Very Positive

Total: 71.7 ThousandPositive: 65.4 ThousandNegative: 6.3 Thousand
Steam review score: 8
A new action game based on the concept of the ARMORED CORE series that uses the knowledge gained from FromSoftware's recent action game development.
AI Community game rating

81.77 %

ARMORED CORE™ VI FIRES OF RUBICON™ is placed at number 98 under 210 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

56.54 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 100 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

Enhance Customization Options
A vast array of customization options for mechs, including a deep crafting system and a wide variety of resources to craft complex upgrades.
Improve Storyline and Character Development
A more engaging storyline with well-developed characters, including backstories and relationships between characters to make the player invest in the story.
Add More Variety to Missions
A diverse range of mission types, such as stealth, exploration, and intense action sequences, to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
Refine Gameplay Mechanics
Tighten up the gameplay mechanics to make combat more strategic and rewarding, with a greater emphasis on teamwork and strategy.
Enhance Visuals and Soundtrack
Improve the game's visuals, including better lighting, textures, and animations, while also expanding the soundtrack to include more music and sound effects.
Increase Mech Customization Potential
Allow players to create mechs with unique abilities and playstyles, including a dynamic weight distribution system and a robust modding API.
Improve AI Opponents
Create more realistic and challenging AI opponents, including a greater variety of tactics and behaviors to keep players on their toes.
Add a Co-op Multiplayer Mode
Introduce a seamless co-op multiplayer mode, allowing players to team up with friends and tackle challenging missions together.
Enhance Graphics Quality Options
Offer players a range of graphics quality settings, including high-end settings that allow for stunning visuals and detailed environments.
Include Post-Game Content
Provide players with a range of post-game content, including optional challenges, new missions, and additional storylines to keep players engaged.
Improve User Interface
Streamline the user interface to make it easier for players to navigate the game's menus, settings, and options.
Add More Complex Mech Upgrades
Introduce complex upgrades and modifications for mechs, including advanced armor plating, energy shielding, and upgraded propulsion systems.
Enhance On-Screen Feedback
Provide players with clear and immediate feedback on their actions, including tactical overlays and real-time damage tracking.
Increase Replay Value
Introduce randomization and procedurally generated content to increase the game's replay value and encourage players to play multiple times.
Improve Online Features
Enhance the game's online features, including more robust matchmaking, improved lag compensation, and dedicated servers for a smoother experience.
Add A New Playable Character
Introduce a new playable character with their own unique abilities and strengths, adding a fresh perspective to the gameplay.
Introduce A New Map or Environment
Add a new map or environment to the game, introducing new challenges and opportunities for exploration and gameplay.
Enhance Storyline Lore
Delve deeper into the game's lore and backstory, providing players with more insight into the game's world and its history.
Provide More Options for Experience Points
Offer players more options for earning experience points, including alternative paths and side quests to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging.
Introduce A New Mini-Game or Challenge
Add a new mini-game or challenge to the game, providing players with additional gameplay and entertainment options.
Refine Core Mechanics
Rebalance core mechanics to optimize gameplay pacing and fluidity, ensuring that they are well-suited for the game's fast-paced action genre.
Improve Boss Design
Redesign boss mechanics to take full advantage of the game's core mechanics, making them more challenging and varied throughout the game.
Enhance Player Interactions
Introduce additional player interactions, such as special skills or abilities, that can be used to counter specific boss mechanics or enhance gameplay.
Balance Gameplay Pacing
Tighten up gameplay pacing by adjusting the difficulty curve, ensuring that each level or boss fight provides a sense of accomplishment and progression.
Incorporate More Variety
Increase the variety of gameplay elements, such as environments, enemies, and objectives, to keep gameplay fresh and engaging.
Improve User Interface
Simplify and streamline the user interface, providing clear and concise information that enhances the player experience.
Enhance Replay Value
Introduce additional content or features that encourage players to replay the game, such as new challenges or game modes.
Improve Writing and Storytelling
Revamp the game's writing and storytelling, making it more engaging and immersive for players.
Introduce More Options
Provide players with more options and choices, allowing them to personalize their gameplay experience and make the game feel more replayable.
Improve Sound Design
Enhance the game's sound design, creating a more immersive and engaging atmosphere that complements the gameplay.
Incorporate Feedback Mechanisms
Introduce feedback mechanisms that allow players to provide input on the game, helping to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall player experience.
Improve Level Design
Revamp level design to create a more cohesive and engaging experience, with clear progression and challenging gameplay.
Enhance Visual Quality
Upgrade the game's visual quality, ensuring that the graphics and lighting effects enhance the overall atmosphere and immersion.
Introduce New Game Modes
Create new game modes or variations that offer a fresh take on the gameplay experience, increasing replay value and player engagement.
Improve Character Progression
Revamp character progression systems, making it more satisfying and rewarding for players as they level up and acquire new abilities.
Enhance Gameplay Balance
Tighten up gameplay balance, ensuring that all aspects of gameplay are well-suited and challenging for players of all skill levels.
Incorporate More Music and Sound Effects
Increase the variety and quality of music and sound effects, amplifying the game's atmosphere and immersion.
Improve Player Interactions with Environment
Introduce more seamless and intuitive player interactions with the environment, making the game world feel more lived-in and responsive.
Enhance Comparability
Improve comparability between different game modes or challenges, ensuring that players can track their progress and improvement.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


