Vampire Survivors

Vampire Survivors game image

Overwhelmingly Positive

Total: 236 ThousandPositive: 232 ThousandNegative: 3.54 Thousand
Steam review score: 9
Mow down thousands of night creatures and survive until dawn! Vampire Survivors is a gothic horror casual game with rogue-lite elements, where your choices can allow you to quickly snowball against the hundreds of monsters that get thrown at you.
AI Community game rating

93.0 %

Vampire Survivors is placed at number 4 under 104 analysed games!
AI Community toxicity rating

24.46 %

The Community toxicity rating was calculated by evaluating the most 102 impactful steam game reviews
Currently playing

provided by steam

What the community loves


What the community dislikes


What the community wishes

One-Handed Option
It would be helpful to have an option to play the game with only one hand, as it would make it more accessible to people with disabilities like myself.
Streamlined Controls
Simplifying the controls, removing unnecessary buttons, would make the game more enjoyable to play for one-handed players and new players alike.
More Addictive Levels
Having more levels and challenging stages would keep me engaged and entertained for a longer period of time, making the game more addictive and fun.
More Value for Money
I think the deluxe edition should offer more than just a few cosmetic changes. The game is already expensive, I don't mind spending more if it's worth it. Give me something substantial like extra quests or characters.
Improved Replay Value
The game feels a bit too short and linear. Consider adding more side quests, secret areas or random events to increase replayability.
More Vampires
There should be more vampires in the game instead of just bats. It's frustrating to search for them only to find nothing.
In-Game Progress Tracker
It would be great if the game had a progress tracker in-game so players can keep track of what they've accomplished and what's left to do.
Additional Storyline
I'd love to see an additional storyline or quests to keep the game exciting and engaging for players.
Improved Search Functionality
The search function in the game is lacking, making it hard for players to find what they're looking for. A better search functionality would be helpful.
New Game + Mode
A new game plus mode would be great, allowing players to replay the game with all their unlocked content and experience the story again.
The game is too expensive, I paid more to clean my behind than to play this wonder, don't think twice.
After the 1.0 release, this game definitely deserves to be nominated for the Steam Awards.
Dev Support
With many updates and support from the developers, this game is a 'must-have' for anyone.
Improve Soundtrack
The soundtrack is quite good, but it could be even more engaging with some more variety and better mixing.
More Confusing Dialogue
I found the dialogue between characters to be confusing at times, maybe with subtitles or a clearer plot.
Smarter Enemies
The enemies in this game are quite easy to defeat, maybe making them smarter and more challenging would make the game more engaging.
Fix Camera
The camera during combat can be quite clunky and frustrating, makes the game harder to play.
Improve Graphics
I wish to see more vibrant colors and details in the game's surroundings, characters and UI.
Fix the Story
The story is disjointed and hard to follow, I would love to see a more coherent narrative.
Add More Upgrades
I would love to see a greater variety of upgrades for my characters and more options for customization.
Fix the Soundtrack
The soundtrack is annoying and doesn't fit the tone of the game, I wish for a more soothing and fitting music.
Simplify Menu
The menu is cluttered and hard to navigate, I would love to see a more streamlined and user-friendly interface.
Add Multiplayer
Playing with friends would greatly enhance the gaming experience and create a sense of community.
Fix Controls
The controls are unresponsive at times and make the game frustrating, I wish for more precise and intuitive controls.
Add More Bosses
The lack of challenging bosses makes the game too easy, I would love to see more difficult encounters.
Fix Glitches
I've experienced several glitches throughout the game, which ruin the experience and make me angry.
More Engaging Storyline
I would love to see a more engaging storyline that keeps players hooked until the end. The current plot feels like it's going nowhere and doesn't motivate me to continue playing.
More Difficult Levels
