
Stray game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 145 ThousandPositive: 141 ThousandNegative: 3.95 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Lost, alone and separated from family, a stray cat must untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten cybercity and find their way home.
AI Community game rating

92.41 %

Stray is placed at number 7 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

16.1 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 77 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Human Characters
I'd love to see more human characters, maybe some who are trying to survive in this world, maybe some who are trying to rebuild it.
Simplify Combat
The Zurks can be a bit of a nuisance, but nuking them might not be the most engaging experience. Simplifying combat mechanics could make battles more enjoyable.
More Color Options
The vibrant colors are a great aspect of this game, but more options to customize color palettes would be awesome.
Unlockable items, outfits, or abilities would add replay value to the game and encourage players to play through it multiple times.
Storyline Improvements
Adding more depth to the storyline, maybe with multiple endings or branching paths, would make the game feel more immersive.
Proper Balance
Balancing the strengths and weaknesses of the different factions and characters would make the game more challenging and fun.
More Multiplayer Options
More multiplayer options, like co-op or competitive modes, would allow players to interact with each other in new and exciting ways.
Add more actions
I would have enjoyed the game more with a bit more action scenes to add variety to the narrative
Provide voiceovers
A voiceover narration would have enhanced the storytelling experience and made the game more engaging
More complex puzzles
I solved the puzzles relatively quickly, more challenging ones would have kept me invested in the game for longer
Longer gameplay
10 hours is a relatively short game, I would have liked to spend more time exploring the city and solving puzzles
More cuteness
The game's cuteness factor is already high, but I would have loved to see more adorable interactive elements
Add more freedom of choice
I feel limited by the linear storyline and would have liked to explore more freely, maybe with branching paths or multiple endings.
Improve sound effects
While the soundtrack is great, I found some sound effects to be quite loud and jarring, a more nuanced approach would be appreciated.
Add more dynamic events
I enjoyed the set pieces, but more dynamic events that react to the player's actions would have made the game feel more alive.
Enhance environmental interactions
As a cat, I felt like I should be able to interact with the environment more, maybe by scratching posts or knocking over objects.
Flesh out the storyline
The story was somewhat bland, I felt like there was more depth to be explored, maybe with more character development or plot twists.
More Cat Support
I would love to see more cat-related features in the game. Maybe a cat companion that can aid me in battle or have a special ability.
Better Controls
The controls feel a bit clunky and unresponsive. I think smoother controls would improve the overall gaming experience.
More Steam Integration
It would be great to see more integration with Steam, such as cloud saves, achievements, and leaderboards.
New Game Plus
A new game plus mode would be amazing, allowing me to replay the game with a higher level of difficulty or new challenges.
More Customization Options
I would love to see more customization options for my character, such as different outfits, accessories, or skills.
More Interactive Robots
I would have loved it if the robots in the game were more interactive. For example, they could have had their own agendas, making it harder for the player to complete certain objectives.
More Exploration Opportunities
The city was so detailed and intriguing, but I felt like I was missing out on so many hidden secrets and areas. More exploration opportunities would have made the game even more immersive.
Vehicle Mechanics
It would have been cool to have some kind of vehicle mechanics in the game, maybe even a hoverboard or a motorcycle. It would have added a new level of excitement and exploration possibilities.
More Variety in Puzzles
The puzzles in the game were enjoyable, but they started to feel a bit repetitive after a while. More variety in puzzle types and difficulty levels would have kept me engaged for longer.
Multiplayer Option
I think a multiplayer option would have been amazing. Imagine exploring the city with a friend, working together to solve puzzles and complete objectives.
More Storyline Details
I was really invested in the story and the world of the game, but I felt like there were some plot holes and unexplained details. More storyline details would have made the game even more immersive.
Improved AI
I think Sentinel and Zurks should have a more intelligent way of attacking, making the gameplay more challenging
Proper Difficulty Curve
I found it frustrating to have to restart the game multiple times due to it being too difficult, a proper difficulty curve would make the experience more enjoyable
Fewer Cryptic Clues
I had to use a guide to figure out some of the puzzles, I wish there were more obvious clues to make it feel less frustrating
More Variety in Levels
I felt like I was doing the same thing over and over, more variety in levels would keep the experience fresh
Better System for Performance Issues
I was frustrated with spending too much time trying to fix performance issues. A better system for handling these problems would be helpful, such as a more user-friendly setting menu or a automatic troubleshooter.
Longer Game Length
The game is too short for the price. I would have enjoyed it more if it were longer and had more content to explore.
More Realistic Visuals
