
Terraria game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 1.33 MillionPositive: 1.3 MillionNegative: 33 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. Four Pack also available!
AI Community game rating

93.05 %

Terraria is placed at number 3 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

25.48 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 99 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

More Beer
I would love to have more beer options to reward me for my gaming progress
More Rewards
I think it's a great idea to have more rewarding options for players like my friend who want to encourage others to play
Remove Master Mode
I think this mode is a major drawback to the game, it's frustrating and unpleasant to play. I would suggest removing it or reworking it to make it more enjoyable for players.
Add Gnomes to Craft
I would like to see gnomes as craftable items in the game. This would add more depth and variety to the crafting system.
Add more levels
I would love to see more levels added to the game, it's getting repetitive and it would be nice to have something new to look forward to.
Improve graphics
The graphics could be improved, especially when playing co-op, it's a bit hard to distinguish between characters sometimes.
Add more character customization options
I wish there were more options to customize my character, it would make the game more engaging and fun to play.
Fix the framerate issues
The framerate drops are really annoying, it affects the overall gaming experience and makes it hard to enjoy the game.
Add a new game mode
A new game mode would be great, maybe a challenge mode or something similar to keep things fresh and exciting.
Improve the AI
The enemy AI is a bit too easy, it would be nice if it was more challenging and unpredictable.
Improve Storyline
I wish I could have gotten more invested in the characters and plot. More complex storylines would have made the game more engaging.
Better Feedback
I struggled to figure out what I was doing wrong. More immediate and clear feedback would have helped me improve faster.
More Maps
The map selection was limited and repetitive. More varied maps would have kept me interested.
Improved Graphics
The graphics were dated. An upgrade would have made the game more visually appealing.
Enhanced Controls
The controls were clunky and unresponsive at times. Smoother controls would have improved my overall experience.
More Challenging Levels
The levels were too easy and repetitive. More challenging levels would have pushed me to improve my skills.
Better Enemy AI
The enemies were too predictable and easy to defeat. More advanced AI would have made the game more challenging and enjoyable.
More Replay Value
I completed the game too quickly. More replay value would have kept me engaged for longer.
Improved Soundtrack
The music was forgettable. A more memorable soundtrack would have added to the game's atmosphere.
More Character Customization
The character customization options were limited. More options would have allowed me to personalize my character to my liking.
Improved Multiplayer
The multiplayer mode was unbalanced and poorly designed. Improved matchmaking and more game modes would have made it more enjoyable.
More Cactus Functionality
I wish the cactus had more abilities than just rolling, like shooting spines or exploding for example.
More Colorful Wildflowers
I loved the colorful butterfly, but I wish there were more flowers and butterflies in the game to explore.
Boss Battle Soundtrack
The music was great, but I wish the boss battle had a more epic and intense soundtrack.
More Variety
I would have liked to see more diverse levels, characters and enemies to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Better Storyline
The game's storyline was quite weak and unengaging, it would be great to have a more developed and interesting narrative.
Improved Controls
The controls felt clunky and unresponsive at times, more refinement would greatly improve the overall gaming experience.
More Players Online
I would have loved to play with more friends online, as it felt restrictive to only play with 2-3 players.
Bugs and Glitches Fix
I encountered several bugs and glitches during my playthrough, it would be great to have them fixed to make the game more enjoyable.
New Game Modes
Introducing new game modes or levels would have kept me engaged and interested in the game for longer.
Better Pacing
The game's pacing was a bit off, it would be great to have a more well-balanced flow of challenges and fun moments.
Character Customization
I would have liked to have more control over my character's appearance and abilities, it would be a great addition to the game.
More Realistic Graphics
The game's graphics were quite subpar, more realistic visuals would have made the game look more visually appealing.
Improved Soundtrack
The soundtrack was quite forgettable, it would be great to have a more memorable and engaging score.
Multiplayer Issues Fix
I experienced some issues with online multiplayer, it would be great to have them fixed to improve the overall online experience.
Improve Anti-Cheat Measures
As a player, I would like to see more robust anti-cheat measures in place to prevent cheating and ensure a fair gaming experience. A more reliable system would help reduce the prevalence of cheaters and make the game more enjoyable for honest players.
Enhance Online Multiplayer
I would love to see improvements to online multiplayer, such as reduced lag and smoother matchmaking. This would make the game more enjoyable for players who want to play with friends or strangers online.
Improve Item Collection
I found it frustrating to have to spend so much time collecting a single item. Introducing a way to speed up the process or allowing different ways to obtain items would make the game more enjoyable.
Better Multiplayer Mechanics
Having friends join and do all the work did not feel fair. Improving multiplayer mechanics to encourage teamwork and contribution would make the game more enjoyable and reduce frustration.
Introduce Challenging Boss Fights
I found the boss fights too easy. Introducing challenging enemies with varied abilities would keep me engaged and motivated to continue playing.
Improve Game Introduction
I didn't feel prepared to play the game and took away from my experience. A proper introduction to the game's mechanics and objectives would make it easier to understand and enjoy.
More Variety in Gameplay
I got bored with the repetitive gameplay. Adding more variety to the game, such as new mechanics or challenges, would keep me interested and excited to continue playing.
Regular Updates
The lack of regular updates and new content made the game feel stale. Releasing new content on a regular basis would keep players engaged and interested.
Provide Clearer Guidance
I think it would be helpful if the game provided clearer guidance on how to progress beyond the initial hard mode. A tutorial or hints system would be beneficial to avoid frustration and confusion.
Fix Map Pollution
It would be great if the game allowed for map clean-up or reset after completing hard mode. This would make it easier to progress without feeling stuck and frustrated by pollution.
Clarify Game Mechanics
The game mechanics and objectives need to be clarified to give players a better understanding of how to progress. Providing clear tutorials or explanations would help alleviate confusion.
Add More Hints
Adding more and varied hints throughout the game would help players who get stuck or lost. This would also make the game more accessible to new players.
Improve Game Balance
The game's difficulty balance needs improvement. Enemies should be less overwhelming, and players should have more opportunities for progression without feeling like they're being held back by the game's mechanics.
Provide a Reset Option
Allowing players to reset their progress in hard mode would give them another chance to learn and improve without having to restart the whole game.
Improve Personal Life
The game's impact on personal life is severe. I think it's essential to have a feature that allows players to manage their personal life better, such as scheduling appointments or taking breaks.
Add More Varied Content
The game becomes repetitive quickly. I suggest adding more varied content, such as different levels, game modes, or even a storyline.
Fix Addiction Problem
The game is so engaging that it's easy to get addicted. I think it would be beneficial to have a feature that helps players track and manage their gaming time.
Improve Multiplayer Experience
The multiplayer experience is poorly implemented. I suggest improving the matchmaking system and adding more features that enhance teamwork and communication.
Remove Provocative Content
The game contains some provocative content that might offend some players. I think it would be better to remove or tone down such content.
Add More Customization Options
The game lacks customization options. I suggest adding more options for character customization, such as clothing or accessories.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Mi amigo con el que juego Terraria dijo que si publico una reseña sobre Terraria y obtiene 100 Me gusta y 20 premios, me comprará una caja de cerveza y un Blue Label de Johnnie Walker. Así que dejaré esto aquí.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is making an unusual request, but seems to be in a good mood and willing to promote the game


