The Forest

The Forest game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 558 ThousandPositive: 533 ThousandNegative: 25.1 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
As the lone survivor of a passenger jet crash, you find yourself in a mysterious forest battling to stay alive against a society of cannibalistic mutants. Build, explore, survive in this terrifying first person survival horror simulator.
AI Community game rating

86.63 %

The Forest is placed at number 50 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

31.81 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Improve Multiplayer
There should be a way to block or restrict cheaters and children in public servers, it's annoying to play with people who just ruin the game.
Better Storyline
The plot could be more engaging and clear, it took me a while to understand what's going on and what I'm supposed to do.
Enhance Graphics
The graphics are not bad, but they could be improved, especially when comparing them to other games in the same genre.
Optimize Building Process
Building and constructing things in the game can be slow and tedious, it would be great if there were some optimizations to make it more efficient.
More Multiplayer Options
It would be great to have more options for playing with friends, like private servers or custom game modes.
More Context
I would like to know more about the abduction storyline and the motivations of the naked people. The current lack of context makes it hard to understand the plot.
Diverse Characters
As a player, I would love to play as a more diverse range of characters, including ones with different skin tones, abilities, and personalities.
Improved Controls
The controls could be improved to make it easier for players to navigate the game world, especially when you're trying to escape from the naked people.
No Racial Slurs
It's unacceptable and offensive to include racial slurs in the game's content. This can lead to a negative gaming experience and potentially offend players from different ethnic backgrounds.
Improve Game Balance
The game's balance is off, making it too easy or too hard for players of certain skill levels. Fixing this would ensure a more enjoyable experience for all players.
Add More Realistic Settings
Having more realistic settings would add a layer of immersion to the game, making it feel more authentic and engaging for players.
Avoid Graphic Content
Including graphic content, such as violence or off-color language, can be disturbing and off-putting for some players. Consider adding age restrictions or player warnings for such content.
Improve Game Story
The game's story is lacking depth and engagement. Consider adding more plot twists, character development, and a more coherent narrative to keep players invested.
Enhance Player Customization
Players want to be able to customize their characters and avatars with more options. This would allow for greater personalization and a sense of ownership over their characters.
Improve Multiplayer Experience
The multiplayer experience is clunky and unresponsive. Fixing this would improve the overall game experience and encourage players to play with friends.
Add more calm players
As I started playing normally, I think it would be great if the game had a feature to add more calm players to the game, so that others could also enjoy the game without being affected by the aggressive gamers.
Improve the game's moderation
I think the game's moderation system needs improvement, it seems that some reviews are not being taken seriously and players are still being subjected to harassment.
Enhance player's profiles
I would like to see more detailed profiles for players, including their gaming habits and preferences, so that other players can get a better understanding of who they're playing with.
Friendly NPCs
Make the locals more friendly, no one likes being eaten or damaged
Pay for damages
Mutated folk should pay for the damages they cause, no one likes picking up the tab
Improve local AI
Local NPCs should be more reasonable in their behavior, not trying to eat me would be nice
Improve Water Contamination Mechanics
I would love to see more realistic and challenging disease spread mechanics, allowing players to contaminate water sources without resorting to exploiting bugs or inconsistencies in the game's code.
Improve Gameplay
The gameplay is repetitive and boring, I think adding more variety to the levels and enemies would make it more engaging.
Better Storyline
The storyline is confusing and poorly written, I think focusing on character development and plot progression would make it more interesting.
More Diverse Characters
The characters are poorly designed and lack diversity, I think adding more diverse characters would make the game more relatable and fun.
Improved Graphics
The graphics are outdated and poorly rendered, I think updating them to modern standards would make the game more visually appealing.
More Realistic Soundtrack
The soundtrack is poorly composed and unrealistic, I think focusing on creating a more realistic and immersive soundtrack would enhance the gaming experience.
