life' as a direct result of playing it. It's a bit unrealistic and sets players up for disappointment.
More Balance to Character Development
I think it would be more enjoyable if the game allowed for more nuanced character development, maybe with branching storylines.
Enhanced Graphics
I'd love to see some visual upgrades to the game, maybe more detailed environments and character models.
More Variety in Gameplay Mechanics
I think the game could benefit from incorporating more diverse gameplay mechanics, like puzzle-solving or combat systems.
Improved Storytelling
The game's narrative feels a bit forced and could use more character development and plot twists.
More Exploration Options
I think it would be awesome if there were more ways to explore the world, maybe discovering new areas through hidden passages or secret paths.
More Slime Variations
It would be a great idea to introduce more slime types with different abilities and properties to keep things fresh and exciting.
Better UI
A more intuitive UI would greatly improve the overall gaming experience, making it easier to access important features and options.
More Replay Value
To increase replay value, the game could include random events, alternate storylines or different ending, to make each playthrough unique.
More Customization Options
Giving players more options to customize their characters and appearance would be a great addition to the game.
More Story Focus
I would like to see more depth in the story, and a more engaging narrative. It felt like the story was just an afterthought.
Graphical Overhaul
The graphics are okay, but I think a full graphical overhaul would greatly improve the game's visuals.
More Dynamic Maps
I was expecting more dynamic and changing maps, but it felt like the same few maps were reused throughout the game.
Tighter Controls
The controls took some getting used to, and sometimes I felt like I was fighting the game rather than enjoying it.
More Multiplayer Options
While multiplayer is fun, I would love to see more options and modes to keep things fresh.
Fewer Bugs
I experienced a few bugs throughout my playtime, which was frustrating and took me out of the game.
More Atmospheric Music
The music was okay, but I think it could be more atmospheric and immersive to really draw you in.
More Variety in Enemies
I felt like I was fighting the same few enemy types over and over again, which got repetitive.
More Replay Value
After beating the game, I was left feeling like I didn't have much to come back to.
Better Tutorial
I got lost in the game due to a poorly designed tutorial that didn't teach me the basics of the game.
More Character Customization
I would love to see more options for character customization to make my character feel more unique.
More Dynamic Characters
The characters felt somewhat flat and one-dimensional, I would love to see more depth and development.
More Options for Difficulty
I would love to see more options for difficulty, so players of all skill levels can enjoy the game.
Better Co-op Experience
The co-op experience was a bit clunky and frustrating at times, I would love to see improvements in this area.
More Variety in Weapons
I felt like I was using the same few weapons over and over again, which got repetitive.
More Environmental Puzzles
I would love to see more environmental puzzles and challenges to solve.
More Memorable Boss Battles
The boss battles were somewhat forgettable and lacked impact, I would love to see more memorable and challenging battles.
More Family-Friendly Content
I would love to see more content that is family-friendly, as it allowed me to bond with my son and create memories. This could include more cooperative modes or even a 'Family Mode' that filters out mature content.
Guided Tutorials
As a new player, I struggled to understand what to do. Guided tutorials would be a huge help, especially for parents who want to play with their kids. It would be great to have a 'beginner mode' that walks you through the basics.
More Parent-Friendly Features
The game has some great features for parents, like being able to create a Steam account. But there are some areas where it could be more parent-friendly, like better filtering options for mature content or more parental controls.
More Cooperative Modes
