Supermarket Simulator

Supermarket Simulator game image

Very Positive

Total: 60.6 ThousandPositive: 56.9 ThousandNegative: 3.74 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Run your own supermarket. Stock shelves, set prices as you'd like, take payments, hire staff, expand and design your store. Online orders & delivery, shoplifters, security, local market are upcoming.
AI Community game rating

83.21 %

Supermarket Simulator is placed at number 123 under 306 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

59.68 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More cargo capacity for truck
Currently, the truck's cargo capacity is too low, making it difficult to carry large amounts of goods, leading to frequent loading and unloading, which is frustrating and time-consuming
Allow players to hire additional truck drivers
Having the ability to hire extra drivers would greatly improve the gameplay experience, as it would allow players to manage their workload more efficiently and explore more areas of the game world
Improve truck mechanics and physics
The truck's mechanics and physics are clunky and unrealistic, making it difficult to control and maneuver, which can lead to accidents and frustration
Add more cargo items and variations
Currently, the cargo options are limited, which can make the gameplay feel repetitive and mundane, adding more variety to the cargo items and their handling would enhance the game's replay value
Introduce weather and traffic effects
The lack of weather and traffic effects makes the gameplay feel too predictable and boring, adding these elements would increase the game's realism and challenge
Allow players to customize their trucks
Being able to customize trucks would add a new layer of depth to the gameplay, as players could personalize their vehicles to suit their playstyle and preferences
Regular Updates and Communication
Provide regular updates on the game's development, patch notes, and share behind-the-scenes content to keep the audience engaged and informed.
Invest in the Game's Community
Engage with the community through forums, social media, and live events to gather feedback, address concerns, and build a loyal player base.
Proactive Problem-Solving
Address issues and bugs as soon as they arise, rather than waiting for players to report them, to maintain a positive player experience.
Frequent Patch Notes
Release regular patch notes that detail changes, fixes, and new features to keep players informed and excited about the game's progression.
More Content and Features
Expand the game's content and features to keep the experience fresh and exciting, and to provide players with a sense of progression and accomplishment.
Improve Customer Service
Provide responsive and reliable customer support to address player concerns and issues, and to foster a positive community around the game.
Show Appreciation for Community Feedback
Acknowledge and respond to community feedback in a timely and meaningful way, to show that the developers value the community's input and care about their concerns.
Invest in Game Preservation
Consider preserving classic levels, characters, or game modes to give players nostalgic value and encourage continued play.
Player-Driven Economy
Implement a player-driven economy that allows players to trade, craft, and collaborate on content, to add depth and replay value to the game.
Simplify Gameplay Mechanics
Streamline complex gameplay mechanics to make the game more accessible and enjoyable for new and veteran players alike.
Regular Challenges and Events
Host regular challenges, tournaments, and events to provide players with a sense of competition and community, and to encourage player engagement.
Improve Game Balance and Progression
Tweak gameplay mechanics and progression systems to ensure that players feel challenged and rewarded, rather than frustrated and disillusioned.
More Player-Centric Features
Add features that allow players to customize, share, and showcase their creations, such as content created by the community.
Enhance Game World and Atmosphere
Flesh out the game's world and atmosphere by adding more details, lore, and depth, to create a richer and more immersive experience.
Better Matchmaking and Community Features
Revamp matchmaking and community features to facilitate meaningful interactions between players, such as clan systems or social tools.
Faster Game Engine Updates
Release updates to the game engine more frequently to improve performance, stability, and overall player experience.
Decrease Waiting Time Between Matches
Reduce the time between matches to minimize downtime and keep players engaged in the game's competitive mode.
More Support for Customization
Expand customisation options to give players more control over their characters, environments, and gameplay experience.
Better Support for Different Player Types
Add features and modes that cater to different player types, such as co-op, competitive, or casual players, to ensure that the game appeals to a broader audience.
Show the Devs are Listening
Regularly update the game's community forum or social media channels to show that the developers are actively listening to player feedback and concerns.
Make Game More Rewarding
Games should be rewarding for players, not punishing. Adjust the game mechanics to ensure that players feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Factor in Learning Curve
Analyze player feedback on difficulty level, such as adding a new difficulty setting to accommodate players that want a easier solution.
Presentation and UI Overhaul
Give the game a fresh new appearance and update its user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Does anyone really read these? I swear I'm gonna drink one gallon of water every time someone finds this "helpful" (This review is anything but helpful)