Easier Difficulty
The difficulty is too high, I think introducing an easier difficulty setting would make the game more accessible to players who struggle with it.
More Interactive Boss Fights
The boss fights are too linear and unengaging, I think introducing more interactive and dynamic boss fights would make them more exciting.
More Variety in Items and Resources
The items and resources are too few and unexciting, I think introducing more variety and unique items would make the game more engaging.
Better Interface
The interface is cluttered and confusing, I think streamlining the UI and making it more intuitive would improve the overall gaming experience.
More Realistic Character Development
The characters' development is poorly written and unrealistic, I think focusing on creating more realistic character development would make the game more relatable.
More Dynamic Environments
The environments are too static and unengaging, I think introducing more dynamic and interactive environments would make the game more immersive.
Improve Ending
I think the ending of the game was frustrating. I would like to see a more satisfying conclusion to the story.
Add More Items
Having only two items to use was very limiting. I would like to see more items added to the game to make it more engaging.
Improve Katana Mechanics
I didn't enjoy using the katana because it felt unresponsive. I would like to see more polish on the katana mechanics to make them more enjoyable.
Increase Navigation Options
I got stuck many times because I couldn't navigate through certain areas. I would like to see more options to move around.
Item Combination System
I found it hard to combine items because the system was unclear. I would like to see a more intuitive system for combining items.
Improve Prefab System
Make prefabs more customizable and less glitchy, so players can build realistic and functional bases without frustration.
Enhance Building Mechanics
Introduce new building mechanics, such as snapping and real-time deformation, to create more realistic and immersive bases.
Offer Customization Options
Provide players with more customization options, like textures and materials, to personalize their bases and make them more visually appealing.
Fix Glitches
Address the numerous glitches and bugs that make the building system frustrating and unenjoyable, such as objects not snapping in place.
Introduce New Asset Types
Add new asset types, like modular walls and ceilings, to give players more creative freedom when building their bases.
Improve Performance
Optimize the game's performance to reduce lag and make building and exploring more seamless.
Improve System Requirements
I think the system requirements for this game are too high, it's a common issue I'm facing, as my system can't handle the game at high settings.
Optimize Graphics
The graphics are really poor, I'm getting low frame rates and it's really frustrating. I think the game needs better graphics optimization.
Increase FPS
The FPS is really low, it's making the gameplay experience feel slow and unresponsive. I think the game needs a FPS boost.
Fix Audio Issues
Sometimes the audio cuts off or becomes distorted, it's really annoying and makes me want to quit playing.
Improve User Experience
The game's UI is really cluttered, it's hard to navigate and find what I'm looking for quickly. I think it needs a more intuitive interface.
Add More Content
The game feels really short, I finished it in a few hours. I think it needs more levels, characters or other content to keep me engaged.
Improve Storyline
The storyline is really weak, I don't feel connected to the characters or the world. I think the game needs a stronger narrative.
Improve Storyline
I would like to see a more engaging storyline that allows players to feel invested in the game's world and characters. Adding more interactive elements or side quests could help achieve this.
Add More Variety
The game's world and environments feel too repetitive and lacking in variety. I would suggest adding more diverse locations, objects, and enemies to keep players interested.
Enhance Gameplay Mechanics
The game's mechanics feel clunky and unresponsive. I suggest improving the controls and adding more depth to the gameplay mechanics to make the experience more enjoyable.
Develop Characters
The game's characters feel flat and uninteresting. I would suggest adding more backstory and development to the characters to make them feel more relatable and connected to the player.
Fix Graphics and Sound
The game's visuals and sound effects are subpar. I suggest improving the graphics and sound design to create a more immersive experience.
Add Multiplayer
A multiplayer mode would add a new layer of engagement and replayability to the game. I suggest adding a cooperative or competitive mode to enhance the experience.
Improve World Exploration
The game's world feels too linear and lacking in exploration opportunities. I would suggest adding more hidden secrets, collectibles, or side quests to encourage players to explore the world.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


