You’ve fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below, repair your ship and set off to explore the universe...
85.4 %
28.4 %
can someone please buy this game from the company and remake it please for the love of god oh my god guys i tried farworld pioneers after being suggest in this review hes not wrong WE HAVVE TO SUPPORT THAT GAME edit 2: it did not go well ;.;
A fantastic Terraria-esque game set in the sci-fi procedural universe of Starbound. Build intricate bases, fight challenging foes, and customize any aspect of the world to your liking. Mod support also allows for even more adventures in this early access gem of a game. Highly recommended.
Sci-fi Terraria with rpg style missions and cooler character customization. Lots of fun, especially with friends!
Without mods? one of the worst exploration games of all time, a tedious waste of time. With mods? the BEST exploration game ever made. It's a blast.
一款潜力无限的游戏,但开发商的不更新让这个游戏成了刚升起便暴死的陨星。特别是最大的一次版本更新,更新了无数的地基,推翻了过去好玩的一切准备超进化的时候卡那了,失去了过去的娱乐性,又没了未来该有的游戏广度,让我恨不得给他突突了。 我是玩测试版本入坑的,特意来补票,结果补票了没多久,这逼就不更新了,操
As much as I enjoyed this game, I won't support a developer (or publisher) that is abusive and exploitative. The leader of Chucklefish allegedly had kids working on this game, for free. They told musicians they wouldn't be paid to score the game and when they bucked against working for free, the leader flipped out and went on a screed. Chucklefish -- laughable. Never again, Chucks. Never again.
The game had a lot of potential and i am sure that there are a lot of fun mods but overall i would not recommend the game. The sandbox-part of the game feels lacking, the storyline feels disconected from the normal gameplay, the planets feel repetetive, the npc have very little to say and the company has been criticized alot for their treatment of workers.
The game is abandoned, lacks polishing, and has one of the most exhausting main quests I've ever played. And if you're planning to go into it because you like building, forget it, it's absolutely worthless and clunky as hell too. Btw, did you know that Chucklefish doesn't like to pay their employees?
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