  • Sentiments

    • I swear I'm gonna drink one gallon of water every time someone finds this "helpful"
    • This review is anything but helpful


“望文生义”,超市模拟器自然是模拟超市的购物经营;超市购物是大家日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,但我们有的只是作为消费者的经历,当你成为超市老板,化身“资本家”,又会在这个小店里摩擦出怎样的花火呢? [h1][quote=] [table] [tr] [th] 欢迎关注 [url=]网易UU鉴赏家培养计划[/url][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th] 关注UU加速器VX公众号,回复“steam”,获得专属玩家群邀请。 [/th] [/tr] [/table] [/quote][/h1] [h1] 友情提示,3D眩晕玩家请配合晕车药食用 [/h1] 在当今模拟经营类游戏层出不穷的市场中,《超市模拟器》以其独特的深度管理体验为玩家打造了一个熟悉的虚拟零售世界。 《超市模拟器》的核心玩法围绕超市的日常运营展开,上手难度很低,玩家需要扮演超市经理的角色,从商品采购、定价等各个方面进行全面管理。虽然模拟器主打的就是一个真实还原,但《超市模拟器》的还原度实在是太高了,谁能想到白天上班当牛马,晚上回家玩个游戏竟然还要当牛马!是的,你没有想错,挑选进购物品,货物送到后你需要一件一件地搬进商店,打开箱子,将商品一个一个地放上柜台,最为逆天的来了,完成这一系列牛马操作之后玩家居然需要亲自、一个一个的、一个不落地将纸箱扔进垃圾桶。家人们谁懂啊,真的有必要还原度这么高吗(doge)。 调侃归调侃,《超市模拟器》在游戏表现方面还是非常出色的,首先就是上文提及的进货并上架商品的流程,几乎是完全真实地还原了超市经营的前期准备工作。接下来玩家需要为进购的商品进行定价,好在游戏中为玩家提供了“市场行情”,给商品的价格定下了大的基调。作为“资本家”,我们自然是不能做亏本的买卖,首先得高于进货价格才能实现利润,可当定下的价格远高于市场行情时,或许偶尔会有出手阔绰的老板进行购物,但大多数NPC会摇摇头感叹某某商品的价格太高了然后悻悻地离去。所以,合理的定价是实现盈利的第一步。 收银也是游戏玩法的主体部分之一。游戏中支持的支付方式包括刷卡支付和现金支付。刷卡支付的表现一如既往地出色,玩家只需要给顾客挑选的所有商品扫一遍,根据屏幕上的总金额完成支付即可。现金支付相较而言就繁琐许多了,游戏中的NPC大多不会给你恰好的金额,每一位采用现金支付的顾客几乎都需要玩家进行找零,所以利己利他的玩法就是将商品的价格定的更利于找钱(惨痛的教训)。 随着游戏的进行,玩家可以招兵买马,聘请“牛马”为自己工作,虽然会削弱盈利,但为自己减少了许多繁琐的工作,总体来说还是不错的。但在招揽员工方面存在一个槽点,不知是游戏设定的原因或者是游戏bug,招来的员工有时会愣在原地不动,即使你去碰撞他都不会有任何反应,好好,当面摸鱼是吧,扣钱!扣钱!扣钱! 作为一款模拟器类型的游戏,《超市模拟器》总体看来是五脏俱全,推荐给喜欢经营类模拟器的玩家。

  • Sentiments

    • Expecting much more complexity and management depth from a game with this theme. The repetitive tasks are not balanced by the struggles of managing the store.
    • The game has a good realistic feel to it, but the simplicity is a major drawback.
    • The management tasks can be quite boring and feel poorly balanced.
    • The game has a good pace, but the repetitive tasks can feel exhausting.
    • The UI is clean and easy to navigate, which is a plus.