W skrocie- caly zamysl gry od budowania po fabule jest wciagajacy i wyrozniajacy sie, mam doczynienia z ta gra od samego poczatku, dodatkowo dzieki niej, grajac na roznych serwerach poznalam moja druga polowke, co do samej gry to nie moge sie przyczepic, fabula jest wciagajaca i dajaca do myslenia o co w niej dokladnie chodzi, budowanie fajne, zdecydowanie jest w niej co robic, optymalizacja spoko, grafika ma swoj klimat, nie jest zla ale po przejsciu z theforest na sonsoftheforest wchodzac pozniej na foresta boli leb XD, najlepiej jest grac ze znajomymi bo jest wiecej do robienia, jezeli chodzi o serwery publiczne to trzeba spodziewac sie sporej ilosci odpalencow (cheaterow)- (nie mowie tu o kodach) i dzieciarni, czy polecam? tak ale po poznaniu calej fabuly rowniez polecam poznac sonsoftheforest (kontynuacja gry)

  • Sentiments

    • The game's concept is fascinating and engaging, I have been playing from the beginning and I have enjoyed it, I also met my second half while playing online with friends, the story is captivating and thought-provoking, the building mechanics are enjoyable, the optimization is good, the graphics have a certain charm, however, there's a lot of cheating and toxicity in public servers, especially for kids, I recommend it, but only after understanding the whole story, also recommend checking out SonsoftheForest (the game's continuation)
    • The game has a lot of cheating and toxicity in public servers, especially for kids
    • The graphics are not bad, but there's room for improvement
    • The game is fun to play with friends
    • Public servers are full of cheaters and kids, it's not very pleasant
    • The game has a certain charm and is enjoyable to play
    • The story is captivating and thought-provoking
    • There's a lot of things to do and build
    • I enjoy playing the game, but it's not perfect
    • The game is fun to play, but there's a lot of toxicity
    • I recommend checking out SonsoftheForest (the game's continuation)


my bald ass son got abducted by a group of goofy ass naked people and now i am being called a terrible dead

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is frustrated and upset with a surprising plot twist
    • The reviewer is concerned about the unexpected turn of events


* Corta arvore pega madeira corra pegue pedra * (Repita 289x zere o game) bom.. não é nada que homem já não esteja acostumado a fazer mesmo! Lembre-se é 1000x melhor com os amigos

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer seems to be joking about the gameplay
    • The reviewer mentions its better with friends, implying a social aspect


La peor compra jamas hecha en años, era mas util tirarle mi guita a Erik vestida de mujer que haber comprado este juego Si quieren jugar a la peor compra pero mejor jueguen al minecraft y pongale los Shildur Vibrant peor compra, dimos vueltas con unos monos a pegarle hachazos a los calvos peor compra canivales homosexuales del bosque y luego de 3 horas nos quedamos sin nada que hacer, la peor compra. El hijo del protagonista parece fruto de un incesto y encima el juego te obliga para liberarlo la peor compra que: Pegarle un arbol, Violes peronistas, Desenterrar a Mussolini, Comprar un Ferrari, Comprar la peor compra y disfrutarla, Encontrar al cornudo de tu hijo en el ano de la isla y despues encima para que el juego te diga (Aaaah, pero podes dejarlo morir tambien y el juego no termina jamas porque es la peor compra) Encima el juego tiene peruanos y mexicanos como personaje, un bigotudo que seguro es taxista y se llama miguel y el otro que es pelon y cabeza de negro, parecido a la peor compra. Si pensaste que en este juego habia setso guardate los diez verdes y comprate el furry love porque en este juego no te podes culiar a las canivales desnudas y tampoco a los mutantes y menos al jefe final asi que en este juego no podes remojarte el pitulin, peor la compra todavia 0/10 Mucha compra, poco setso

  • Sentiments

    • The game is a waste of money
    • It's the worst purchase I ever made
    • The game is terrible
    • The character development is poor
    • The gameplay is unengaging
    • The story is confusing
    • The game lacks creativity
    • The characters are poorly designed
    • The game has poor graphics
    • The game has poor gameplay mechanics
    • The game is only good for wasting time
    • The game has occasional signs of humor
    • The game lacks significance
    • The game is not worth playing
    • The game is only good for laughing
    • The game has some good moments
    • The game is not worth the purchase
    • The game is poorly designed
    • The game is boring
    • The game lacks variety
    • The game is not enjoyable
    • The game is not a good game


0/10. Players should be able to contaminate the retarded natives' water source with diseases such as flu and smallpox.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses a strong negative sentiment towards the gameplay mechanics.


개ㅈ망겜 그냥 섭종해라 이딴겜 왜하냐 엔딩 ㅈ망겜인데 카타나 무기 개ㅂㅅ칼임 걍 도끼쓰셈 활 조준점도 없고 통나무 2개밖에 못 들고 아이템 조합법도 안 나와있고 비ㅣ비비비비추천합니다

  • Sentiments

    • The game ending was terrible
    • The game is frustrating and disappointing
    • The katana is not good
    • The combo system is poor
    • The character's movement is awkward
    • The game is not recommended


assim como em todo jogo de sobrevivência eu enjoei muito rápido, no começo eu não sabia nada sobre o jogo, comprei esperando passar medo com vários monstros diferentes, a culpa foi minha de não ter pesquisado antes, só tem canibal no jogo, as cavernas também não são la grande coisa, com algumas horas já não tinha mais o que fazer, continuei jogando pois estava com amigos, sozinho com certeza não teria ficado tanto tempo

  • Sentiments

    • I enjoyed playing the game at first, but it lacked variety and excitement.
    • I was disappointed by the lack of monsters and interesting locations.
    • I regret not doing my research before purchasing the game.
    • I was forced to continue playing with friends to avoid boredom.
    • I didn't have much fun playing alone.
    • I had high expectations, but the game didn't meet them.
    • I got bored with the game after a few hours.
    • I prefer exploring new environments and encountering various creatures.

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