As someone who loves a challenge, I think the game could benefit from more difficult levels that require strategy and skill to overcome. The current levels are too easy and feel repetitive.
More Control Over Game Progress
Having more control over the game's progression would be amazing. For example, allowing players to choose which levels to play or in what order they want to play them would add a lot of replay value.
More Rewarding Gameplay
I love the idea of experiencing a dopamine rush while playing, but it feels like the game is just overwhelming me with too much information instead of rewarding me for my progress. Less clutter and more meaningful rewards would make the game more enjoyable.
I want a storyline, a context that gives me a reason to play this game.
Evolved Gameplay
I want the gameplay to evolve beyond just unlocking stuff, I want to feel like I'm accomplishing something.
No Freemium
I don't want a freemium model, I want to pay a one-time fee and play without worrying about microtransactions.
Single-Player Mode
I want a single-player mode, not just multiplayer or cooperative gameplay.
Customisation Options
I want more customisation options for my characters, so I feel like I'm making a difference.
More Achievements
I want more achievements to work towards, so I feel like my progress is being rewarded.
Improved Visuals
I want the visuals to be improved, so the game looks more polished and engaging.
Better Feedback
I want better feedback on my progress, so I know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.
More Replay Value
I want more replay value, so I feel like I'm getting my money's worth.
Improve Gameplay Speed
I think the gameplay is too slow, it would be more engaging if it was faster paced.
Enhance Artwork
The artwork is terrible, the visuals could be improved to make the game more appealing.
More Interactive Gameplay
I want to feel more immersed in the game, interactive elements would make it more enjoyable.
Special Music
The music is nothing special, it would be great if it was more catchy and memorable.
Increase Game Content
There's just not much to the game, more content would make it more replayable.
More Content
Add more levels, characters, and storylines to make the game more engaging and less repetitive.
Gameplay Variety
Introduce new mechanics, power-ups, or challenges to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.
Improved Graphics
Enhance the graphics quality to make the game more visually appealing and immersive.
Better Controls
Improve the controls to make the game more responsive and easier to play.
More Customization Options
Offer more customization options for characters, levels, and settings to make the game more personalized.
Unlock Achievements Naturally
I should be able to earn achievements through normal gameplay, not be locked behind DLC paywalls.
No Paid Patches
I don't want to pay for patches that fix serious issues, they should be included in the base game.
Fair DLC Pricing
The DLC should be reasonably priced and not double the price of the base game.
No Forum Bias
I don't want to be banned for sharing my honest opinions, developers should be open to criticism.
Better DLC Quality
The DLC should add significant content to the game, not just more of the same for the price.
Perpetual Game Development
Game development should be continuous, not just a one-time effort with no further updates.
Add New Ideas
I would like to see new and innovative ideas being added to VS to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Improve Graphics
The graphics are still quite primitive, I think it would be a huge improvement if the game got a graphics overhaul.
More Unique Mechanics
I think the addition of more unique mechanics and gameplays would make VS stand out from other games in the genre.
More Variety
I would love to see more variety in the game, such as new heroes, new weapons and new levels.
Better Storyline
I think a more engaging and interesting storyline would make the game more enjoyable to play.
More Customization
I would like to see more options for customization, such as different skins and abilities for heroes.
Improved AI
The AI in VS is still quite basic, I think improving it would make the game more challenging and fun.
More Multiplayer Options
I would love to see more multiplayer options, such as co-op and competitive modes.
Better Soundtrack
I think a more engaging and fitting soundtrack would enhance the overall gaming experience.
More Regular Updates
I would like to see more regular updates with new content and features to keep the game exciting.
Improve Game Balancing
I think the game could benefit from a better balance of difficulty and rewards.

