World of Tanks Blitz

World of Tanks Blitz game image

Mostly Positive

Total: 143 ThousandPositive: 113 ThousandNegative: 29.4 Thousand
Steam review score: 6
Tanks, not war: jump into a free-to-play MMO action shooter with over 400 tanks. Enjoy stunning graphics and intuitive touch controls. Engage in 7vs7 battles, strategize with your team to conquer diverse maps. Customize tanks, unlock upgrades, and dive into adrenaline-pumping action on mobile and PC
AI Community game rating

72.31 %

World of Tanks Blitz is placed at number 89 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

41.39 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Improve Turkish Translation
I had to struggle to understand the game because of the poor translation. Please make sure to hire professional translators for future updates.
Add More Variety to Gameplay
The game got repetitive after a while. I think adding new mechanics or levels would keep players engaged for longer periods.
Fix Game-Breaking Bugs
I experienced a game-breaking bug that forced me to quit playing. Fixing these issues would make the game more enjoyable.
More Character Customization Options
I wish I could customize my character's appearance more. Adding more options would make the game more immersive.
Enhance UI and UX
The game's UI and UX need improvement. A more intuitive design would make it easier for new players to learn the game.
Increase Replay Value
After completing the game, I didn't feel inclined to play it again. Adding a new game mode or features would increase replay value.
Improve Audio Quality
The game's audio quality is subpar. I suggest increasing the volume or adding more sound effects to make it more immersive.
More Difficulty Levels
The game is too easy/hard for me. Adding more difficulty levels would make it more enjoyable for players of all skill levels.
Better Graphics
The game's graphics are outdated. Improving the visuals would make the game more appealing to players.
More Storyline and Cutscenes
I wish the game had more storyline and cutscenes. It would make the game more engaging and story-driven.
Improve Multiplayer
The game's multiplayer mode is unbalanced. Fixing these issues would make it more enjoyable for players.
More Crafting Options
The game's crafting system is limited. Adding more options would make it more interesting and rewarding.
More Enemy Variety
The game's enemies are too repetitive. Adding more variety would make the game more challenging and exciting.
Fix Camera Issues
The game's camera is unresponsive at times. Fixing these issues would improve the overall gaming experience.
More Level Variety
The game's levels are too similar. Adding more variety would make the game more engaging and fun.
Improve Server Performance
The game's server performance is slow. Improving the servers would make the game more enjoyable for online players.
More Customization Options for Equipment
I wish I could customize my equipment more. Adding more options would make the game more immersive.
The game's sequence of events is too linear. Adding more branching storylines would make the game more engaging.
Re-enable Combat Chat
I would like to see the combat chat re-enabled, it was a great feature that made the game more enjoyable. Please consider re-enabling it or providing an alternative that achieves the same purpose.
Improve Performance
Optimize the game's performance to reduce lag and crashes, making it more enjoyable to play.
Improve Game Balance
I feel that the game's balance is off, the lack of combat chat makes it less fun. I would like to see the developers revisit the game's mechanics to make it more enjoyable and challenging.
Add Alternative Game Modes
I think it would be great to have alternative game modes that cater to different player preferences, this would make the game more diverse and appealing to a wider audience.
Enhance Player Customization
I would like to see more customization options for players, such as different skins, accessories, or abilities, this would allow players to express themselves more and make the game more engaging.
Improve Game Stability
I've experienced some bugs and crashes while playing, I would like to see the developers focus on improving the game's stability to make it a more enjoyable experience.
More Realistic Animation
I would love to see more realistic animations, like the ones in other sim games, it would make the game feel more immersive.
Add More Variety to Buildings
The buildings in the game are very repetitive, it would be great to have more variety and customization options for them, it would make the game feel more dynamic.
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack is okay, but it could be improved, maybe add more genres to choose from or have more control over the music, it would make the game feel more personalized.
More Realistic Allies
I wish the allies were more realistic, unlike the stereotypical autism and drinking under the radar, it would be more engaging to have actual friends that can help me in battles
Balance Enemy Powers
It's ridiculous that enemies have powers that make them invincible, scaling up enemies' powers needs to be rebalanced to make the game more challenging and fun
More Varied Game Modes
I got bored playing the same game mode over and over, incorporating more varied game modes would keep the game fresh and exciting
Better User Interface
The UI is cluttered and hard to navigate, improving the UI would make the game more enjoyable and accessible to new players
Improve Teammate AI
Teammates should make better decisions and not shoot themselves in the head, like they usually do.
Improve Team Balance
Most of the time, my team has 4-5 random players with low skill levels, making the game unenjoyable. It would be great if the matchmaking system was improved to ensure a balanced team composition.
Reconsider Donates Prices
The prices for donates are not adequate and it ruins the game experience. I think they should be reevaluated to make them more fair and reasonable.
Increase Ping Tolerance
As the game is not optimized for older computers, it would be great if the ping tolerance was increased to allow players with lower-end PCs to play the game smoothly.
Enhance Matchmaking
I often end up with random players who are not skilled enough to play with me. A better matchmaking system would ensure that I'm matched with players of similar skill levels, making the game more enjoyable.
Improve Graphics and Optimization
The game's graphics are outdated, and it affects the overall performance. I think the developers should focus on improving the graphics and optimization to make the game more enjoyable and smoother.
More Armor Variety
I suggest adding more armor options for players, including different designs, materials, and functionality to increase customization and replayability.
Improve Combat Balance
I think the combat system needs to be rebalanced to make it more challenging and require strategic thinking, rather than relying on brute force.
Enhance Multiplayer