I am bad at this game. It lets me dual wield shotguns and go fast. I die a lot. I didn't hear no bell.

  • Sentiments

    • I am bad at this game.
    • It lets me dual wield shotguns and go fast.
    • I die a lot.
    • I didn't hear no bell.


Armored Core 6, The game that proves you’re never too old to play with giant robot toys. Armored Core 6 is basically what happens when someone says, "Hey, what if we combined LEGO, Transformers, and a midlife crisis?" You start by customizing your mech with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store, except this time the candy is a rocket launcher and the store is a warzone

  • Sentiments

    • it is very enjoyable
    • but it can be frustrating
    • when you crash into something
    • it can be kind of boring
    • at some points
    • when the fights are repetitive
    • but the customization is fun
    • I like customizing
    • it is addictive
    • from the very beginning
    • I mean, who doesn’t like robots?
    • not the game itself though
    • but the gameplay is very fluid
    • and the upgrades are satisfying
    • to an extent
    • the game has its flaws
    • if you can call it that
    • but overall it’s enjoyable


Despite my respect for Soulsborne games, I've never invested in beating any of them after regular NG. Armored Core VI, though was rent free in my head until I had not finished all of the endings. Great sense of verticality, ridiculously satisfying weapons with fun movesets, rewarding and enjoyable bosses. The other wonderful trait of the game is how everything fits apocalyptic tone of the game: setting, narrative, characters, soundtrack. It is reasonable to criticise the game though - its difficult curve seems off. A lot of segments may seem too simple, and some of the bosses in may be brutally hard in comparison. It is fairly easy to find the build, which can break the game. Also I really wish that customisation had more variety for limbs and flexibility for weapons (it is quite sad that there is no option to have dual melee weapon builds). If some of those and other aspects were tweaked, it could have been easily a perfect game. Anyway, it is still another gem from 2023. If you haven't beat the game yet, do not put it on the shelf after its first completion, you won't regret it!

  • Sentiments

    • Respect for Soulsborne games
    • Enjoyable game
    • Hard curve
    • Rewarding combat
    • Great sense of verticality
    • Long, detailed segment on satisfying weapons
    • Apocalyptic tone
    • Good customization
    • Remarkable experience
    • Underrated gem
    • Some room for improvement
    • Needs tweaking
    • Tailored to individual player
    • Feeling rushed?
    • Indulge in pure gaming bliss
    • Furthermore need flexibility options
    • The remaining design space includes opportunities for improvements and compelling evolutions
    • Likely rivals some of the best action games of the last year
    • Any who buy a mech game I highly recommend this one