2024年,一款名为《超市模拟器》的游戏在抢先体验阶段悄然上线,但迅速成为了游戏界的热门话题。这款由土耳其开发商Nokta Games制作的模拟游戏,凭借其独特的游戏机制,让大部分玩家都沉迷其中。 [h1][quote=] [table] [tr] [th] 欢迎关注 [url=]网易UU鉴赏家培养计划[/url][/th] [/tr] [tr] [th] 关注UU加速器VX公众号,回复“steam”,获得专属玩家群邀请。 [/th] [/tr] [/table] [/quote][/h1] 《超市模拟器》是一款工作模拟游戏,玩家需要通过安装货架和其他家具来经营自己的商店,同时订购库存和管理价格。游戏的视觉效果虽然较为简约,采用了低多边形图形和第一人称视角,但这丝毫不影响其吸引力。玩家需要从一个小型家庭式商店开始经营,随着利润的积累,逐步扩大经营规模,最终成为零售帝国的大亨​。 在《超市模拟器》中,玩家的首要任务是学会如何在一个小型家庭式商店中运营业务。玩家需要手动探索店铺的每一个角落,将货架和产品以有条理的方式摆放,并做出数百个重要决定,以吸引顾客并增加销售额。掌握这些基本技能后,玩家可以转向更具挑战性的任务,例如管理财务和员工​。 游戏的用户界面设计简洁且高效,旨在帮助玩家高效地管理他们的超市运营。玩家通过基本的第一人称控制在店内移动,可以选择管理从一般布局到每个单独货架商品的所有店内物品。这个全面的零售模拟器使所有用户能够沉浸在这个引人入胜的虚拟世界中,并将他们的业务扩展到管理最大超市的阶段​。 Nokta Games,这家由Yusuf Toptan和Aslıhan Öztürk于2017年创立的土耳其工作室,虽然团队规模小,仅有四名员工,但却凭借《超市模拟器》取得了巨大的成功。据开发者Cannias称,他们几乎是独自完成了所有的开发工作​;在制作PC优先的模拟游戏之前,Nokta Games主要开发移动游戏,他们的首款作品《Toy of War》于2019年在Google Play上发布,但收入并不理想。 《超市模拟器》在Steam上的表现非常强劲。游戏上线后,迅速进入了Steam的热门即将发布部分,并在最新的Next Fest期间成为50个最受欢迎的演示版之一。玩家对游戏的反馈也非常积极,94%的用户评论为正面。虽然游戏在发布初期并没有立即走红,但随着时间的推移,玩家数量逐渐增加,最终在3月4日达到38,056人的峰值,这使其成为2024年第11大同时在线玩家数最多的发布游戏。 《超市模拟器》以其独特的游戏机制和引人入胜的玩法,成为了2024年最受欢迎的模拟游戏之一。虽然视觉效果较为简约,但其深度的管理机制和细致的用户界面设计,使玩家能够真正沉浸在虚拟零售店的日常运营中。对于喜欢模拟游戏的玩家来说,《超市模拟器》无疑是一个不容错过的佳作​ ;这款游戏的成功不仅仅是因为其出色的游戏设计,更是因为开发团队对玩家反馈的重视和不断改进的决心。未来,随着更多内容和功能的加入,《超市模拟器》有望成为模拟游戏领域的经典之作。

  • Sentiments

    • the game is very addictive, it got me hooked from the first hour and i couldn't stop playing it
    • the gameplay is very immersive, it felt like i was actually running a real store
    • the graphics are really simple, but they get the job done and don't distract from the gameplay
    • the game is very challenging, it requires a lot of strategy and planning
    • the UI is very user-friendly and easy to navigate
    • the game has a lot of replay value, there's always something new to discover
    • the developer seems to be passionate about the game and put a lot of effort into it
    • the game is not too long, it's a great length for a casual game
    • the game has a lot of potential for growth and expansion
    • the game is a lot of fun to play, it's a great way to pass the time
    • the game has a good balance of strategy and action
    • the game is a great value for its price
    • the game has a lot of depth and complexity
    • the game is very well designed and polished
    • the game has a great sense of community and gameplay synergy
    • the game is a joy to play and I would recommend it to anyone
    • the game has a lot of potential for future updates and expansions
    • the game is a great way to learn about entrepreneurship and management
    • the game is very well executed and meets all my expectations


buen simulador los clientes vienen siempre cuando ya es hora de cerrar como la vida real nene Pongo reseña negativa porque llevamos como 3 meses sin noticias del DEV ni actualizaciones ni nada.. el juego esta abandonado... si vuelve a dar vida el DEV pondre puntuacion positiva