I recommend adding more features to multiplayer mode, such as leaderboards, teamplay, and better matchmaking to increase its appeal.
More Boss Variety
I suggest adding more boss fights with different abilities and patterns to increase the replay value and challenge of the game.
Improve Level Design
I think the level design could be improved by adding more variety and interactive elements to keep players engaged and curious.
Better Storyline
I would like to see a more engaging storyline with more depth and complexity in the characters' motivations and backstories. The current story feels shallow and uninteresting.
Improved Graphics
The game's graphics are outdated and lack the visual fidelity of other games in the same genre. I would recommend updating the graphics engine to something more modern and detailed.
More Challenging Gameplay
The game is too easy and lacks a sense of accomplishment when completing levels. I would suggest adding more challenging enemies, puzzles, and platforming sections to make the game more engaging.
Better Level Design
The levels feel too linear and lack creativity and variety. I would recommend adding more non-linear level design, secret areas, and multiple paths to encourage exploration.
Improved Soundtrack
The game's soundtrack is unremarkable and fails to enhance the overall gaming experience. I would suggest hiring a composer to create a more memorable and impactful soundtrack.
Improve Support
Develop a reliable support system for gamers, so they can get help when needed.
Fairer Rework
Rework the reward system to be more fair and transparent, so players feel motivated and engaged.
More Content
Add more content to the game, including new levels, enemies, and game mechanics, to keep players interested and challenged.
Fix Bugs
Fix the numerous bugs and glitches in the game to provide a smoother and more enjoyable experience.
Improve Matchmaking
Create a fair and balanced matchmaking system that ensures players are matched with teams that are equally competitive.
Schedule-specific Play
Introduce a system that allows players to choose specific hours or days to play, avoiding 'noobs and children' who ruin statistics.
Stress-free Gameplay
Design the game to prioritize fun and enjoyment, rather than stressing players about their 'camarades d'équipe' and stats.
Fix Toxic Elements
Remove toxic elements that ruin the gaming experience, such as toxic teammates and unfair opponents.
Improve Community-voiced Feedback
Implement a system that actively listens to and incorporates community feedback to improve the game.
Offer Support
Provide support for players who are struggling, such as tutorials or guides to help them improve their skills.
Reward Fair Play
Create rewards for players who exhibit fair play, such as winning streaks or achievements.
Improve Player Statistics
Design a system that accurately tracks and displays player statistics, avoiding 'noobs and children' who ruin stats.
Improve User Interface
Create a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes the game easy to navigate and play.
Improve Matchmaking
The system is unbalanced and frustrating, please improve the matchmaking algorithm to ensure more competitive and enjoyable matches.
Revise Tank Parameters
The tank parameters do not make sense, for example, a tank with 175 penetration can penetrate a tank with 225 armor, but a gun with 225 penetration cannot penetrate 50 armor, please revise the tank parameters.
Balance Heavy Tanks
The heavy British and Italian tanks are not fun to play and are not balanced, please rebalance these tanks to make them more enjoyable.
Slow Down Light Tanks
The light tanks are too fast and agile, please slow them down to make the gameplay more balanced.
Improve Gameplay Experience
The game is frustrating and not enjoyable, please improve the overall gameplay experience by making the game more balanced and fun.
Review Tank Armor
The tank armor is not realistic, please review and revise the armor values to make the game more realistic.
Fix Tank Rotation
The light tanks are too fast and agile, please slow them down to make the gameplay more balanced.
Improve Game Balance
The game's balance is getting worse with each update. I think the developers should focus on finding a good balance between different aspects of the game.
Fix Game Breaking Bugs
There are many bugs in the game that are game-breaking. I think the developers should prioritize fixing these bugs before releasing new updates.
Enhance Game Mechanics
The game's mechanics need to be improved. For example, the AI could be made smarter and the controls could be more responsive.
Increase Transparency
The developers are not transparent about the game's updates and changes. I think they should provide more information about what's coming next and why certain changes were made.
More Content
The game needs more content, such as new levels, characters, and game modes. This would keep players engaged and interested in the game.
Better Communication
The communication between the developers and the players is not very good. I think they should engage more with the community and provide regular updates on the game's development.
Improve Graphics
The game's graphics are not very good. I think the developers should improve the graphics to make the game look more modern and visually appealing.
More Customization
The game needs more customization options, such as different character skins and outfits, and more options for character development.
Fix Server Issues
The game's servers are often slow and unreliable. I think the developers should fix these issues to provide a better online gaming experience.
More Realistic Sound
The game's sound effects are not very realistic. I think the developers should improve the sound effects to make the game feel more immersive and engaging.
Better Gameplay Variety
The game needs more variety in its gameplay mechanics and level designs. This would keep players engaged and interested in the game.
Improve Single-Player Experience
The game's single-player experience is not very good. I think the developers should improve the storyline, characters, and level design to make the single-player mode more enjoyable.
More Player Interaction
The game needs more interaction between players, such as multiplayer modes and more social features. This would make the game more engaging and humorous.
Fix Glitches
The game is full of glitches and bugs. I think the developers should fix these issues to provide a smoother gaming experience.
Improve Multiplayer
The game's multiplayer mode is not very good. I think the developers should improve the matchmaking system, balance, and gameplay to make multiplayer more enjoyable.
More Replay Value
The game needs more replay value, such as different game modes, characters, and levels. This would keep players engaged and interested in the game.
Improve Controls
The game's controls are not very responsive. I think the developers should improve the controls to make the game more enjoyable.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