游戏是好玩的,小蓝熊是傻逼的 今天我一打开游戏直接提示检测到有作弊行为,他妈的傻逼小篮熊,老子玩了这么多年游戏了,从来没有开过挂,你一个杀卵单机游戏说我作弊,老子他妈的联机模式都没打过,我他妈做个屁的弊,退1万步讲就算我开了,你一个勾8单机游戏,就算我开了挂刷点东西又怎么样,我他妈花钱买的游戏,买完我他妈就是你爹,你在这边装你妈的臭逼,教我玩游戏?非要弄出个傻逼小蓝熊恶心我? 这个他妈的傻逼小篮熊,到处都他妈鸡巴有,防盗版你又防不住,抓作弊你又抓不到,还他妈占用我电脑性能,封了几个绿色玩家,就他妈牛逼的跟个狗一样,操你妈的智障东西 玩了两年steam第一次给差评,如果接下来我解决了问题,我会改为好评,我再强调一遍,游戏是好玩的,可以一试,但是小蓝熊是傻逼到极致的,粪坑里的臭鸡巴石头,他妈的又臭又硬 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------分割线-------------------------------- 今天是2024.5.20 今天我研究了一下我遇到的问题,没错,我他妈都玩正版了,还要研究一下游戏不正常的问题,显示有作弊行为,好像是因为小篮熊这个反作弊系统没有正确启动,他妈的逼的,本来我说了解决问题会给好评的,但是这个问题的原因直接导致我红温了 你他妈一个臭逼反作弊系统,跟他妈小红书上的xxn一样,一点鸡巴问题就他妈的应激,我操你妈,不能正确启动,你就直接给我显示一下,大不了我他妈重新安装一遍,你他妈了个逼的还说我作弊,没有正确启动就是作弊,话都说不清楚,或者是是你这个猪脑子连没有正确启动和作弊都分不清楚,这两种情况里面粘一个你就是傻逼,而且你大概率两个都沾,那你当你妈的反作弊程序 妈的,越想越气,差点把鼠标砸了 好评你肯定是拿不到了,游戏确实好玩,但就砸在这个作弊系统上,我第三次强调一下,游戏是好玩的,但你要忍受每次开游戏前都要看到小蓝熊那张逼脸,而且时不时会因为他自己的程序问题导致小蓝熊不能正常启动,导致他跟应激了一样不讲道理的污蔑你是作弊 作弊是要抓的,盗版是要管的,脑子是没有的,绿色玩家是要封的,装逼肯定是要装的

  • Sentiments

    • The game is good, but the blue bear is annoying
    • I hate the anti-cheating system
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is annoying
    • I am very angry at the game
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is unfair
    • I hate the game
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is bad
    • I am very frustrated with the game
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is stupid
    • I hate the graphics
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is annoying
    • I am very angry at the game
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is unfair
    • I hate the sound effects
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is bad
    • I am very frustrated with the game
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is stupid
    • I hate the gameplay
    • The game is good, but the anti-cheating system is annoying


