
Starbound game image

Very Positive

Total: 121 ThousandPositive: 109 ThousandNegative: 11.5 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
You’ve fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below, repair your ship and set off to explore the universe...
AI Community game rating

85.31 %

Starbound is placed at number 56 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

28.4 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Expansive Biomes
I would love to see more varied and expansive biomes in the game. This would give players more opportunities to discover new resources and enemies.
Remake the Game
I think the game needs a remake with better graphics and updated mechanics to appeal to new players.
Improve Storyline
I think the storyline needs improvement, it's too linear and predictable. More choices and branching storylines would make it more engaging.
Fix Bugs
I've experienced some bugs and glitches in the game, particularly with the multiplayer mode. I think it would be best to fix these bugs to ensure a smoother gameplay experience.
More Customization Options
I would love to see more customization options for the characters, such as different outfits and accessories. This would make the game more personalized and fun.
New Game Modes
I think introducing new game modes would be a great way to refresh the game and keep players engaged. Maybe a survival mode or a puzzle mode?
More Enemies Variety
I would love to see more diverse and challenging enemies in the game. This would make combat more exciting and require players to adapt their strategies.
Improved Crafting Interface
The current crafting system is a bit clunky. I think it would be great if items could be organized into categories, and maybe a 'crafting stash' where we can store items we're working on to refer back to later.
In-Game Currency and Currency System
I think it would be nice if we could have a system where we could earn and spend currency on items and resources. This could be through in-game activities, or maybe even by trading with NPCs.
Better Character Customization Options
The current character customization options are a bit limited. I think it would be great if we could have more options for clothing, accessories, and even facial features.
More Missions
I would love to see more missions or side quests to keep the game exciting and engaging. More variety in the storyline would be awesome.
Better Character Customization
The character customization system needs more options for customization. I want to be able to choose my character's appearance, abilities, and skills.
Enemy Variety
The same old enemies can get repetitive. It would be great to see more unique and challenging enemies with different abilities and behaviors.
Multiplayer Co-op
Playing with friends would make the game a lot more enjoyable. We could team up, share resources, and tackle challenges together.
More Exploration Options
I'd love to see more ways to explore the world, like underwater or aerial options. It would make the game more interesting and I'd spend more time playing it.
Improve Graphics
The graphics could be improved to make the game look more modern and appealing. This would make the game look more engaging and attractive to new players.
Enhance Soundtrack
The soundtrack is pretty forgettable. Adding a more memorable and fitting soundtrack would make the game more immersive and enjoyable.
More Mod Support
The ability to mod the game would be amazing. It would allow players to customize their experience and create new content, making the game more replayable.
Improved Storyline
The storyline is pretty lacking. Adding more depth and complexity to the story would make the game more engaging and interesting.
Better Enemy AI
The enemies in the game are pretty dumb. Improving their AI would make the game more challenging and exciting.
More Items and Resources
The game could use more items and resources to collect. This would make the game more interesting and challenging.
New Game Modes
Adding new game modes, like a survival mode or a puzzle mode, would make the game more replayable and offer more variety.
Improved UI
The UI could be improved to make it easier to navigate the game world and access important features.
Fair Treatment for Devs
I wish the developers of this game were treated more fairly, considering their hard work and dedication to the community.
More Freedom
I miss the sense of discovery and exploration that games offered when I first started playing. Games should allow players to have more freedom to explore and make choices that affect the game world.
Improve Onboarding
The sense of freedom and discovery is overshadowed by the steep learning curve of these games. I feel lost and overwhelmed when I start playing, which makes me feel like I'm missing out on the true experience. Games should have a better onboarding process to ease new players into the game.
New Player Experience
I wish there was a way to relive the magic of discovering these games for the first time. Games should cater to new players with a more intuitive and engaging experience that helps them enjoy the game.
Nostalgic Value