Пацаны, выручайте, лучший друг сказал если тут будет 100 пальцев вверх, то он смотрит зеленый слоник! P.S.ахахаха пацаны вы лучшие! лучший друг был посмотрел зеленый слоник, это все благодаря 100 пальцев вверх! и ещё... лучший друг сказал если тут будет 5 наград то я посмотрю зеленый слоник... бро...ಠ_ಠ

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is excited and enthusiastic about the game, expressing a strong positive sentiment.



  • Sentiments

    • The game is enjoyable to play, but it can be overwhelming at times
    • The player is shocked by the game's difficulty level
    • I feel a sense of accomplishment after beating the game


Привет уважаемые разработчики! Спасибо что испортили мою игру отключив боевой чат! Игра уже не такой хорош как раньше! Не узнаю! Не... Я так не играю и другим не советую!!! Исправьте чат или прощай "WotbBlitz"!!!

  • Sentiments

    • I'm extremely dissatisfied with the new update that removed the battle chat feature.


Союзники аутисты и под пивом, раки, а противники гигачаты умноженные на сто и не косые. Игре ставлю 1000000/10 пробитые моего очка.

  • Sentiments

    • The game has an excellent multiplayer experience with friends and autistic people, but the opponents seem to be overpowered.
    • I give it a 10 out of 10, and my eyes are popped out of my head.


За 5к боёв я понял что у гриля больше брони чем у мауса Если тут наберётся 2 лайка засуну весь боекомплект бабахи другу в очко

  • Sentiments

    • The game has a lot of armor compared to the mouse
    • If there are 2 likes, I would push all the ammo to the opponent's head


Стыдно. Я понимаю, что это игра, созданная жадными до халявы пи....сами для самый тупых в мире долбо...бов. Почему я до сих пор играю в это де...мо? Стыдно мне. Ведь получается, что я... один из них. Стыдно.

  • Sentiments

    • I feel ashamed for still playing this game
    • The game was created for the stupidest people in the world
    • I'm one of those people who still play this game


У разработчиков работает все так: не донатишь - не подкручивают. Не играйте в этот п0н0с. Поберегите нервы. Рейтинговый режим это кому больше повезёт. Идите наху1

  • Sentiments

    • The game developers are not supportive. They don't care about the players.
    • This game is a waste of time.
    • The rating mode is a matter of luck.


matchmaking à revoir au complet, toujours dans la mauvaise équipe et le seul survivant, ras le bol ! ce jeu est devenu toxique, je déconseille ! EDIT : Après 350h supplémentaire après ma 1ère évaluation je confirme aucun changement! Il faut choisir les bonnes heures de la journée pour jouer, quand les noobs et les enfants ne sont pas sur le jeu, ça te pourri clairement tes statistiques personnels ! Le matchmaking est toujours un bordel, ce n'est pas une vie .. tu dois jouer pour le plaisir pas pour être stressés à cause de tes "CAMARADES d'équipe" qui font N IMPORTE QUOI! Désinstallation définitive cette fois + suppression du compte !! ADIEU WARGAMING, vous n'aurez plus 1€ de ma poche ! Bon chance aux autres ! :D

  • Sentiments

    • The matchmaking system in this game is terrible.
    • I'm very frustrated with the game.
    • The game has become toxic.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of improvement.
    • I'm tired of the poor team coordination.
    • The game is not enjoyable anymore.
    • I'm angry with the constant stress.
    • The game is not fun anymore.
    • I'm sad about the lack of satisfaction.
    • I'm fed up with the uncoordinated teammates.
    • The game is stressful.
    • I'm unhappy with the current state.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of improvement.
    • I'm tired of the poor team coordination.
    • I'm very frustrated with the game.
    • The game is not enjoyable anymore.
    • I'm sad about the lack of satisfaction.
    • I'm angry with the constant stress.
    • The game is stressful.
    • I'm unhappy with the current state.
    • I'm disappointed with the lack of improvement.

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