While the visuals are great, they could be even more realistic with better attention to detail in the environments and characters.
Alternative to Watching LP
I had to watch an LP because I couldn't get the game to run. A more helpful in-game tutorial or a clearer setting menu would have saved me that time.
Patch defluxor bug
Implement a fix for the defluxor malfunctioning issue, allowing players to progress through the game without being stuck.
Improve save system
Revise the save system to ensure that players can reload their saves and restart the game without encountering the same bugs.
Enhance visuals
Improve the game's visuals to make them more realistic and appealing.
Develop a more engaging plot
Create a more compelling storyline that draws players in and keeps them interested.
Add more cat animations
Add more animations and interactions for the cute cat to make the game more immersive and fun.
Improve Error Handling
When an error occurs, provide clear error messages and troubleshooting steps to help players resolve the issue quickly.
Enhance Support
Respond to player queries and provide timely assistance to resolve any issues with the game.
Optimize Game Refund Policy
Offer a refund option for players who are unable to play the game due to technical issues.
Simplify Troubleshooting
Provide a comprehensive troubleshooting guide that is easy to follow and understand.
Improve Camera
I find the camera's constant up-angle annoying. Consider adding options to adjust camera angles or have a manual override.
More Fun Mechanics
The game lacks engaging mechanics. Add more variety and depth to gameplay to make it more enjoyable.
More Depth
Add more depth to the levels, and make the environments feel more immersive and interactive. Instead of just having a cat walk around, make it feel like I'm really exploring a futuristic city.
Give me a reason to keep playing, a purpose to the cat's journey. Maybe introduce some plot twists or conflicts that make me want to keep moving forward.
Internet Integration
Let me surf the internet, access wi-fi networks, and find secret information. It would be a great way to simulate real-life scenarios and add more variety to the gameplay.
Make the challenges more engaging and difficult. Right now, it feels like I'm just walking around without any obstacles to overcome.
Puzzle Solving
Add more puzzle-solving elements to the game. It would be cool to find hidden paths, solve problems, and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Character Customization
Let me customize my cat's appearance, abilities, and moves. It would add more replay value and make the game feel more personalized.
Add multiplayer features, like the ability to play with friends or compete with other players. It would be a great way to share the experience and make the game more social.
More Power-Ups
Add more power-ups, like a jetpack or a grappling hook, to give me more options and variety in my gameplay.
Improved Camera
Make the camera more adjustable, allowing me to adjust the view and angle to my liking. It would make the game feel more immersive and interactive.
Better Storytelling
Improve the storytelling by adding more dialogue, cutscenes, and a more engaging narrative. It would draw me in and make me want to keep playing.
More Variety
Add more variety to the levels, environments, and enemies. It would keep the game fresh and exciting, and prevent it from feeling repetitive.
Improved AI
Make the enemies more intelligent and challenging, like they're actually trying to stop me. It would make the game feel more dynamic and engaging.
More Cutscenes
Add more cutscenes to break up the gameplay and give me a chance to catch my breath. It would make the game feel more cinematic and immersive.
Better Soundtrack
Create a more fitting and engaging soundtrack that enhances the atmosphere and mood of the game. It would draw me in and make the experience more memorable.
More Exploration
Allow me to explore more of the world, like discover hidden secrets or find new paths. It would make the game feel more expansive and exciting.
Improved UI
Make the user interface more intuitive and user-friendly. It would make it easier for me to navigate the game and find what I need.
Improve Help Function
Make the 'help' function more useful, providing actual assistance and not just rephrasing what the player already knows.
Simplify Navigation
Improve the city's navigation system to make it easier for players to find their way around, reducing the need for mindless running in circles.
Fix Buggy Issues
Address and fix all the game's glitches and bugs, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for players.
Enhance Sci-Fi Elements
Add more depth and complexity to the game's sci-fi setting, making it more engaging and immersive for players.
Improve Quest Design
Revise the quest design to make it more challenging and rewarding, providing a more satisfying experience for players.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Oh i could start telling you it's lovely to play as a cat, to have a dedicated button to meow and to be able to jump and throw things off surfaces.. and well, it's what i just did :) But this game is way more than that. it's a harrowing depiction of a post-cyberpunk world where things went awry in a sad, realistic way. So no humans, few animals, and a world populated by machines. it's not all gone though. In this intricate daedalus of a city, that I wouldn't call a ruin given the strong yet artificial living populating it, life keeps pulsating in different forms, from the most archaic to the quasi-philosopical. Colors and lights are few of the little things left to express oneself in the city, and that gives us an extraordinary palette of vibrant, electric colors. The price of this game might be a bit steep for the amount of hours required to complete it, but it's absolutely fascinating and you'll love every second of it. Except the Zurks. Just nuke those little pests already.