I feel like I'm missing out on the nostalgic value of these games. They should have a way to preserve the memories of players who have already played the game, making it feel like I'm reliving the experience.
Dynamic Storytelling
I feel like the story of the game is static and doesn't change even though I make different choices. Games should have a more dynamic storytelling system that reacts to the player's choices and actions.
More Character Customization
I wish I could create a character that truly reflects my personality. Games should have a more extensive character customization system that allows players to create a character that is unique to them.
Improved Game Mechanics
I feel like the game mechanics are too complex and overwhelming. Games should have more streamlined mechanics that are easy to understand and allow players to focus on the game world.
Fair Compensation
Developers and contributors should be fairly compensated for their work to maintain a positive and respectful work environment.
Transparent Business Practices
Business practices should be transparent and honest to maintain trust and respect with the community.
Respectful Leadership
Leaders should set an example by leading with respect, empathy and kindness to foster a positive and productive environment.
Respect for Talent
Musicians and other contributors should be treated with respect and given fair compensation for their work.
Developers and leaders should be held accountable for their actions and decisions to maintain transparency and trust.
Positive Community
A positive and respectful community can foster creativity, innovation and growth in the development of the game.
Improve Sandbox-Part
Add more sandbox-style gameplay and more freedom to explore to make it more engaging
Connected Storyline
Develop a more connected storyline with the normal gameplay to make it more immersive
More Planets Variety
Add more unique and varied planets to explore and make it less repetitive
More NPC Interactions
Add more meaningful and interactive conversations with NPCs to make them more believable
Workers Treatment Improvement
Improve company's treatment of workers and be more transparent about their practices
Regular Updates
The game's lack of regular updates is a major drawback. As a player, I expect the developers to continue supporting and improving the game.
Improve Game Balance
The recent update changed the game's balance, making it less enjoyable to play. The developers should focus on finding a better balance between different game modes.
More Game Content
Lack of new content is another major issue. I would love to see more levels, characters, and features added to the game.
Streamline Updates
The update process was too slow and unpredictable. Developers should strive to make updates more frequent and less overwhelming.
Player Feedback
The developers should pay more attention to player feedback and suggestions. It would help to improve the game and address the community's concerns.
Improve Main Quest
I think the main quest needs to be more engaging and less exhausting. A better pacing could make it more enjoyable.
Polish the Game
A more polished game would definitely improve the overall experience. Less bugs and a smoother gameplay could be a huge plus.
Improve Building Mechanics
The building mechanics are clunky and unresponsive. I think a more intuitive system could make it more enjoyable to build and create.
Pay Employees Fairly
It's unacceptable that the developer doesn't pay their employees fairly. I hope they consider this and treat their employees with respect.
Improve Modding Support
I wish the game had a more streamlined modding process, allowing players to easily share and install mods without having to navigate through cumbersome menus.
Better Developer Communication
It would be great if the developers shared their plans and intentions for the game with the community, fostering a sense of transparency and trust.
Introduce More Reliable Multiplayer
I was really excited to play with friends, but the constant disconnections and lag made it frustrating. A more stable multiplayer experience would be awesome.
More Solo Content
There's only so much I can do in the game before I hit a wall. More solo content, such as new levels, enemies, or mechanics, would keep me engaged for longer.
Improve Graphics
While the game's art style is charming, the graphics could be improved to make the game look more modern and polished.
Fair Compensation
I hope the developers consider paying their employees fairly. It would boost morale and reduce the likelihood of abandoning the game. A fair compensation would allow employees to focus on creating a better gaming experience.
Mod Support
I enjoyed modding the game back in the day. The developers could improve the game by supporting modding even now, allowing the community to create new content and extend the game's life cycle.
Streamline Main Quests
The main quests can feel like a slog. I suggest streamlining the process by eliminating unnecessary steps, making it more engaging and rewarding for players to progress through the game.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


