
VRChat game image

Mostly Positive

Total: 226 ThousandPositive: 169 ThousandNegative: 56.4 Thousand
Steam review score: 6
Join our growing community as you explore, play, and help craft the future of social VR. Create worlds and custom avatars. Welcome to VRChat.
AI Community game rating

70.68 %

VRChat is placed at number 90 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

38.12 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Improve Cat Interaction
I would like to see the cat's emotions and reactions to player actions, making the interaction more engaging and immersive.
Add More Customization Options
Offering more customization options for the player's avatar, such as clothing and accessories, would enhance the game's replay value.
Enhance Graphics
Upgrading the game's graphics would make it more visually appealing and help to reduce the sense of pixelation.
Introduce New Game Modes
Adding new game modes, such as a challenge mode or a free play mode, would provide players with more variety and extend the game's lifespan.
Improve Navigation
Improving the navigation system, such as adding a minimap or a more intuitive UI, would make it easier for players to explore the game world.
Add More Storyline
Developing the game's storyline by adding more cutscenes, dialogue, and character development would make the game more engaging and immersive.
Introduce Multiplayer
Adding multiplayer capabilities would allow players to interact with each other, creating a more social and dynamic gaming experience.
Improve Sound Design
Enhancing the game's sound design, including music and sound effects, would create a more immersive and engaging atmosphere.
Increase Game Difficulty
Raising the game's difficulty would provide players with a greater challenge and make the game more rewarding to complete.
Clearer World Selection
I want to be in a world that's not confusing, I want to see avatars clear and not get distracted by strange characters.
No Unwanted Characters
I hate it when out of nowhere some random character comes and talks to me, it's very annoying.
Kite System Improvement
The kite system seems buggy, I was just trying to explore and then suddenly I got caught up, it's frustrating.
More Positive NPC Interactions
Why do NPCs have to be so rude and intrusive? I just want to play the game without being bothered.
Remove Malware-Like Software
I would suggest removing the unnecessary software that monitors and sends PC processes to a server, as it is an invasion of privacy and causes frustration.
Re-Enable QOL Mods
I recommend re-enabling the Quality of Life mods that made the game more enjoyable and easier to play.
Restore Camera Movements
I would like to see the camera movement mods restored to provide more creativity and flexibility for creators.
Improve Community Moderation
I think it's necessary to improve community moderation to reduce toxicity in some communities.
Add More Worlds
It would be great to have more worlds to explore and enjoy with friends.
Enhance Multiplayer Experience
I think it would be awesome to enhance the multiplayer experience with more features and modes.
Add Social Skills
I wish the game allowed me to retain some social skills after playing, instead of sacrificing them at the altar of pure entertainment.
Ruin-to-Save Ratio
A better balance between saving and ruining would be appreciated, as the current ratio is a bit too skewed towards ruining.
Sanity Check
A sanity check system to determine how well players cope with the game's challenges would be an awesome addition.
Improve Ant-Cheat Feature
Make it less intrusive and more accurate to avoid ruining the gaming experience
Filter Out Trolls
Implement a more effective way to deal with toxic players to maintain a positive community
Enhance Social Features
Add more ways for players to interact and communicate with each other
Improve Game Mechanics
Tweak the plague and chaos mechanics to make the game more enjoyable and challenging
Add More Realistic Situations
Introduce scenarios that resemble real-life situations to make the game more immersive
Keep the Chaos Entertaining
Make sure the chaos mechanics remain engaging and unpredictable
Less Focus on Annoying Kids
Give players more options to ignore annoying players and focus on the game
Improve Online Multiplayer
Make online multiplayer more accessible to allow more players to join in and improve overall gaming experience.
Better Sound Quality
Increase sound quality and reduce noise to make a more immersive experience for players.
Fewer Bugs
Address and fix bugs in the game to reduce frustration and improve overall gameplay.
More Available Platforms
Release the game on more platforms to increase the player base and accessibility.
Improved Controls
Refine and improve controls to make gameplay more intuitive and enjoyable.
Improve Character Development
I would have liked to see more depth and personality in the characters, not just being sexual deviants
More Engaging Plotline
The story was too dry and uninteresting, I would have loved to see a more exciting and suspenseful plotline
Diverse Dialogue Options
The characters' conversations were too bland, I would have liked to see more diversity and humor in their dialogue
Newer Game Mechanics
The gameplay mechanics felt outdated, I would have loved to see some innovation and new ideas
More Substantial Conflicts
The conflicts in the game were too minor, I would have liked to see more significant and meaningful challenges
Better Writing