  • Sentiments

    • The price of this game might be a bit steep
    • The game is lovely to play
    • it's what I just did
    • But this game is way more than that
    • It's a harrowing depiction of a post-cyberpunk world
    • Things went awry in a sad, realistic way
    • So no humans, few animals, and a world populated by machines
    • it's not all gone though
    • In this intricate daedalus of a city
    • Life keeps pulsating in different forms
    • the most archaic to the quasi-philosopical
    • Colors and lights are few of the little things left
    • to express oneself in the city
    • and that gives us an extraordinary palette of vibrant, electric colors
    • but it's absolutely fascinating
    • you'll love every second of it
    • Except the Zurks
    • Just nuke those little pests already


[b]Visual feast with extra cuteness! <3[/b] [quote][b] Rating: 8.5/10 [/b][/quote] The story is about a cute orange [b]Stray[/b] cat separated from its family in an accident. On the hope to reunite with them, it passes through a mysterious & shocking isolated city where the game takes place. The game is beautiful, expect some lite actions, mystery and cuteness throughout. If you love [b]Meowww[/b] while walking through a visually stunning world and solving simple puzzles, this game is definitely made for you too. Narration without voiceover. I recommend to buy this on sale, it's a short yet fun 5-10 hours long game.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is visually stunning, with a beautiful atmosphere.
    • The story is cute and filled with cuteness throughout.
    • The game is a short yet fun 5-10 hours long.
    • The narrator is absent and no voiceover is present.
    • There are some lite actions and simple puzzles to solve.
    • The game is a good value on sale and worth considering.
    • The isolated city setting is mysterious and shocking.
    • Expect some cuteness and visually stunning moments.
    • The game is perfect for fans of cute games.
    • The gameplay experience is of moderate length.
    • The game lacks substance, as it is a short game.


Одна из лучших игр про кота. Хоть игра сама по себе довольно линейная, разрабы вставили 3 локации где вы можете просто погулять побродить и по выполнять чужие поручения, в стиле принеси-подай, НО здесь это делать не так скучно, учитывая, что вы кот. Большой плюс за звуковое и музыкальное сопровождение - делают очень ламповую атмосферу, из-за этого в игре очень приятно находится и прохождение длинною 5-7 часов, не надоедает. Большой плюс за дизайн локаций, наполнение деталями и предметами. Постановочные экшен сцены тоже присутствуют, но игра ими не перегружена, в основном от вас требуется заниматься исследованием и прокладыванием своего маршрута. Сюжет - не гениальный, но тоже не плохой, местами очень интригует.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is one of the best cat games I've ever played.
    • The game's linearity doesn't bother me as a cat, as I can roam and explore different locations.
    • The sound and music design create a cozy atmosphere, making the game a pleasure to play.
    • The design of the locations is filled with details and items, adding to the game's charm.
    • The action scenes are well-done, but the game doesn't rely too heavily on them.
    • The story is not groundbreaking, but it's engaging and interesting at times.


Мой рыжий кот Тоша одобряет. Играем вместе за одним ПК) Мяу, мррр, вапоызщалщыладыа (он пытался вам написать: будьте добрее)

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer has a positive sentiment towards the game, as it's played with their cat.


My computer meets specs but doesn't run, I've spent more time trying to fiddle with settings and restarting than it takes to complete the game. In the meantime watched an LP. Visuals are great but the game is ultimately too short for the price. Ending could be a deal breaker.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely frustrated with the game's performance on my computer, despite meeting the specs
    • I've wasted a lot of time trying to troubleshoot and restart the game
    • The visuals of the game are great
    • The game is too short for its price
    • The ending could be a deal-breaker
    • I've had to watch a walkthrough to actually play the game
    • I'm disappointed with the game overall
    • The game is not worth the investment of my time


I encountered a game-breaking bug at about 6 hours in so cannot recommend. Specifically, the "defluxor" would not respond to controller or mouse input which left me behind an inoperable door and no way to progress the game. It appears that this used to be a fairly common problem, but was supposed to be patched like 2 years ago. I found a number of suggestions for ways to fix this on the web, but none of them worked for me. FWIW this was not the only bug in ran into but the others were solved by reloading a save or restarting the game, so while annoying pretty much par for the course in computer gaming. No worse than Mammoths falling out of the stratosphere, if you take my meaning. Aside for that (Mrs. Lincoln,,,) I'd have said "pretty good": mostly good, if sometimes cartoonish, visuals and a reasonably off beat take on the genre. I can't say much about the plot but it seemed to be coming along. Cute cat: knocking stuff of shelves &c was amusing, & certainly reminded me of the IRL felines I have known. Alas, uninstalled.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely dissatisfied with the game.
    • The reviewer is experiencing frustration and disappointment.
    • The reviewer is sarcastic about the bugs and their impact on the gameplay.
    • The reviewer finds the visuals mostly good.
    • The reviewer is annoyed by the cartoonish visuals.
    • The reviewer is amused by the cat's actions.
    • The reviewer is neutral about the plot.
    • The reviewer is disappointed and frustrated with the game.
    • The reviewer decides to uninstalled the game.
    • The reviewer finds the game's take on the genre to be offbeat.


Purrr-chased this game, but it's not starting. ("Application load error 3:0000065432). Found a lot of "Solutions" and "recommendations" on the web, but no one worked for me. Tried to contact support, but no response. Meanwhile I'm even unable to refund the game. It was a waste of money and time. The only thing i have figuered out is that I'm not the only one having such problems with that game. Therefore I do not recommend to purchase this game.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely dissatisfied with my purchase experience
    • I'm frustrated with the product's functionality
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of support
    • I've wasted my money and time
    • I've received no response from customer support
    • I don't recommend buying this game


I don't understand why this game got overwhelmingly positive. It's not fun enough for me. And the camera always looking up it makes me feeling faint.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is not fun enough for me.
    • The camera always looking up makes me feeling faint.
    • I don't understand why this game got overwhelmingly positive.

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