master mode is misery and all synonyms of that word. i do not like it, and i humbly request re logic to remove it from the game. thanks in advance.

  • Sentiments

    • The game's master mode is frustrating and unpleasant.
    • I do not enjoy the game's master mode.
    • I'm unhappy with the game's master mode.
    • I dislike the game's master mode.
    • I hate the game's master mode.


Гра імба просто топ, круті піксельні битви та музика піксельна також потужна, не сподобався мені той факт що немає крафтів з гномів. так імба

  • Sentiments

    • The game is really good, the battles are cool and the music is powerful, but I didn't like the absence of gnomish crafts.
    • Overall, the game is quite pleasant.


Primeiramente, - "Olha um bioma de deserto" - "Cactus redondo? O que ele faz?" - "Oh é um cactus rolant-" Segundamente, - "Olha uma borboletinha colorida" - "Que bunitinha" - "Why do I hear boss musi-" Jogo PERFEITO, recomendo 👍

  • Sentiments

    • The game is amazing
    • I'm excited about the cactus
    • I think the cactus is cool
    • The game is perfect
    • I love this game
    • This game is amazing


be me: buy this game because friends say its good play for 1.1 hours realise the game is shit refund it spend money on other games.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is excited to buy the game based on friends' recommendations initially.
    • Upon playing the game for 1.1 hours, the reviewer realizes it's not good.
    • The reviewer quickly refunds the game and spends money on other games.


I hope your new bootleg version of Overwatch mixed with TF2 gets rawed by bots, cheaters and bad reviews first day, you all, Valve and Steam, deserve it.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is highly critical of the game's bootleg version and its potential impact on the game's quality.


Boring Snoozefest, if you don't mind spending dozens of hours on one item then you might like it but I only found it fun when my friends did all the work while i fought bosses -UPDATE: my reasoning for thinking this way was likely due to an improper introduction of the game, and most people wouldn't have the same opinion of it, still keeping the negative review though-

  • Sentiments

    • The game is boring
    • It takes too much time
    • Fighting bosses is the only fun part
    • Need assistance from friends to enjoy the game
    • Introduction to the game is improper


하드모드 이후 개억까 보스밖에 안나오고 중간중간 빡세게 노가다 안하면 다음 단계로 절대 못넘어가게 스펙 장벽 쳐놨음. 노가다는 개빡세게 시키는데 시간 지나면 대지 오염돼서 아무것도 못하고 걍 죽어야 함. 근데 이에 대해서 게임에서 설명해 주는게 단 하나도 없음. 딜런이 힌트 정도는 주지만 힌트 가지고 이 게임을 어떻게 해야하는지 알 도리가 없음. 난 심지어 지인들에게 물어볼거 다 물어보고 노가다도 빡세게 했는데도 맵 다 오염돼서 정화기 들고 좀 돌아다니다가 밤에 잡몹 두어마리 나오면 스쳐서 사망하는거 보고 어이가 없어서 게임 삭제함.

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely frustrated with the game's difficulty spikes
    • The game is too hard, it's infuriating
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of explanation for the game's mechanics
    • I'm annoyed with the constant need to restart due to environmental pollution
    • I feel helpless when dealing with the game's challenging sections
    • I'm fed up with the repetition and lack of progression
    • I'm upset about the game's poor design choices
    • I'm unhappy with the lack of guidance and tutorials
    • I'm enraged by the game's constant frustration
    • The game is overly punishing and unfair
    • I'm irritated by the constant need to restart
    • I'm disappointed with the game's lack of creativity and variety
    • I'm upset about the game's poor optimization and bugs

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