The writing was subpar, I would have expected more effort and attention to detail in the game's narrative
More Fascinating Characters
I would have liked to see more intriguing and complex characters, not just shallow and one-dimensional
Improved Soundtrack
The music was forgettable, I would have loved to hear a more memorable and iconic soundtrack
More Interactive Cutscenes
The cutscenes were too passive, I would have liked to see more interactivity and player involvement
Enhanced Realism
The game's setting and world lacked realism, I would have liked to see more attention to detail and authenticity
More Challenging Puzzles
The puzzles were too easy, I would have liked to see more challenging and brain-teasing puzzles
More Believable Characters
The characters' motivations and actions felt unrealistic, I would have liked to see more believable and relatable characters
Better Graphics
The graphics were subpar, I would have expected more quality and attention to detail in the game's visuals
Improved Tutorial
The tutorial was confusing, I would have liked to see a more clear and concise introduction to the game
More Realistic Physics
The game's physics were unrealistic, I would have liked to see more realistic and authentic physics
More Meaningful Plot Twists
The plot twists were predictable, I would have liked to see more surprising and impactful twists
Better Balance
The game's difficulty was unbalanced, I would have liked to see a more consistent and challenging experience
More Immersive Atmosphere
The game's atmosphere was lacking, I would have liked to see a more immersive and engaging environment
Improved Voice Acting
The voice acting was subpar, I would have expected more quality and attention to detail in the game's voice work
More Interactive Mini-Games
The mini-games were too simplistic, I would have liked to see more complex and engaging mini-games
Better Co-op Play
The co-op play was too clunky, I would have liked to see a more seamless and enjoyable cooperative experience
Separate VRChat Versions
I suggest having a 18+ version and a version for kids to reduce the amount of creeps on the game, improving the overall experience
Enforce Age Restrictions
Implement age restrictions to ensure a more enjoyable experience for players, reducing the number of unwanted interactions
Optimize for Multiplayer
In my experience, when more than 10 players join the same lobby, the game crashes. I think the developers should optimize the game's programming to handle large-scale multiplayer interactions.
Use a Different Engine
Considering how demanding the game is in terms of processing power, I think using a different game engine that's more optimized for large-scale multiplayer experiences would be beneficial.
Improve Server Performance
Having servers that can handle large amounts of data and players seamlessly would greatly improve the overall multiplayer experience.
Enhance Crash Error Handling
When the game crashes, it's frustrating not to get any meaningful error message or solution to resolve the issue. I suggest improving the error handling mechanism to provide more information to the users.
Resource Management
I think the game's resource allocation needs to be improved to handle multiple players and demanding graphics without experiencing crashes.
Clear ToS
Explain how the ToS works and what are the consequences of not following it
Fair Bans
Ban accounts/IPs only after a thorough investigation and provide clear reasons
Client Mods
Allow client modifications for accessibility purposes and provide clear guidelines
Text Chat
Implement desktop text chat support for easier communication
Support Accessibility
Do not ban users for using mods for accessibility purposes
Community Engagement
Engage with the community and provide help in resolving issues
Easy Anti-Cheat
Make adjustments to Easy Anti-Cheat to make it more accessible for all users
Guides and Tutorials
Provide guides and tutorials to help new users learn the basics of VRChat
IP Ban Review
Review IP bans and provide a clear explanation of the reasons for the ban
Enforce ToS Fairly
Enforce the ToS fairly and consistently for all users
Mod Support
Support mods that improve the game experience for all users
Accessibility Support
Provide support for users with accessibility issues
Community Feedback
Value community feedback and make changes based on user suggestions
Questionable Bans
Re-examine questionable bans and provide a clear explanation of the reasons for the ban
Game Knowledge
Make it easy for new users to learn the basics of VRChat
Ban Appeals
Allow users to appeal bans and provide a clear explanation of the appeal process
In-House Mods
Allow developers to create in-house mods that improve the game experience
Issue Resolutions
Respond quickly and effectively to resolve issues and respond to user concerns
Remove Trolls
I suggest removing these toxic players to create a more enjoyable experience for all users.
Report In-Game Incidents
A reporting system should be implemented to address instances of pedophilia and other unacceptable behavior in the game.
Improve Moderator Handling
The way moderators handle these issues is unsatisfactory, and it's crucial to develop a more effective and responsive system.
Enhance Community Moderation
Members of the community should be empowered to report and contribute to a healthy gaming environment.
Implement Better Filtering
The game should use more effective filters to prevent exposure to explicit content and maintain a safe environment.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