  • Sentiments

    • I was disappointed with the lack of updates and news from the developer.
    • The game feels abandoned, which is frustrating.
    • I expect the developer to address the issues and provide more information.
    • The game is not being properly maintained.
    • The developer seems to have lost interest in the game.
    • I would like to see more progress and updates from the developer.
    • The overall impression is that the game is no longer being developed.
    • The lack of communication from the developer is frustrating.
    • The game feels like it's been left to rot, with no maintenance or updates.
    • I'm disappointed in the lack of effort from the developer.
    • The game's abandonment is a major turn-off for me.
    • I expect more from the developer, but this game is a disappointment.
    • The game's quality has not been maintained over time.
    • The developer's silence is deafening in this case.
    • The game's abandonment is a reflection of the developer's lack of care.
    • The overall sentiment is one of frustration and disappointment.
    • I would not recommend this game to anyone at this point.
    • The game's lack of progress is a major issue for me.
    • The developer needs to step up their communication and game development.


As it stands right now the game is severely lacking content. The act of restocking and being the cashier loses its magic after a few hours. It gets very grindy very fast. The more stock you unlock the more tedious it gets. The storage you can unlock for 1000$ is useless. This game needs more automation. It's fine doing "tedious" stuff for an hour or two but you need that goal of automating it in the future to keep you going through it. Will probably update the review once it left early access.

  • Sentiments

    • the game is severely lacking content
    • the act of restocking and being the cashier loses its magic after a few hours
    • it gets very grindy very fast
    • the more stock you unlock the more tedious it gets
    • the storage you can unlock for 1000$ is useless
    • this game needs more automation
    • it's fine doing "tedious" stuff for an hour or two but you need that goal of automating it in the future to keep you going through it
    • once it left early access


開発者に技術がないのかバグの修正や追加要素などアップデートされないまま数ヶ月放置 ゲーム内容もレベルが上がるに連れ忙しくなるだけでかけた時間に対してお金の増え方が変わらない レジ打ちや品出しが楽しいのに最終的には倉庫に段ボールを運ぶだけのゲームになった 追記 アップデートがあったので遊んでみた ゲームが少し軽くなったがRTX3070でも60fpsを維持できない 品出しバイトが発注した段ボールを倉庫まで運んでくれるようになったが2秒くらい棚の前で考えるようになってしまって同じ商品を1箱分でいいのに最悪4人で品出しをしに行って無駄な行動が増えてしまった 店舗名変更と出入り口を左右方向に再配置と床の材質や色変更ができるようになったようだがバグや利便性を3ヶ月も遅らせてやることだったのか正直開発者とユーザーのやりたいことの差異がひどすぎだと思いました

  • Sentiments

    • -development is too slow and buggy
    • not worth the money
    • game is too monotonous
    • update does not fix the main issues
    • lack of utility
    • development is not listening to the community
    • more of the same
    • expectations not met
    • delayed updates
    • lack of change
    • annoying tasks
    • not fun
    • no progress
    • disappointing experience
    • development is not growing
    • not recommended


ну неужели блять сложно так исправить баг этот сраный с работниками, которые стоят у полок и ждут у моря погоды? уже почти пол года прошло, как он есть, уже выпустили 100500 разных никому ненужных обновлений с косметикой и вывеской. баг как существовал, так и существует. ничего не поменялось вообще. Люди просят добавить удобный менеджмент полок в магазине, чтобы можно было убирать с них товар, чтобы можно было менять цену. Люди просят поправить работников. Разрабы выпускают обновление, в котором добавляют возможность изменить название магазина и цвет стен. Причем выпускают раз месяца в 2-3. Пиздец как сложно сделать перекраску стен. Трудятся наверное сидят там 50 индусов в душном оффисе. Никак не могут придумать функцию перекраски. Что в следующем обновлении добавят, как вы думаете? Пророчу - ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ ФОНА РАБОЧЕГО СТОЛА КОМПЬЮТЕРА. Оно, кстати, выйдет еще через 3 месяца

  • Sentiments

    • хорошо
    • плохо
    • bad
    • hard to fix
    • so much lacking
    • a total mess
    • just the same
    • no progress
    • Waste of money
    • finally a small step
    • not satisfying

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