The game has some great cooperative modes, but it would be even better if there were more options. This would allow parents and kids to play together, making it a more enjoyable experience.
Better Steam Community
I had a hard time finding other parents who played the game. A better Steam community feature would be great, allowing parents to connect with each other and share tips or advice on how to play with their kids.
Maintain the initial excitement
As a player, I want to maintain the initial excitement and thrill of playing the game. The game slowly loses its magic in the later stages, making it less engaging.
Improve pacing
I think the pacing of the game is off, causing it to be too slow or too fast. A more balanced pacing would make the game more enjoyable.
Add variety
The game needs more variety in its levels, enemies, and mechanics to keep players engaged. Adding new features or hidden content would be a great way to achieve this.
More Variety in Recipes
I'd love to see more diverse and creative recipes in the game, like this chicken cutlet with mushrooms, it would make the game more interesting and exciting.
Drones and Automation
I would like to see the introduction of drones or automation features similar to Slime Rancher 1, which would enhance the gameplay experience.
More Realistic Slimes
I would appreciate it if the slimes looked more realistic, their design and animation seems childish and annoying.
More Realistic Animations
I was surprised by the lack of realistic animations, even the environment could be enhanced with more realistic details.
Improved Soundtrack
The music and sound effects in the game are not impressive, a more immersive soundtrack would elevate the overall experience.
More Interactive Enemies
It would be great if the slimes had more interactive behaviors, such as attacking or defending in a more realistic manner.
Improved Collision Detection
I experienced some frustration due to poor collision detection, which often led to getting stuck in the environment.
More Complex Slime Ranching
I would like to see more complex slime ranching mechanics that require more thinking and problem solving to keep me engaged
Challenging Levels
Adding challenging levels with obstacles and enemies would make the game more exciting and fun
More Charming Slimes
I would love to see more unique and charming slime designs that make the ranching process more enjoyable
Simpler Controls
Simplifying the controls would make the game more accessible and easier to play, especially for casual players
More Customization Options
Adding more customization options for the slime ranch would allow players to express their creativity and personal style
More Variety in Gameplay
Adding more variety to the gameplay mechanics, such as different slime behaviors or mini-games, would keep the game fresh and exciting
Better Tutorial
A better tutorial that teaches players how to play the game effectively would reduce frustration and improve the overall experience
More variety in gameplay
I think the gameplay becomes too repetitive after a few hours, maybe add more mechanics or levels to keep it fresh.
Improve tutorial
The game's first 4 hours are a chore, maybe simplify the learning curve with a better tutorial or introduction.
Balance difficulty
The game is too easy or too hard, maybe adjust the difficulty to make it more challenging but not frustrating.
More varied enemies
The same enemies get repetitive, maybe add more variety to the enemies and their behaviors.
More Content
I want to see more areas to explore and new slimes to discover.
Long-term Value
I think the game's value is limited by the short playtime, even with expansions, I'd like to see more lasting content.
Bug-Free Launch
A proper launch with no bugs or glitches would make me feel more comfortable paying a full price.
More Customization
The ability to customize my farm and character more would add a lot to my gaming experience.
Include the entire VR experience in the main game, not just DLC to reduce confusion.
In-game Shop
Add a shop where players can buy and customize items, this would enhance gameplay and investment.
Improve Story
Expand the storyline, add more cutscenes, and develop the characters to increase player engagement.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


