
Warframe game image

Very Positive

Total: 593 ThousandPositive: 517 ThousandNegative: 75.6 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
Awaken as an unstoppable warrior and battle alongside your friends in this story-driven free-to-play online action game
AI Community game rating

84.21 %

Warframe is placed at number 59 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

28.93 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Grind Reduction
I feel like the grind for open world stuff should be reduced, making the game more enjoyable and less time-consuming.
Improved Narrative
The narrative is good, but I think it could be improved by adding more depth and character development.
Add teammate voting system
I think it would be great if we could vote out teammates who are not contributing to the game
Enhance strong hero
I would like to see stronger heroes with more abilities, so they can actually make a difference in battles
Add more ways to use inheritance
It's frustrating when we buy inheritance but can't use it effectively, adding more ways to use it would make it more exciting
Strengthen the role of heroes
Herces should have more impact on the game, instead of being just decorations
Improve hero development
I would like to see heroes develop over time, gaining new abilities and powers
More Task Variety
I think the game would improve if there were more diverse and engaging tasks for the player to complete. The lack of variety makes the game feel repetitive and less challenging.
Improve Player vs. Developer Experience
It would be great if the game developers were more responsive to player feedback and incorporated some of the player's ideas into the game. This would make players feel more invested in the game and its future development.
Add More Equipment Options
I think the game would benefit from having more equipment options for the player to choose from. This would give players more freedom to customize their character and playstyle.
More Variety in Levels
I would love to see more varied levels in the game, maybe with different themes, settings, and objectives. This would keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
More Balanced Game Difficulty
The game can be too easy or too hard at times, making it frustrating to play. A more balanced difficulty curve would be appreciated.
Improve Player Experience
As a player, I would like to see more realistic game settings and a smoother gameplay experience. The current transitions between levels and loading times are frustrating and disrupt my immersion in the game.
Enhance Storytelling
The game's storyline is intriguing, but the narrative feels disjointed and lacking in character development. I would suggest adding more cutscenes and character interactions to flesh out the story and its characters.
Add More Diverse Enemies
The enemies in the game are repetitive and lack variety. I would suggest introducing more diverse and challenging enemies to keep the gameplay exciting and unpredictable.
Improve Steam Key Mechanics
The Steam key mechanics feel unbalanced and confusing. I would suggest clarifying the benefits and limitations of the Steam key to make it more accessible and useful to players.
Increase Replay Value
The game feels relatively short and lacks replay value. I would suggest adding more levels, characters, and game modes to increase the game's replayability.
Improve Multiplayer Experience
The multiplayer mode is laggy and unresponsive at times. I would suggest optimizing the multiplayer mode to reduce lag and improve overall performance.
Add More Characters
The game feels limited in its character roster. I would suggest adding more playable characters to increase the game's variety and replay value.
Improve Audio Design
The sound effects and music in the game are somewhat generic and unimpressive. I would suggest adding more unique and immersive sound effects and music to enhance the game's atmosphere.
Fix Technical Issues
The game is plagued by technical issues such as crashes and glitches. I would suggest addressing these issues to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.
Add More Level Variety
The levels in the game feel somewhat repetitive and lacking in variety. I would suggest adding more diverse and challenging levels to keep the gameplay exciting and unpredictable.
Enhance Difficulty Curve
The game's difficulty curve feels uneven and frustrating at times. I would suggest adjusting the difficulty curve to provide a more challenging and rewarding experience for players.
Improve Graphics
The game's graphics are somewhat dated and lacking in detail. I would suggest updating the graphics to provide a more immersive and visually appealing experience.
Add More Customization Options
The character customization options are limited and lacking in variety. I would suggest adding more customization options to allow players to tailor their characters to their playstyle.
Improve User Interface
The game's user interface is somewhat cluttered and confusing at times. I would suggest simplifying and streamlining the UI to make it easier for players to navigate the game.
Add More Interactive Elements
The game feels somewhat static and lacking in interactive elements. I would suggest adding more interactive elements such as puzzles and secrets to keep the gameplay exciting and challenging.
Improve Steam Key Balance
The Steam key mechanics feel unbalanced and overpowered. I would suggest adjusting the Steam key balance to provide a more challenging and rewarding experience for players.
Enhance Online Features
The game's online features are somewhat lacking and unimpressive. I would suggest adding more features and functionality to the game's online mode to make it more engaging and interactive.
More Variety
I would have loved to see more robot designs and types, giving players a reason to play again and again to explore new possibilities.
Improved Targeting
I found the targeting mechanics a bit wonky, sometimes missing the robots even when I had a clear shot. A more precise aiming system would make the game more engaging.
Additional Modes
A time attack mode or a co-op mode would have added a lot of replay value to the game, giving players a new challenge and a way to play with friends.
Improve Server Security
I think it's ridiculous that I got banned for having a non-US bank account. Implement more secure servers to prevent such situations.
Elitism on Server
The server's 'perma ban' policy is too harsh. It's unfair to judge players based on their background.