我真的很需要点数去换些头像 摸一下猫猫会张嘴,一个赞摸一次!!! ⣿⣿⣿⠟⠛⠛⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⢋⣩⣉⢻ ⣿⣿⣿⠀⣿⣶⣕⣈⠹⠿⠿⠿⠿⠟⠛⣛⢋⣰⠣⣿⣿⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⡀⣿⣿⣿⣧⢻⣿⣶⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠶⡝⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣷⠘⣿⣿⣿⢏⣿⣿⣋⣀⣈⣻⣿⣿⣷⣤⣤⣿⡐⢿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⢩⣝⣫⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠿⠿⠦⠀⠸⠿⣻⣿⡄⢻ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣼ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣰ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⣰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⠋⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⣿ ⣿⣿⠋⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢸

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer seems excited and enthusiastic about the game's cat feature.
    • The reviewer's tone is casual and light-hearted, with a touch of playfulness.
    • The reviewer praises the game's feline feature, comparing it to a '赞' ( thumb up ) gesture.
    • The reviewer's enthusiasm wanes, and they start to list a series of emojis to describe their feelings.
    • The reviewer's tone becomes more serious and detailed, describing the game's visuals and mechanics.


Eu estava em um mundo selecionando avatares quando um maluco chegou do meu lado, perguntou como eu estava, cheirou o meu ouvido esquerdo, me chamou de gostosa. Depois disso chegou mais uns 4 maluco colocaram uma coleira em mim e eu kitei.

  • Sentiments

    • I was in a world selecting avatars when a weirdo approached me from the side, asked how I was, sniffed my left ear, called me sweet.
    • The game is weird.


Please don't download this unless you want to have malware-like software on your PC that keeps an eye on all your PC processes and sends them to a server of Epic Games. This game also disables QoL mods that made the game bareable and fun to play. It's going to be dog crap, please don't do that to yourself and your sensitive data. --Update-- Even though they implemented EAC, they updated the game alot and gave it some QOL Updates. Still, I'm missing functions like the camera movements that I had with mods before. Those were very handy as a creator like I am. --Update V2-- The game totally changed for the better. I'm certainly happy how updates turned out so far, the community is closer than ever. I actually recommend that game now

  • Sentiments

    • This game is terrible and has malicious intentions
    • The game is frustrating and hard to play
    • I have missed some QoL features
    • I am disappointed in the update
    • The game has malware-like behavior
    • I regret playing this game
    • The game is unplayable
    • I am upset about the lack of QoL updates
    • I do not recommend playing this game
    • I am disappointed in the overall experience
    • I am frustrated with the game
    • I do not like the gameplay
    • I am unhappy with the game
    • The game is junk
    • I do not feel like playing this game
    • I have regretful feelings about this game
    • This game does not meet my expectations
    • I do not want to play this game anymore
    • The game is not enjoyable
    • I have no confidence in this game


▪ 좋은 사람들을 만날 수 있는 아주 좋은 게임입니다. 하지만 이 게임의 문제는 일부 커뮤니티가 너무 독성이 있다는 것입니다. 하지만 그 외에도 누구나 즐길 수 있는 세계가 많이 있습니다. 술을 마시면서 좋은 시간을 보낼 수 있을 만큼 충분합니다. VR용으로 좋은 게임을 찾는 분들에게 이 게임을 추천합니다. ▪ It's a very good game where you can meet nice people. But the problem with this game is that some communities are way too toxic. But apart from that, there are many worlds for everyone to enjoy. You have enough to spend a good while drinking. I recommend this game to anyone looking for a good game for VR.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is good, it allows you to meet nice people, but some communities are toxic
    • This game has many worlds for everyone to enjoy
    • You can have a good time drinking while playing this game
    • This game is recommended for VR users


had a long ass review while it was cool the only reason that im still beating this dead horse is because some of my folk is only available on here.. dont even plan on buying a headset just cause of this (and if you consider your self normal) avoid this game as you would avoid the plague itself

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer seems to be frustrated and unhappy with the game.
    • The reviewer doesn't plan on buying a headset because of the game.
    • The reviewer's tone is informal and slightly sarcastic.
    • The reviewer has mixed feelings, being both annoyed and still engaging with the game.


full of sexual deviants with no personality, mental illness, extremely boring and dry middle school drama, and groomers on both ends!

  • Sentiments

    • The game is full of sexual content, which is disturbing
    • The characters have no personality
    • The game is boring and dry
    • The drama is reminiscent of middle school
    • There are groomers involved in the game


Why can't we get a separate side of vrchat where age can be enforced more, like having a 18+ version and a version for kids to reduce the amount of creeps on the game. This is why I enjoyed the original VRC because PC was more exclusive compared to the insane amount of kids now flooding the game with quest headsets, It's starting to feel like a daycare more than a enjoyable experience.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses frustration and disappointment with the inclusion of children in VRChat, feeling it's no longer an enjoyable experience.
    • The reviewer suggests a way to separate players by age, enforcing 18+ rules to prevent unwanted interactions.
    • The reviewer remembers a time when PC VRChat was more exclusive and enjoyable, implying nostalgia.
    • The reviewer compares the current state of VRChat to a 'daycare', conveying a strong negative opinion.


why do you need a supercomputer to run this game, if there's more than 10 players in a lobby everyone just crashes

  • Sentiments

    • The game crashes when many players are in the same lobby, which is frustrating.

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