После этой игры у меня появилась девушка, любящая семья, ферма слаймиков, и жизнь лучше стала! Благодарю эту игру всей душой, я аж стал гигантским волосатым мужчиной дровосеком!

  • Sentiments

    • I'm incredibly grateful to this game, as it brought a positive change to my life
    • I'm amazed by the impact this game had on my life, as it made me a giant hairy lumberjack


Sin duda de los mejores juegos que he jugado, tiene una variabilidad de cosas implementadas, tanto que explorar, tanto que hacer y sobre todo divertirse, este juego es literalmente de farm, conseguir slimes y sobreexplotarlos, soy una persona que le encanta platinar juegos, este juego es impresionante, sin duda la recomiendo divertidisimo :D

  • Sentiments

    • This game is one of the best I've played, it has a variety of things implemented, both things to explore and things to do, and most importantly to have fun.
    • The game is literally a farm, getting slimes and overexploiting them.
    • I'm a person who loves to platinum games, this game is impressive.
    • I definitely recommend this game, it's fun.


🎮Hitap ettiği kesim🎮 ❌ Çocuklar ✅ Gençler ✅ Yetişkinler ❌ Hardcore Oyuncular 🌆 Grafikler 🌆 ❌ Bu oyunda grafik önemli değil ❌ Zamanına göre iyi ❌ Patates ✅ İdeal ✅ Güzel ❌ Müthiş ❌ Gerçek hayatla karıştırılabilir 📖 Hikaye 📖 ❌ Bu oyunda hikaye önemli değil ❌ Hikaye ne demek ? ✅ Bir şeyler denenmiş ✅ Orta ✅ Güzel ❌ Fazla iyi ❌ Kitabını yazsınlar okurum 💰 Fiyat - Performans 💰 ❌ Beleş ❌ Ucuz ❌ Orta ✅ İndirimde Al ✅ Pahalı ❌ Çok Pahalı 💻 Sistem Gereksinimleri 💻 ❌ Tost Makinesi ❌ EBA Canavarı ✅ Ortalama ❌ İyi bir Ekran kartı ve İşlemci ❌ Nasa PC'si ⌛️ Oynanış Süresi ⌛️ ❌ Tek oturuşta biter (1-3 saat) ❌ Kısa (3-10 saat) ✅ Normal (10-60 Saat) ❌ Uzun (60-120 Saat) ❌ Arka Sokaklar ⚙️ Zorluk ⚙️ ❌ Sadece 'W'ye bas ❌ Kolay ✅ Orta ✅ Oynaması kolay / Ustalaşması zor ✅ Emek istiyor ❌ Zor ❌ Dark Souls 🇹🇷 Türkçe Dil Desteği 🇹🇷 ✅ Maalesef yok ✅ Yok ama gerek de yok ❌ cCc Var cCc 🎧 Ses - Müzik 🎧 ❌ Ses/Müzik tamamen kapatılmalı ❌ Ses: %1 ❌ Kabul edilebilir ❌ İyi ✅ Atmosferi hissettiriyor ❌ Efsane 🎮 Tekrar oynanabilirlik 🎮 ❌ Tek seferlik ✅ Üzerinden baya bir zaman geçmeli ✅ Üzerinden biraz zaman geçmeli ❌ Kesinlikle oynanabilir ❌ Multiplayer Var 🔮 Oyun Modları 🔮 ❌ Multiplayer ✅ Singleplayer ❌ Co-op 😡 Bug var mı ? 😡 ✅ Hiç Yok (Açıkcası Görmedim) ❌ Rahatsız Etmiyor ❌ Olsa da oynatıyor ❌ Cyberpunk 2077 🎮 Sarıyor mu ? 🎮 ✅ Evet ❌ Ehhh işte ❌ Hayır 🔟 Puanlama 🔟 9.8/10

  • Sentiments

    • The price is okay, not too expensive
    • The graphics are not that important in this game
    • The story is not that important in this game, what's the point of story?
    • I think it's ideal, nice and good
    • The system requirements are normal, no special requirements
    • I can play it for a long time, it's not boring
    • The difficulty is not that hard, it's easy to play
    • The language support is not available, unfortunately


I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single father to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game for Christmas in 2019 from his uncle, so we installed it on his computer and he started playing. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just watching YouTube. So i decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. I loaded into the game, picked my character and world and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. I loved it as it was the best time I had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there’s fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories. Do not award this!

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses gratitude towards the game for bringing him and his son closer together.
    • The reviewer's experience with his son playing the game is portrayed as stressful.
    • The reviewer's grief for his wife's passing is acknowledged, showing a moment of sadness.
    • The reviewer has a positive outlook on the game, stating it brought 'many happy memories'.
    • The reviewer is disappointed that his son spends most of his time playing the game.
    • The reviewer feels the game helped him spend quality time with his son.
    • The reviewer regrets not having enough quality time with his son before his wife's passing.
    • The game is portrayed as a way for the reviewer to connect with his son.


Wait until they have drones or some forms of automation similar to Slime Rancher 1. Once those are added then absolutely I can recommend the game... two years without them though so we may be waiting a while longer

  • Sentiments

    • The game is not recommended for its current state.
    • Two years without significant game updates may be a long wait.
    • The reviewer is slightly dissatisfied with the game's lack of updates.
    • The reviewer suggests that automation similar to Slime Rancher would be a positive addition.
    • The game's current state is seen as lacking, with the reviewer suggesting future updates for improvement.


Rushei muito no primeiro dia que comprei, porem tristemente enjoei no dia seguinte com 4 horas em conta, muito é paia, mas o jogo é bom se tu souber jogar diferente de mim

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has mixed feelings about the game, starting off with enthusiasm but eventually losing interest after a few hours.
    • The reviewer found the game to be tiring and wore out quickly.
    • The reviewer acknowledges that the game is good but challenging, but it's not for everyone.


Los slimes tienen cara de bebes.. y eso me dan ganas de darle puñetazos hasta rebentarles el craneo,sus ojos brillantes,las expresiones,todo me da rabia de los slimes,por eso siempre los agarro y los boto por cualquier precipicio en el que este parado

  • Sentiments

    • I feel a sense of frustration and annoyance towards the slimes
    • The slimes' baby-like faces make me want to hit them
    • The slimes' bright eyes and expressions make me angry


Very cute game,but to me too many of the main mechanics can be ignored. The slime ranching isn't complicated and charming enough to make it worth doing thus making most of the game boring and tedious.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has a cute aspect to it.
    • However, some main mechanics can be ignored.
    • Slime ranching is not complicated or charming enough to make it worth doing.
    • This makes the game boring and tedious.

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