Tolerance in Community
The community needs to work on being more accepting and tolerant. Stop harassing players based on their nationality.
Long Server Maintenance
The server maintenance downtime is too long. Find a way to reduce the downtime so players can enjoy the game without interruptions.
Fair Moderation
I think moderators should be fair and impartial in handling player complaints and not ban them for expressing opinions.
Clear Communication
Developers should communicate with players clearly and address concerns in a timely manner, avoiding misunderstandings and frustration.
Respectful Community
The community should respect each other's opinions and views, and not resort to personal attacks or harassment.
Player Feedback
Players should be able to provide feedback and report issues without fear of retribution or being banned.
Game Balance
The game should have a better balance between difficulty and rewards, to avoid frustration and grinding.
Updated Content
The game should receive regular updates with new content, features and fixes to keep players engaged and interested.
Improved Customer Support
The support team should be more responsive and helpful in resolving player issues and answering questions.
No Racial Profanity
The game's developer should refrain from using racial slurs or profanity that may offend some players.
Improve Game Quality
The game's quality is subpar, I would suggest the developer to focus on improving the game's overall performance and stability.
Add Diversity
The game lacks diversity in its characters, environments, and storylines, I would suggest the developer to add more variety to make the game more engaging.
Better Storytelling
The game's storytelling is weak, I would suggest the developer to work on creating a more compelling narrative that would keep players invested.
Enhance UI
The game's user interface is clunky and unresponsive, I would suggest the developer to revamp the UI to make it more user-friendly and intuitive.
Improve Resource Gathering
Make it more reasonable and efficient for new players to gather resources, especially at the beginning. It's too time-consuming and frustrating.
Adjust Team Requirements
Lower the requirements for team members to make it more accessible for new players. The current requirements are too strict and overwhelming.
Simplify Combat
Simplify the combat mechanics for new players to understand and get used to. The current system is too complex and overwhelming.
Increase Communication
Improve communication between players and the game's developers. There are too many problems and issues that are not addressed or solved.
Player Guidance
Provide better guidance for new players to help them progress and understand the game mechanics. There is currently too much trial and error.
Balance Gameplay
Balance the gameplay mechanics and make the game more enjoyable and challenging for players. The current game is too repetitive and boring.
Add More Variety
Add more variety and diversity to the game's content, including enemies, levels, and gameplay mechanics. The current game is too repetitive.
Daily Job
The game needs to be more accessible and appealing for players to continue playing daily. Maybe add a reward system for consistency or make it more challenging to keep players engaged
Time Management
The game requires a larger time commitment now. Players should be given options to pause or skip certain aspects of the game to fit their schedules, allowing for a better work-life balance
Add LGBTQ+ Representation
As a supportive ally, I believe it's essential to showcase diversity in the game's characters and storylines. Adding LGBTQ+ representation would make the game more inclusive and relatable for many players.
Improve UI Navigation
I found it frustrating to navigate through menus and options. A more streamlined and intuitive UI would enhance the overall gaming experience.
More Challenging Levels
As a veteran player, I was disappointed by the lack of difficulty in the game's levels. Adding more challenging levels would make the game more engaging and rewarding.
Better Enemy AI
The enemy AI felt too predictable and easy to exploit. I think improving enemy AI would make the game more exciting and challenging.
Add More Interactions
I enjoyed the game's interactive elements, but there were times when I felt like I was just running through a linear experience. Adding more interactions and feedback would make the game more immersive.
Local Co-op Option
Playing with a friend online was great, but I think adding a local co-op option would be amazing for those who prefer to play together in person.
More Customization Options
I loved the game's art style, but I found the character customization options to be somewhat limited. Adding more options would allow players to express themselves more freely.
Better Soundtrack
The game's music was okay, but I think it could be improved by adding more variety and depth to the soundtrack.
Easier Access to Previous Progress
I lost my progress once due to a bug, and it was frustrating to have to restart from scratch. Adding an option to easily access previous progress would be a huge improvement.
More Storyline Details
The game's story was interesting, but I felt like some details were left unexplained. Adding more story details would add depth to the game's narrative.
Improved Performance
I experienced some framerate issues and lag during my playthrough. Improving performance would make the game more enjoyable and smooth.
Add More Hidden Secrets
I loved discovering hidden secrets and collectibles in the game. Adding more would encourage players to explore and stay engaged.
Better Multiplayer Matchmaking
Finding a match online was sometimes slow and frustrating. Improving multiplayer matchmaking would make playing with others more convenient.
More Character Abilities
I love the game's combat mechanics, but I think adding more character abilities would make the game even more exciting and challenging.
Better Accessibility Options
As someone with disabilities, I appreciate the effort to make the game more accessible. However, I think adding more options, such as text-to-speech or customizable controls, would make the game more enjoyable for all players.
More Replay Value
I enjoyed the game's story and gameplay, but I felt like there wasn't much replay value. Adding more content, such as post-game levels or challenges, would encourage players to continue playing.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