我在这里奉劝所有人,千万不要跟风买游戏,尤其是千万不要受那种优越感爆棚见不得别人说自己喜欢的游戏一句不好的老玩家带节奏,一个游戏就算再好玩,游戏性再强,画质再漂亮,画面再震撼,让你在一个BOSS那里硬死几十次你照样要砸电脑。 本作作为装甲核心的重启之作,其游戏质量固然是优秀的,但是关卡难度极高,极易玩成类魂游戏一个BOSS硬死几十次,我是实在没有想到官方在制作法环的时候都能想到设置法师职业还有诸如泪滴月隐刀这种极其强大的武器给普通玩家留下生存空间怎么就在装甲核心上死搬脑袋?其实很简单的一个设置难度就可以了,简单中等困难,想挑战自己就选困难只想走一遍流程的去玩简单,大部分游戏都有这种设置以适应大多数玩家的需求,怎么到你这就非要玩家玩最高难度?这么喜欢教玩家玩游戏?玩家想怎么玩游戏需要你教? 能够耐着性子坐在电脑旁边死几十次就为了打两三个BOSS打一下午的本身就是少数人,而能够视受苦为快乐的人更是少数中的少数,打游戏归根结底是为了快乐,我希望所有人都能够放下自己内心的优越感,放下自己给所谓3A大作上的各种神圣滤镜,扪心自问自己玩得到底快不快乐,要玩游戏,而不要被游戏玩 后续编辑:把老子整乐了,还有俩小丑给我送俩小丑礼物,不会正好就是我文中所提及的优越感爆棚的老玩家吧?不会吧?这就被戳到痛处了?这就急了? 再编辑:最近出解限机有感,装甲核心现在已经是宗教游戏了,整个玩家群体充斥着魔怔校子精神股东容不得别人说自己游戏一句坏话,"这游戏是我叠,你不准说它坏话",我们有些人也好意思喷明星饭圈喷二游魔怔人多,特么自己就是魔怔校子也好意思喷别人?还喜欢自诩为机甲游戏巅峰之作然后对着其它的游戏指点江山觉得世界上所有机甲游戏全部都应该向装甲核心看齐,动不动就视其它机甲游戏为自家游戏的所谓"代餐",那优越感隔着屏幕我都快闻到那股子恶心味儿了,我是说有没有这样一种可能,只要这个游戏能够为玩家提供自己的乐趣,那么这个游戏就是独一无二的有自己存在的意义的,哪怕是4399小游戏。装甲核心确实是硬核机甲游戏,但是硬核也为它带来了较高的操作难度最明显的就是较大的惯性系统,而有些其它机甲游戏追求的是娱乐所以操作难度比较低,我们有些人就喜欢直接把装甲核心这种定义为“手感好"其它所有机甲游戏就直接定义为"手感差"了,"你会不会做机甲游戏啊,做机甲游戏就应该向我们的叠看齐,跟我们叠不一致的机甲游戏全都是啦叽",就差再来一句"感觉不如装甲核心"了🤣👉🤡。硬核游戏天生应该圈子小,娱乐游戏天生应该圈子大,因为大部分人玩游戏都只是来图一乐的,而装甲核心被这些魔怔校子完全抬到了一个不属于它的热度,提醒诸位一句,当年FS社做AC的时候由于不赚钱导致你游被雪藏十几年,玩家们已经用钱包投票了,就这这帮校子还觉得自家游戏很可惜很生不逢时一样,就这这帮校子还觉得我们家游戏天下第一🤣👉🤡,好了,你叠讲完了,你们这些魔怔校子赶紧给你们叠发小丑,你们发得越多说明你们越急越破防,你叠就越乐捏😋

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely dissatisfied with the game's difficulty and feels that the game is not enjoyable to play.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's lack of difficulty options, thinking that they would have made the game more enjoyable for a wider range of players.
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's focus on challenge and feels that it punishes players for not being skilled enough.
    • The reviewer expresses disappointment with the game's oppressive atmosphere and feels that it creates a negative experience for players.
    • The reviewer is annoyed by the game's elitist community and their behavior towards other players.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's lack of accessibility and feels that it excludes certain players from enjoying the game.
    • The reviewer expresses frustration with the game's lack of leniency and feels that it makes the game too difficult to play.
    • The reviewer is dissatisfied with the game's overall experience and feels that it is not enjoyable for them.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's emphasis on difficulty and feels that it creates a negative experience for players.
    • The reviewer expresses disappointment with the game's lack of redemption and feels that it makes the game too punishing.
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's toxic community and their behavior towards other players.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's lack of inclusivity and feels that it excludes certain players from enjoying the game.
    • The reviewer expresses dissatisfaction with the game's overall design and feels that it is not enjoyable for them.
    • The reviewer is dissatisfied with the game's content and feels that it is not engaging.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's lack of depth and feels that it lacks substance.
    • The reviewer expresses frustration with the game's linearity and feels that it lacks player choice.
    • The reviewer is dissatisfied with the game's overall experience and feels that it is not enjoyable for them.
    • The reviewer criticizes the game's focus on challenge and feels that it creates a negative experience for players.
    • The reviewer expresses disappointment with the game's lack of creativity and feels that it lacks originality.


ストーリーは面白いです。 ただオンラインの調整が下手。 特定の武器、環境がはびこり長期間ノータッチ、ナーフされてもそんなに弱くなってない。 特に弱くも強くもなかったものが超絶強化を受けた後ゴミにナーフされビルドの多様性がなくなるetc... フロムゲーに調整を期待しちゃだめだね。調整班は本当にオンラインプレイしてる?

  • Sentiments

    • The story is good.
    • The online adjustment is bad.
    • It's not frustrating when getting destroyed.
    • The game doesn't punish me for mistakes.
    • It's a pain to deal with online lag.
    • It's frustrating when the game doesn't punish me for mistakes.
    • It's annoying to be forced to play with strong builds.
    • The game shows its hand too quickly.