can someone please buy this game from the company and remake it please for the love of god oh my god guys i tried farworld pioneers after being suggest in this review hes not wrong WE HAVVE TO SUPPORT THAT GAME edit 2: it did not go well ;.;

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is expressing frustration and disappointment with the game.
    • The reviewer suggests that someone should buy the game and remake it.
    • The reviewer expresses surprise and excitement about the game after being suggested by another reviewer.
    • The reviewer mentions that the game did not go well, indicating a negative experience.


A fantastic Terraria-esque game set in the sci-fi procedural universe of Starbound. Build intricate bases, fight challenging foes, and customize any aspect of the world to your liking. Mod support also allows for even more adventures in this early access gem of a game. Highly recommended.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has a very positive sentiment towards the game.
    • The reviewer mentions a few good things about the game.
    • The game is compared to Terraria, indicating a positive comparison.
    • The game has procedural generation, suggesting a positive feature.
    • The game has mod support, which is a positive feature.
    • The reviewer explicitly recommends the game.


Sci-fi Terraria with rpg style missions and cooler character customization. Lots of fun, especially with friends!

  • Sentiments

    • The game seems to be enjoyable, especially when played with friends.


Without mods? one of the worst exploration games of all time, a tedious waste of time. With mods? the BEST exploration game ever made. It's a blast.

  • Sentiments

    • This game is terrible without mods
    • This game is amazing with mods


一款潜力无限的游戏,但开发商的不更新让这个游戏成了刚升起便暴死的陨星。特别是最大的一次版本更新,更新了无数的地基,推翻了过去好玩的一切准备超进化的时候卡那了,失去了过去的娱乐性,又没了未来该有的游戏广度,让我恨不得给他突突了。 我是玩测试版本入坑的,特意来补票,结果补票了没多久,这逼就不更新了,操

  • Sentiments

    • The game has unlimited potential, but the developer's lack of updates makes the game become a rising star that falls instantly
    • The latest version update is particularly frustrating, as it ruined everything I had been enjoying and had no future potential
    • I was excited to test the beta version, but ended up feeling disappointed
    • The game's entertainment value is lost, and I feel like punching something


As much as I enjoyed this game, I won't support a developer (or publisher) that is abusive and exploitative. The leader of Chucklefish allegedly had kids working on this game, for free. They told musicians they wouldn't be paid to score the game and when they bucked against working for free, the leader flipped out and went on a screed. Chucklefish -- laughable. Never again, Chucks. Never again.

  • Sentiments

    • I have a strong negative feeling towards the developer Chucklefish due to their alleged abusive and exploitative behavior.
    • The experience I had with this game was ruined by the developer's unacceptable actions.
    • I will never support this developer again due to their past behavior.
    • Chucklefish has a poor reputation as a result of their alleged abuse and exploitation of their employees.
    • The game was enjoyable, but the developer's actions overshadowed the experience.
    • I have a strong feeling of disappointment and frustration towards Chucklefish due to their actions.
    • I will not support this developer in the future due to their unethical behavior.
    • Chucklefish's actions have a negative impact on my opinion towards the game.
    • I will never play another game developed by Chucklefish due to their actions.
    • I am upset with how Chucklefish treated their employees and it has a negative impact on my opinion towards their game.
    • The experience I had with this game was marred by the developer's poor behavior.
    • I have a negative feeling towards Chucklefish due to their actions.
    • Chucklefish's actions have a negative impact on their reputation.
    • I will not support this game or any other game developed by Chucklefish in the future.
    • I feel betrayed by Chucklefish's actions and it has a negative impact on my opinion towards their game.
    • Chucklefish's behavior has a negative impact on my opinion towards their game.
    • I will not play another game developed by Chucklefish due to their actions.
    • I have a strong negative feeling towards Chucklefish due to their actions.
    • Chucklefish's actions have a negative impact on their reputation and game.
    • I will not support this game or any other game developed by Chucklefish in the future due to their actions.
    • I have a negative opinion towards this game and its developer due to their behavior.


The game had a lot of potential and i am sure that there are a lot of fun mods but overall i would not recommend the game. The sandbox-part of the game feels lacking, the storyline feels disconected from the normal gameplay, the planets feel repetetive, the npc have very little to say and the company has been criticized alot for their treatment of workers.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has potential, but it's not fully utilized.
    • The sandbox-part lacks something, it feels incomplete.
    • The storyline is disconnected from the main gameplay.
    • The planets feel repetitive and uninteresting.
    • NPCs are underdeveloped and don't have much to say.
    • The developer's treatment of workers is unacceptable.


The game is abandoned, lacks polishing, and has one of the most exhausting main quests I've ever played. And if you're planning to go into it because you like building, forget it, it's absolutely worthless and clunky as hell too. Btw, did you know that Chucklefish doesn't like to pay their employees?

  • Sentiments

    • The game is abandoned and lacks polishing.
    • The main quest is one of the most exhausting I've ever played.
    • The building aspect is clunky and worthless.
    • The game doesn't value employee pay.
    • I don't recommend playing this game.

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