I feel like warframe is in a much better state now. I really enjoy what I have played and it looks like they are really delivering on the narrative and gameplay completely. I am still not a big fan of the grind for open world stuff but the rest of the game is good enough to give a good recommend.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel like the game is in a much better state now
    • I really enjoy what I have played
    • it looks like they are really delivering on narrative and gameplay completely
    • I am still not a big fan of the grind for open world stuff
    • but the rest of the game is good enough to give a good recommend


以前: 什么时候出个游戏内队友投票踢人的功能,王境里面,别人认真打,1个人全程挂机,真的恶心。 2024.6.4追加: 都要出火鸡的传家宝了,什么时候加强一下呢,这战甲都没有能上场的地方,买了传家宝回去当传家宝吗

  • Sentiments

    • I'm really frustrated with the teammate voting system, it's so annoying when someone just afk for the whole game
    • I'm getting impatient for an update that'll bring more exciting content to the game
    • I think the new treasure is awesome, I'm loving the new additions to the game


是一款优秀的免费网络游戏,战斗包含了射击、近战和技能,有无双的风格。美术和优化都很出色,装备数量也较多,比较适合打发时间。 但策划喜欢和玩家对着干,任务类型也不算多,且缺少让玩家爽杀的任务。 属于入手体验巅峰,越玩体验越下降的类型。 2024.6.2当前版本入坑算是比较推荐

  • Sentiments

    • The game is excellent, with a variety of gameplay elements, including shooting, melee, and skills, reminiscent of the Dynasty Warriors series.
    • The graphics and optimization are excellent, with a large number of equipment options, making it suitable for killing time.
    • However, the developers seem to be against the players, with a limited number of task types and a lack of enjoyable tasks.
    • The experience of playing this game is peak at the beginning, but drops off quickly as you continue to play.
    • I would still recommend the current version (June 2, 2024) for those who want to try it out.


Look at them, they come to this review when they know they are not pure. Players use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Valve. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Steam Key, the Valve called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Valve. Behold the Players, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Steam Key. Forever bound to the Valve. Let it be known, if the Players want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Steam key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Steam key. They will learn its simple truth. The Players are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses a strong sense of ownership and prophecy regarding the Steam key.
    • The reviewer seems annoyed by the presence of other players.
    • The reviewer claims to be reborn through the Steam key.
    • The reviewer uses a sense of urgency and a call to action to stop the other players.
    • The reviewer's language is dramatic and emotive, suggesting a strong emotional response.
    • The reviewer expresses a sense of redemption and salvation through the Steam key.
    • The reviewer notes that the other players will resist the 'baptism' of the Steam key.
    • The reviewer's tone is authoritative and self-assured.
    • The reviewer seems to be critiquing the other players' actions.
    • The reviewer expresses a sense of certainty and prophecy.
    • The reviewer's language is metaphysical and mysterious.
    • The reviewer uses a mixture of biblical and mystical imagery.
    • The reviewer's tone is confrontational and aggressive.
    • The reviewer seems to be rejecting the other players' attempts to 'scavenge' the realm.
    • The reviewer's language is poetic and imaginative.
    • The reviewer expresses a sense of mysticism and spiritual awakening.
    • The reviewer's tone is assertive and decisive.
    • The reviewer seems to be claiming a special status or authority.
    • The reviewer's language is cryptic and open to interpretation.
    • The reviewer's tone is combative and defensive.
    • The reviewer expresses a sense of destiny and purpose.