[h1] 気持ちが良くない方の高難易度ゲーム。俺の愛したACとは違った。 [/h1] 最終的には「Not for me」が結論。以下気になった点。 ・ダメージが「スタッガー」システムに偏り過ぎていて、アセンブル自由度を下げているとともに、プレイしててなんか気持ち良くない。素直に「当てたらダメージ」ではダメだったのか? ⇒大型武器を当てたのにほとんどダメージが入らない、気持ち良くない。 ⇒スタッガー取った!と思ったら武器がリロード中、物凄く気持ち良くない。 ・結構撃破される難易度のわりに「再スタート地点がかなり手前になることが多く」ストレスフル。もう一回同じとこをプレイ。気持ち良くない。 特に後者。中ボス的なヤツに「アセンブル相性の問題で倒されて」「5分近く戻ってやり直し」の繰り返しにウンザリした。正直そんなん繰り返すほど暇じゃない。 結局クリアまでやる気が持たず、途中終了。 面白くないわけじゃないので、暇になったらまたやるかもしれないけど、相当暇じゃないとキツいなぁ……当分プレイしないと思う。 待ち望んでいた新作だけに、こうなってしまったのは残念。 正直、デモンエクスマキナの方がアーマードコアっぽかったし、気持ちよくプレイできたと思う。 -----以下、プレイ初期の感想----- [h1] 俺が望んでいたACとは違う。だがこれはこれで良い。(と初期は思っていた) [/h1] 「待ちに待ったACの新作」を求めている方、特に元レイブンな方は少し注意して頂きたい。 私がACに求めていたのは「重厚な動き、リアルな挙動」だったわけですが、 今作はどちらかと言うと ・軽快な高速戦闘 ・ヒロイックなメカアクション にかなり寄っています。残念ながら「ACからしか接種できない成分」はかなり失われたと言うべきでしょう。 近年はこういうタイプのメカゲーの方が好まれるでしょうからね、仕方ないけどね。 その上でメカアクションゲームとしての出来は(1点を除いて)良好です。  〇高速でガンガン飛び回れる。操作性も良好。  〇多彩なアセンブリは健在。マシンガンで、キャノンで、バズーカで、ミサイルで、ブレードで、好きに暴れましょう。  〇グラフィックは大変美しい。メカゲーの中でも最高峰と言って良いのではないでしょうか。  〇何より、このクオリティでありながら「GTX-1050でも軽快に動く」。これが素晴らしい。 総じて、メカアクションゲームとしてハイクオリティであり、値段相応の満足感が得られています。 さて、上述の1点、許容しがたい欠点ですが、多分みんな思ってると思いますが  △初ミッションのボス(ヘリ)が強すぎる ですね。 まだ機体の調整すらできない、チュートリアルすら終わってない状態でアレはちょっとなぁ・・・ 危うく返品しかかりました。初心者はアレで脱落しちゃうんじゃないでしょうか? 今すぐアップデートで体力を半分に減らすべきだと思います。

  • Sentiments

    • I didn't like this game too much. The damage system is too restrictive and the gameplay feels forced.
    • The game was too easy and I got bored quickly.
    • The game was too stressful and I got frustrated.
    • I didn't like the mech gameplay, it was not what I wanted.
    • The game was too easy for me and I got disappointed.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and I didn't have enough challenge.
    • The game was not as good as I expected, I was disappointed.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy for me, I wanted more challenge.
    • The game was not what I wanted, I was disappointed with the gameplay.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and didn't provide enough feedback.
    • The game was not engaging, I got bored quickly.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and didn't provide enough challenge.
    • The game was not satisfying, I was disappointed with the gameplay.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and didn't provide enough excitement.
    • The game was not as good as I expected, I was disappointed with the gameplay.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and didn't provide enough reward.
    • The game was not engaging, I got bored quickly.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and didn't provide enough fun.
    • The game was not satisfying, I was disappointed with the gameplay.
    • The game was not as good as I expected, I was disappointed with the gameplay.
    • The game was too easy and didn't provide enough challenge for me.
    • The game was not engaging, I got bored quickly.
    • I didn't like the fact that the game was too easy and didn't provide enough fun.
    • The game was not satisfying, I was disappointed with the gameplay.

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