In-depth analysis of most impactful community reviews


I am disabled so its one-handedness meaning all you have to do is move the joystick, press A to accept, and press B to return to the previous page. That's it. Also, this game is very addictive and fun to play.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is designed to be easily accessible for people with disabilities, as it only requires a joystick, A button, and B button to navigate.
    • The game is very addictive and fun to play.


You could buy Diablo IV Deluxe OR you could get this game 20 times. I know what I'd rather spend my money on.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is extremely dissatisfied with the game's value for money.


Got it on mobile first, got all DLC and unlocks, wanted more. Bought on Switch, got all DLC and unlocks, wanted more. Bought on Xbox, got all DLC and unlocks, wanted more. Bought on Steam, got all DLC and unlocks, and yeah I want more. Still haven't found a single Vampire. There are a hell of a lot of bats, and nothing more. I'll admit they're really bloody big, though.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is satisfied with the game, having bought it on multiple platforms with all DLC and unlocks, but still feels something is missing.
    • The reviewer is frustrated with the lack of Vampires in the game, even with all DLC and unlocks unlocked.


Papel higienico folha dupla: R$ 25,00 Azeite gallo: R$24,00 Pote de Nutella 650: R$35,00 Vinho chileno: R$20,00 1 litro de leite: R$9,00 Lata de Nescau: R$ 6,80 Essa experiência eterna chamada Vampire Survivors: R$ 12,99 É literalmente mais caro limpar a bunda do que jogar essa maravilha, não pense duas vezes. *Edit: depois do lançamento do 1.0 com certeza esse jogo merece ser indicado pro steam awards. *Edit 2: com tantas atualizações e suporte dos devs esse jogo é um "must have" pra qualquer um.

  • Sentiments

    • The reviewer is frustrated with the game's cost
    • The reviewer finds the game to be a must-have
    • The reviewer is surprised by the game's value considering the cost of cleaning
    • The reviewer recommends the game for the Steam awards
    • The reviewer appreciates the developers' support for the game
    • The reviewer is unsure about the game's value


Ever wondered what it's like to experience a dopamine rush while still being thoroughly bored? The impressive anti-fun stimulator trailblazed a whole genre of games you don't play but still can't put down. For people who feel like Cookie Clicker is a good use of computing power, but wish it wasted your human lifespan as well.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is exciting and thrilling, providing a rush of dopamine.
    • The concept of the game is novel and innovative.
    • I dislike the fact that the game is boring.
    • The game is addictive and hard to put down.
    • I find the game's content to be underwhelming.
    • The game has a unique concept that sets it apart.


I've played this game for 40 hours and unlocked most of what it has to offer, and I still don't know if I can truly recommend it. I mean, you can spend all day at the slot machine but can you really recommend that either? Vampire Survivors feels just like a slot machine, with numbers whirring back and colourful attacks filling up the whole screen in an utter mindboggling display. But there is no story or real context, the gameplay never actually evolves beyond the endorphin rush of unlocking stuff, and I come out of it feeling a bit hollow. I find myself wanting to go back and play again, but for all the wrong reasons and I have to not recommend it based on the fact that the whole thing feels slightly sinister. And look, it would be a hundred times better to buy this game for $5 or $6 and play it endlessly than be trapped in a freemium game that sucks money out of you at a steady clip using similar mechanics. But can you really recommend methadone just because it's a good way to ween off of heroin?

  • Sentiments

    • I don't know if I can truly recommend it.
    • The game feels just like a slot machine.
    • But there is no story or real context.
    • The gameplay never actually evolves beyond the endorphin rush of unlocking stuff.
    • I come out of it feeling a bit hollow.
    • I find myself wanting to go back and play again, but for all the wrong reasons.
    • I have to not recommend it based on the fact that the whole thing feels slightly sinister.
    • It would be a hundred times better to buy this game for $5 or $6 and play it endlessly.
    • But can you really recommend methadone just because it's a good way to ween off of heroin?


Man, I just can't understand how this game revolutionized its genre. I hate this game. The gameplay is slow, boring, and uninteractive, the art is terrible, the music is nothing special. And well.... that's kinda all I can say! There's just not much here, you boot up a run, turn off your brain, and like 40 minutes it's over. And yet, there are people with 20, 80, or even hundreds of hours. How? I legitimately don't understand. Perhaps I'm judging it too harshly, because this game (and to a lesser extent, Hades) seriously changed the trajectory of the roguelike genre, twisting it from something I loved into something that makes me very sad. Anyways, other people see something in this game that I do not. So go ahead and try it out! But it's not for me.

  • Sentiments

    • I hate this game.
    • The gameplay is slow, boring, and uninteractive.
    • The art is terrible.
    • The music is nothing special.
    • I don't understand how people can find something in this game.
    • This game changed the trajectory of the roguelike genre.
    • It's not for me.


This game is not for me. I think this game may be fun on a mobile device but on PC it becomes very repetitive and boring after a bit and eventually i am forcing myself to play. But if you like games where you turn off your mind and play you may enjoy it.

  • Sentiments

    • The game is fun, but on PC it becomes repetitive and boring

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