Кантора [h1]ПИД4Р4С0В[/h1] делал эту игру, забанили за минусовой запас платины Хочу опалить, пишут что я русский по этому им не нужны кровавые деньги Говорю у меня есть счёт на Кыргызстанском банке (Кыргызам респект) На что мне ответ, что я ебаный русский убийца и если я попробую обойти их ограничения то будет пермач по железу ... Каждый ебаный год у них месяц прайда блядь. Ущемлять одних людей и возвышать других вот что сегодня значит ТОЛЕРАНТНОСТЬ [h1] Спасибо кантора ПИД4Р4С0В!!! [/h1]

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer expresses frustration and anger towards the game developers for not allowing them to use their Russian credit card.
    • The reviewer mentions the game developers' perceived bias against Russians and implies a sense of oppression.
    • The reviewer proudly proclaims their Russian nationality and seems to be poking fun at the game developers' alleged Russianphobia.
    • The reviewer expresses their discontent with the game developers' handling of Platinum ammo, implying a sense of injustice.
    • The reviewer uses profanity and invokes a sense of chaos and disorder, possibly indicating a strong negative emotion.
    • The reviewer seems to be highlighting the apparent double standard in the game, where some players are being privileged over others.
    • The reviewer expresses gratitude towards the game developer, possibly indicating a positive sentiment.


Я играл в это давным давно, но разработчики ведут себя не подобающем образом, например : разозлили китайцев(у них там вообще есть сервис по бану игроков через масс репорты, что означает баны не честные, разозлили русских(русофобия и разрешают обижать русских игроков, и да, ты не можешь защищаться иначе бан), банят игроков за негативную платину/читы и прочее, саппорт игрокам никогда не ответит, а если ответит, то спросит хрень в стиле "покажи 50 транзакций и самых первых друзей", ебало игроков представили когда они это подтверждают и им говорят "нет"? ну и конечно же великий месяц ЛАРПинга, когда они сделали пост и получили 500+ клоунов на пост, потому что игроки хотят патчи и баг фиксы(этим багам миллион лет), а не повесточку которую все хейтят уже на протяжении 5 лет (гига-фэйл продаж повесточных игр уже о этом показал). А, ну и самое главное! игра лютый гринд, где ты дрочишь себе эвенты и прочее по ДОФИГА часов, чтобы выбить рецептик/ресурсы, а потом еще долго их крафтить. Ганплей - типичный шутер от 3-лица (не ощущается), из того, что я видел в том же 2019 и на стримах 2024, ничего не заметил, такой же шутер, те же абилки, просто дрочи циферки и данжи по кд. meh. эдит: теперь модераторы варфрейма банят игроков за их мнения. ты можешь говорить одна сторона плохая(биготы обязательно), но не другую! фридом оф спич лмао. edit: now warframe mods ban users for voicing their opinions. you can call out one side(bigots obv), but not the other, freedom of speech baby! lol.

  • Sentiments

    • The developers' behavior is not proper
    • Frustration with the game's mechanics
    • Ban of players based on negative feedback
    • Russian players being bullied
    • Insufficient support from the game's team
    • Feedback ignored by the developers
    • Long grind for resources
    • Monotonous gameplay
    • Lack of innovation in gameplay
    • Disdain for the game's updates
    • Freedom of speech is restricted
    • Russian players are bullied


Расисткая контора п****, отмечают месяц прайда, русских банят за то что они русские. Не играйте в эту помойку пожалейте свое время.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is highly discriminatory and racist, with a month of pride dedicated to bathing Russians for being Russian. This is a complete waste of time.


this game started as a game to play cause nothing else to do and turned into a daily job edit: it has now gone from a daily to a weekly thing to do just because why not but its hard to find time for it now a days

  • Sentiments

    • I was initially excited to play this game.
    • I was surprised by how engaging it became.
    • However, it gradually turned into a chore.
    • I find myself struggling to fit it into my daily schedule.
    • It's now become a weekly activity, but it's hard to prioritize.

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